JulylAugust 1990 Volume 17, Number 3 ~FXNATIONAL STEREO7 C STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION b. d-I Special Thanks for Special Help 've just assumed the presidency of Mr. George V. Allen Mr. Alan H. Darling Ithe NSA, replacing Tom Rogers Mr. Ken Anderson Mr. Wayne Darnell who is off to England for a couple of Mr. Hassan Atapour Mr. James W. Davie years of graduate study. One of my Mr. Patrick Atherton Mr. John De Klein Mr. Lee Delay first and most pleasant tasks is to Mr. Howard C. Bachman Mr. Brian C. Bade Mr. Paul R. Desjardins thank all who have donated so gener- Ms. Martha J. Bailey Mr. Carl J. DiDonato ously. Onbehalf of all the volunteer Mr. Hayden B. Baldwin Mr. David Elgin Dodge workers who give their time and Don & Sandy Balmer Mr. John N. Dukes energy to keeping the NSA going, our Mr. Thomas P. Banes Mr. D. L. Duncan sincere thanks for your very kind Ms. Margaret J. Bartlett Mr. John E. Edwards support. This help has made it possi- Mr. Vance R. Bass Mr. A. Carl Eisenstadt ble for us to again avoid an increase Mr. Guenther Bauer Mr. Emrys H. Evans in dues while still carrying out our Mr. William Beaulieu Mr. Arthur Farrell many programs. Mrs. Kris Beaulieu Mr. Frank M. Farrell Mr. Paul Farrell We also have a new Vice President Mr. Karl Becker Mr. Lionel Benihg Mr. George M. Farthing of Activities, John Waldsmith, and a The H. H. Bennett Studio Mr. Remy Fenster new treasurer, Robin Wheeler. Work- Mr. P. H. Benson Mr. Oliver F. Feth ing together with these new officers Jennifer J. & Reed I? Berry Mr. Harold W. Fisher and the old guard, we hope to make Mr. Charles Berzenyi Mr. Robert P. Fordyrx the NSA an even bigger and better Mr. Wayne W. Blanchard Mr. Ira L. Franklin organization. Mr. B. B. Blevins Mr. Dwight I. Fujimori The NSA was formed to help bet- Mr. Mark Blum Mr. T. J. Gabbey ter understand, preserve and pro- Mr. Isaac Boone Mr. Arthur N. Girling mote the antique stereograph but Mr. Isaac Boone Mr. Joel Glenn with our continued growth to over Dr. Hugh N. Boroson Mr. Jay B. Godleski Mr. Raymond E. Boudreau Mr. Seymour Gold 2800 members, the membership in Mr. Wayne A. Boynton Mr. Edward Gold & Whoopi Goldberg current stereo interest has exceeded Mr. Robert Brackett Mr. Ronald B. Gould those who collect the older views. I Ms. Lucia Brann Mr. Charles X. Grano feel there is room in our organization Mr. Ralph Brant, Jr. Mr. Thomas E. Graves to promote all types of 3-D, no matter Mr. Carl H. Brickner Mr. Morris S. Greenberg what form. It is my intention to get Mr. Joseph A. Broderick Mr. Ralph Gregg our regional meetings more active Mr. Gerard W. Brown Mr. Andrew Griscom once again, with more regularity. Ms. Jan Brownell Mr. David B. Gustafson Many of you in the past have been Mr. Max J. Bruensteiner Mr. George Gyurik good enough to write to the officers Mr. Charles U. Buck Mr. Lawrence A. Haines Mr. Maurice D. Bursch Mr. Thomas E. Haines suggesting changes and improve- Mr. Frank H. Burton, Jr. Mr. Raymond M. Haines, Jr. ments, and I hope you will continue Mr. Warren Callahan Mr. Kenneth Hamilton to feel free to write to me. Only if we Mr. Bill Carter Dr. Dale E. Hammerschmidt know what you want from YOUR Mr. William G. Castle Col. T. G. Harton society can we make it more useful Mr. Robert Cauthen Mr. Gordon Hastings and interesting. Thanks again for Mr. Jack E. Cavender Mr. Marvin Hastings your support. Mr. Stephen W. Chamberlain Mr. Allen F. Hauss Cordon D. Hoffman Dr. Robert A. Chase Ms. Barbara J. Hawkins President, NSA Mr. Joseph G. Chichelo Mr. Dudley Henderson 918 E. 4th St. Rd. #206 Ms. Dorothy Ching Mr. Freeman Hepburn Mr. Bernard Clifton Ms. Andrea Herbig Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Dr. Steven P. Cook Mr. Robert W. Herrrnann Mr. Michael Coppinger Mr. F. B. Hildebrand Mr. Donald W. Corey Mr. Gary J. Hinze , Mr. Douglas C. Couture Mr. Bert E. Holder Mr. John L. Crow Mr. Britton Hopkin Mr. Dwight A. Cummins Mr. Marc House I Mr. George Danielczuk Mr. Mawin Housworth Mr. Ralph V. Daniels (Continued on Inside Back Cover) Copyright O 1990 by the STEREO, NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION Volume 17, Number 3 JulyIAugust 1990 IN THIS ISSUE The Apollo Stereo Record .................................. 4 NSA Board of Directors by Leon J. Kosofsky CHAIRMAN Report from Manchester 22 Louis H. Smaus ................................... by John Dennis MEMBERS Paul Wing The Willow Cottage ....................................... 28 T.K. Treadwell by John Waldsmith Susan Pinsky Dieter Lorenz Stereo Marco Camera. ..................................... 32 by Stan White NSA Officers PRESIDENT The PC Contact Adapter. ................................... 40 Gordon D. Hoffman by A1 Meyers SECRETARY John Weiler TREASURER REGULAR FEATURES Robin Wheeler Editor's View ............................................. 2 VICE PRESIDENT, ACTIVITIES John Waldsmith Letters .................................................. 3 Thesociety .............................................. 