Page 1 of 14 National Housing Authority (NHA) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2021 -Consulting Services Is this an Early Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Source of I Estimated Budget (PhP) Remarks Code Procurement PMOf Procurement Funds (brief description of Mode of Procurement AdvertisemenV Submissfon/O Notice of Contract Total MOOE CO (PAP) ProgramfProject End-User Activity? Posting of pening of Bids Award Signing Program/Activity/Project) (Yes/No) fBIREI COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT (CSSD) Consulting Services for the 1 review and Development of CSSD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement iridkateQate NlA ltll;ic8te"Oate. InCIicateDale Others 350,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: EquipmentOuUay CBE Manual of Operations Consulting Services for 2 CSSD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Indic"aIeDate NlA Others 605,000.00 605,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Oullay Customer Satisfaction Survey 1_"'" 1ndIea •• "... ProductionlPrinting of CBE 3 Manual of Operations CSSD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement InditateDate NfA _Dale fndiCafeDate Others 440,000.00 440,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Outlay Operations " Total Contract Price for CSSDD 1,045,000.00 1,045,000.00 0.00 .",', ;.; CORPORATE OPERATION AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (COSDD) ,~ e-' .. :fiI·;';ilI Procurement and Conduct of iOc ISO 1 Recertification/Certiflcanon: ",Ie .. it~ Maintenance/Surveillance ~/ Audits; I:; " " Recertification/Certification 1.1 COSDD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Ina~Date NfA _oar. ~eDate Others 650,000.00 650,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Outlay Maintenance 1.2 Food COSDD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Indicate Date NlA l~areDate Indicate Date Others 420,000.00 420,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Outlay 1.3 Supplies COSDD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement IndIcate-Date NfA Indicate Date lodicat&,?me Others 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Outlay Ill! 1.' IT Systems Training/Seminar COSDD NO Competitive Bidding IndicateQate IndicateDate ,_Date lodicateDate Others 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Outlay . , Total Contract Price for CaSDD 2,015,000.00 2,015,000.00 0.00 ••1 . ,Z!t HOUSING TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT (HTTRD) Consulting Services for the Preparation of Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design of the 1 HTIRD NO Competitive Bidding lodica1eDate IndeateOate IndlcmeDllte Indicate Date Others 60,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Equipment Outlay Master Development Plan of NHA Main Office Compound and Construction of NHA Office Tower .. ~ Total Contract Price for HTTRD 60,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 0.00 ,.~ ~, ~~' .""'"'. NCR·EAST SECTOR PROGRAM OFFICE Procurement of Consultany Services for Structural Investigation/Assesmentof Thirty Six (36) Medium Rise NCR-EAST 1 Su;ld;ng (MRS) NGCHDP SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding _Date IndieateOale Others 44,000,000.00 44,000,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: NGC Building Complex, OFFICE .~.- Commonwealth Residences f -- Adarna St., Brgy. Commonwealth. Quezon Citv Procurement of ConsuHany ,~ Services for Structural Investigation/Assesment of NCR-EAST ;...,.., .'~ 2 Eight(8) Five Storey low Rise SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding IndItateoat. Others 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: NGC Buildings Phase 4 Package OFFICE i~"... _c··," "T. 2, Republic Ave., Brgy. Holy -- Spirit, Quezon City "., :' Camp Atienza Ubis, Survey NCR-EAST 3 SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding I_- I~~· ~~ Others 1,300,000.00 1,300,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts Works & Titling OFFICE """"0";' Page 2 of 14 National Housing Authority (NHA) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2021 -Consulting Services Is this an Early Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Source of Estimated Budget (PhP) Remarks Code Procurement PMOI Procurement Funds [brief description of Mode of Procurement AdvertisemenU SubmisslonlO Notice of Contract Total MOOE CO (PAP) ProgramlProject End-user Activity? Posting of penlng of Bids Award Signing Program/Activity/Project) (Yes/No) IBIREI 4 External Appraisal .