Cruikshank et al.: Physical Properties of Transneptunian Objects 879 Physical Properties of Transneptunian Objects D. P. Cruikshank NASA Ames Research Center M. A. Barucci Observatoire de Paris, Meudon J. P. Emery SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center Y. R. Fernández University of Central Florida W. M. Grundy Lowell Observatory K. S. Noll Space Telescope Science Institute J. A. Stansberry University of Arizona In 1992, the first body beyond Neptune since the discovery of Pluto in 1930 was found. Since then, nearly a thousand solid bodies, including some of planetary size, have been dis- covered in the outer solar system, largely beyond Neptune. Observational studies of an expanding number of these objects with space- and groundbased telescopes are revealing an unexpected diversity in their physical characteristics. Their colors range from neutral to very red, revealing diversity in their intrinsic surface compositions and/or different degrees of processing that they have endured. While some show no diagnostic spectral bands, others have surface deposits of ices of H2O, CH4, and N2, sharing these properties with Pluto and Triton. Thermal emission spectra of some suggest the presence of silicate minerals. Measurements of thermal emission allow determinations of the dimensions and surface albedos of the larger (diameter > ~75 km) members of the known population; geometric albedos range widely from 2.5% to >60%. Some 22 transneptunian objects (including Pluto) are multiple systems. Pluto has three satellites, while 21 other bodies, representing about 11% of the sample investigated, are binary systems. In one binary system where both the mass and radius are reliably known, the mean density of the pri- mary is ~500 kg/m3, comparable to some comets [e.g., Comet 1P/Halley (Keller et al., 2004)]. 1. INTRODUCTION range of available observational techniques in parallel rather than in a serial way. By bringing together dynamical stud- The many objects found orbiting the Sun beyond Nep- ies of their orbits and photometric, spectroscopic, and radio- tune, beginning with the first discovery in 1992 (Jewitt and metric observations, we are rapidly gaining insight into the Luu, 1993), open a new window on the content, dynamics, origin of transneptunian objects and their relationship to the origin, and evolution of our own solar system, and give rich solar nebula and protoplanetary disks around young or form- insights into those same aspects of protoplanetary disks and ing stars. extrasolar planetary systems. Our present understanding of This chapter is focused on the physical properties of the the population of transneptunian objects is significantly objects beyond Neptune derived from observational stud- greater than our understanding of the asteroid belt was at the ies with Earth- and spacebased telescopes. Those physical time when a comparable number of asteroids were known properties include dimensions, surface compositions, colors, (early 1920s). This improvement arises from the fact that, and a taxonomy derived from that information, the occur- in contrast with the development of asteroid science, we are rence of binary systems, and in exceptional cases masses studying the distant transneptunian objects with the full and mean densities. 879 880 Protostars and Planets V The objects with perihelia beyond Neptune, which as of between optical colors and orbital parameters have been early 2006 some 900 were known, have received many des- analyzed (Tegler and Romanishin, 2000, 2003; Doressoun- ignations and names, both formal and informal. Three dis- diram et al., 2002; Trujillo and Brown, 2002; Tegler et al., tinct dynamical populations have become apparent as the 2003; Peixhino et al., 2004; Doressoundiram et al., 2005a). discoveries continue. The first grouping, which includes the Color variation is an important diagnostic of diversity in majority of the objects discovered to date, is known as the surface composition and the evolution of surface composi- classical Kuiper belt. It consists of objects in near circular tion and microstructure through processing by various phys- orbits with semimajor axes around 45 AU. These orbits are ical processes, a subject to which we return below. stable against Neptune’s perturbations over the age of the When dealing with a large number of objects it is useful solar system. The second population consists of objects in to distinguish groups of objects with similar surface prop- orbits with 2:3 resonance with Neptune, as in the case of erties. Barucci et al. (2005a) applied the multivariate sta- Pluto. These objects are informally referenced by their ety- tistic analysis (G mode) (Barucci et al., 1987) to the TNO mologically grotesque name, “Plutinos.” Taken together, and Centaur populations; this and the principal component these two populations are frequently referred to as Kuiper analysis are the same techniques used in the 1980s to clas- belt objects (KBOs), a term that is used in this paper. The