oyment. SEE PAGES 11-14 The Weather FINAL Rain, becoming heavy at THEDAILY times and causing highway Red Bank, Freehold flooding this afternoon. Tem- Long Branch EDITION peratures in upper 40s to low 7 50s through tomorrow. , 46 PAGES Moniiioutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.93 NO, 210 RED BANK, 1N.JN.J.. FRIDAY, AF1UL27,197APRIL 27,19733 TEN CENTS JllllniHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllilllil Illllllll I Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllll Illl Ill II Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllMlllllllllllllllltlUllltllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHinilllllllllllllllllllNIII Senate Kills Shore Protection Bills TRENTON (AP) - The he believed the "promise of half-fare bus rides for persons Pierre Garven, of Ridgewood, stand up to the lobbyists." its real purpose has been de- Senate has brought a halt to campaign money" from busi- 61! years and older during non- Cahill's counsel, as State Su- The bitter Assembly speak- stroyed," he said. the swift advance of environ- ness and the oil industry con- peak weekday hours and on preme Court chief justice, and er declared that the bills had The measure would have mental legislation in recent tributed to the defeat. weekends and holidays, and to of Robert L. Clifford, commis- been defeated by "the oil in- given the state broad powers years with three votes turning Beadleston Angry permit pharmacists to dis- sioner of the Department of terests through their power to limit development in the down major proposals to pro- During the debate an angry count drug prices to persons Institutions and Agencies, and and money. They crowded the area covered by the proposal, tect New Jersey's coast. Senate President, Alfred N. over 62 years old. Both bills Superior Court Judge Morris halls here today." with construction permits ob- Before adjourning last night Beadleston, R-Monmouth, a were sent to the Assembly. Pashman, as. associate Su- Cahill supported all three tainable only from the State at 11:31), the upper house re- backer of all three measures, Pension Bill preme Court justices were bills. Commissioner of Environ- jected bills that would have told his colleagues, "The — The Senate passed and confirmed. The coastal zoning bill spon- mental Protection. In some banned construction of a people of this state are fully sent to the Assembly three Democrats Vote No sored by Kean had been op- cases the area under the bill's deepwater oil port off the'aware of whaMhis Senate has bills backed by Gov. William The Senate session began posed from its inception by jurisdiction would have ex- New Jersey shore, to control done today. You have killed T. Cahill that would permit two hours late after the the New Jersey Chamber of tended up to 15 miles inland. nuclear power plant construc- the prohibition of a deepwater teachers and other public em- Democratic minority met to Commerce, the oil industry tion, and to sharply restrict oil port, you have killed a ployes to retire with full pen- consider the environmental and labor groups. The measure had been industrial development on the chance to control the devel- sions at age 55 if they have 25 bills. For the most part, the Amended amended in the Assembly to state's Atlantic Coast. opment of nuclear energy years of public service. Spon- Democrats abstained or voted Before the measure was allow an appeal to a three- The Senate will not return plants and' you have killed a sors said the measures would against the three environmen- voted on in the Senate it was member panel composed of until Nov. 12 while the Assem- measure to control the prolife- cost {14 million. tal measures. amended to remove additional the commissioners of the De- bly which did not meet yes- ration of industry on our The upper house also ap- Only one Democrat, Sen. shore areas from its proposed partments of Environmental terday has scheduled one shores." proved and sent to the Assem- Frank Dodd, of Essex County, protection. The amendments Protection, Labor and In- more session next Monday be- Then, Beadleston added, bly two bills to provide great- voted for Kean's coastal con- eliminated the Delaware Bay dustry and Community Af- fore adjourning until Novem- "That's what you have done er pension benefits for police trol measure which was con- shore off Cape May and part fairs, in the event the initial ber. and I say, shame." and firemen. sidered the key to the three of the Middlesex County Rari- request for a permit was de- After the Senate debate on In other developments yes- — The Senate gave final bill package. tan Bay shoreline. nied. the environmental bills, As- terday in the Senate: passage to a Cahill adminis- Later Kean said, "The de- Sen. Joseph P. Merlino, D- Zoning Power sembly Speaker Thomas H. — Bills introduced only a tration proposal