Index Aalders, Gerard, 333 Afn Shvel, 625 Abbas, Mahmoud, 228, 248, 250, Agenda: Jewish Education, 625 252,317 Agudath Israel of America, 46,70, Abdullah II, King, 463 137, 200, 570 Abdur-Raheem, Hammad, 181 Aharonishki, Shlomo, 283 Abebeh, Yuval, 258 Ahenakew, David, 309 Abella, Irving, 286 Ahmed, Ahmed Moussa, 458 Abella, Rosalie Silberman, 286 Aiello, Barbara, 392 Abi Khalil, Naji Antoine, 288 Ain, Stewart, 68M Abitbol, Sylvain, 296 Ainz, Thomas, 439 Abraham Fund, 554 Aish Hatorah, 602 Abrahams, Lionel, 538 Akerman, Piers, 520 Abrahamson, Abe, 537 Akkal, Jamal, 287 Abramovitz, Max, 633 Akron Jewish News, 629 Abrams, Floyd, 168 Al Nahyan, Zayed bin Sultan, 169 Abrams, Vivi, 55M Alan, Morris, 3n AbuAmar, Ziad, 215 Al-Arian, Sami, 131 Abu Ein, Ziad, 252 Albahari, David, 313 Abu Leimun, Dalai, 236 Albert Einstein College of Medi- Abu Leimun, Yasir, 236 cine, 591 Abutbul, Gil, 255 Albert II, King, 351, 352, 355, 357 Academy for Jewish Religion, 582 Albright, Madeleine, 471 Achraf, Mohamed, 408 Aldema, Gil, 282 Ackerman, Gary, 130, 157, 264 Alderwereld, Louisa, 381 Ackerman, Tatiana, 259 Al-Din, Malek Nasser, 241 Adam, Rotem, 256 Aleiss, Angela, 44« Addelman, Ben, 297 ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Re- Adler, Oscar, 312 newal, 56, 570 Adler, Shmuel, 105n Alexander, Michal, 259 Adu Libdeh, Hassan, 232 Alexander, Ray, 539 Afilalo Raphael, 313 Alfar, Amar, 259 681 682 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2004 Alfred, Ewa, 436 American Association of Jews Algemeiner Journal, 625 from the Former USSR, 594 Al-Ghoul, Adnan, 245 American Association of Rabbis, Al-Hafi, Hafez, 259 571 Al-Hams, Iman, 245 American Committee for Shaare Al-Hilaly, Taj-el-Din, 519 Zedek Jerusalem Medical Al-Kimlat, Salem, 260 Center, 555 Allen, George, 182 American Committee for Shenkar Alliance, David, 334 College in Israel, 555 Almagor, Gila, 282 American Committee for the Beer- Almagor, I, 112n Sheva Foundation, 555 Almaliah, Moshe, 245, 259 American Committee for the Weiz- Al-Mughayr, Ahmad, 239 mann Institute of Science, 555 Al-Mughayr, Asuma, 239 American Conference of Cantors, Alperon, Nissim, 278 578 Alperon, Yaakov, 278 American Council for Judaism, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 593 541 Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, 322 American Federation of Jews from Al-Shami, Aziz Mahmoud, 232 Central Europe, 594 Al-Sudais, Abd al-Rahman, 287 American Friends of Alyn Hospi- Alter, Robert, 180, 208 tal, 555 Altmann, Maria, 448 American Friends of Assaf Haro- Al-Ziadne, Tarek, 260 feh Medical Center, 556 Am Kolel Judaic Resource Center, American Friends of Bar-Ilan Uni- 570 versity, 556 Amar, Adaron, 256 American Friends of Beth Hate- Amar, Ronen, 310 futsoth, 556 Amar, Shlomo, 394 American Friends of Herzog AMC Cancer Research Center, 596 Hospital/Ezrath Nashim- Amcha for Tsedakah, 596 Jerusalem, 556 Ament, Jonathon, 92n American Friends of Likud, 556 America-Israel Cultural Founda- American Friends of Neve tion, 554 Shalom/Wahat Al-Salam, 556 America-Israel Friendship League, American Friends of Rabin Med- 554 ical Center, 556 American Academy for Jewish Re- American Friends of Rambam Med- search, 546 ical Center, 557 American Associates, Ben-Gurion American Friends of the Tel Aviv University