University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-11-1921 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-11-1921 The veE ning Herald, Inc. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_eh_news Recommended Citation The vE ening Herald, Inc.. "The vE ening Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-11-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_eh_news/2383 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "UI M IN AIJ-H- ,K" A iimiiv km im H i a Kit Kept i ft Mi Jud TunklM on notwrttft bars en ii' nil but two of the mant to ynmptoymnt I Ihft ftct In Ml a atiiall town nnr here. Iat night, and took cash thai fto poopla nrm to rftrl from each lint lhf tola! lout 11 mm luiury. did not ri! nil fion. mttmb mt nd NEW MEXICO RURAI.I8T paobi roo ' Mini PRKiui 1921 on ill PRIC, U I. A. ENV1CI HOME EDITION ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER II. sICTIOMft TODAY PBH MONTH, ftie. FORTY-TW- O KNOWN DEAD IN SAN ANTONIO FLOOD TWENTY-FOU- R DROWN WHEN A BRIDGE OVER CREEK COLLAPSES AT CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA NURSE SAYS ACTRESS MADE 50 PERSONS PRECIPITATED INTO MODEL YOUNG THOUSANDS ARE HQMFLESS IN SENSATIONAL CHARGE AGAINST MAN HELD EOR STREAM AS A CROWD Of 200 ARBUCKLE BEFORE HER DEATH CENTRAL TEXAS; PROPERTY Movie Comedian Deniea Party in His Apartment WATCH POLICE HUNT A B00I TWO MURDERS Waa Reaponaible in Any Way for Injuries to LOSS TO EXCEED S MILLION Miss Virginia Rappe Bridge Hurling Many to Death; Major Caught in Packard Auto tlx l ulled Pvraa Soldiers Rescue 500 Persons From Water; Relief Collape ritANCIHfti. Cal . Hept. 10. After Salesmen Itomoe (Ktiity) Aiburklr. coming Re- ity of Victim Are Women and Children; Are from Angelea to d'acuaa with ttie Work Organized in San Antonio as Water Hun KiamiHo police the death of 4 Being Dragged. Slain Mm irginia Huppe motion picture cedes; Heavy Damage in Nearby Towns. Creek It Still aatfaaa, arrived in Oakland shortly before 7 o'clock tonight ('HMTRH, Pa Hept 10 Twent) had Imvh laooBil It i l(l. VK'MUt I.ITTI.K-- . He had driven with hla attorney, SAN ANTONKi, i cy 10. swapt Texas went lour btiiw Angelea Flood oantral rpon midnight ") wato ( I lillrl lrfM MIT i ('.ink Domlnguci. front ed Chart creek btfi at tonight, iHmn pmom to iiakhind In ban tlinri la17 boura a to araap lonifii with the an anal of the antrry watera waning. it CMfCAOO, flvpt. A mild nun-nrrr- d blifted into stream when UM Third trect hrlllgi BOUajaad. la iliatanee of nearly TOO mil- - HcportM fnun prHt ticitlly every acction of thr atatc viaited by "muit yuuna man" f : waa In a Polite WtW still ijllg tic doop stream f"t bodies, be Arhuckle. brief alateinent to eVoodattfatl nml heavy wiiitig last night and early today indicatexl Mil broiiKhl luirk hrrr in rotl- - mm waiting for him. re- lieved in water,Jlf from being carried 1I11WH stream into the tlint Shu Antonio horc of In hr the ntrilon with Hip flcndlah innrdrr of iterated bta atalement that he waa at vpaaws the lirnnt the storm ) law are river. no time alone with Mia Ha ppd during Knrl two batHaa were in the morguoa tonight, mute tcMtnnon to two h nun laat Mouduy'a partv in bin apartment. JtMl ware Korty-on- Hart The bridge tollapttNl when nu n. women and children an ap w QMaaaX k now n to The party had preceded Iter death tha havoc of rain thcMc were in Antonio. Tho watching poller drag tha itnam for tha body of a hoy who was nnlibliora aa ntrady hnrrh KoinK Id- made a complete denial of etate-mant- forty aeciind wa a raitrnui) hrukeman killed when hia train went into given by police dfowaao II a In the evening. Hod d( Iba dead and injured, the boy Vfita aaaatty Mptrttrd into oaaaaaai out the here a wiiHhoiit ami waa derailed. ait i purporting to tell allege 4 tall of latter numbering live, ware women aaal c h ddren. HiTumd hy police of the munlrr of the party. Hnndradl of hoinflcaa s.mtrh" ghelter with neighbor in a aeon- of W ii hmii warning aha w hole north end af the structure eollapaaal, aafaoaal J I 'uuKto-n- and t'arl A OaaaaaBaa Oanaatr. niiihII Texan town and c it ich. Aaaaaaa Arbmkle wtia driving bla famoua the concrete shutim-n- t to hit h. Of those thrown into the Kxtciiaivt damage waa reported from Hutto, South Auatin, dm-eron- , Chafch wna arrrati-- at Adanm initomobtlr Tiii. and duatv creek, many managed la sc nt in dc to safely Itotn hln trip hr waa not Ihe guy Deltofl tad other anuill towna aa