Issue 15 If eUc+eJ +• r vtrWMt 1 5 ;vc «. firm « " ^ * ^ 0 Sabs fiafem7 - < ^ U e g «+ i ®'n'S ** ^•Ofi /n«lpr«C+ice ® r h ' » ' r o / t f c S National’s ‘revolutionary’ industrial relations policy Page 2 rfiffldit i --------- U W I l P ions, we are forced to conclude that the osition to the Bill. 10 ED UCATION O F F IC E R - responsible dances etc are a risk to the safety and sec­ “ It is incredible that any right-thinking for all matters concerning education. Editor - Mike Rann urity of Students Association property people could seriously suggest, as some (your $28.00 worth). If we are to contin­ MP’s did, that the Bill would lead to the 11 INTERNATIONS AFFAIRS OFFICER ue providing these services either the van­ breakdown of New Zealand society or to - all matters concerning Internation Technical Editors - Malcolm Walker • dalism must be prevented or the Executive a disasterous fall in the country’s birth Affairs. and Jeremy Templar. will have to close down the facilities at rate,” Mr. Blincoe continued. “ And for night until it stops. MP’s to talk paternalistically of their com­ 12CULTURAL AFFAIRS OFFICER- Advertising Manager - Paul Gilmour There has been damage to the pool passion for homosexuals yet deny them responsible for the co-ordinations of room also at night and this has forced the legal right to be what they are is sheer the creative activities of all clubs. Reporter - Rob Greenfield the closing of the pool room after 7 p.m. hypocrisy.” Thanks to Raewyn Stone, as was the case in 1974 when damage Mr. Blincoe said New Zealanders should PUBLIC LIAISON OFFICER Ruth Butterworth, Bob Mann, Ann from outside the campus was also high. be able to expect much better from their Wilkes, Roger Horrocks, Clare Ward, We regret the need to shut down our elected representatives. Applications are being called for the pos­ Anne Chambers. services but it is a case of obtaining the Mr. Blincoe pointed out that the Select ition of Public Liaison Officer on the greatest good for the greatest number Committee considering Mr. Young’s Bill Executive of the Auckland University possible. If the actions of a few are pre­ had attracted some 150 submissions from Students’ Association, for the remainder venting the good use of our facilities we a broad cross-section of the community of 1975. Nomination forms are available are forced to take preventive action. and from Government departments. The from the A.U.S.A. Office. k t U n t e f d submissions had heavily favoured homo­ Nominations, which should be in a sealed Yours, sexual law reform. envelope addressed to the Association Michael Walker, Mr. Blincoe asked how Parliamentarians Secretary and accompanied by a photo­ Admin. Vice-President could expect people to have faith in the graph, and brief biographical details and so-called “ proper channels” of reform if a policy statement, close at 1 p.m. on a Bill could be rejected in the face of evi­ Friday 18 July 1975. f l dence so overwhelmingly in its favour. The applicants will be expected to attend Dear Ed, “ Such a rejection makes a farce of partici­ the S.R.C. meeting at that time where the One of the things I thought I could be patory democracy” he said. position will be decided. proud of in this University was the Stu­ Mr. Blincoe concluded by predicting dent Health service. that pressure for homosexual law reform Sharyn Cederman When I decided that I needed to see a The Editor, would continue to grow. “ No amount of ASSOCIATION SECRETARY doctor I naturally went along to the Stu­ Craccum. wishful thinking by Parliamentarians will dent Health. But I found that the Student make the issue go away,” he said. Health service is sicker than the students Dear Sir, who use it. Sicker also than the students Mr. Frey, following Descartes, starts John Blincoe who need it but are politely told to buzz from a position of systematic doubt but General Vice President off and go and find your own doctor unlike his distinguished predecessor gives who will charge about $3.50 for 10 mins, no reasons. If he or anyone else has grou­ just because they have the misfortune to nds or evidence for a belief that the pre­ be living with their parents. sent examining procedure has resulted in ELEC T IO N S I’m bloody amazed, astonished and an injustice or may do so then he should brassed off that this discrimination goes write to the Registrar. This is also the Nominations are called for portfolio pos­ on here. If Clare Ward or any of her procedure a dissatisfied examinee should itions for the 1976 Executive. Nomination colleagues read this then it’s about time follow, whether concerning papers or a forms are ava ilable from the A.U.S.A. they made the Student Health available thesis. Office. to students, all students. I would welcome a