BX 4946 .H8 V4 1905 Vedder, Henry C. 1853-1935 Balthasar H ubmaier, the leader of the Anabaptists H Heroes of the Reformation A Series of Biograpliies of the Leaders of the Protestant Reformation EDITED BY SAMUEL MACAULEY JACKSON Professor of Church History, New York University Each Crown Octavo. Fully Illustrated FOR FULL LIST SEE END OF THIS VOLUME G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS New York London 1f3croes of tbe TReformatton EDITED BY Samuel /IDacaules Sacftson PROFESSOR OF CHURCH HISTORY, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY DIVERSITIES OF GIFTS, BUT THE SAME SPIRIT, Balthasar Hubmaier BALTHASAR HUBMAIER. THE ONLY KNOWN PORTRAIT. FROM AN OLD WOODCUT. Balthasar HObmaier THE LEADER OF THE ANABAPTISTS BY HENRY C. VEDDER PROFESSOR OF CHURCH HISTORY IN CROZER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY " Die gottliche Warheit ist untodlich, und wiewohl sy sich ettwan lang fahen lasst, geyslen, kronen, creiitzigen und in das Grab legen, wurdet sy doch am dritten Tag wiederumb sygreich uferston und im ewigkeit regieren und triumphiren." HDbmaier, Die ander Erbietung, Schaffhausen, 1524. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON Cbe IRntcfterbocfter press 1905 COPVRIGHT, 1905 BY HENRY C. VEDDER Ube tkniciierboclter prees, 'Revf ]|?orIt PREFACE /^NLY two biographies of Iliibmaier have ^-^ hitherto appeared. The earHest of these, by Dr. F. Hoschek, was written in Bohemian and published in Brunn in 1867. It is very valuable for the later years, and contains large extracts from the writings published at Nikolsburg. For the earlier years it is less trustworthy. An English translation of the text, omitting notes and illustrative matter, was made by Rev. W. W. Everts, D.D., and pub- lished in the Texas Baptist Historical Magazine for 1 89 1 and 1892. The other biography, in German, is by Dr. Johann Loserth, Professor of History in the University of Czernowitz, and was published at Briinn in 1893. It has never been translated. I have leaned heavily on these authorities, and gladly acknowledge constant and great obligations to them, especially to Loserth, but the great re- liance has been upon the writings of Hiibmaier himself. The collection of these in the library of iv Preface the Rochester Theological Seminary is nearly com- plete, and this collection has been generously put at my disposal by the librarian, Rev. Howard Osgood, D.D., by whom it was first made many years ago. But for his assistance and counsel the study of these writings would never have been undertaken, and could not have been successfully prosecuted. A number of the booklets Dr. Osgood long ago trans- lated, and he has permitted me to use these trans- lations freely in this biography. Other of the works I have myself translated, and the pile of manuscript has grown to such proportions as to arouse the hope that at no distant day a volume of the works of Hiibmaier may be published, which, if not absolutely a complete edition, will contain everything of importance that his pen wrote. During the summer of 1904 was fulfilled a long- cherished purpose of visiting the principal scenes of Hubmaier's labours: Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Regensburg, Waldshut, Nikolsburg. As might be anticipated, few actual memorials now remain of labours so remote, and these few are much altered by decay or "restorations," and yet such a visit is by no means valueless. Most of the illustrations ! Preface v of this work were gathered by this means, and in- vestigation of the scene of long-forgotten events was profitable in supplementing knowledge gained from documentary sources, and correcting errors into which one who had never seen the localities would naturally fall. Besides the authorities named, the other works that have been found directly helpful are sufificiently mentioned in the foot-notes to the text. The actual composition of the biography has occupied such time as could be spared from other engagements for about a year, but it has in reality been twenty years in the making. Let us hope that readers will not find it heavy in proportion Crozer Theological Seminary, May, igo^. — CONTENTS PAGH PREFACE iii BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER I THE ANABAPTISTS AND THE REFORMATION . i CHAPTER II THE YEARS OF PREPARATION I481— 1520 Birth and education—Doctor of Theology—Preacher at Regensburg—At Waldshut .... 24 Excursus on the Spelling of Hubmaier's name . 66 CHAPTER III HUBMAIER AN EVANGELICAL REFORMER 1524 Eighteen theses—Waldshut's quarrel with Austria Flight to Schaffhausen—The peasants' war . 69 CHAPTER IV HUBMAIER BECOMES AN ANABAPTIST 1524-1526 Discussion of infant baptism—Anabaptism introduced at Waldshut—Fall of Waldshut—and flight to Zurich . .100 Excursus on the Act of Baptism among the Anabaptists . 