~ii: ~ 8LC Pag-asa Commercial Stalls: F Sta1l4-A NCR-EAST Stall 4-8 4.1 SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement i~eOate NIA lrd::ateDallI'l Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE Stafl4-C ,_- OFFICE Stall 4-0 Stall 7 Stall 8 " StallS NCR·EAST 4.2 Portion of Lot 3-8 -4-8-1-A-1 SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,_- NIA Il')ifieafeDate Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE OFFICE 1_- arangay 8agong Pag-asa: 81k.14 Lot 1 Blk.14 Lot 3 81k.14 Lot 4 Blk.14Lot 5 Blk.14 Lot 6 8Ik.14Lot7 81k.14 Lot 10 NCR·EAST 4.3 SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement inctiC:8te°afe NIA IndicateDate Indicate Date Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE 81k.14 Lot 13 OFFICE 81k..14 Lot 14 81k.14 Lol15 81k.14 Lot 16 Blk.14 Lot 17 81k.14 LollS 81k.14 Lot 19 81k.14 Lot 20 IBlk Lol21 NCR·EAST 8Ik.2, Lol15 Bagumbayan 4.4 SECTOR NO IndicateOale NIA Il)diCateOare NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement I~,~" Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE Quezon City OFFICE to __ Harmony Hills, Brgy. Batasan NCR·EAST 4.5 SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement NIA IndiCateOa le Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE Hills, Quezon City ,_"... OFFICE NCR·EAST SSS properties in Ouezon 4.6 SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement IndicaleDate NfA l~eDate IndicateDal e Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE City under dormitory loan OFFICE 20,995.sq.m NHA owned NCR·EAST 4.7 property in NIA Rd., Quezon SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement lndicateOate NIA ,_6"" Indicate Dale Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE Citv OFFICE Botanical Garden, Quezon NCR·EAST - 4.8 Ave. cor. BIR Road, Quezon SECTOR NO NP·53.9 • Small Value Procurement oat> NIA li"iCIiCa&Oate Indicate Date Others 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MODE Citv OFFICE f'" BATODA Site (Corner Lot), 1 __ Block 121 (corner lot) & NCR-EAST 49 SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement lodieateDat e NIA 1000000eDale Others 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE Block 122. Brgy. Balasan OFFICE Hills Ouezon City NCR·EAST 4.1 Agham cor. North Ave SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement 10000000Date NIA 1",,-_ lOdicateoate Others 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE OFFICE jg, ,;, Total Contract Price for NCR-EAST SECTOR OFFICE 60,845,000.00 60,845,000.00 0.00 •. "'1,"'" z ' NCR-NORTH SECTOR PROGRAM OFFICE , 1 PROCUREMENT OF EXTERNAL APPRAISAL " ,II __ NCR·NORTH 1.1 Appraisal of Commercial Lot SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,_- NIA Others 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts OFFICE ,--'" NCR·NORTH 1.2 Appraisal Fee SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement NIA ~~.~ !nc:flciteDate Others 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 Source of Fund; Corporate Receipts OFFICE 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ,'i'i'" ,,' ler· NCR-NORTH 2.1 a) Legal Services SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,_- NfA -~' fridlcateDale Others 144,000.00 0.00 144,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts OFFICE ., .. Page 3 of 14 National Housing Authority (NHA) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2021 -Consulting Services Is this an Early Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Source of Estimated Budget (PhP) Remarks Code Procurement PMOI Procurement Funds (brief description of Mode of Procurement Advertisement! Submissiol\(() Notice of Contract Total MOOE CO (PAP) Program/Project End-User Activity? Posting 01 pening of Bids Award Signing Program/Activity/Project) (Yes/No) IBlREJ NCR-NORTH 2.2 SURVEY EXPENSE SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement IfXli!::aleDate N1A In<lCaraData lndM:ateOate Others 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts OFFICE " NCR·NORTH Titling Fee SECTOR NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement NfA IndIca!eOefe Others 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts OFFICE Titling Works including '-- -- Consolidation/Subdivision at NCR-NORTH SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding IIldfeateDate ,-.,.., I~Dale ind1caleO!te Others 31,000,000.00 0.00 31,000,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts Bagong Silang and Bagong OFFICE Barrio Calaocan City Titling Works including ConsolidationfSubdivision at NCR-NORTH SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding IndK:ateDafe lndieateOafe lodiCat&OIile IndICateD ate Others 22,400,000.00 0.00 22,400,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts Tala Development Project, OFFICE Caloocan City Titling Works including Consolidation/Subdivisiona t NCR-NORTH SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding lodiealeDaie IncIicllteDate Others 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts Camarin Residences 1,2, 3, OFFICE & 4, Caloocan City ,-- -- Structural Health Monitoring NCR-NORTH SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding fndfCal;&Oere Indicate oat. IndicateDlite Iodioateome Others 3,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts System OFFICE Total Contract Price for NCR-NORTH SECTOR OFFICE 62,244,000.00 0.00 62,244,000.00 NCR-SOUTH SECTOR PROGRAM OFFICE Maricaban Survey and Titling NCR-SOUTH Works (38210ts MIM Sites) SECTOR NO Competitive Bidding jodlOateDaie IndIeat&Oate Indi¢at&Date lridicateDale Others 3,936,000.00 3,936,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipt PasayCity, Brgy.181,182 OFFICE and 184, Pasay City Bo.
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