I I Tomorrow this greatest of all our January White Sales begins with all the windows in gleaming, snowy white, and white everywhere displayed throughout u:o store. All new, fresh, beautiiui garments, iaoncs, ana accessories a wonaenui exniDition oi tne nnesx irom trie marceis oi me wona. ror we nave vyvu ihuuuj planning and buying for this event, examining, comparing, selecting always with the keenest criticism of values. Buying only when we knew no finer quality, better cr more tasteful styles, or better values for the money were to be obtained anywhere. We offer the results of these efforts now, confident that this White Event will be tho greatest yet held in Topeka, in point of sales and benefits to our customers, just as it is greatest in quantities, qualities, and values. , . Unlimited Choice in New Muslin UflderWeQT Extraordinary Low Priced A few of the Somsof tii2 Great $1 fjjfl Wmderkd Remarkable Many assortments Qualities 89c New Styles 50c . $1 82 STYLES OF GOWNS, Princess slips line long- of Oosabi -- .29 GOWKS of INCLUDING: IS STYLES OP cloth, eyelet embroid- Including: fine crepe with linen lace Specials Style, wide ery One Piece with ruffle, eyelet trimmed edge; longcloth lac or eyelet Square-yok- e em- Gowns One-pie- ce style cut ribbon run binding, elabor- yoke; dainty narrow edge, ot heavy Specials longcloth, em- edge or medallion yoke; full light ate Venise embroidery yoke. broidery work, Venise effect. g broidery or linen lace edged. and tucked ruffle; elaborate .heavy Venise embroidery or Gowas in 11 styles IneraJ-in- era , Square neck wide lace yoke Round Yoke, very fine, yoke of broad Venise bands, Daintily fine round pat- Cluny lace yoke. low neck with slab ti with linen lace edge and rib- with net appllqued medal- ribbon and linen lace. tern yoke with lace edge. V panel yoke ot Cluny laee; bon. lions. New Panel Petticoats id eyelet embroidery y3te Chemise of longcloth with round one piece edge. Drawers Fine nainsook with heavy cambric with double and sleeves in w2l neat embroidery Nainsook sown with beau- of nainsook neck simply edged with linen yoke em- panel and plain scal- wide ribbon; striped Combination suits tiful motif of fine Very fine quality; narrow cir- picot edge. Draped picot front edged; of longcloth linen lace on broidery. loped edge. '.; linen lace mnslln kkk all edges, insertion belt. cular with Cluny and ribbon trimmed sleeves. aeck with embroidery yoke. Corset Covers longcloth, Newest short sleeve style or hand embroidery with Elaborate eyelet yoke with Straight-lin- e Petticoats nainsook, and crepe several Venise lace. nainsook,' filet panel with linen lace edge; also plain lace edge. , with embroidery or lace, flat lea dainty lace and embroidery yoke. deep embroidery " trimmed styles. gowns scalloped; narrow straight ' or flounced style. r Empire Maderia Heavy Muslin High Keck : flounce. Drawers lace-trimm- ed pattern embroidery; lace style, fitted top, Swiss edge gowns with tucks and knickerbockers of longcloth Princess Slips fine wreath style surplice yoke, broad ribbons and ribbon. broidery. French , sateen with and narrow circular embroidery eyelet yoke or newkr lace. and embroidery. slip-ov- er plain scallops; the with PHsse Orepe stale, linen lace. net petticoats; various One Petticoats of cambric or Corset cot M s Fine dainty scalloped lace straight-cu- High neck gowns, fine with or linen straight embroidery and lace trimmed light muslin, new t nainsook, variously edge. Drawers style or styles, some with ribbon. style with tucks, fine em- cambric with dainty filef em- trimmed narrow circular. Very fine broidery, or linen lace 4 or scalloped edge with beautiful laces and . many new dalaT- new styles. broidery Corset Coven in longcloth and nainsook with nainsook with plain seall- J dainty styles. : Short Skirts 4 styles with and tucks. and fine trimmings. and filet Insertion; fancy lace edge, insertion, or tucks. yokes; pinic or blue with Children's Dainty New 1 for very Misses' and 25c Underwear Leona Fashions in ( 69c choice values UndermusUns 6 STYLES Combinations Finer UndermusUns GOWNS Six styles, good SLIPS In 6 to 14 D SAVERS Lingerie PRINCESS Excellent White Blouses longcloth and muslin, high or year sizes, fine materials, dainty anil. new narrow every, material and style a very large stock of all low neck. lace and embroidery trimmings. ity cambric and muslin. in the cut. of desirable Third Floor j with good lace and em- style cover, new, equialtely fine, beautiful garments with the finest trimming. flowing, PETTICOATS Lace flounced 50c to $1.25. broidery. flat corset The softly draping lines of the new mode in dress are or flat, trimmed. DRAWERS, 2 to 17 year Many styles garment, gowns skirts combinations charmingly brought out in the lovely blouses shown here In the lata t short skirt and drawers in in each designs. Though the prices of those mentioned here are extreme DRAWERS Straight or cir- sizes, 10c to 75c STYLES CORSET covers $1.75, $$.00, $2JW, $$.00 and j 2 on garment. $1.00 to slips drawers corset from low. the qualities are exquisitely fine. Following the new fash toe y cular.' GOWNS. to 17 year sizes, COVERS All fine and : blouses long ;tO $20.00. -- '. " ,".V these all have sleeves some to draped, and long suosj. CORSET COVERS 10 styles. 