PLANNERS COMMENTS SLMM 1995 OVERALL RESULTS The competition area was on the small side, but at least it was perfectly formed! Permissions for the area were particularly complex to obtain, but luckily every KLETS CLASSIC landowner, tenant and commoner was agreeable and helpful. Apologies for the Klets Day 1 checkpoint, "Southern Ruin", for which the grid Pos. No. Competitors Name Cat. Day1 Day2 TOTAL reference was one digit out, although the description was correct. I hope no one lost 1 17 lforPowell M 05.22.23 03.58.14 09.20.37 much time there. 2 27 Alec Keith M 06.12.45 03.46.01 09.58.48 Please send us your comments on course lengths, difficulty, and the general 3 7 lanSmith M 06.04.59 04.01.00 10.05.59 organisation of the event. Otherwise things will keep going just as they have been. 4 15 Dan Parker M 05.58.21 04.15.25 10.13.46 See you in the Lake District next year! 5 3 NigeiBunn M 06.18.18 04.15.12 10.33.30 6 1 John Hunt M 07.01.24 03.59.13 11.00.37 7 18 Keith Adams M 06.28.11 04.34.57 11 .03.08 Martin Bagness 8 42 Paul Ramsden M 06.31.39 04.35.46 11 .07.25 9 64 Jamie Andrew M 06.42.04 04.30.44 11.12.48 Thanks to: 10 37 Chris Rhodes M 06.56.00 04.20.29 11.16.29 The Backpackers Club for marshalling the checkpoints 11 6 Robert Mitchell M 06.44.22 04.35.42 11.20.04 John Ruskin School, Coniston 12 38 Paul Driver M 06.30.54 04.54.14 11.25.08 Hinning House Outdoor Centre 13 12 Keith Wilson M 07.08.08 04.37.07 11.45.15 StJohn Ambulance 14 31 Nick Evans M 06.33.48 05.18.12 11.52.00 The National Trust 15 29 Rick Ansell M 07.07.41 04.45.26 11.53.07 07.26.52 05.09.31 12.36.23 The Lake District National Park 16 355 Chris Pattison M 17 33 Fred Shepperson M 07.35.34 05.04.34 12.40.08 English Nature 18 13 Joseph Kyle M 07.39.51 05.00.45 12.40.36 Fisher Hoggarth, Land Agents 19 721 TimoTeinla M 07.37.12 05.07.10 12.44.22 The Forestry Commission 20 14 Roy Small M 07.40.34 05.16.59 12.57.33 The Walna Scar Commoners Association 21 28 Peter Baxter M 07.38.50 05.23.00 13.01.50 Torver High Common Commoners 22 11 Wendy Dodds F 08.18.20 04.47.54 13.06.14 Sports Committee 23 2 Bryan Stadden M 08.29.45 04.47.59 13.17.44 Stool End Farm 24 16 Mark Hawker M 07.25.29 05.56.11 13.21 .40 25 23 Tim Gravina M 07.57.26 05.47.52 13.45.18 05.56.16 13.55.49 Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped on starts, finishes, parking and road 26 10 Andy Hicks M 07.59.33 27 8 Nick lander M 08.33.27 05.34.45 14.08.12 crossings. 28 4 RodOalitz M 08.19.47 05.54.31 14.14.18 29 73 Richard Townsend M 08.22.08 05.56.32 14.18.40 30 26 MikeBrowell M 09.11.52 05.40.43 14.52.35 31 40 Rupert Marsden M 08.58.44 07.08.23 16.07.07 SLMM 1995 BACKPACKERS CLUB MARSHALS 32 21 John Turner M 11.13.28 07.00.59 18.14.27 34 Dave Topliss M RETIRED ONS 19 Phil Pittson M DISOUAL 05.34.35 Ken Andrews Eddie Armitage Martin & Andrew Bave 5 Craig Harwood M DNS DNS 9 Larry Pratt M ONS DNS Geoff Bolton Bruce Brown Richard Brown 20 GaryTompsett M ONS DNS Chris Byrne Dave Couch Alan Crowe 24 Martin Radtke M DNS DNS Alan Davidge Geoff Dean Chris Downes 25 Oil Wetherill M DNS DNS 30 Michael Kenny M DNS DNS Dave Dunbar Malcolm Ellis Steve & Anne Farmi ner 32 Peter Gorvett M DNS ONS Trevor Hewlett Tony Hutchinson Vivian Jones 35 Alistair Mathewson M ONS DNS Doug King Ernest lee Lou Leggett 36 Phil Newman M ONS DNS 39 Chris Pearson M DNS DNS Dave Mason Jim & Helen Payne Ken Pickering 41 Rod Shaw M DNS DNS John & Anne