sify the asteroid population (Tholen, 1984; Tholen and Ba- third population consists of objects in highly eccentric or- rucci, 1989). bits with perihelia generally within the classical Kuiper belt Barucci et al. (2005a), considering all the high-quality (although some are inside Neptune’s orbit), but with aph- available colors on TNOs and Centaurs published after 1996, elia far outside. These bodies have been dynamically ex- analyzed (1) a set of data for 135 objects observed in the cited by Neptune; they are called scattered disk objects. In B, V, R, and I bands; (2) a set of 51 objects observed in the this chapter we refer to all of them with the most general B, V, R, I, and J bands with high-quality homogeneous data; term, transneptunian objects, or TNOs, but where it is useful and (3) a subsample of 37 objects that also included H-band to discuss dynamical categories, we use the generally ac- measurements. They selected as a primary sample for the cepted terms, resonant and nonresonant Kuiper belt objects analysis a complete and homogeneous set of 51 objects ob- (KBOs) and scattered disk objects (see chapter by Chiang served in five filters (B, V, R, I, J), adopting the mean values et al.). An additional class, the Centaurs, consists of objects weighted with the inverse of the error of individual meas- derived from the TNO population and occupying tempo- urement when multiple observations of an object were avail- rary orbits that cross those of the major planets. About 80 able. such objects having perihelia <30 AU are known as of early The results of the analyses show the presence of four 2006. groups where J color plays the main role in discriminating In this review we will find it useful to include the planet the groups (J weight is 46%). The four homogeneous groups Pluto, Neptune’s satellite Triton, and the Centaurs; in dis- showing a high confidence level (corresponding to 3s) have cussing spectroscopy in the thermal spectral region (λ > been named BB, BR, IR, and RR. The same well-deter- 10 µm), we also include the jovian Trojan asteroids for com- mined four groups were found when the analysis was ap- parison. Pluto shares physical characteristics with some of plied to a subset of 37 objects for which the H color was the more recently discovered objects in the transneptunian also available. region (e.g., Owen et al., 1993; Douté et al., 1999), while In Table 1, the color average value and the standard de- Triton has similar physical characteristics to Pluto (e.g., viation for each group are given. The BB (blue) group con- Cruikshank et al., 1993; Quirico et al., 1999) and is widely sists of objects having neutral colors with respect to the Sun, thought to have been captured into a retrograde orbit by while the RR group has a very strong red color. The BR Neptune from the TNO population (e.g., McKinnon et al., group includes objects with an intermediate blue-red color, 1995). The jovian Trojans are a family of small bodies that while the IR group includes moderately red objects. share more characteristics with comets and Centaurs than The G mode can be extended (Fulchignoni et al., 2000) with main-belt asteroids (Emery et al., 2006), and probably to assign objects for which the same set of variables be- originated in the outer solar system. come available to one of the already defined taxonomic groups, even if only a subset of variables used in the initial 2. COLORS AND TAXONOMY taxonomy is known for new objects. Such an extension has been applied to the 84 other TNOs for which only B, V, R, Observations of brightness and color in the extended and I colors were available, and an indication of the classi- visible spectral region (0.3–1.0 µm) have been obtained for fication has been obtained for 69 objects. a large sampling of TNOs, and photometric observations The investigation of the diversity among the TNOs can in several colors obtained in recent years have yielded high help in understanding their characteristics and the differ- quality B, V, R, and I measurements for more than 130 ob- ent physical processes that have affected their surfaces. The jects (see Barucci et al., 2005a, for complete references). four groups noted here are well defined and homogeneous These observations reveal a clear diversity in color among in color properties. To better understand the surface com- the TNO population, noted early in the investigation of these position properties of each group, we have superimposed objects (Luu and Jewitt, 1996). Relevant statistical analy- representative compositional surface models calculated for ses have been performed and a wide range of correlations some of the well-studied objects (Fig. 1). We return below Cruikshank et al.: Physical Properties of Transneptunian Objects 881 TABLE 1. Average colors and the relative standard deviation for the four taxonomic groups obtained by G-mode analysis on the sample of 51 objects (V-H has been computed for a subset of 37 objects).
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