---•'!! ,J|-H 1LJ- -- uilsers’ and Contractors’ Directory. j ——"1—H i<^——iII« m —mammm———mmmtam /'i n /IIIITTM rn l.ltr. > v-/. v/. IN THE FIELD OF SPORTS -“it-—™ MASON AND I• « CONTRACTOR, VBW-mvBVW BvmWB’: • »v ■ ! J. H. TYRRELL ( | ; Cement Sidewalks and all kinds of Content work a specialty Fine Teams anil Coaches Office 18b Madison Ave. For WEDDINGS FUNERALS, Tol. 284-J Poitli Amboy, N. .1 CHAMPIONSHIP IN FACTORY THE EASTERN s Etc., A SPECIALTY Carting to ALL FARTS of the CITY GRAHAM & MoKEON, The Kind You Have Residence and office, MEN ERA I, CONTRACTORS LEAGUE COES TO SMELTER. LEAGUE RACE. 30 Com merco Street. T**l. 34 EXCAVATING, GRADING. ETC. CASTQRIA Sand, Gravel, Flue Linings, and Sewer 11 vs fly. died at the second Always Bought Furnished Oherly H Pipe Sami, Gravel, Broken Stone, O pting, Eto. American & Baltimore, and Prov- AVcgclable As- Smelting Refining milestone. Five runs. Jersey City Preparationfor 244 Smith St. 22b Now Brunswick Ave. similating IhcFoodandllegttla- C. Walden’s was nailed Iver- idence Teams Are jJ Company Defeated Pardee lly by Driving ling the Stomachs and Bowels of il HENDERSON RR08. son. liner was good for a Telephone 13U-.I and 1UJ-W. Colyer’s Hard Works Score of 14 to I. base. was at second on ^ by Colyor caught atjinish. Mn9ons and Contractors H. P. NELSEN Dunn’s inlield hit. No Koyen fanned. ! Tills is n great year for close races CARPENTER and BUILOER. KILNS aud ROLLER SETTING runs. in baseball leagues. The athletics i 1 ESTIMATES FlMiMSIlKI* ON HAND. Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- BIG CROWD Flftli reached first arc being closely by Clilcng.i OfflLe, *JT) New Rrunswick Ave. Telephone 30 \Y inning—Deiter pressed ness and Rest.Contains neither > OlTice:—Dana Building, 2(>S Suiilli St. in the American and in the Perth Amboy, N. J. on a hit to right. Dooley hit safely League, i nor Mineral. Residence: Cornell iV Washington Sts There was a miniature landslide at Opium.Morphine to and Deiter reached National the ex-champions from | 1'KUTll AMAOY, N. .1. right Hold, Not Namcotic. Amusement I'ark Saturday afternoon are a ef- W. J. DONNELL, to second. De- Pittsburg making gallant third, Dooley going -- Wliolesale aud Retail Dealer in with drizzling ruin on tnc side, and, fort to overcome the Giants. ANDERSON & WICKBERG Leon hit safe to right and Deiter and i Sashes when it wuk all Dunr Just now there is a fierce battle of Old HrSAMUEL PtTCHKK Lumber, Lath, Cement, Doors, over, Captain ; Dooley orossed the plate. K. Obeily Fmf* raging in the Eastern League, and Blinds, Builders’ Hardware. DOCK AND and liis hand of C. I’ardee Woiks SecJ v Mouldings, out on Iverson reached second on f\:-v/j/an Hair andNails. lly. the fact that the end of the season dtx.Sfnnii * 1 BRIDGE BUILDERS championship aspirants weie smoth- .Mr- I Office aud JolTerson St. & C. R. It. of N..) a short hit, DeLeon scoring. Walney is little more than a week oi'f cud Yard, I sLii.tr .feed * I Perth N. J. 1 i’. O. Box 22 Perth N. ered, to the tune of 11 to 1 and Cap- Amboy, Amboy, J. to C. Walden to Deiter. Geist hit a to > three teams have chance cap- JitY+niWit M tain Mollen’s nine chasers stood Jit furixmak. fedet* ft Plans and Estimates Furnished. cup ami Iverson scored. Mullen lure the is the fans who safely hit i flag, stirring Hint* Seed j7p on top, tiro twice winners of the fac- Cfreified koyen,” Stevedoring. 'to the inlield and Geist was put out on attend the games In Jersey City, Utgnr ami | IIinfnyreen flagvr. / CARPENTER AND BUILDER tory league cup the champions of Baltimore, and Providence as they j third. Four runs. [ Estimates Furnished. attended JEN8 K. 11)05. have not been stirred in Jobbing JENSEN] W. Walden hit a lung fly to deep | years. Aprrfert Remedy forConrlipA- 1 232 State 8t Perth Amboy A crowd estimated at from First one team is In the load and ARCHITECT variously center and ft. made a lion,SourStoutach,Diarrhoea 17 K1NU BTItEET 214 I Oherly’ great j SHOP, Telephone, lifteen hundred to two thousand per' I then another. Each day brings Worms Office, Post Office catch. Delaney drew a base on halls. Convulsions,Feverish- jfl Budding sons saw I changes in the league standing, and the I'ardeo go down be- 1 ness of 1 hoys tried steal and was nnd Loss SlJiKK Jf. J. LARKIN, 21 Delaney to second the finish is bound to be one of the Residence Cataipa ave., fore tile A. S. & U aggregation, | and las l nabbed. Rasmussen struck out, so lhe closest in any league this season. For Facsimile of Plnmbing Fitting Perth Amboy, N. .1 ICnthilsiasm ran high and scores of thi ] S'finnlure Steam, Hot Water*and Hot Ur Heating umpire said, although a kick was ; a long time Jersey City held the lead, Detiler in Stoves Ranges and Heaton rooters had provided themselves witl made. No ruus. I through the of Wal- Repairing of ah kinds a Specialty mainly pitching A. K. JENSEN, megaphones to swell lire sounds whicl York NEW 357 State 8 et Perth Amboy. N Sixth inning—H. Oherly Hied to ter Clarkson, the young Now YORK._9 are to lie heard only at an exhibitior was a contend- | 8uoce»sor to J. K. Jenmn Delaney. Deiter Hied to Knapner. pitcher. Baltimore FRED CHRISTENSEN of tlie national game. The er all and about two weeks partisan No runs. season, mason ano contractor Dooley fanned. CARPEMER & BOLDER ship was strong and tho< in ago struck a winning streak that rivalry Hied to Geist. Mullen hit Residence & Shop—22l-23( Madison Avenue ] Gallagher 881 Strwv tense. landed them on top. l Estimp.tes Cheerfully Furnished Washington C. Walden hit to left. Attended to Knapper. safely The Providence under the Jobbing Promptly The American Smelting it Refining club, EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. L. I>. rhono 234 I,. Perth Amboy N, .1 Colyor out on a linei to Geist. Dunn Works team hatted like major league j management of Jack Dunn, the ex- THE FARRINGTON CO., hit a pop lly to Walney. No runs. I Giant, is now with the leaders. *_Jf J. jeNsen stickers and swatted (Jolyer’s delivery up Bucoiwfinra to Farrington ,£ Runyon Oo. Seventh Inning—Del.eon hit a pop Ambrose Puttmann, another pitcher Painter, Deoorater and Paper Hanger. for a total ol nineteen safe hits. A LUMBER, LIME, LATH foul Hy which Gallagher muffed. De- who started with the Yankees this 1(>7 Gordon Street. Cor. State Street of wild throws HARDWARE couple and loose iield- ■ the Providence Shop: 43 Smith St. MILLWOdK, | Leon got throe strikes on him and season, helped put ing when gilt-edged work was needoil All kinds at Building Material was out on lust. £.. was safe team up in the first rank. However, ii,,, Hit ,,r ..r ,i.. Utterly E. O. CARLSON-1 138 street Perth Amboy, N. .1 ! lie has been recalled, and this lias Xiffloo, Fayette on a drive to center. Iverson safe on PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Hardees defeat. Thev Iiad an ull day. weakened Dunn's pitching staff to LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. Painter and Paper Hanger an inlicld hit, Oberly going to second. SolitHlulu III KITect 8f|>t. <s. nmo T. DIAMOND, for they have been playing no little extent. Time Table in effect May 14,1905. 187 Market St. Perth champion- ; hit one ovet the second baso- Ti nlnM lt-uvrsml nrrivo I'ei'lli Amboy. Walney Next Is the final week of the and UL1L0KR ball the season. The j week station* In New York foot of Des CONTRACTOR ship throughout inau’s head aud Cortlandt, ; Oberly registered. Eastern season. All three of broHBee and West 28rd streets, l’enna. attended U>. fourth, fifill and seventh were League -0 MARIUS TH. PEDERSEN Jobbing promptly innings died on three strikes. Mullen R. K. Ferries. t' |Geist the clubs In the pennnt limit are for- STORE FIXTURES batfests with llie TRAINS t,KA VK RTATK HTREIST STATION •S Mason Contractor veritable Guggiei center aud and A mb. hit to Iverson Walney tunate in that they will play all their 130-132 Brbad Street, Berth y as the and it was in those FOR NEW YORK ST performers, was on the home \ 291 WASHINGTON reached home. Mullen caught remaining games m.. m. that 0.10,7.45 a. and 4.38 p. rn., 1.83 p. daily innings they proved beyond to steal third. Three runs. grounds and against tho weaker connects all way train for ilouud Brook, Mauch I* In m be trying Pottsville and in- SEYLER & WELKER R. B. SMITH, Saiillary doubt that they were to win tho valua teams of the None o£ the Chuuk, Weatherly, lla/idton, (lied to Walney. W. Walden league. termediate (mints. I. < \ 117 Cordon C. F Welker, 2fif S'ean Koyen h.*yl< r, st, i and Sheet Iron Worker. hie up the w ife of oni leaders will clash, as the tout | st. and Builders. Tinning trophy hung by fanned the thrice. Delan- FOR SOUTH PLAINFIELD Washington Carpenters Bhoj and Gas Fitter. atmosphere in* o* Robbii s' lumberyard. Estimates cheer Jobbing Promptly of their "southern” teams of the league, all 0J0,7.85 a. m., 1.38, 4.38 p. m. 8.16 employers. to to Iverson. No runs. Sunday? ful*'" ♦>' uhhed. Jobbing promptly attended to attended to. ey Walney a. in. 1.33,0.15 p. in. As the I’ardees came to bat each In the first division, arc playing at 55 N.
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