. v o l u m e v i i i — n o . 49. OCEAN GROVE TIMES— SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1900.' .Subscription $1.00 per year. OUR ORCHESTRA GOES VISITING TAXABLE PROPERTY . * FIREMEN’S RELIEF' BIRD’S CHRISTMAS CAROL PERSONAL AN1> PERTINENT TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE Its Members pellglitcd With the Rccep- State Board* Makes a Statement ol Interest Annual Report, show* Uniance »f-^4700! ■ Cantatlr"HenUvrtfd by the Pupils of. the Plcasr.nl Panclllnirs Aljout Uic People, ! |tCmse..’s Mill Iirijfrc Will »ot be Filled • tion Giren Them at LakeWoud. •/ • to the People at Large. to Treasurer's Ci cdlto ; Y - . .t e d n Gn»ve Schobi. ; V .; : Tlaee and.PropJm :i in Without Special Appropriation. Upon Invitation of Charles IC. Os­ , The;Slate .board has given oul a The annual meeting of. the -Ocean . 'i/iio **IJlrJ’s . CiU’isinias Carol,” -a Meri-y Christmas! 'A n ndjouriicU me^tiiig of the Tow*- born, sujlefrvlslng principal of Lake­ 5iittemeut, p f what property in New Grove Firemen’s Relief Assor-iudon c.iiHiira f.roni the. book by Kaip: Doug- Mrt G:..M/ P.onnnit .w iri Ne.w- Viiitlc .'hip Commlftee was 'held..Saturday wood’s schools, Director van Gllluwe .Jersey is, and what Is not, taxable, as was held on Monday eveningj at the IhH; \y iggin, was ii endot ed at the Ocer.n on.'Monday. itflyviwon of hist week at headquarters, and his orchestra ' from the Ocean follow s: parlor of \Vashington Engine house..: (Ji ove Hi&h ceho.jl, on Thursday e.vuiit Hon.• Janies. L'. Hays was In' town •17 South Main street;- The object in Grove high school, visited JJ.fi Ire wood Taxable Property:—Mortgages 0:1 There was a general settling .up of: ing, the production being under ine las:.Saturday.' "' ;• • 1 • '■ assembling at that time was to pass’ on Monday, The start was made at lands-In atlier States. Stocks In for­ the year’s' business; : The treasurer’s tin cccloiicoL' iMrs. C. I. Long.* 7 * : - Now' -music has been: purchased*• for upon bills for payment before the hofl- 8.40 a. m., from Uhe;school building, eign. corporations, and. personal prop­ report .'ihows a cash-balance in hand of The characters were interpreted in the acrnool ordie^tra. v\ ; • day si/ - • ■ the of-chestra and instruments occupy­ erty‘of .citizens of Mils.State situate in ] about ? 1000. -TOie A?>.oclatlon .lias a. this .\w’isc:M r. Bird, Will Robiion; './Through''Freeholder. Berry, a cora- iN tic.w srau'ding desk: has-been fitted ing three large stages. ’ ■: anotihcr Suite 011 which the taxes have- net balance of ?l,700"'of whjcii $.‘5,700 Is A!i;s;' Ijlrd;' Wlivlfred. Cresse; Fhysk-i.iii, . 11 tunicu1 ti(»n w a s sent; to the committee itjiin the Association olfice.. ;. -i The morning was clear and cold, blit not been paid within the last twelve invested on band a'»itl innvtgago. ;'lli’o (irurge : i.lieksj. Uiicie .lack. ' Horace. ,T .... • . , . b ; . Mr. John A*. (11 thens, regarding the tho'stages were abutid«iitiy: provided modl'hs-. V isible and tangible personal follow ing .bllicers, w ere elected: / ‘ - -'V T-htu:n; Gisindnia. Eda S ocura; Carol,; .’ Irs. C atharine; Hoate. Ins. r-.