to require a feat of this bill is a black Mercer, said he would have In effect, fhe measure Kean, R-Essex, sponsor of the dozen hours before were ap- fulltime State Public Utilities mark on this legislative ses- voted for the measure but for would have given the state major coastal industrial con- proved to provide a $6.4 mil- Commission. sion." He said-Dodd had been the amendments. "The bill zoning power in prescribed trol proposal, told newsmen lion appropriation to subsidize — The nominations of the only Democrat "willing to now seems so butchered that See Shore, page 2 SRAME! — Senate SAYS MONEY KILLED ident Alfred N. Bead- OIL BILL — Assembly leston R-Monmoutb, Speaker Thomas H. told his colleagues/ Kean, R-Essex sits in from the rostrum, after the Senate listening to ttyttjjefeat of three envi- debate which ultimately ronmental bills 'The ended in the defeat of Magrader Resigns people of this state ore three environmental fully aware of what this bills he sponsored and WASHINGTON (AP) -The The Washington Post, The "never see the light of day." way related to the Watergate, Senate has done got passed in the As- sudden, unexplained resigna- New York Times and New Ehrlichman issued a state- case," said the statement. "I today . you have sembly. Kean then told tion of former Nixon cam- York Daily News quoted ment through the White House was present but neither then killed a measure to newsmen he believed paign deputy Jeb. S. Magr- sources as saying that Acting press office confirming that at nor at any other time did I control the prolifera- the "Promise of Cam- uder from the Commerce De- FBI Director L.-Patrick Gray a June 1972 meeting in his give Mr. Gray any request, tion of industry on our paign money" from partment adds a new dimen- 3rd destroyed documents be- White House office. Dean gave suggestion or instruction re- shores.' Then he added, business and the oil in- sion to the Watergate scandal. longing to convicted Water- Gray a sealed envelope con- garding what should be done 'That's what you have dustry contributed to It was the first resignation gate conspirator E. Howard taining "some of the contents with the contents." done, and 4 .say, the defeat of the bills. of any high administration of- Hunt Jr. after being told by of Hunt's safe." Dean and Gray could not be shame!' ficial involved in the widening presidential aides John Eh- "Mr. Gray was told by Mr. reached for comment. wiretap affair. rlichman and John W. Dean Dean that the contents were Magruder reportedly had In another development, 3rd that the documents should sensitive materials not in any been both an accuser and an 10,000Left accused in the case. He left Link GOP his $3B,fKI0-a-year job as Com- merce Department director of Homeless policy development without Fund Club} 6 Democrats Enter formal notice. His lawyer, James J. Bierbower, was By Floods asked late last night for an ex- Complex By the Associated Press planation, and said flatly, TRENTON (AP) - State President Nixon makes an "There will be none." officials have denied that aerial inspection today of Gubernatorial Race The tall, curly-haired Magr- there is any impropriety in flooded areas in the Mis- uder, 38, set up the early Nix- the fact that members of an sissippi River valley where , TRENTON (AP)-A pack- said. Byrne and Coffee held a. The statement was deliv- on campaign efforts and exclusive Republican fund about 10,000 persons have ed field of six candidates has joint news conference in the ered by campaign workers for stayed on as No. 2 man when raising club also had financial been left homeless and damage entered the Democratic gu- New Jersey Secretary of Sen. Ralph DeRose, D-Essex, Attorney General John N. Mit- ties to the New Jersey Sports estimates have climbed to bernatorial primary while the State's office before Byrne- who is regarded by many as a chell formally quit his law-en- Authority. race for the Republican nomi- filed his nominating petitions.' leading contender along with more than ?2(M-miliion. AP Wlnptiolo forcement duties to run the The Record of Hackensack Ten persons have lost nation is a renewal of an aid The race between Cahill Byrne for the nomination. campaign. reported yesterday that at BOAT RAMS BRIDGE — A tugboat pulling a and Sandman marks a renew- their lives in the flooding barge rammed the Raritan River bridge yes- feud between Gov. William T. Helstoski has said he would Recent news reports have least 15 members of the club along the Mississippi, Mis- Cahill and Rep. Charles W. al of their 1%9 primary battle remain neutral in the pri- quoted Magruder as telling were involved with the sports terday, knocking out of alignment tracks servic- when Cahill, then a congress- souri and Illinois rivers and ing Penn Central and Central Railroad of New Sandman Jr.
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