ih] ’ iV IMfe WIIAth br. CIRCULATION. The ATerage dally clreulatloii of The Evening Herald for the month Fair tonight httd Wedneadayf of November wa» warmer WedneadAy; dlmlnlahliig ndrthweet, backing to aonthwett wlnda. 4 , 3 6 1 A a n r t i r 0l r r (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIIL, NO. 53. Clataifled Advertlilng os Page 6. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1924. SENATOR SMITH FAVORS Photos Sent by Radio Acroi s ihe Atlantic CONCRESS GETS VITO SWMG DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION <?> TACK U S BIG DEFICIENCY B E WORLD’S LARGEST CLOCK ■<?> Dr. F. A. Sweet Opposes All IS STARTED TODAY. New York, Dec. 2.— Those Passed House and is Now in Consolidation Plans — who run, those who ride the fer­ President Coolidge to Ride ries, and even those who fly may Smith Wants Better read the correct time today on Senate— Calls for Expen­ the dial of the biggest clock in Like an Ordinary Passenger the world. Schools in Outlying Dis­ Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey diture of $185,000,000 City closed the switch which put the clock in motion. It is atop Washington, Dec. 2.— President ^correspondents, secretaries and — House Working on tricts — The Evening the factory of Colgate and Com­ Coolidge will make history tbm or-' stenographers will make up the pany directly across the Hudson row when he leaves Washington | President’s party and be quartered Herald Continues Survey. river from New York City. for the first western trip he has as casual passengers, Appropriations. The dial is fifty feet across. made since he entered the White The party will fill one car to The minute hand is thirty-seven House seventeen monthj ago. | overflowing. It probably will be The-President Is going to Chicago placed in the middle of the train feet three Inches long and Washington, Dec. 2.— C-'-'-ress The Evening Herald continues to­ weighs 2,200 pounds. The min­ to speak and inspect a live stock and there will be nothing to prevent got down to business today. day its survey of consolidation for ute hand travels 157 'feet in an show. passengers from passing through the school and lire districts of Man­ hour and three quarters of a mile (By Pacific a Atlantic) There will be no special train, the presidential car. The Senate tackled the $185,- chester. Does Manchester want Its dally. Inventor H. H. Ranger (left) and Gen, J. G. Harbord, president-oil the Radio Corporation of America, no special cars, no special dinner Meals will be served from the din­ 000,000 urgent deficiency bill are shown receiving in New York first photos sent from London by itadio. and no special schedule. ing car. school and fire districts concentrat­ Mechlin, Belgium up to now which pased the House in the last has had the record for the larg­ The President will travel as an If these tentative arrangements session. ed under one governing district? est clock. It was built by monks ordinary passenger In the drawing are carried out It will be- the first The House started grinding on The voters will be asktd in the in the middle ages and was dam­ room end of an ordinary Pullman time in recent years that a Presi­ near future to act upon this ques­ aged during the late war. car. dent of the United States has travel­ the big appropriation bills that are ARMORY INTERIOR HAGNmCENtdiawANiANSTOEAi Secret service men, newspaper ed in such casual fashion. expected to occupy most of the tion and with this idea in view the present session. Evening Herald is preparing them Appropriation Bill for the debate. TAXPAYERS REFDSE DONE IN BLIE, WHITE AND GOLD! GOLDEN REE MEAL The appropriation bill called In Herewith we present the opinions SHOOTS HIS WIFE MRS. BUZZI BREAKS the Senate today carried heavy of two men who are informed on ,! sums for the soldier bonus. Irriga­ the various angles of ihe question. tion projects, tax refunds and en­ Sc'nator For Consolidation dorsement of the naval disarma­ TO PDRCHASE LAND p u j s g g ; Southern Smilax, C hrys^- To Hear Ahont Near East Re­ THEN KILLS SELF DOWN AT HEARING ment treaty. A hundred minor ap­ Robert J. Smith favors both the propriations swelled the total. consolidation of school and of fire districts. Mr. Smith is Senator-elect lief and Taste an Or­ The largest Item In the bill was IN D ISIRlCr EIGHT themums and Hovering, an authorization of $100,000,000 from this district and a selectman, for payment of >".nus certificates is prominent in the real estate and FROM HIGH WINDOW Syracuse Man Makes Elab­ Becomes Hysterical When phan's Dinner. with an additional sum of $26,629,- insurance business locally and ap­ Snow-White Doves Air- 398 