AID Vol. IV—No. 23 Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan Friday, March 1, 1963 Program, Cast List $5,000 Stipend For Fine Arts Days Apparently, professional critics were not the only members of the audience impressed by Saturday's "Symphony of Psalms" University Chorus concert with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 The Chorus, as a result of the performance, now has $5,000 it Under Milkwood by Thomas did not have a week ago, thanks to an anonymous donor who pre- Gold Room sented a check in that amount to Chancellor Varner immediately after Friday, March 1, 1:00 P.M. the concert. Cast Varner, in turn, handed the check to Doug Satow, Chorus president, John Blair rehearsal Thursday. /•• at group Konstantin Prokos The donor, who insisted on remaining anonymous, specified no use Andrea Haydn for the money, leaving that decision entirely to members of the Phillip Iannarelli Chorus. No allocation of the fund has been made by the group. Howard Coffin In addition to the gift, scholarship proceeds from the concert, Richard Quaintance attended by some 1,800 persons, will total about $1,1G9, according Annette Payne to Dr. Walter S. Collins, assistant professor of music and director UGETSU 190 Science of the Chorus. Friday, March 1, 8:00 P.M. Scholarship money realized from the concert will be used to finance (not included in ticket price private lessons for gifted OU music students, to allow them to de- Saturday, March 2 velop personal talents. An Evening of One-Acts The next Chorus performance will be in April, with the Pontiac 8:15 P.M. Gold Room Symphony. Sweeny Agonistes Eliot Positions in the Chorus are open for that concert, and those inter- Aria da Capo Millay ested in auditioning may contact Collins, 370 SFH. Presentation of awards Honorary chairman Holmes Variation from the Sleeping Job Placements Plentiful Beauty Tchaikowsky danced by Marlene Benvenuti To Seniors,Summer Trainees Three and a Crowd " Simpson Job offers are proving plentiful for Oakland University's charter Forsyth class. The Sandbox Albee Forty or more of the nation's leading industries, as well as federal Sunday, March 3 agencies and school systems have been interviewing and bidding for Concert, Dance, Readings members of Oakland's first class of approximately 150 seniors which 3:00 P.M. Gold Room will graduate April 20. Concertino Ginzel So far, Ford Motor Co. and General Electric Co. have shown the Allegro moderato most enthusiasm for Oakland's graduates. Each has made firm Adagio OAKLAND OUTLOOK—Jerry Korte, 21, New Baltimore offers to three seniors, and each is still talking with several others. Allegro moderato junior, models the first Oakland U. sweatshirt, created The prices are good. The offers have ranged from $470 to $685 Richard Swain (French horn) immediately after the recent university name change, by per month, with teachers on the low end, and engineering science Loren Mayhew (French horn) Korte and Jim Isler. The red, green and white (not the majors on the high end of the scale. Business administration majors Shirleen Johnson school colors) creation was made possible through exten- are second in popularity. Most of the salary figures cluster around (piano accomp.) sive use of felt-tipped marking pens. (Observer photo) $575-$600 per month, says Mrs. Dorothy Hope, director of the Reading of Eliot University Placement Office. Phillip Iannarelli "Pathetique" Beethoven Enrollment Now Set at 1134; The teaching jobs run from General Motors, Burroughs Corp., first movement, op. 13 $4,700 to $5,000 for a ten-month Bendix, and the National Aero- Stephania Lee (piano) Men Outrank Women, 583-551 year, with the exception of those nautics and Space Administration. Humorous Reading Drop-outs after the fall term in Anchorage, Alaska, where the Other firms and agencies that Howard Coffin have decreased total enrollment according to the current enroll- starting salary is $6,000. But ap- have been talking to prospects Reading of original poetry at Oakland University to 1134, ment report of the registrar's parently the example of the De- are the J. L. Hudson Co., Con- Daniel Polsby office. Twenty-two new - comers troit '59ers who migrated to sumers Power Co., the City of Variations from the Chubb Studies are included in the figure which Alaska provides no incentive, for Detroit, the Food and Drug Ad- Sleeping Beauty Tchaikowsky comprises students from 26 coun- there've been no takers. ministration, the Navy,the Army, danced by Judy Rou Student Drops ties in Michigan, seventeen states One engineering major has re- and the Marine Corps. in the nation, and Jahreszeiten Zentner A recent study of the reasons six foreign ceived seven offers. Two seniors School systems from all of the countries. nearby areas and from several Cantata for two voices, flute, why 43 students dropped out of have received five each, and sev- other states have been seeking violin, cello, and two recorders the University after the fall tri- eral others—both