-liove-l j nilinp.-ln of tlie land nt, Retnscn's Mill •with blankets, *o that the trip was proiierty; ^tii;dv)h6tispHold gopds, /farm ’ . President—1-ra Ferris. '; ->7 .:/ /■ i ‘ranItie -.. O'akley; * '1 ’ae itugglcs— fi4/:n the Grove to /;a.kc\vood Vfi/rldgei near Hamilton, on the line. b»-' made in copifort. The road taken was imp] eni e n>t k - , machine ry; ■; v;l I y e y:; stookj. ^ Vice IJrcsjdon tp-'Ii*.' '*N. Wuals-'t^n. / I; uggles,. KdItVi Gcoiin:.w; Sa iry. Maud, M Is.4 *NeHie Ga ri-ison is' howe frohi - at v tw?en- Xfip.;pue ,an(l \ValI townships./ by way.-of Allaire and jgnunnkum, anti ■Stock, in stores ahd the iIke/.street carsi; vSeereiary—-11.' G.; Slii-aVe^ . *. / .. Niiiie liailey: Peter,’ Harry Hurloy; u.oh'th;«,*^visit, in PlilUuielphia'. v . ' „//v ; Mr. ,(;i»:herts stated that the people ot throufi'h '(the jdne woods to the 'Leiiox. .telephone and/, telegriipji ■ .instrumeiits. / Trcasurei:— Dr; G. L. 1). vTonipkl.ris, Kilry, Adelahlc ’IJardnian; Peoria, Klla Miss-'Lou McCabe, who spent a week A.Vall ■fbwn.v'hlp'are not wJU.lng* to cod- Here -the' young people Were most cor­ •Dob.ts/ due-vfi-om isolyent .debtors 'who.'; Co/lector—Capl. .fonii J. SnlUhv .//reason; :C/cni. FritnA' Ueyholtis; Elly, /;> York', aume'Itohid IasiSaturday.' -tribtitc:towards* the • labor or expense dially greeted by County Super.lu- 'reside' in. ^Ncw^Je'r^eyv/V-ilortgages;;: Trustewi—T. Ncli-on Lllla’gorc,. of of the project, .whereupon the commit­ MargiterltfyJackh-on; Susiui; Edali Wll- M ih Aniii6 Aring.'-of Farnilngdale, . tendent F. A. North anti Miss L. A. when deductions haye beeii claimed and - Stokes Company; James; G .. T'ridliam, liam.i-i; .Con, Willie Conk; Baby Larry; tee decided not 10 do this work until Doren, supervising . principal of tho allowed except- under Five County act. of Washington.Wnshinirlon Company/f ’hmc.mv andnnd AlbertAllinrr" • r UUlm- • . • >'. ^as a visitor to the Grove last Satur­ IZawr.ence Millet day t • '• tUerp-. js liiaile' a 'special appropriation Nop tune township schools, who is re­ Money, such as gojd and .sllyer - and Robbins;, of JC;:gJe ..J-Icok >?nd Ladder .VMss Tans'yVreail .t.he narrative, and far the iHirpose. v- . ; . < cuperating at that well-known hos­ treasury notes, U. S. eertilkmes. Goods Company: .; .. ' • /luring the ridin g -the following' plc- • Ohorai ' Union ftoclable : on; Friday1 A Communication was recelT^d telry. • - < 1 ■ temporarily bought for sale lnto a: city • • •-.-——— — . turcs were reprfii'ented: •; • evening, Ceccnihor 20, :i;i Association fromttTie. hong Uranch F'roperty Hold-/ It was then half-past eleven o’clock, afteFthird Wednesday in July, under funeral ol Dr. Palmer.' One—“ They, aie ton’sijking^about/j): H all : - (.ers.* Asscdalion’ asking the co-oper»- and the members of tlio orchestra were act o f 1300; goods and meivHandlse In tho library/.’ '.Grandifiotlier, Uncle /M i, 1 Eloml APargcrnm visited friends tLon of the committee in the endeavor given one-half -hour to spend in skat­ (not In transit) temporarily in taxing '.Messrs. Andrus, Preston and Ballard, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Bird/ ’Donald, J.U tle;Silver.1 hi. .hit part o f iastat to-ser/ure-a <-dntlmtona ocean driveway/ ing on tlie famous lake at that place. .district, and bought after, commence­ .members: of the Ocean Grove Camp-! Hugh and Paul. -..