discussion with Nominations, which should be in a sealed Mr. Frey, or any other student, should envelope addressed to the Association Sincerely Yours, he care to come and see me. Secretary and accompanied by a photo­ Tortis Berkeley graph and brief biographical details and Yours sincerely, a policy statement, close at 5 p.m. on H.A. Montgomery Friday 25 July, 1975. Elections will be held on 11 and 12 August, 1975. The following are the portfolios and their duties as described in the Constitu­ tion : SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Brian Talboys, the Deputy Leader of Dear Editor, 1. CAPPIN G C O N T R O L L E R - responsi­ the Opposition, demonstrated his clear Having been in the Phillipines six COMBINED DEAN’S LECTURE ble for the organising of Capping. understanding of foreign affairs to a months, and observed psychic surgery meeting of Auckland University students directly, I am most concerned about rec­ in association with the Auckland Medical 2. B U SIN ESS M A N A G ER - responsible a week ago. Mr. Talboys told his attentive ent articles published in some New Zea­ Historical Society for the business management of all audience that “ South Africa is a democra­ land papers, by those who are blinded by publications published by A.U.S.A., tic nation” . Pressed to explain his incred­ societies conditioned attitudes. The next lecture in this year’s series of of Capping and all Arts Festivals and ible insight, Rob’s right-hand-man told Psychic healing is not a magicians Dean’s Lectures will be : Tournaments, shall assist the Treasur­ us that South Africa was democratic be­ trick. The psychic healers are sincerely er and shall also act as Treasurer to cause it had “ representative institutions” . concerned with the welfare of their “MEDICAL TEACHING AND TEACHERS Theatre Workshop. Representative for whom, Brian ? fellowmen. Free of conditioned thoughts, - THEN AND BEFORE THEN” unlimiting their minds, they become 3. SOCIAL CONTROLLER-responsible channels for the universal healing power. Dr R.E. Wright-St. Clair for the management and control of all I have visited Mr Terle, a 70 yr old social functions held by A U SA or the Once a year I venture a peep at Robert healer, watching him heal for hours on Assistant Medical Superintendent, Waikato Executive including Benefit Dances. Gilmour’s “ Give and Take” column in end, watched the much publicized Ant­ Hospital. Dr Wright-St.Clair will discuss Saturday’s Star. How about this little gem: onio Agapoa, also had psychic surgery. the historical development of medical 4. SOCIETIES REPRESENTATIVE- “ ..... Sue Kedgely looking incomparably In the future I hope to be visiting all heal­ teaching from the early years of the Otago supervise the affairs and safeguard the more feminine - and fulfilled - than some ers in Baguio, Lawlands and Manila. I Medical Faculty - 'then', and between interests of all affiliated bodies except of the bleak freaks with whom she shared would be glad to write of my observations 'then' and the days of Hippocrates - 'before sports clubs. platforms” . for those that are interested in the simple then'. I think I’ll wait two years next time. truth, free of mental prejudices and fear 5. SPORTS CLUBS’ REPRESENTATIVE of societies scorn. The lecture will be held in the RO BB - supervise the affairs and safeguard - T H EA T R E, Basement, School of Medicine. the interests of all sports clubs, chair­ Kareenne Ebdon person of Sports Council, and Sports Homosexual Law Reform Debate (B.A. student, Auckland ON : Wednesday 16th July 1975 Committee and Tournament Commi­ University 1974,1973) A T : 1130 hrs. ttee and a member of the Blues Mr. Paddy Blanchfield (Government - Committee. West Coast) warned that Mr. Young’s M.A. Robinson fill might be a step on the way to ‘zero ASSISTANT REGISTRAR 6. STUDENT LIAISON O FFICER- population growth. Child molesters, he Liaison between Executive and stud­ said, would be encouraged by the ‘green ents and shall be particularly concern­ light for homosexual relationships to be ed with the welfare of students not carried on with a minimum of public PRESS RELEASE living in Auckland and of non-Euro­ resentment.” Dear Ed, pean origin. On Friday 4th J uly at about 10.30 pm CRIMES AMENDMENT BILL The Minister of Police, Mick Connelly: a group of itinerant vandals came through 7. HOUSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- “ Homosexuals needed medical treatment, the Union complex and ripped out seven The New Zealand University Students’ the committee which looks after not a change in the law” of the eight free telephones rented by the Association has deplored Parliament’s re­ common rooms, first aid room, news­ Students Association.
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