engineers and teachers among Oakland's first Gerald Straka (recorder) mester, despite continued accept- The student body still consists business administration majors, graduating class. Besides Anchor- James Haden (recorder) able academic standing, revealed of 88 per cent Oakland and Ma- —have received three and four age, the list includes Cleveland, Mary Jo Rubacaba (flute) that about half plan to return to comb county residents, the report each. Miriam (violin) Los Angeles, Detroit, Rochester, Friedmann the University in the future. continues. Only 47 students are Offers are still coming in and N. Y., Long Beach, Calif., Evans- June Cool (cello) The study, conducted by Wayne from out of state, Virginia lead- the prospective graduates are Linda Elkins (soprano) ton, Ill., and Kenosha, Oshkosh, Chubb, assistant director of psy- ing with ten representatives and still being summoned for follow- Carentan Alliger (soprano) and Racine, Wis. chological services, at the request New York with nine. Seven stu- up interviews. This week, Mrs. Of the approximately 150 of Dr. D. D. O'Dowd, dean of the dents come from Austria, Can- Hope said, a General Electric seniors due to graduate, about 34 University, showed that only 25 ada, Cuba, Greece, Liberia, and subsidiary in Cincinnati asked five are planning to go to graduate Varner Appointed per cent of the dropouts wanted Vietnam. seniors to fly down there for fur- school, about 30 hope to get to- transfer elsewhere, while the ther talks. career jobs, 76 are going into remaining 25 per cent do not Oakland's year-round opera- To Olympic Group teaching, three into military plan to return to college at all. Breakdown into classes shows tion, with its April graduation, has service, and the rest are un- Chubb cited family responsibil- that freshmen still make up the advantages in the job market Detroit Mayor Jerome P. in that there aren't decided. ities and job difficulties were the largest group on campus (408), a thousand Cavanagh has appointed Oakland other colleges Some of the industries hiring primary reasons for withdrawals,followed by juniors (313), soph- turning out grad- Chancellor D. B. Varner to serve uates simultaneously, seniors are also interested in with only a handful leaving be- omores (207), and seniors (206). and recruit- on the city's Olympic Committee ers can come here early. But it Oakland's sophomores and juniors cause of the rigorous academic as Detroit bids for the 1968 inter- is somewhat of a disadvantage for summer jobs looking to program. Some transfer students national games. As to fields of study, 45 per- for companies that have estab- careers with those firms. These felt they had lost too many cred- Varner is one of 16 members of cent of the student body is pres- lished undergraduate programs firms include Ford, American Can the fine arts committee, which is its and decided to go elsewhere. ently in teacher education 41 already set up for the usual sum- Co., Burroughs, IBM, Bendix, to arrange all cultural events Indications were, according to percent 'have liberal arts majors; mer vacation period. General Electric, Bell Systems, related to the 1968 summer O'Dowd, that most of the reasons eight percent of the students are Companies that have made firm and General Motors. games, as part of a general ef- behind the dropouts were beyond in engineering science, and six offers to Oakland seniors, besides fort to blueprint every aspect of University control. percent are in business admin- Ford and General Electric, in- PLACEMENT the city's preparedness for the According to the report, trans- istration. clude IBM, Pontiac Division of event. fers to other institutions were General Motors, the Bell Systems, BULLETIN Presidents Harlan Hatcher generally due to OU's lack of Dow Chemical Co., Whirlpool According to the report, psy- (University of Michigan) and specialized programs in such Corp., Aetna Casualty Co., and Interviewing on campus the John Hannah (MSU-EL) are also fields as business administration, chology and English seem to be Ex-Cello Corp. week of March 4: the most attractive liberal arts members of the sub-committee. medicine and law. Some of the larger industries The Detroit Bank departments, with 55 and 54, stu- Under the honorary chairman- O'Dowd also stated that the and agencies that have asked and Trust Company dent s, ship of Gov. Romney and Mayor forty students dismissed a f ter respectively, presently prospects in for follow-up talks majoring Tuesday, March 5. Cavanagh, the Olympic Commit- the end of the fall trimester for in these fields. include some of those already tee is engaged in an all-out effort academic reasons constitute only The ratio of sexes remains in listed, and North American Avia- The bank is interested in to re-finalize the authorization of 3 per cent of the current total favor of males, as 583 men and tion, Vickers, Inc., Standard Oil Liberal arts and business ad- Detroit as the U.S.
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