Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Phenotype after Implantation into the Lesioned Spinal Cord Emma Woodhall BSc. Hons. Submitted in fulfilment ofthe requirements for the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy University of Tasmania April 2004 STATEMENT This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for a degree or diploma by the University of Tasmania or any other institution, except by way of background information duly acknowledged in the text. To the best of my knowledge and belief this thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due acknowledgment is made. Emma Woodhall STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY OF ACCESS This thesis may be made available for loan and limited copying in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968. EmmaWoodhall Acknowlegements ACKNOWLEGEMENTS Many thanks to my supervisors Dr Inn Chuah and Dr Adrian West (for all their help and support), Julie Harris, Dr Adele Holloway, Dr Lisa Foa and Dr Niels Anderson (for all the encouragement), Dr Derek Choi-Lundberg (for help with the surgery), each of my office mates Lee-Lee, Liz, Meredith, and Adele W (for entertainment, conversation and lots of mocha coffee), Gerry Nash (for expert technical assistance with the electron microscope), to the animal house staff (without whom this project would not have been possible), Roger (just for being himself), Adele V (for loads of excellent tech tips), Jill Aschman (for being the chief distraction), all of the MBUites (your wonderful), the Anatomy and Physiology crew, the Biochemistry Department and Pete (for being such a sweetie). Thankyou all for making my time at UTAS most enjoyable!!. Abstract ABSTRACT Although olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are used to promote repair in the injured spinal cord, little is known of their phenotype in this environment. This study examined the effect of the injured spinal cord on OEC morphology and gene expression. For in situ experiments OECs were encapsulated in porous polymer tubes and implanted into the lesioned rat spinal cord. Adult male hooded Wistar rats (300-350g) were anaesthetised with isoflurane maintained at 2.5% with 100% 02 (0.5L/min). Lesions were made to the corticospinal tract at the level ofT7-T8 and OEC-filled capsules were inserted under the dura above the lesion. After one week animals were sacrificed and the capsules retrieved. Procedures were performed in accordance with NHMRC guidelines approved by the University of Tasmania Animal Ethics Committee. Morphological characteristics were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for which implanted and un-implanted capsules were cut into halves so as the inner surfaces could be viewed. Implanted capsules were filled with rounded OECs and extracellular matrix (ECM)-like matter. Although no cells with the morphology of cultured OECs were observed these may have been obscured by the abundant ECM. In the un-implanted capsules cells with morphology typical of cultured OECs were predominant and although some rounded cells were detected. Real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to analyse expression of Neuregulin-1 (Nrg-1) and Nogo in cultured OECs and encapsulated OECs both in culture and after implantation. Neuregulins are known mitogens and survival factors for central nervous system (CNS) cells whilst Nogo is an axonal growth regulator. For comparison transcripts were also examined in a number of other glial cell types. Similar to astrocytes (ASTs) and fibroblasts (FBs), OECs expressed various Nrg-1 subtypes Abstract including neu Differentiation Factor (NDF), Glial Growth Factor (GGF) and Sensory and Motomeuron-derived Factor (SMDF) along with other splice variants including those containing the epidermal growth factor (EGF), a-EGF, P-EGF and secreted domains. After implantation, OECs increased expression of NDF and secreted Neuregulin and decreased expression of the other variants. Olfactory ensheathing cells, oligodendrocytes (OLGs) Schwann cells (SCs) and ASTs all expressed Nogo-A, -B and -ABC. OECs and OLGs were also immunopositive for Nogo-A protein. Unlike OLGs, OECs, SCs and ASTs expressed mRNA for the Nogo-66 receptor (NgR) although the protein could not be detected by immunocytochemistry in OECs. Implantation of OECs resulted in an increase in Nogo-A and -B and a decrease in Nogo-ABC and the NgR. Taken together these results show that OEC phenotype in the lesion environment is different from their characteristic profile in culture. Table of contents TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 LIST OF FIGURES----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 C::IIA:PTEll ONE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 1.1. Injury in the C::entral Nervous System--------------------------------------------------- 6 1.2. Inhibitors ofNeurite llegeneration in the C::entral Nervous System----------------- 7 1.2.1. The G lial Scar------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 1. 2. 2. Nogo------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ 8 The Nogo-66 lleceptor --------------------------------------------------------16 OMgp and MAG Signaling via the Ngll------------------------------------16 Mechanisms of Ngll Function------------------------------------------------18 The p75NTR as a C::o-receptor for the Ngll-----------------------------------18 1.2.3. Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein--------------------------------------------------19 1.2.4. llho Signaling by Myelin-Associated Inhibitors ofNeurite llegeneration---22 1.3. Use of Olfactory Ensheathing C::ells in :Promoting llepair in the Injured C::NS -- 23 1.3.1. Origin of Olfactory Ensheathing C::ells--------------------------------------------23 1.3 .2. :Phenotypic :Properties and :Plasticity----------------------------------------------24 1.3 .3. llegulation of OEC:: :Proliferation, Differentiation and Survival In Vitro -----25 1. 3 .4. 0 EC::s :Promote Axonal Growth----------------------------------------------------2 7 1.3. 5. OEC:: Transplant-Mediated llemyelination ---------------------------------------3 0 1.3.6. The Effect of the Injured Spinal C::ord on OEC::s---------------------------------33 1.4. :Properties of OEC::s that :Promote C::entral Nervous Tissue llepair ---------------- 35 1.4.1. Integration Within the IIost Environment----------------------------------------35 1.4.2. N eurotrophic Factors----------------------------------------------------------------3 6 N eurotrophin Family-----------------------------------------------------------3 6 N eurotrophin-llelated Factors ------------------------------------------------3 8 N euregulins ---------------------------------------------------------------------3 9 1.4 .2.4. Other Growth Factors ----------------------------------------------------------4 2 1.4.3. C::ell Adhesion Molecules and Guidance C::ues-----------------------------------44 1.5. Summary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 C::IIA:PTEll TWO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 General Materials and Methods------------------------------------------------------------- 48 2.1. C::ell C::ultures------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48 2.1.1. OEC:: C::ulture -------------------------------------------------------------------------48 2.1.2. Astrocyte and Oligodendrocyte C::ulture ------------------------------------------51 Mixed C::ulture ------------------------------------------------------------------51 :Purification of Astrocytes -----------------------------------------------------52 :Purification of 0 ligodendrocytes---------------------------------------------5 2 2.1.3. Fibroblast C::ulture -------------------------------------------------------------------5 6 2.2. Immunohistochemistry and C::ell :Purity----------------------------------------------- 56 2.2.1. Immunostaining :Procedure---------------------------------------------------------56 2.2.2. C::ell C::ounts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------57 2.3. llat Brain Tissue :Procurement --------------------------------------------------------- 57 2.4. Total llNA Isolation and Quantitation ------------------------------------------------ 58 2.4.1. llNA Isolation------------------------------------------------------------------------5 8 Table of contents 2 Monolayered Cells -------------------------------------------------------------58 Encapsulated Cells -------------------------------------------------------------59 Rat Brain Tissue----------------------------------------------------------------60 2 .4 .2. DNase-1 Treatment------------------------------------------------------------------60 2.4.3. RNA Quantitation and Purity------------------------------------------------------61 2.5. Media and Solutions--------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 2. 5 .1. Ce 11 Culture --------------------------------------------------------------------------61 2 .5 .2. So 1utions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------64 RNA Extraction and RT-PCR ------------------------------------------------64
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