THURSLEY PARISH MAGAZINE St Michael & All Angels MAY 2021 60P Village Diary 8 Horts Society 22 Editorial 9 National Garden Scheme 23 Church Services 10 Children’s Church 24 Church Letter 11 Give it a Grow 26 Parish Council Update 12 Clockhouse News 29 Thursley Litter Pick 13 Lizzie Young 30 Bossom Air Crash 14 Eco-Friendly Living 32 Life on the Farm 16 Terracycle Bins 33 Village Hall News 18 Life on the Common 34 Sugar & Bakes 20 Elstead WI 36 1 NEED HELP? Help in Thursley is available to anyone living in the parish of Thursley. WHAT HELP IS AVAILABLE? Transport to Doctors, Dentists and Hospital appointments, Shops, Post Office, Hairdresser, collecting prescriptions, your pet to the Vet, etc. HOW IT WORKS Phone 07538 201 276 and leave a message. The Duty Officer will listen to all messages at least once a day Mondays to Fridays and seek an appropriate volunteer to help you. The Duty Officer will contact you to discuss your request and then contact you again to give you the name of the volunteer who will help you. Please ensure you give us a few days’ notice. 2 3 4 5 VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS AND LOCAL DIRECTORY CHURCH: ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS HELP IN THURSLEY 07538 301276 Vicar: Chairman: Revd Hannah Moore 01252 705941 David YOUNG 01428 607716. [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Associate Minister: Peter HUNTER 01252 702360 Revd Delia Orme 01252 702217 [email protected] [email protected] THURSLEY CLUB Churchwardens: Secretary: Joyce HALL 01252 703386 Hilary BARR 01252 703301 [email protected] THURSLEY CRCKET CLUB Chairman: Dene MILLS 01252 703067 Lee SMALLBONE [email protected] [email protected] Secretary: Vacant Secretary: Alex MEEARS Treasurer: [email protected] Michael THATCHER 01428 606670 THURSLEY PARISH COUNCIL Safeguarding Officer: www.thursley-pc.gov.uk Sheridan HUMPHREYS 07966 578607 Council Clerk: Elaine FELTON 01252 703201 Organist: The Barrows, Seale Road, Elstead GU8 6LF. Robbie GOLDFINCH 01252 705151 [email protected] Chairman: Church Cleaning: James MENDELSSOHN 07941 507753 Sallie ROLES 01252 706820 Bears Barn, Dye House Road, Thursley Surrey GU8 6QD Church Flowers: [email protected] Anne WAKELEY 01252 702320 Vice Chairman: Churchyard Working Party: John SWIFT 01428 685120 Mike ROBERTS 01252 702932 [email protected] Councillors: Children’s Church: Michelle DE VRIES 07590 893497 Carolyn LANE 01252 702192 [email protected] Helen FLAVELL 07941060663 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL [email protected] Nina ALLEN 01252 703643 Peter HUNTER 01252 702165 Rosie DALE-HARRIS 01252 702585 [email protected] John LUFF 01483 422132 Susanne HUNTER 01252 702165 [email protected] Marion O’BRIEN 01252 702235 Richard OWEN 01428 607741 [email protected] 6 PARISH FOOTPATH WARDENS SURREY FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Contact Elaine Felton 01252 703201 Ben ALEXANDER 07964 391882 [email protected] COMMUNITY RECYCLER Nicki BATES 01252 702671 BUTTERFLIES NURSERY [email protected] D ELLUL & M DHILLON 07827 786005 THE THREE HORSESHOES THURSLEY NATIONAL NATURE RESERVE Reserve Warden: www.threehorseshoesthursley.com 01252 703900 James GILES 01428 685675 [email protected] THURSLEY VILLAGE HALL www.thursleyvillagehall.co.uk THURSLEY HISTORY SOCIETY [email protected] Chairman: Anthony Langdale 01428 682808 Village Hall Chairman: [email protected] Clea BEECHEY 01252 703913 [email protected] Secretary: Jackie RICKENBERG 07941 433103 Village Hall Secretary: [email protected] Dene MILLS 01252 703067 Treasurer: [email protected] Richard BATES 01252 702671 Village Hall Manager: Archivist: Isobel MURPHY 01252 706929 Tim WALSH 01252 703172 (mob) 07826 521954 THURSLEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY [email protected]. Secretary: COUNCILLORS Pat CLAKE 01252 706869 [email protected] Surrey County: David HARMER 01428 606921 HANKLEY COMMON MILITARY ACTIVITY Wyanston, Tower Road, Hindhead, 24 Hour Ops Room 01420 483405 Surrey GU26 6ST NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH [email protected] Jackie MALTON 07885 147304 Waverley Borough: [email protected] Jenny ELSE 01252 702036 PARISH MAGAZINE [email protected] Editor: David ELSE 01252 702036 [email protected] Tricia HORWOOD 01252 705171 [email protected] LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Advertising: Rt Hon Jeremy HUNT 01428 609416 Jane HEPBURN 07768 421935 [email protected] [email protected] DOCTORS Distribution: Springfield Surgery 01252 703122 Jenny GORDON 07796 254361 Witley Surgery 01428 682218 [email protected] Milford Crossroads Surgery 01483 414461 POLICE 101 Hurst Farm Surgery 01483 415885 www.surrey.police.uk/ro/report/ 7 COVID-19 VACCINATIONS Help in Thursley’s team of volunteers are standing by to help anyone in need of transport to attend a vaccination appointment. The volunteers are all insured, have DBS certification and will follow agreed COVID-19 policy and guidance procedures. If you are in need of transport please call the Duty