29 Stereo World Staff EDITOR Newviews ........................................30 John Dennis View-Master ........................................ 34 ART DIRECTOR Mark Willke Classified ........................................ 36 Calendar ................................................ 38 Stereo World is published bimonthly by the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc. Annual dues: $22 third class US. $30 first class US, Canada, and foreign surface, $40 inlernatlonal air mail. All memberships are based on the Dubllshino vear of Stereo World whlch bealns in ~dr~nandrnddwIhtne Jan,ar, Feoruary qss~roltne next year All n?w mernoersnlDs rrcelveo w I commence wltn tn? Marcn Aprll ISSL?ol fnecurrenl calendar year When apply~nqlor memt)Prsh p pleaseadv se~s11 yo^ do not des~rethe back Issues of the current volume Materlal In thls publlcatlon may not be reproduced wtthout wrltten permlsslon of the NSA, Inc National Stereoscopic Association (Memberships, renewals, address changes, classified ads, display ads) PO. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214 Stereo World Editorial Office (Letters to the editor, articles) 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 "Newviews" Editor Front Cover: David Starkman This hand-heldsequential stereo pair was PO. Box 2368, Culver City, CA 90231 taken through a tiny spacecraft window "The Unknowns" Editor during a lunar orbit rendezvous exercise Dave Klein by an Apollo 10 astronaut. The feature 14416 Harrisville Rd., Mt. Airy, MD 21771 "The Apollo Stereo Record" by Leon "3-D Movies" Editor Kosofsky is comprised of two articles Bill Shepard which first appeared in the PSA Journal 17350 E. Temple Ave., #399 in the early 1970s. LaPuente, CA 91744 Stereoscopic Society, American Br. Jack E. Cavender, Corresponding Secretary 1677 Dorsey Ave., Suite C East Point, GA 30344 MEMBER, INTERNATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC UNION Shake-up At the Top - Three New NSA Officers Named ctually, there's no political in- Back to the Moon Atrigue involved. I just couldn't The feature in this issue represents resist the dramatic headline. Early one of those rare instances when this summer, NSA president Tom Stereo World reprints a major article Rogers learned that he had been from another source. The Apollo awarded a two year scholarship for lunar missions of the early '70s were graduate studies in his field of Victor- quite well documented in stereo for ian photography - in England! The specific mapping, measurement and unexpected offer (of a sort few if any geological purposes by NASA. One of us could refuse) led to his missing of the few stereo enthusiasts who the NSA 1990 convention in Man- realized the extent of these historic chester and to his resignation as NSA stereographs was Earl Krause of the president. Stereo Division of the Photographic This was also William Eloe's final Society of America. Working with year as NSA treasurer, having the Apollo program photography donated his very professional ser- specialist, Mr. Krause obtained sev- vices to the group since 1986. Rela- eral of the most interesting image tively small volunteer organizations pairs from both orbit and surface like the NSA seldom find any compe- exploration and carefully printed and tition for official positions. Those in New NSA president Gordon Hoffman as trimmed each for proper alignment charge nearly always find themselves seen at the 1989 trade fair in Portland, OR. and window placement. (This wasn't in the position of a draft board rather always easy in the case of sequential than an election board, and the situa- pairs made by hand through space tion was no different for the NSA The third new officer is John capsule windows or by space suited officers and directors meeting at the Waldsmith, who fills the newly amateur photographers, as the un- 1990 convention. Having established created position of Vice President of usual shapes of some trimmed prints an informal search committee to find Activities. The primary function of prove.) members willing to fill the two posi- this office is the advance planning of The images appeared in two arti- tions, only one day of talking to peo- conventions and the dissemination of cles covering Apollo stereographic ple who "declined the honor" was information and advice to local con- technology in the December '70 and required before volunteers were vention organizers. The annual NSA April '73 issues of the PSA Journal. found for both jobs during the final convention has grown in both scale The early '70s were definitely a low hours of the trade fair. and scope into an event requiring period for the presentation of 3-D The new NSA president is Gordon considerable advance work by the photos in magazines, but Mr. Krause D. Hoffman of Fond du Lac, Wiscon- local members and by the national was a dedicated promoter of free sin. "Gordy" Hoffman is a well group. Having volunteered in 1986 to viewing as the key to wide acceptance known collector of stereographica chair the national site selection com- of stereography in the media.
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