for payment of the rto cash proaches every legislative problem orate Plans for Tragedy Brother-in-Law Accuses awards. Th eVeterans’ Bureau also with keen foresight. His ideas of Price for School Property is would receive $900,000 for voca­ consolidation are printed below. Mother Then Dives to Street ranged in Scene of Suir- I The Klwanls Club of Manchester tional training, $350,'"00 for a na­ Dr. Sweet Opposed will lead off In the observance of Her of Slaying Rich Con­ tional training school and $750,000 Ur. F. A. Sweet, president of the Too High—-To Complete -Daughter Tells Story. Herself — One Killed, passing Beauty— Ameri­ the International Golden Rule effort for administrative work on the Eighth School and Utilities District, tractor. bonus. has ideas of his own on the con­ Sewer Service— Bond the In behalf of the orphan children In Tax Refunds solidation question. Dr. Sweet is a Other Two Dying. can and State Flags Oyer the lOare of the Near East Relief, by Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 2. — His The treasury department would • strong North Ender, opposed to any having the simple orphanage meal ■"<»ln penetrated by a steel-jacket­ receive $16,140,000 for tax refunds kind of consolidation and tells in District. served at their noon luncheon to­ ed .38-calibre bullet, Harry A. New York, Dec. 2.— Mrs. Anna and most of this m ney would be his letter below why he does not Governor's Box All morrow. Buzz!, whose glacial calm through­ used to repay taxes refunded un­ think consolidation is wanted by New York, Dec. 2.— Mrs. Bessie 1 Klock, 36, of 317 Burdick avenue, Through the press, civic organi­ out her second trial for the murder der the 25 per cent retroactive re­ the people of the town. Katz, 28, pitched her twin sons, died in St. Joseph’s hospital at 5:30 duction ordered by congress • on The taxpayers of the Eighth zations, churches and schools the of Frederick Schneider, her com­ The Questions Jerome and Stanley, only a few Ready for Dedication To­ Near East Committee has thrown this morning, while his wife, Mrs. 1923 Income taxes. The questionnaire which both School District last night voted \ mon law husband, has amazed court weeks old each from a third story out the challenge of the little chil­ Matilda Klock, was making a brave spectators, went to pieces this after­ A total of about $7,000,000 was these men followed in discussing to bond the district’s Indebtedness. dren In their care for the continu­ authorized for irrigation projects. consolidation and which was given window to the ground below today morrow Night. fight for her life, suffering from two noon when her brother-in-law ac­ to the am/ount of $150,000; to ex-| ance of the child welfare work dur­ bullet wounds inflicted by her hus- Other items included - them by the Evening Herald fol­ then dove from the window herself. cused her directly of the killing.. tenij the sewer system to take In | Jerome was killed. His brother ing the comiujs winter. The Golden band before he turned tb® gun on She sprang to her feet, shouting lows: Rule pinnere wlir acijualnt the pe^ I himself In the Klock home early precatipns at. h^hu . ,^ e beoamd 1. Do you favor the consolida­ the -Plnehurst tract, Homestead j and their mother suffered skull < Manchester has never seen a mor fractures and internal injuries pie with'th,e simple fare that tbe tion of both school and fire dis­ Park and in fact all that section of ibeautiful interior b^coru^ye. bqtlou 111 Ir tricts? Of just, the school districts? which doctors said would cause the district south an '.tiwipv than that whi land street, and alsi levinik ■ygccutlj^ fH- ■i- Ninth District. jV hbirir' i t o d ' " SMa hood b f t|»,lk«|ko: J given in to recovM although one At Turk, needs. On tho. the t¥o bullets vfhlch struck her Is volver !Ut hejp acoept- lodged In her behd.'- “ Wlllilb', katlou of CAtS-Ot fifteen The shooting reittlted from it. do­ have him,' Northern_____ _ ___ ____ means that mestic quarrel ana toRoRed • two- Administratioe ieddefs lrexifea to Ti^ *reterp.' orphanage hour ' reign of terrdF. In the Klock enact the bill before night fall. buy tie land tp'ihp ........... ...... Jl iTX? ... ___ _ rided each day. home, during which ’.Mrs. Klock and in'' tbiin iiftiln > After eoa- by Payette fi.' QWuke;' fo r .’ playi. eP whl6n sh^'fi^l' varies be- her oldest daughter,’ Esther, 16, m i(e; ie ,jiW « the pree- ground purpoges. / nurse-, felt- seenrdi Cents. were held prisoner by the huhband MAYOR SEEKS HELP ■ Vent The special meeting'was held in also, among nations cul- and father, while they begged end 6.
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