Of- ficer on 07538 201276 and leave a message and you will be called back once the Duty Officer has the name of the volunteer who will drive you. VILLAGE DIARY Saturday, 1st May 10.30am Plant Sale (behind Village Hall) Tuesday, 4th May 7.00pm Parish Council Meeting (zoom) Thursday, 13th May 11.30-4.30pm National Garden Scheme Open Day Saturday, 27th June 3.00pm Blithe Spirit Play, Village Hall 5.00pm Pub Masquerade Ball MAY CHURCH CLEANING (Please contact Sallie Roles if you can help) Anne SCALES Debbie SPENCER Jackie RICKENBERG CHURCH FLOWERS (Please contact Anne Wakeley if you can help) 16th Sallie ROLES 23rd Sallie ROLES PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE OF 14TH MAY 2021 FOR SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES TO THE JUNE 2021 ISSUE OF THURSLEY PARISH MAGAZINE. EDITOR: Tricia HORWOOD, Thursley House, Dye House Road, Thursley, Surrey GU8 6QD. Tel: 01252 705171 E-mail: [email protected]. ADVERTISING MANAGER: Jane HEPBURN Tel: 07768 421935 Email: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Jenny GORDON Tel: 07796 254361 Email: [email protected] COVER: Commemorating the death of Prince Philip in St Michael & All Angels Church, By Philip Traill. Opinions expressed by authors and services offered by advertisers are not specifically endorsed by Thursley Parish Magazine or the Parochial Church Council. 8 Editorial By Tricia Horwood survival was always the stuff of minor miracle, who came ashore in orange- crate oracles, fought ingenious wars, finagled triumphs at sea with flaming decoy boats, and side-stepped torpedoes. Husbands to duty, they unrolled their plans across billiard tables and vehicle bonnets, regrouped at breakfast. What their secrets were was everyone’s guess and nobody’s business. Great-grandfathers from birth, in time Last weekend I watched with sadness the they became both inner core and outer simple but moving funeral ceremony for case in a family heirloom of nesting Prince Philip and I’m sure I was not alone dolls. in shedding a tear for the Queen and the Like evidence of early man their boot- Royal Family during this period of prints stand in the hardened earth of national mourning. No matter the age or rose-beds and borders. inevitability of death you’re never quite prepared for the shock when it happens They were sons of a zodiac out of sync and the loss that you are left with. with the solar year, but turned their The poet laureate, Simon Armitage, minds to the day’s big science and heavy wrote an elegy to mark the death of questions. Prince Philip that not only pays tribute to To study their hands at rest was to the man and his passions but mourns the picture maps showing hachured valleys passing of an entire generation, the likes and indigo streams, schemes of old of which we will never see again. They campaigns and reconnaissance missions. endured numerous hardships but Last of the great avuncular magicians somehow “kept buggering on” as they kept their best tricks for the grand Churchill so eloquently phrased it. We finale: will miss them. Disproving Immortality and THE PATRIACHS—AN ELEGY Disappearing Entirely. By Simon Armitage The major oaks in the wood start tuning The weather in the window this up and skies to come will deliver their morning is snow, unseasonal singular tributes. flakes, a slow winter’s final shiver. But for now, a cold April’s closing On such an occasion to presume to moments parachute slowly home, so by eulogise one man is to pipe up for a mid-afternoon snow is recast as seed whole generation– that crew whose heads and thistledown. 9 MAY SERVICES FOR THE PARISHES OF ELSTEAD, THURSLEY, SHACKLEFORD & PEPER HAROW We are hoping to have a gradual return to our church buildings. Here is a list of what we are planning. Of course, this is subject to government guidelines and any local outbreaks which may mean we need to stay online. Please check our website to book your place and check the service is still running, and we will endeavour to keep you up to date there on www.parishesofetsph.org.uk . SUNDAY 2nd 8.00am BCP Communion (Peper Harow) Easter 5 10.00am CW Communion (Elstead & zoom) SUNDAY 9th 8.00am BCP Communion (Estead) Easter 6 10.30am JAM Family Service (Elstead & zoom) 6.00pm Evening Service on zoom Thursday 13th 7.00pm CW Communion Service (Elstead) Ascension SUNDAY 16th 9.30am CW Communion (Thursley) Easter 7 10.00pm Service of the Word on zoom SUNDAY 23rd 8.00am BCP Communion (Elstead) Pentacost 9.30am CW Communion (Peper Harow & zoom) SUNDAY 30th 9.30am CW Communion (Thursley & zoom) Trinity Sunday TO JOIN OUR ZOOM SERVICES https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78943420469? pwd=U1hIUFQ2bjRISWhjN2dNMzVBbjNzZz09 Meeting ID: 789 4342 0469 Password: ETSPH Dial in via your telephone +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 789 4342 0469 Password: 262018 10 CHURCH LETTER By Revd Delia Orme (Associate Minister) Dear Friends, Spirit to put fire in their souls.
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