25c to 91.25. dainty. $7.0. $3.50 $15.00 and ; '." der effects. There are many low neck styles, some net stocks art frills, designs In hand embroidered effect, fins, laces in Venise a Cluny patterns. - Prices .$1.00, $25, $20, $2.75, $&50 " Embroideries Women's Fine Union Suits Many Patterns so new that none even similar have been shown before in this country. Fourth Floor. f Medium weight, pure . white ribbed 20,000 yards imported for this sale and priced lower than such qualities have been sold here before. cotton regular sizes 4, 5 and 6. One of our best makes styles : I in four in yd. yd. yd. Sigh neck, long sleeves, ankle length iuc ya. 19c yd. 28c 39c 50c yd. 59c yd 89c $1.17 Low neck, long sleeves, ankle length Up to 25c values Up to 30c values Values up to 50c Values up to 65c Values jup to 85 Values up to $1 Values up to $1.25 yard Qoafty Low neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length 3 to 27 inch Nainsook 1$ Dainty patterns in patterns Baby Swiss and voile all-ove- rs, Values up to $1.75 to 18 inch cambric flouncings and allovers ot Inch Rare In dress 'em- I Dutch neck, elbow sleeves ankle length and nainsook edges, a quality very rare at tnia cover edges, newest fine swiss and nain- sheerest swiss and broideries, 27 inches large and small 45 Inch batiste and up 2 price. pat- patterns on finest wide, with embroid- patterns. voile flouncings ex- and insertions to Beautiful new sook 18 inch flounc- all-ove- rs; of inches, a great variety terns in great variety fabrics. fine nainsook ered ruffle and de- 27 inch flouncing! quisite fineness. Heavy, neat to ing with insertions - of well worked, attract- from elaborate up small, close sign. ,., - swiss voile, handsome work, and New Well-finish- ed Flouncings to .. if and with The Nemo designs. - ive patterns, such as I to match. Espec- patterns large ' new flat embroidery, ' edges. 27 inches s w s s and 45 Bohemian. Venise and you will see in the win- designs. Flounc-in- gs inch voile small, dainty designs. work up to 24 in. deep. and nainsook, heavy ially desirable for flat flouncings h e a v ily Self-Reduci- dows. The finest lot solid work, eyelet chil dren's dresses, up to 18 inches embroidered, beau- ng Corset yet seen at 10c 3000 Yards and other patterns and the new style in swiss and tiful quality and profusion. petticoats. in patterns. ? 3500 yds. Barmen $1.98 An improved Nemo model that has no Torchon Normandy equal for making the stout figure look, $1.48 laces matched edges Valenciennes Yard slender. It is at the same time the most and insertions in sever- Costume Embroideries The Finest stout-figur- edges and inser- Values up to $3 e . Yard al widths, up to 4 laces comfortable corset . yet inches. An entirely are shown here in every new 'design required by the radically changed fashions In tions from 2 to C inches 45 Inch dress flounc- brought out by the makers of Nemo. The Values up to $2.25 new lot of these serv- dress. We nave rarely shown so many exclusive imported embroideries, nor have wide, matched patterns ing in one. of the very All semi-elast- 4 5 iflch iceable laces of which the prices ever been so low, for rare foreign work. Any description is inadequate. in several widths. latest effects broad, new. ic back ia very flexible ; the costume We merely sketch a few styles. new, beautiful patterns, scallops flouncitigs and 22 inch all should buy liberal round with self-reduci- ng exceptional patterns up very deep, heavy exclusive strap is improv- allover of exquisitely quantities at the White texture . De tat 2,7-in- ch flouncing work Cobweb batiste the of a silken Chine effect with to 25c values, yard on batiste. fine c r.e p e weave. Sale price yard shadow, Jf you can imagine such a thing. rare patterns. Including Venetian designs. sheerest ed, having new comfort features material wrought in rare, new One of the loveliest of all the new fabrics: Crepe flouncing with 45-tn- up quality heavy cb elaborate work to the best coutil patterns, including the flouncings of this material in large Tinted Chenille on white crepe ground; new Neige embroidery.
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