Type Shell Stars the Following Table Lists Many of the Hotter Stars

Type Shell Stars the Following Table Lists Many of the Hotter Stars

APPENDIX WILLIAM P. BID ELMAN Warner and Swasey Observatory, Case Western Reserve University, Qeveland, Ohio, U.S.A. A List of Early·Type Shell Stars The following table lists many of the hotter stars whose spectra have occasionally or continuously exhibited moderately conspicuous shell phenomena. It includes such well-known objects as P Cygni, 'Y Cassiopeiae, {3 Lyrae and R Monocerotis as well as a host of other less-studied and less-well-understood objects. Novae, classical T Tauri, VV Cephei and symbiotic stars, and stars situated outside the Galaxy have been excluded. The list is undoubtedly very incomplete: many weak or uncertain cases have been left out. It should be remembered that shell phenomena are notoriously variable in time and, in the binaries, often periodically so; thus inclusion in the list does not guarantee that an entry will exhibit shell structure at any specific time. An attempt has been made to distinguish between the objects whenever possible: category (1) includes Of stars and 0, B, and A supergiants showing P Cygni profiles; (2) includes presumably single rapidly rotating stars of classes 0, B, A and F; (3) contains stars deemed to be binary, though the shell phenomena may not always be related to this fact; and (4) is devoted to the early-type nebular objects. In many cases assignment to a particular group is very uncertain or impossible, and in the absence of fairly definite evidence to the contrary stars have generally been assigned to category (2). Many of the brighter Be stars have been found to have variable radial velocity, but they have not been considered to be binaries unless a period has been deter­ mined. A single reference, not always the most recent, has been given for each entry. The reader is strongly urged to consult the various bibliographies of emission-line objects for additional important data. Magnitudes are visual unless underlined; some useful information has been omitted for lack of space. 