QUEENS' COLLEGE 1956-1957 MARCH 1958 The President and Mrs Venn were seriouslyill while this Record was being prepared, and it is with deep regret that we must record his death on Saturday, 15 MARCH1958andherdeathon Tuesday,25 MARCH. 3 THE COLLEGE APP.EAL The Governing Body wish to thank members of the College for the generous support that has been given to the Appeal. Dona­ tions and covenanted donations now stand at £45,6oo, an increase of £8000 in the last year. We print a second list of subscribers below. Plans for the new building are now making progress. Members will have seen the announcement in the national press of the appointment of Mr Basil Spence as architect, and will be aware that the first provisional design has provoked some controversy (partly the result of a misapprehension, produced by the published photograph, that the building was to be erected on the river-side instead of approximately fifty yards back, on the far side of the Fellows' Garden). The architect has himself brought forward further designs which are now under consideration by the Governing Body. The new designs modify the first suggested design published in The Times and in doing so they reduce the general scale of the building. Final decisions on the designs will only be taken after a model has been made showing the new building .in relation to the site and surrounding buildings, .in particular the President's Lodge, the Chapel and Walnut Tree Court. There is every reason to suppose that the result will be a building which definitely improves the view from the Backs (at present the blank end wall and chimney stack of Friars' bulk too large in this prospect), is in real accord with the distinctive tradi­ tional character of the ~eens' Buildings, and is at the same time a modern building. Mr Spence's services were secured as an architect with a high reputation for work of this kind, and in due course the plans for the building will be submitted to the Royal Fine Arts Commission and their approval obtained. The full working out ofthe design will take time, and the Governing Body is determined not to be in a hurry. 4 COLLEGE BENEFACTORS A Second List of Subscribers, to 10 March 1958 Abbott, VeryRev. H. A., M.B.E.; Adam, W. B.; Adeney, H. W., M.B., B.CH.; Ambrose, T/Major W. G. R.; .Anderson,]. K.; Andrew, P.J., M.B., B.CH.; Ashby, E. C.; Askwith.Rev. Canon G.; Aylett,B.J., PH.D. Baldwin, J. E., PH.D.; Bale, Rev. CanonR. F., F.s.A.; Barrow,J. R.; Bashyr Pickard, W. B.; Basu, B.; Bathurst, C. M.A.; 'The Bats', Q!eens' College; Bazeley, J. R.; Best, Rev. J. K., M.c.; Bird, F. A.; Birley, D. S.; Blake, M. D.; Boddy, J. G.; Brand, H. G.; Brown, M. W.; Bull, H. R.; Bullock, D. H.; Burton, S. r Capstick, E. S.; Carter, D. R., M.B.E.; Cater, F. S., M.D., M.R.C.P., n.c.H.; Casson, Rev. D. T.; Cattel, E. E.; Ch.arlesworth, H. A. K.; Chung,. H-P., M.SC., D.SC. {POL. .Ee.), PH.D. (AMERICA); Cohen, L., PH.D.; Cole, W.R., M.B., B.CH.; Colton, W. H.; Conant, P. E. M.; Connell, M. C., M.B., B.CH.; Cooper, Rev. K. C.; Cottle, Rev.J. L.; Cotton, Rev. G. V.; Cowan, R.; Cowen, J. V.; Croft, Rev. Canon J. R.; Crone, M. D.; Currie, J. C. M., M.B., B.CH.; Cutcher, Rev. G. C. Davies, A. J., R.N. (cAN.); De Giles, P. A.; Denham, J. L. M.; Dohrenburg, A. P.; Dow, I. C., M.B., B.CH.; Downes, R. L.; Dryden, S.; Dyke, E. H. Eaton, J. H.; Ede, R.; Edmonds, F. F. C.; Edwards, Rev. M. H., O.B.E.; Egerton, H. B.; Elliott, Rev. L. A.; Evans, G. S. W., M.D. Fall, G. T. B., M.B.E.; Fall,J.M. ; Farey, M. A.J.; Farrie, Rev. Canon H.; Fawkes, R. B., o.s.o., M.R.C.P., B.CH.; F.irth,J. L.; Fox, E. D. Gabriel, Lieut.