Prentice Stephen & Pat Rich 22 Dave Hatton M DNS DNS Christine Roche Melvin Smith Alan Stiling Pete Sutton AndyTaperell Steve Wilson Tony Wilson Roger & Shaun Woodhouse 2 3 SCAFELL CLASS BOWFELL CLASS Pos. No. Competitors Names Cat. Day1 DayZ TOTAL 27 176 Paul GoodmanfTim Eden M 06.07.56 05.30.21 11.38.17 1 63 Roger Woods/Robert Davidson M 05.53.29 04.00.34 09.54.03 28 148 John Keyworth/AndrewWorthington M 06.25.40 05.18.34 11.44.14 2 51 Alan Atkinson/Garry Perratt M 06.06.24 04.00.23 10.06.47 29 174 Anthony Newton/Dave Oak M 06.27.29 05.23.49 11 .51 .1 8 3 59 Mark Hayman/John Reeve M 06.09.43 04.09.01 10.18.44 30 110 Andy Joynson/Mark Grover M 06.31.21 05.30.27 12.01 .48 4 68 David Rogers/David Wallace M 06.05.59 04.14.52 10.20.51 31 101 Charles Newstead/David Newman M 06.43.42 05.22.03 12.05.45 5 61 Stephen JonesfTony Watne M 06.09.06 04.19.49 10.28.55 32 134 Michael Mitchell/Kevin Harding M 06.17.05 06.02.03 12.19.08 6 55 Dave Sleath/Martin Sleath M 06.17.37 04.31.51 10.49.28 33 123 Tony Musson/Graeme Fadyan M 06.52.02 05.31.36 12.23.38 7 72 DerekTyers/Paul Parker M '06.40.36 04.39.39 11.20.15 34 121 Roland Cockweli/George Kivell M 07.22.29 05.13.20 12.35.49 8 57 Neil Clayton/Howard Sawyer M 07.02.35 05.10.51 12.13.26 35 124 Tony lllston/Graham Richmond M 07.24.20 05.26.27 12.50.47 9 62 Greg PetllngeillfTony Jones M 07.19.18 05.10.08 12.29.26 36 152 John Smith/Chris Davis M 07.05.59 05.51 .33 12.57.32 10 74 Mike Egner/Steve Robinson M 08.14.43 05.42.12 13.56.55 37 161 Colin Spears/John Adams M 07.07.18 05.55.16 13.02.34 11 50 Neville McGraw/Peter Griflies M 09.15.35 05.18.25 14.34.00 38 169 Marcus Covell/Alexander Brett M 08.08.32 05.08.27 13.16.59 12 58 Frank Fielding/Raymond Bat! M 08.45.50 06.46.13 15.32.03 39 143 Ronnie Gallagher/Stephen Bell M 07.43.27 05 42.15 13.25.42 75 Howard Holmes/Ashley Bevan M RETIRED DNS 40 160 Peter MacKay/Eric Stamp M 07.01.31 06.24.13 13.25.44 53 Richard Hargreaves/Andrew Spencer M RETIRED DNS 41 158 Russell Buxton/David Clough M 07.30.50 05.56.01 13.26.51 52 David Jones/Martin Mavin M DNS DNS 42 201 Alan Huyton/Margaret Huyton MIX 07.14.34 06.35.49 13.50.23 56 Kevin Walker/Clive Graham M DNS DNS 43 127 Dav•dTimms/Darren Loftas M 07.09.27 06.42.33 13.52.00 60 Steve Bamber/Gordon Thompson M DNS DNS 44 114 Dick Pasley/Jeff Harrison M 06.50.14 07. 13.04 14.03.18 66 Martin Ackerley/Andy Dale M DNS DNS 45 144 Clive Roberts/Malcolm Ashton M 08.06.27 06.00.39 14.07.06 67 Stewart Bondi/David Thompson M DNS DNS 46 216 Roger Adams/Gill Harris MIX 07.27.09 06.59.59 14.27.08 69 David Hyde/Dennis Gildes M DNS DNS 47 164 Colin Henson/Roger Baumeister M 08.27.55 06.05.15 14.33.10 70 Rick Stuart/Miles Tindal M DNS DNS 48 177 M1ke GoodyerfTerry Trundley M 07.45.02 06.54.13 14.39.1 5 71 Robert Firth/Jon Williams M DNS DNS 49 130 Mathew Wells/Andrew Longman M 08.26.45 06.18.56 14.45.41 76 Michael Breslin/Stephen Stretch M DNS DNS so 103 Melvin Wilson/David Bosley M 08.27.33 06.34 52 15.02.25 77 Calvin Routledge/Murray Cowan M DNS DNS 51 172 John Woodcock/Chve Last M 08.47.52 06.44.35 15.32.27 52 136 Tony Stallabrass/Harry Knowles M 09.10.18 06.43.14 15.53.32 53 109 Chve Goode/John Hogg M 08.10.57 08.38.00 16.48 57 54 117 Robert Sharp/Colin Powell M 09.58.39 08.55.24 18.54.03 142 Andy Stewart/Mark Lip! rot M 05.29.20 RETIRED BOWFELL CLASS 104 Peter Craggs!Peter Jenkms M 06.20.11 RETIRED 138 John Myaii/Howard Pattinson M 07.31 .46 DIS QUAL 