of the Negev, 555 Museum of Art, 557 INDEX / 683 American Friends of the Alliance American Jewish League for Israel, Israelite Universelle, 567 558 American Friends of the Hebrew American Jewish Periodical Cen- University, 557 ter, 584 American Friends of the Israel American Jewish Philanthropic Museum, 557 Fund, 568 American Friends of the Israel American Jewish Press Associa- Philharmonic Orchestra, 557 tion, 546 American Friends of the Open American Jewish Public Relations University of Israel, 557 Society, 542 American Friends of the Shalom American Jewish Society for Ser- Hartman Institute, 557 vice, 596 American Gathering of Jewish American Jewish World Service, Holocaust Survivors, 546 568 American Guild of Judaic Art, 546 American Jewish World, 624 American Israel Public Affairs American Jewish Year Book, 625 Committee (AIPAC), 127, American ORT, 568 128, 170, 171, 189, 190, 191, American Physicians Fellowship 204, 205, 558 for Medicine in Israel, 558 American Israelite, 629 American Rabbi, 620 American Jewish Archives Journal, American Red Magen David for Is- 629 rael, 558 American Jewish Committee, 125, American Sephardi Federation, 127, 136, 137, 138, 142, 146, 546 149, 150, 153, 159, 160, 161, American Society for Jewish 170, 183, 184, 206, 207, 395, Music, 547 413, 420, 423, 429, 436, 437, American Society for Technion- 469, 480, 484, 485, 519, 523, Israel Institute of Technology, 541 558 American Jewish Congress, 130, American Society for the Protec- 137, 153, 154,205,206,542 tion of Nature in Israel, 558 American Jewish Correctional American Society for Yad Vashem, Chaplains Association, 596 559 American Jewish Historical Soci- American Society of the Univer- ety, 546 sity of Haifa, 559 American Jewish History, 623 American Students to Activate American Jewish Joint Distribu- Pride, 571 tion Committee (JDC), 457, American Veterans of Israel, 594 493, 512, 568 American Zionist Movement, 559 684 / AMERICAN JEWISH YiAR BOOK, 2004 American-Israel Environmental Arafat, Yasir, 127, 166, 216, 223, Council, 557 228, 229, 232, 233, 238, 240, American-Israeli Lighthouse, 558 241, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252, Americans for a Safe Israel, 559 317, 340, 341, 346, 386, 405, Americans for Peace Now, 559 418,419,517,530 Amior, Tzuriel, 280 Arbel, Edna, 283 Amir, Nabil, 241 Arbel, Ro'i, 254 Amiry, Suad, 401 Arizona Jewish Post, 620 Amishai-Maisels, Zvia, 282 Arnold, Abraham, 314 Amit, 559 Aron, Isa, 67« Amit, 625 Arraf, Suha, 311 Ammerman, Nancy T. 3n, 53«, 81« ARZA/World Union, 559 Amor, Shaul, 284 Ashcroft, John, 134, 141 Amos, Shoshana, 157 Ashe, David, 131 Ampal-American Israel Corpora- Ashkenas, Ronald N, 34« tion, 559 Asiel, Yitzhak, 492 Anahory-Librowicz, Oro, 313 Asner, Milivoj, 461 Anderman, Benjamin, 87n Assad, Bashar al-, 238, 264 Anderson, Lisa, 168 Assad, Hafez, al-, 264 Andre-Leonard, Anne, 371 Asserson, Trevor, 323 Andrew, Robert, 139 Association for Jewish Studies, 571 Aniso, Dorit, 258 Association for the Social Scientific Anissimov, Myriam, 348 Study of Jewry, 571 Annan, Kofi, 183, 216, 244 Association of Jewish Aging Ser- Anteby-Yemini, Lisa, 348 vices, 596 Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Association of Jewish Book Pub- 127, 137, 149, 154, 158, 159, lishers, 547 161, 166, 170, 