142 — viii Contents CHAPTER V HUBMAIER AT NIKOLSBURG 1526-1528 PAGB Moravia in the sixteenth century—Progress of Evan- gehcal religion—The Lichtensteins—Hiibmaier's great success—His literary activity—Characteris- tics as a writer—Troubles at Nikofebnrg: Hans Hut, Jacob Widemann—The Lichtensteins inter- fere—Treatises: The Freedom of the Will and On the Sword . .146 CHAPTER VI THE TEACHINGS OF HUBMAIER 1524-1527 Hiibmaier a preacher rather than a theologian—Doc- trine of the Scriptures—Theology—Calvinist or Arminian ? —Anthropology—Differs from Luther on the will—Soteriology—Ecclesiology—Eschato- logy 178 CHAPTER VII HUBMAIER THE MARTYR 1527-1528 Persecution begins in Moravia—Arrest of Hiibmaier Hearing in Vienna— Imprisoned at Greisenstein Interview with Faber—The Rcchcnschaft—How far did he recant? —Final condemnation—The closing scene • . .219 — Contents ix CHAPTER VIII THE SUPPRESSION OF THE MORAVIAN ANABAPTISTS PAGE Effect of Hiibmaier's death—Troubles increase at Nik- olsburg: Schwertler and Stabler—Expulsion of the socialists—The new colonies and their prosper- ity—Persecutions of 1535 —The protest—The Dietrichsteins and persecution at Nikolsburg Final disappearance of Anabaptists from Moravia. 245 APPENDIX "on THE sword" .... 273 A forgotten HYMN OF HUBMAIER's 311 INDEX 322 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Balthasar Hubmaier . Frontispiece The only known portrait. From an old woodcut Dr. John Eck ....... 22 Traditional portrait The University of Ingolstadt, as it is To- Day ........ 26 A Lecture-Room (possibly Hubmaier's) in THE Old University of Ingolstadt . 28 Church of the Virgin, Ingolstadt . 30 Memorial Tablet to Dr. John Eck, in the Church of the Virgin, Ingolstadt . 34 The Cathedral, Regensburg ... 38 Here Hubmaier was chief preacher, 15 16-1520 Interior of the Regensburg Cathedral . 42 The tomb in the nave is in memory of Bishop Philip William, Duke of Bavaria, and was erected in 1598 The Modern Neupfarrkirche, Regensburg 46 The farther part, with the towers, is part of Hiib- maier's Chapel Zur Schonen Maria xi xli Illustrations PAGE Dominican Monastery, Regensburg . 50 Waldshut and the Rhine .... 54 Waldshut ....... 76 Showing old tower and Hubmaier's church View of Schaffhausen ..... 82 The Munster, or Chief Church of Schaff- hausen ....... 92 Portrait of CEcolampadius .... 98 From an old woodcut Portrait Statue of CEcolampadius . 120 Cloister wall of the Cathedral, Basel Huldrich Zwingli ..... 138 From a mezzotint by R. Houston A General View of Modern Nikolsburg . 148 View of Nikolsburg in 1678 . 176 From an old print Castle Greifenstein, as it Appears now . 224 Vienna in the First Half of the Seven- teenth Century 240 The Tower of the Castle at Nurnberg, in which Anabaptists were Imprisoned . 246 Illustrations xiii PAGE A Room in the Tower at Nurnberg . 256 Instruments of Torture at the Tower of Nurnberg 266 Facsimile of Hubmaier's First Appeal to the Council of Schaffhausen . Appendix Original in the Schaflfhausen archives Map: The Sce'Ne of Hubmaier's Life and Labour ...... At end BIBLIOGRAPHY HUBMAIER'S CHIEF WRITINGS Explanation of signs. The first letter appended to a title indicates the place where the original may be found. B = collection of Dr. Beck, now in Vienna. MA = Moravian Archives. V = Vienna, Hofbibliothek. R = copy in the library of the Rochester Theological Seminary. The letters H, L, S, appended in addition, signify that the document is reprinted by one of Hiibmaier's bi- ographers, Hoschek, Loserth, or Schreiber. For convenience these writings are frequently cited in the following pages by their numbers, as Op. i. Op. 22, etc. 1. Achtzehn Schhissi-ede, so betreffende eyn gantz Christlich Leben, woran es gelegen ist. Disputiert zu Waldshut, von Doctor Balthassar Fridberger. 1524. B. H. L. 2. Eine ernstliche Christliche erbietung an einen ersamen Rath zu Schaffhusen, durch doctor Baldazar Hubmor von Fridberg Pfar- ren ze Walshut beschehen. 1524. Original in Schaffhausen Archives. L., Beilag-e, No. 2. 3. Uoti ketzern vndiren verbrennern vergleichung der Gschrifften, zusammengezogen durch doctor Balthazar Fridbergern pfarren zu Waldsshut. 1524. B. R. Reprinted in this volume. 4. Schlussreden die Baldazar Fridberger Pfarrer zu Waltzhut ein Bruder Huldrychs Zwinglis dem Joanni Eckio zu Ingoldstatt die meysterlich zu examinieren furbotten hat. Zurich, 1524. Library of University of Basel. H. L. S. 5. Von dem Christlichen Toiiff der Gldubigen durch Balthasarn Htiebmor von Friedberg, yetz zu Waldshut ausgangen. 1525. B. R. 6. Ain Sum ains gatizen christlichen Lebens, durch Baldasaren Frydberger, Predicant, yetz zu Waldshut, etc. 1525. B, R. xvi Bibliography 7. Ettlich bcschlussreden von Doctor Paltus Fridberger zu Walz- hut, alien Christen, von Undericht der Mess. Zurich. 1525. 1.. S. 8. Balthazars Friedbergers zu Waldshiit offentliche erbietiing an alle christglaubige menschen, an andern tag des Ilornungs be- schehen. 1525. Original in the Archives of St. Gall. S. 9. Ein wahrhartig Entschuldigung tittd Klag gemeiner Stadt Waldshut von Schultheiss und Rath allda an alle christglaubigen Menschen, ausgegangen anno 1525. Original in the Archives of Basel. Reprinted by Strickler, /I c^r«Jfl»/«//a«.f, i., No. 932. 10. Ein Gesprcch Balthasar Hubemors von Fridberg auff May- ster Ulrichs Zwinglens zu Ziirich Tauffbiiechlen von dem Khinder- tauff. Nicolspurg. 1526. V. R. 11. Ein Christennliche Leertafel die ein eydlicher mensch ee und er im Wasser getaufft vvird vor wissen solle.
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