'K' numbers refer to the suspected variable catalogues, 'Carlson' to his 1968 Northwestern U. Dissertation. A few references are given to unpublished data from several other investigators. The writer is happy to acknowledge that this work, while largely completed in Cleveland, was put into final form while he was serving as Visiting Professor in the Department of Geophysics and Astronomy of the University of British Columbia in January 1976. A. Slettebak (ed.), & and Shell Stars, 457-465. All Rights Reseroed Copyright © 1976 by the IAU. 458 APPENDIX EARLY-TYPE SHELL STARS Cate- Catalogue gory Name designation a (1900) [j Magnitude Referencea Notes , h m ° 1 K 102301 HD108 0 0.9 +63 7 7.4 A+A29,171 Of star 2 HRlO HD256 0 2.2 -17 57 6.2 ApJ182,809 A star 3 SXCas +547 0 5.5 +5420 9.7-11.2 ApJ99,89 P=36.6d 3 K 100007 HD698 0 6.3 +57 39 ~ ApJ108,537 P=55.9d 2 MWC5 +61 39 o 14.8 +61 54 8.5 ApJ97,217 ? VXCas o 25.7 +61 27 10.7-13.3 Ast9,104 2 MWC419 +61 154 o 37.5 +61 22 10.6 ApJ173,353 2 o Cas HD4180 0.39.2 +4744 4.5 A+A 18, 106 2 yCas HD5394 o 50.7 +60 11 1.6-3.0 ApJ98,153 3 vCep HD5679 o 53.4 +81 20 6.6-9.8 DA014,191 P=2.5d 2 MWClO HD6343 o 59.4 +65 26 ~ DD02,315 2 LS+58°26 1 8.9 +5746 11.2 ApJ137,547 2 +57 240 1 12.3 +57 51 9.5 ApJS2,389 HD236689 3 AQCas +61 242 1 12.6 +61 51 10.0-11.0 ApJ104,253 P= 11.7 d 2 MWC426 HD9709 1 30.0 +4636 7.0 ApJ14S,121 2 a Eri HD 10144 1 34.0 -5745 0.5 ApJ1S7,313 3 cf> Per HD 10516 1 37.4 +50 11 4.1 ApJ98,153 P= 126.6 d 2 E Cas HD 11415 1 47.2 +63 11 3.4 ApJS17,371 K 100141 2 MWC23 HD 12302 1 55.6 +59 12 8.0 ApJ119,496 2 MWC26 HD 12882 2 1.1 +6434 7.5 RicA 8,353 1 HR618 HD 12953 2 1.7 +57 57 5.6 ApJ182,523 MWC436 2 MWC702 +55 521 2 2.1 +55 43 9.8 ApJ1S4,933 2 V351 Per HD 13051 2 2.6 +56 31 8.7v ApJ1S4,933 MWC27 2 MWC706 HD 13590 2 7.6 +63 33 7.9 RicA 8, 353 2 MWC29 HD 13661 2 8.1 +54 4 8.6 ApJ1S4,933 2 MWC707 HD 13669 2 8.2 +55 20 7.9 ApJ1S4,933 2 V358 Per HD 13890 2 10.2 +56 19 8.5-8.6 ApJ1S4,933 MWC443 ? vZCet o Cet(B) 2 14.3 - 3 26 9.5-12 ApJS1,39 MWC35 2 MWC36 +56 563 2 14.7 +5640 9.4 ApJ1S4,933 2 MWC710 +56 579 2 15.2 +57 11 9.5 ApJ1S4,933 1 9 Per HD 14489 2 15.3 +55 23 5.2 ApJ182,523 1 HD 14535 2 15.8 +5647 7.5 Bidelman ·2 MWC46 +56624 2 19.6 +56 39 9.6 ApJ1S4,933 2 V529 Cas HD 15238 2 22.2 +60 13 8.4 ApJ119,496 MWC47 2 V528 Cas HD 15239 2 22.2 +60 12 8.2 ApJ119,496 2 HR 716 HD 15253 2 22.4 +55 5 6.6 PASPSO,685 A star 2 MWC49 HD 15472 2 24.4 +7031 7.9 DD02,315 2 MWC451 +55 643(B) 2 26.2 +55 52 9.8 ApJ101,224 2 MWC51 +60510 2 26.3 +6034 9.0 ApJ98,91 2 MWC717 HD 15963 2 28.9 +57 38 8.0 ApJ1S4,933 3 RYPer HD 17034 2 39.0 +4743 8.5-10.7 ApJ104,396 P=6.9d 2 MWC59 +60606 2 51.5 +60 12 ~ PASP86,558 2 HR894 HD 18552 2 53.8 +3745 5.9 ApJ14S,121 MWC455 3 RXCas +67 244 2 58.8 +67 11 8.6-9.5 ApJ99,295 P=32.3d 2 