171, 175, 179, Association of Jewish Center Pro- 180, 184, 185, 185, 191, 192, fessionals, 596 193, 196, 372, 382, 395, 402, Association of Jewish Community 421,471,489,542 Organization Personnel, 596 Antonescu, Ion, 488,489 Association of Jewish Community Apple, Raymond, 526 Relations Workers, 542 Appleby, Ronald, 314 Association of Jewish Family and Aptowitxer, Adam, 288 Children's Agencies, 597 Arad, Eyal, 489 Association of Jewish Libraries, Arad, Ron, 231,400 547 Arafat, Musa, 241,245 Association of Orthodox Jewish Arafat, Suha, 247,341, 419 Scientists,-571 INDEX / 685 Association ©f Yugoslav Jews in Babrowr Louis, 538 the United States, 594 Bachi, Roberto, 89«, 91n Assulin, Danny, 255 Bacsfi, Diana, 473 Atash, Aviel, 257 Baddiel, David, 33J Atiel, Victor, 25& Bade*. Alfred, 453,457, 468, 494 Atlanta-Jewish Times, 622 Bagraim, Michael, 529, 534 Atta, Mohammed, 415 Baher, Ahmed, 236 Attali, Marc, 296, 309 Bajtai, Zoltan, 472 Auerbach, Franz, 538 Baker, Alan, 314,287,289 Aufbau, 625 Bakoyannis, Dora, 469 Aushenker, Michael, 44n Baldoni, Enzo, 383 Austin, Jack, 285 Balen, Malcolm, 323 Averbukh, Alexander, 281 Balhasan, Avraham, 255 Aviram, Ram, 470 Balkenende, Jan Pieter, 367 Avisaf, Roy, 259 Baltimore Hebrew University, 582 Avisidris, Israel Ilan, 255 Baltimore Jewish Times, 623 Avitan, Avi, 231 Banyai, Frantisek, 465, 466 Avodah, 597 Baraitser, Marion, 333 Avotaynu, 624 Barak, Ehud, 224, 225. 296 Avraham, Avraham, 255 Barakeh, Muhammad, 239 Avraham, Benny, 231 Barash, Manis, 464 Awali, Ghaleb, 242 Bardugo, Tal, 258 Ayub, Fauzi Mohammed Mustafa, Barenboim, Daniel, 283, 440 287 Barghouti, Fadwa, 252 Ayyash, Yehiya, 243 Barghouti, Marwan, 239, 252, 419 Azar, Adi, 178 Barkan, Nimrod, 289 Azbarga, Araf, 260 Barkan, Ze'ev, 263 Azulai, Lior, 255 Barker, Ian, 333 Azure, 621 Barnavi, Eli, 439 Azzam, Azzam, 249 Barnes, Peter, 335 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 597 B'nai B'rith International Jewish Barron, Andrew, 309 Monthly, 621 Bartov, Omer, 177 B'nai B'rith Klutznick National Basescu, Traian, 489 Jewish Museum, 547 Bass, Charles, 131 B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, Bassat, Nina, 525 571 Bassi, Yonatan, 227 B'nai B'rith, 597 Batito, Shlomit, 258 B'nai Brith Canada, 602 Batshaw, Manuel, 314 686 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2004 Battinou, Zanet, 470 Berkley, Shelley, 130, 140, 229 Bauer, Julien, 311 Berlin, Donald, 30 Baumel, Zechariah, 232 Berlusconi, Silvio, 382, 384, 387, Bayefsky, Anne, 183, 184 393 Bayme, Steven, 3« Berman, Howard, 130, 143, 145, Beatrix, Queen, 369 146 Becker, Penny Edgell, 3«, 81M Berman, Muriel, 633 Beckerman, Miriam, 313 Berman, Saul, 69, 70« Beker de Weinraub, Tony, 107« Bern, Alan, 435 Belka, Marek, 478, 479, 485, 487 Bernardis, Robert, 448, 449 Bell, Stewart, 286, 287 Bernhard, Norman, 533 Belzberg, Brent, 304 Bernstein, Elmer, 633 Bembenek, Lothar, 440 Bernstein, John, 315 Ben Hur, Oded, 383 Bernstein, Yosef, 282 Benatoff, Cobi, 402, 423 Bertrand, Guy, 286 Benaya-Seri, Dan, 400 Besen, Eva, 526 Ben-David, Gavriel, 240 Besner, Neil, 311 Ben-Eliezer, Binyamin (Fuad), 225 Betar Educational Youth Organi- Benjamin N. Cardozo School of zation, 560 Law, 592 Bethlehem, Marlene, 538 Bennett, Avie, 313
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