155 Patnck Addison/Adam Grainger M 07.45.00 RETIRED Pos. No. Competitors Names Cat. Day1 Day2 TOTAL 208 Christine Rowlands/Rober! Griffiths MIX 08.14.47 RETIRED 1 393 John Fitch/Thomas Gibbs M 04.55.40 04.13.00 09.08.40 207 Jeff Pike/Judy Pike MIX 08.30.09 RETIRED 2 156 Guy Cory·Wright/Paul Boyes M 04.54.40 04.15.16 09.09.56 126 tan Chidwick/John Haines M 08.31.10 RETIRED 3 105 Dean Field/John Mayo M 04.55.36 04.15.54 09.11.30 157 Clive Edwards/Simon Maudlsey M 09.28.53 RETIRED 4 111 Kevin Dews/Eddie Winslow M 04.54.33 04.17.58 09.12.31 137 Hamish Williamson/Brian White M 11 .03.54 RETIRED 5 135 Barry McDonald/Bob Bailey M 05.02.37 04.34.47 09.37.24 107 Chris Fanning/Steve Low M RETIRED 05.17.58 6 106 John Smallwood/Mike Carmon! M 05.10.10 04.37.00 09.47.10 129 John Rodgers/Andrew Verden M RETIRED DNS 1 145 Richard Collison/Robert Hickling M 05.10.53 04.36.50 09.47.43 153 Alan WrighUDennis Darker M DISQUAL 04.59.10 8 206 Tony Brand·Barker/Jane Jones MIX 05.28.54 04.32.29 10.01.23 115 Nigel Aston/Graham Wallis M DNS DNS 9 115 Jeremy Lloyd/Aiasdair Skelton M 05.31.10 04.36.24 10.07.34 122 Dave LighVPeter Barker M DNS DNS 10 168 Steve Bell/Neil Raitt M 05.30.19 04.43.12 10.13.31 128 Brian Morris/Peter Jones M DNS DNS 11 132 Dai Bedwell/Andy Jackson 05.47.12 M 04.36.47 10.23.59 131 Jim Culton/Graham Dobbs M DNS DNS 12 202 David Rosen/Miriam Rosen MIX 05.54.40 04.31.29 10.26.09 139 Stephen Hutchinson/Peter Koenig M DNS DNS 13 162 Jonathan WhitakerfTim lloyd M 05.50.02 04.36.43 10.26.45 140 Gerard Hunter/David Bishop M DNS DNS 14 147 Richard Brewster/Richard Allen M 05.35.07 04.54.53 10.30.00 141 David Rickerber/Aiexander Wilkie M DNS DNS 15 112 David West/Peter Eagan M 05.43.55 04.52.53 10.36.48 150 John Dowtyllan Jamieson M DNS DNS 16 159 Andrew Leaney/David Bish M 05.37.29 05.06.14 10.43.43 151 John Crowshaw/Philip Roberts M DNS DNS 17 173 Stan Pattinson/Aian Wanless M 05.56.05 04.51 .47 10.47.52 163 Mark Tulley/Robert Ellis M DNS DNS 18 118 Paul Glover/Willie Gibbins M 05.53.37 04.56.04 10.49.41 166 Stuart McPherson/Paul Keenan M DNS DNS 19 102 Dernie lngrams/Phil ip Searles M 05.53.39 04.59.25 10.53.04 167 Philip Hancox1Ne1l Hancox M DNS DNS 20 125 Kenneth Howard/Den is Rowlands M 06.01 .30 05.00.17 11 .01.47 170 Tim Mathews/Stephen Nesbitt M DNS DNS 21 108 Dave Lockwood/Howard Swindells M 06.10.49 04.57.11 11.08.00 171 Greg Clarke/Ronald Schaefer M DNS DNS 22 179 Nigel AugusURobert Dredge M 06.14.25 05.07.48 11.22.13 200 Sue Hurreii/Jonathan Hurrell MIX DNS DNS 23 119 Richard Clarke/Garry Burnip M 06.43.53 04.45.14 11.29.07 204 Chris Nixon/Anna Jorgenson MIX DNS DNS 24 154 John Donnelly/Brian Scally M 05.50.12 05.42.20 11.32.32 209 Alison Hood/Anne Sahsbury F DNS DNS 25 116 Giles Hardingham/Aiex Tulloch M 06.17.29 05.18.50 11.36.19 210 Natash a Davidson/Wendy Barrett F DNS DNS 26 205 Charlotte Roberts/Simon Fowler MIX 06.13.55 05.23.22 11.37.17 5 4 BOWFELL CLASS KIRKFELL CLASS 212 Martin SluceNal Smith MIX DNS DNS 213 Pat Mee/Sally Newman F DNS DNS 48 482 Felicity Martin/Peter Duthie MIX 05.47.37 04.21.07 10.08.44 215 Sue Becconsaii/Mark Pimlott MIX DNS DNS 49 373 Kenneth Warburton/Frank Green M 06.20.00 03.49.18 10.09.18 133 Ken Ducatei/Aiexis Dinsmor M DNS DNS 50 337 Peter Jones/John Hardman M 06.07.00 04.03.08 10.10.08 65 Pete James/John Filch M DNS DNS 51 454 Jane Cooper/Annie Cooper F 05.50.32.
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