-Col. R. C., R.E.; Gardiner, M. J.; Gass, M. D. I.; Gasson, G. B.; Gibbs, W. J. R., MUS.B.; Gibson, J. C.; Goldwhite, H., PH.D.; Goma, L. K. H.; Gray, H. P.; Greene, N. W.; Greenland, A. G. M.; Gregory, A. l; Griffiths, Rev. S. V. F. Hancock, J. M.; Hart, A. W., M.R.C.V.S. (LOND.); Haverkamp, R. T.; Hawson, M. G.; Henderson, I. M.; Hiles, J. M.; Hitchcock:, R. L.; Hodgson, A. C. W.; Holder, C. P.; Holloway, J.; Hore, R. A.; Horrocks, G.; Howgego, J.; Huckemann, K. F. J. M.; Huckstpe , R. L., i.u., B.CH.; Hulme, J. A. Isaac, Rev. E. H. Jackson,J., LL.B.; Jacobsen, J. ;Jefferson, Group Capt. J. N.; Jenkins, H. D.; Jennings, J. M.; Jolly, Rev. Prebendary N. H. H.; Jowett, L. H.; Joyce, Rev. W.R. C. Kean, A. W. G.; Keeling, A. 0. S.; Kemmis,P. W., D.F.c.; Kenney C. N., PH.D.; Kidson, Rev. Canon N. S., M.c.; Kilpatrick:, N. D.; King, A. E.; Kitcatt,J. E., LL.B.; Kitchen,A. P ., M.B., B.CH.; K.ovanda,J. 5 Latham,R. C.;Law, M. F. ;. Lean,D. G.;Lenox-Smith, I., M.B., B.CH.; Lewis, K. C.;Linney,J.; Livie-Noble, F. S.; Love, F. R.; Lovell, I. W. MacAndrew, A.G.; MacDonald, M. I. C.; Mclellan,D.; Mantell, ]. C., M.B.E.; Mantell, K. H.; Marley,J. M.; Marsh, R.; Mathews, Rev. L. W.; Meaby, K. B. J.; Melamid,G.; Miller, Rev. N. A. L.; Mitchell,].M.; Moore, C. S. D.; Mosseri, R. V.; Mulholland, H.P., PR.D.; Mummery, P. W. Neill, R. G.; Neville, N. A.; New, D. 0.; Newey,]. H. R., LLB.; Niblett, E. R. ; Nicholas,J. R. T.; Nicholl, Rev. J. McK.; Nightingale, D. A.; Norris, T. St M., M.D., M.R.C.P. (toND.), D.P.H.; North, J.; Northam, R., LLB., c.B.E.; Nurden, D. B., A.C.A.; Nurden, W. A. C. Orchard, H. B. Padmore, MajorF.; Pakenham, S. W.; Parish, G. R.; Parker, H. C., D.s.c.; Parkin,].D., M.Sc.; Parmcc, D.; Parsons,E. H. R.; Patrick, R.; Pedler, T. S., LL.B.; Perkins, A. J.; Pettifer, B. G. E.; Pliillips,J. C.; Pillar, Rev. K. H.; Pitt, D. A.; Pockney, D. C. E.; Pocock, J. M.; Pocock,]. A., F.R.c.s.; Polden, J. M., LLB.; Potter, L. W.; Price, Rev. C. L.; Price, Rev. H. M. C. Rawlins,J. E. F.; Redwood, G. W.; Rees, R. L.; Rigby, M. , Rivers-Moore, C. R.; Roberts, T. J.; Roper, T. H.; Royds, Rev. E. A. B.; Russell,].E . N.; Russell,W. F.; Ryland,]. S. Sampson, W.; Sanders, Professor the Rev. Prebendary H. M.; Sandford, F. R., c.B.E., M.C., T.D., M.l'l., K.H.P.; Savill, Capt. S. C.; Savory, P.; Scarr, M. M., G.M.; Scholes, R. D.; Scudamore, H., M.n., B.CH.; Scudamore, T. 0., M.B., B.CH.; Selby, M. F. G.; Shaw, J.; Sherril(W. G.; Short, R.J.; Shrimpton, D. H.; Shmn, K.-H.; Smeall, J. L., J.P.; Smith, F. G.; Smith, G. R.; Smitli, J. R.; Snape, W. R. C., M.c.; Spencer,J. R.; Squires, M.; Stileman, D. P. C.; Stoc:kford, C.; Stott,].C.; Strong, D. A., M.B., B.CHIR.; Sutcliffe,Rev. T. H.; Swallow, F.; Swallow,]. H., M.B., l'l.CH.; Symons, H. W.; Syson, A. R. Target, B. A.G.; Taylor, W.R. A.; Tharp, P.A.; Thomas, H. S.; Tingle, G. M.; Tipler, W.; Turnbull, D. M.; Turpin, H. H.; Tyrrel, Rev. J. C. Umbers, R. H; Upsdell, J., M.B., B.CH. Vanderplank, R. E. W.; Villiers, G. A.; Vickers,J. 0. N.; Voller, Rev. Canon A. E. Wade, C. T.; Wakem,D. E.; Wallis, R. A. F.; Walters,Rev. R. F.; Wane,J. S.; Ward, L. S.; Warner,B. C.; Whinney, K.J.; Whitaker, Rev. D. T.; White, G. J. A.; Whittle, C. H., M.D., F.R.C.P.; Wigram, W. B.; Wilkes,A. G. S.; Williams, W. R.; Wilson,E. A., M.B., B.CH.; Wtlson� R. B.,. M.B., B.CH.; Wademan, C.H.; Wood, A. A.; Wood, J. F., M.B., B.CH.; Wyatt, A. W. Yates, A. 6 QUEENS' COLLEGE AS AT 1 JANUARY 1958 Visitor HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN PaJroness HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER PresideutJ OHN ARCHIBALD VENN, C.M.G., IJIT.D., F.S.A. Fellows REv. Cl!ARI.E.5 TRAVERS Woo», B.D., formerly Dean and Director of Studies in Divinity. ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLE LAFFAN, M.A., formerly Bursar and Director of Studies in History. CYilII. MONTAGU SI.HEM.AN, M.A., formerly Tutor and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. n ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS BROWNE, M.A., Vice-Presidet and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. LEONAI!D JAMES Porrs, M.A., Librarian andDirector of Studies in English. EowmA:lrnruR , MAxwEu. PH.D., Senior Bursar, Keeper of the College Records, and Director of Studiesin Mathematics. JAMES ARTHUR RAMsAY, PH.D., F.R.S., Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. RBv. HENRY Sr JOHN HART, B.D., Dean, Garden Steward, Hebrew Lecturer and Director of Studies in OrientalLangua ges. HAROLD WALTER BAILEY, M.A., F.B.A., Professor of Sanskrit. HAROLD STEWART, KlRKALDY M.A., Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations. ARTHUR LLEWRLLYN ARMITAGE, M.A., LL.B., J.P., Senior Tutor and Director of Studies in Law.
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