MWC61 HD 19243 3 0.7 +62 0 6.7 DD02,315 2 MWC63 HD20017 3 7.9 +48 19 7.9 DD02,315 2 HR985 HD20336 3 11.2 +65 17 4.8 ApJ 137, 1085 K 100264 2 +49 916 3 17.1 +49 17 9.5 ApJS2,389 2 HR 1051 HD21551 3 23.5 +4746 5.8 ApJ136,381 2 MWC727 HD21641 3 24.5 +47 31 6.8 ApJ14S,121 2 MWC68 HD21650 3 24.6 +41 23 7.3 DD02,315 2 «fJPer HD22192 3 29.4 +47 52 4.2 Mich4,175 MWC69 2 13 Tau HD23016 3 36.5 +1923 5.5 AJ6S,535 2 HD23478 3 40.4 +32 0 6.6 A+A 33,473 APPENDIX 459 Early-type Shell Stars (continued) Cate Catalogue gory Name designation u(1900) 8 Magnitude Referencea Notes , \:l m 0 2 HR1160 HD23552 3 41.0 +5026 6.1 ApJI45,121 MWC464 2 1) Tau HD23630 3 41.5 +23 48 2.9 MN113,477 MWC74 2 BUTau HD23862 3 43.3 +23 50 4.8-5.5 ApJ115,145 MWC75 2 MWC76 HD23982 3 44.4 +63 11 8.0 DD02,315 3 RWTau HD25487 3 57.8 +27 51 8.0-12.5 ApJll0,438 P=2.8d 3 K377 HD25799 4 0.3 +32 6 ~ ApJ137,791 P= 10.7 d 2 HR 1289 HD 26356 4 5.0 +83 34 5.4 ApJI96,773 2 MWC82 HD26420 4 5.7 +41 52 7.9 DD02,315 2 MWC83 HD26906 4 10.1 +45 59 7.9 DD02,315 3 RWPer +41 851 4 13.3 +42 4 9.7-11.4 ApJlO2,74 P=13.2d 2 HR 1423 HD28497 4 24.5 -13 16 5.6 DD02,315 MWC86 2 Hen 4 HD29557 4 34.1 -24 52 8.6 AJ78,687 2 HR 1500 HD29866 4 37.3 +4036 6.1 DD02,315 MWC88 3 KSPer HD30353 4 41.8 +43 6 7.6-7.8 PASJ24,495 P= 363.5 d 3 RSCep 4 48.6 +80 6 10.2-11.9 ApJI04,253 P=12.4d 4 ABAur HD31293 4 49.4 +30 23 7.2-8.4 ApJ173,353 MWC93 ? MWC480 HD 31648 4 52.4 +29 41 ~ ApJ119,501 1+3 sAur HD31964 4 54.8 +43 40 2.9-3.8 JRASC43,15 P=27.1 yr ? UXOri -4 1029 4 59.5 - 3 56 8.7-12.8 Ast9,104 HD293782 3 103 Tau HD 32990 5 2.0 +24 8 ~ A+A40,203 P=58.3d 2 105 Tau HD32991 5 2.0 +21 34 5.8 ApJ143,285 MWC98 2 K 100452 HD 33232 5 3.8 +40 53 8.2 ApJ128,61 MWC100 2 A Eri HD 33328 5 4.4 - 8 53 4.3 ApJI96,773 K 100453 2 MWC101 HD 33461 5 5.2 +41 6 7.8 DAOI2,1 2 Hen 6 HD33599 5 6.2 -61 56 8.3 MemRAS75,1 2 12Aur HD33988 5 9.0 +46 18 6.9 AN 279, 19 MWC104 3 MWC490 +33 997 5 11.2 +33 56 10.3 ApJ115,154 HD242257 2 MZAur HD 34626 5 13.8 +36 32 8.0--8.1 A+A 33,473 2 HR 1761 HD34959 5 16.0 + 3 55 ~ ApJS 17, 371 2 HR1772 HD35165 5 17.7 -34 27 6.1 Obs 73, 86 Hen 7 ? HR 1786 HD 35407 5 19.4 + 2 16 6.3 ApJI96,773 2 250ri HD35439 5 19.6 + 1 45 4.9 Mich 4,169 K6170 2 HD35502 5 20.0 - 2 54 7.4 ApJ136,381 2 120 Tau HD 36576 5 27.6 +18 28 5.5 AN 277, 167 MWC 111 4 TOri -5 1329 5 30.9 - 5 32 9.5-12.6 ApJS4,337 MWC763 2 K 100617 HD 37115 5 31.0 - 5 41 7.1 DD02,315 MWC114 ? BNOri +6 971 5 31.1 + 646 9.0--13.7 Ast9,104 