the reault of rain and wind. In I'arkuri d- Lugr la to L3 An w'ti h vntlm wi'ir removed lotnedhin the putdlc nccuatoined The damage in Sun Antonio catimated at no leaa than $5.000.0QQ fiaaa ha water they araaa naahai la I Bhaaaa isr-"i- i- Haalaaal with ht mnlhr. Aiithuritira ihargr Baalna. Hr waited a few mtnutea at aMaM paNM It the auto the Oakland ferry and left by boat wan argiimenteil by report of hundrcda of thouaanda of damage to homutulM In r i Taa aei urr'i al rhurrh had rnnttartad K..TTY AIUIITKI.B effort to eucltatf im Ma n Kranrtaro aajrlas he would ajratJ riil vil- - ataaaa MM Twh u wi- unri to hay from 4aaaaaa who ia .1 Miii-n- to be from other cnuaea, the nt trm eotton erop, railway bridges, bighwaya, them. If the ffitrts to tevlyc them irri kM liiiiio- liatrl to polite In .fl'piai ttian natural - reaponalblm - lnge - of pxifrii lrnt drpth la p rnilt rxal man for the I'm kind Motor n lora- the "party will lie tun- niitl farm property. araaa haII i hod ten were inimtil'- trra. Irlectlvea were watting ut the lahed " ' k - iiot k at ilia loaaai IMiny. (antral police to w ith in aaaaa n aaataaai la aaaa ia atntlon talk Mecreti.ry llarr, Kelly of the Some estimates plnee property damage Hail Antonio aa hiifh aa 1 id Qaaaajf Arbmkle f Maai than a aaaaa paaaaai urinal todi in grand In a $12,000,000 ami hma of at ISO. Tbaaa by city offi- BBBfB i him brought am coming tn do I jury lulcmenl declured life eatimatea were r'in fr aaaaa araaa vaalaaai afl Church, In hoM "I here all can ia in by aaaaaaanaaa aaa private auto- from ih' irnraiin wa to help with lavaaaajBlian 'thla affair a dlngrnce" and the cial or ptiliee, hut more eonaei vative ones let the death IUt aland at ihe af thia gland Jury le - mobile th" aai t puimoturx. aaMai found taa of aaaataa Maaa caap." Attiucltle aald willing to hear nil avl- 100. b I deu. tn the oaaa bvaa Kttiniii of hi namber ol iniined Mid aliiliM-- hulrht't and the Oiltlnkd hata 'We ahall have no trouble cotivlnc-IP- aad acttun in .i n nit high It fill. accordance with what it learna." Mori than 1,000 home were inundated tn San Antonm. moat of Mt4 ' pJt' I tt - ill'' r 'k of the two Mi uma. whn otaaaaj the publb that Mr Ai huckb PoMoa The den art anything to any In aaaounaad thai aaa phyatcian 11! Im i hadn't do with fit t whieh were wrecked by the to 15 feet of water that rushed into h Dotal kaa or iha u Itfaoi took nuurdr.i haaaaaa Mnaaaa f mob Moat miliar with he cam- had reported Jut leu have received.' fr-o- ltnpe nil) M . the San Honn Kimi1 jit'! mo irmt no batflaa wht'h Mai laaaat a At to may DaaaiaahH whole to them that he believed Kappe city Antonio river near midnight whan moat of the city r 'The died from cauae itiut llittllnui mill Im drirt down Tin- ImhJ of Atinniua wan thin Iihm heeii Ktittl e ugaera l ed natural whn asleep, barling buildings from foundations and crumpling them hi th wtr found Cniler dlret lion of the Jolaa itiiioi at In a d Mi Arl.uiklo la helna done an injur'' mrontr. against one raiti Ilia today Church Riirujr- tmrh Ihe i i cheinlat wua naked to another. Joba Rlev 1'ollit- iK- milking fr.tni h'mIIv lute and I he la rgest part of the at my of tnah Mkm fiicr downward under ptlr or bloody further examination uf con ttaaaai toiUKhi In an fTf m t to aat'rriain the affair look to me like aplte work " the tenia I Kllm-- l of Mlaa Rappa'a BlOmacB to SCENES OF TRAGEDY AND HORROR UNCOVERED ilunnl whrl tin i.- (trail in th urUp. blankcta and rubbtah The On reaching Man rranclaro, Ar- - determine Kaoiaja MaaaaMHi hl If Noun thing hln- had wall r tuidy or th vtaaaa had aaaa mutaiiy h .! lie Weill to a hotel wnere (he de- - eaten might I O n. ,n- - M have t auacd Scene of tragedy nnd horror were uncovered by soldier and limit IIII- - Ml I hiti iu of police department bf ileath. M PtN "thr wrlata luahrd to ttlb aent word Itolh 11 lion of today diKiatt-- wan icac he J him by phone and naked hint Arhuckle nhead of hltn police and other reaene workers in the residence district Debris Lajaa aaktaa with a to Man - Hawtila,i' ilc ill rul boya In a row boat alaaa tt aaaaa ifpa to come to polo htadiiiartera reiiiratlng hla atate- was piled high in plaeea had - Th had aaaa n a tneiil b living I .na Angelea tonight the where the water receded Hurl'' n LhOtM h i k (lint ,.MMlaiMI loa- aaal battataa n He left the Immediately B0- - before early Mr-lr blltl III ., AUMUIUN I.
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