-•' / , - week; • from Sandy. Hook to Point Pleasant Meeting Association, attended on Mon­ Supt. North descended from the edu- ment. Vessel property , owned /by resi-- T-wb^Boy .' choir' , .singing. “ Carol, The Misses'.CollIngs. cf the-Cordova^r As no'part of t he proposed driveway i<5 'catlonal pedestal for tho time being drrits in /New Jersey or registered in a ’ ti ay last ■ the • f line nil,; at '/Roseville^ "of Brothers,.Carol,'' • Russell Applegate, wKMiIn the i’.iriKdlctinn o f the com mi V- Re:v;/ A % M. .• Palme r, fath er; o £.; ROv. ,Div ;>re iiack from an; extended stay . iii'1 and was a boy among 'the boys in this part ' of./N cw ;/-. Jersey. .'. .Pi]ikllng • and^ Florence Watson. John Murry./.Mattie I'hlladelphia. ,* / ___ *.j tee. its members could only courteously amusement, leading In t'he sport.an d i 1 qa 11 association's,- to fell.0;nil 1'ampuht o f/ A. .J4 Palmer, a member of their- body! Applegate;. 'Mildred • M iller,M atthew drcllne' acfldn In . t:h6' matter, w.hlch 11 is .t he custom of the' Association to A ..sprained. .: ankle has *• kept •}Miss, j provi n g hflmseIt-an able lea tier/- ^ itheir Ocapital ' stoek aiid;;stirplus;; Sav-V Jones, Jennie Lucas, Rita Sexton, j‘ rV-.‘ * Xlil i v course was embodied- In a- tesolutlo* Upon their.return from the- lake, all . ingsjbahks.v Iiisu rp nce^: eoriilVanieis.' 'cV-. recognize the departure of one-of their In. the. lioiisoi for Florence VanSchoick, Georgie .Ferrfs/' wecU’ or* oi'j.r.e. v • : . ^; • /V / i for.watvhr.i to l^ong Branch. assenibled jji the spncions dining; room ; Exe-mp’te di —^Prbp e liy : V. 0 f.;' / Uni tod ' members,- or their wives, or.near rela­ Ik at ilce French, Minnie Barton; Mar­ : of; tlie .Lenox; /where'an excellent' i:e-. Sta tes ,;•---. \-:P,rope r £y 0 f ^'iNew/'JersLy/ tives, by tho attendance of its many, of jory PoiTer/.rofrie Rogers. •Mlsa' Lydia A. Bundick, of 00 cook-'i past (It* was called a - lunch/ but It Municipal' property. 'Municipal bonds. its members as may be able to attend. 'I'hree'—A fam ous physician had been 1 nuiny ' . avenue,, , has gone ^ .W ash in gton Mr. lira J ley's Views. ’ The deceased clergyman was for over proved to he a first-class dinner), Jiad ■Property.out of the State, on which called. Mr.: aqd* .Mis. Bird,' Carol and 1 101 ihQ u lP^eV ."./•' j ; Mr.' J a die?* A.. Brad levels opposed t© been provided through the liberality of .taxes ‘have 'been paid. Colleges, aca­ ‘half a century 'f active ministry. He Doctor. / , ......I-.- Mrs. D.. ,D. J^e.ik. wno wiil -ipend; tho-thesensoless law pronibiting eleetrte tho Lakewood.'teachers. Through, the demies, school houses arid . churchts.. •had-buih a house in Ocean Grove in Us. Four—Carol and her librar.. Carol,.. ► wlivter in Philadelphia, leay^.* here to1- | j-aiiways froni carrying freight or Img- beautiful .dining room was scattered Parsonages.
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