HD245465 3 'Tau HD37202 5 31.7 +21 5 2.9-3.0 A+A4,341 P= 132.9d 4 BFOri -6 1259 5 32.3 - 6 39 9.8-13.4 ApJl74,401 4 RRTau +26 887a 5 33.3 +26 19 10.2-14.2 ApJ173,353 HD245906 2 MWC120 HD37806 5 36.0 - 246 7.9 ApJ98,91 2 HR 1962 HD37971 5 37.2 -1646 6.2 ApJS 17, 371 2 MWC776 +26 954 5 41.2 +26 22 10.8 ApJll0,387 HD247525 2 HD 38708 5 42.6 +29 6 8.2 ApJS 2,389 2 MWC779 HD39018 5 44.7 +18 0 7.5 Bidelman 2 f3 Pic HD39060 5 44.9 -51 6 3.8 ApJ197,137 A star 2 MWC781 +28 920 5 45.6 +28 14 9.2 ApJll0,387 HD248411 2 +32 1146 5 53.0 +32 53 8.8 ApJS2,389 HD249845 2 MWC786 +25 1065 5 53.8 +25 5 9.1 ApJS2,389 HD250028 3 DNOri HD40632 5 55.0 +10 13 9.8-10.9 PASP76,21O P= 13.0d 4 MWC789 +16 974 5 56.2 +16 31 ~ ApJ173,353 HD250550 3 HR2142 HD41335 5 59.4 - 642 5.2 PASP84,334 P=81d 3 17 Lep HD41511 6 0.5 -16 29 4.9 ApJ143,121 P=276d 4 Lk208 6 1.9 +18 40 12.7 ApJS4,337 460 APPENDIX Early-type Shell Stars (continued) Cate- Catalogue gory Name designation a (1900) 8 Magnitude Reference" Notes h m 0 I 2 HR2174 HD42111 6 3.7 + 2 31 5.7 PASP80,685 A star 2 MWC523 HD42908 6 8.2 + 844 8.2 ApJ98,91 2 MWC803 HD44351 6 16.3 +14 21 8.5 ApJ116,501 2 MWC527 +11 1179 6 21.3 +1059 9.0 Bidelman HD257366 2 MWC140 HD45314 6 21.6 +14 57 6.6 Bidelman 2 pGem HD45542 6 23.0 +20 17 4.2 AN 277, 167 2 HD45626 6 23.4 - 424 9.4 ApJS2,41 ? FSCMa HD45677 6 23.7 -12 59 7.6-8.5 A+A 26,443 MWC142 2 f3 Mon(A) HD45725 6 24.0 - 6 58 4.7 A+A 22, 203 MWC143 2 HR2364 HD45871 6 24.9 -32 18 5.8 ApJ157,313 Hen 13 3 AXMon HD45910 6 25.2 + 5 56 6.6-6.9 A+SS30,481 P=232.5 d 2 HD46131 6 26.4 -22 15 7.2 AJ78,687 2 Lk215 6 27.2 +10 14 10.7 ApJ173,353 2 MWC149 +8 1388 6 28.1 + 825 8.6 ApJS2,389 HD259597 2 HR2418 HD47054 6 31.6 - 5 8 5.5 ApJ145,121 MWC150 3 HR2422 HD47129 6 32.0 + 6 13 6.1 ApJS4,157 P=14.4d 4 RMon 6 33.7 + 8 50 11.3-13.8 ApJ152,439 MWC151 4 V590Mon 6 35.2 + 953 12.7-14.0 ApJS4,337 2 HD48914 640.7 + 237 7.2 DA012,1 2 MWC821 HD49330 6 42.8 + 053 8.9 ApJll0,387 3 RXGem HD49521 6 43.6 +33 21 9.2-11.2 A+A38,225 P= 12.2d ? MWC822 HD49699 6 44.6 -12 33 r:s-- Bidelman 2 KCMa HD50013 646.1 -3224 4.0 PASP87,137 K6509 2 HD50091 6 46.5 -13 7 8.6 ApJS 2, 41 ? MWC158 HD50138 646.7 - 6 51 6.6 ApJ119,501 2 MWC159 HD50209 647.1 -011 8.4 DD02,315 2 ",9Aur HD50658 649.1 +4624 5.8 A+AS9,133 MWC537 3 AUMon HD50846 6 49.8 - 1 15 8.2-9.5 ApJ101,235 P= 11.1 d 2 MWC539 HD50850 649.8 -18 10 9.1 ApJ98,153 2 MWC100 HD51354 6 51.9

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