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PREFACE We had at first intended that this should be a book without a preface, and indeed it needs none, for it speaks in no uncer- tain tones for itself; but on reconsideration we decided that it would be more seemly to give a short explanation of our aim, our motives, and our methods. As a result of innumerable inquiries which have come to us during our experience as educators, we have been forced to the conclusion that the performances of the Irish race in many fields of endeavor are entirely unknown to most people, and that even to the elect they are not nearly so well known as they deserve to be. Hence there came to us the thought of placing on record, in an accessible, comprehensive, and permanent form, an outline of the whole range of Irish achievement dur- ing the last two thousand years. In undertaking this task we had a twofold motive. In the first place, we wished to give to people of Irish birth or descent substantial reason for that pride of race which we know is in them, by placing in their hands an authoritative and unassailable array of facts as telling as any nation in the world can show. Our second motive was that henceforward he who seeks to ignore or belittle the part taken by men and women of Irish birth or blood in promoting the spread of re- ligion, civilization, education, culture, and freedom should sin, not in ignorance, but against the light, and that from a thousand quarters at once champions armed with the panoply of knowledge should be able to spring to his confutation. To carry out in a satisfactory manner over a field so im- mense our lawfully ambitious aim was, as we realized at the outset, not possible to any two men who are primarily engaged, as we are, in other work of an exacting nature. Therefore, to render feasible the execution of our undertaking, we de- cided to invite the collaboration of many scholars and spe- cialists, each of whom could, out of the fullness of informa- tion, speak with authority on some particular phase of the general subject. We are glad to say that the eminent writers VI preface; to whom we addressed ourselves answered with promptitude and alacrity to our call, and have supplied us with such a body of material as to enable us to bring out a book that is abso- lutely unique. From each contributor we asked nothing but a plain verifia- ble statement of facts, and that, we think, is exactly what they have given us, for, while we do not make ourselves personally responsible for everything set down in the following pages, we believe that what stands written therein bears every mark of careful research and of absolute reliability. Although on many of our subjects little more remains to be said than what appears in the text, yet the treatment on the whole does not claim to be exhaustive, and therefore each writer has, at our request, appended to his contribution a short and carefully selected bibliography, so that those who are in- terested may have a guide for further reading. For our part, we consider these lists of works of reference to be a highly useful feature. It is a glorious thing for us, who are proud, one of us of his Irish descent and the other of his Irish birth, to think that the sons and daughters of mother Erin have so conspicuously dis- tinguished themselves in such varied spheres of activity in every age and in so many lands, and that we were privileged to make public the record of their achievements in a form never before attempted. We have other works in contemplation, and some actually in preparation, which will go far to strengthen the claims put forward in this book. In the meantime, we trust that the reception accorded to it will be such as to encourage us to persevere in making still better known the Glories of Ireland. Joseph Dunn P. J. Lennox Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. November, 1914 CONTENTS PAGE The Romance oe Irish History 1 Sir Roger Casement, C.M.G. The IsIvAnd oe Saints and Scholars 9 Very Rev. Canon D'Alton, M.R.I.A., LL.D. Irish Monks in Europe 20 Rev. Columba Edmonds, O.S.B. The Irish and the Sea 33 William H. Babcock, LL.B. Irish Love oe Learning 38 Rev. P. S. Dinneen, M.A., R.U.I. Irish Men oe Science 44 Sir Bertram C. A. Windle, Sc.D., M.D. Law in Ireland • 56 Laurence Ginnell, B.L., M.P. Irish Music 71 W. H. Grattan Flood, Mus.D. Irish Metal Work 78 Diarmid Coffey Irish Manuscripts.. ., 84 Louis Ely O'Carroll, B.A., B.L. The Ruins oe Ireland 89 Francis J. Bigger, M.R.I.A. Modern Irish Art 95 D. J. O'Donoghue Vin CONTENTS PAGE Ireland at Play 102 Thomas E. Healy The Fighting Race 110 Joseph I. C. Clarke The Sorrows of Ireland 145 John Jerome Rooney, A.M., LL.D. Irish Leaders 153 Shane Leslie Irish Heroines 162 Alice Milligan Irish Nationality 170 Lord Ashbourne Famous Irish Societies 176 John O'Dea' The Irish in the United States. 184 Michael J. O'Brien The Irish in Canada 221 James J. Walsh, M.D. The Irish in South America 228 Marion Mulhall The Irish in Australasia 245 Brother Leo, F.S.C, M.A. The Irish in South Africa 253 A. Hilliard Atteridge The Irish Language and Letters 258 Douglas Hyde, LL.D. CONTENTS ix PAGE Native Irish Poetry 265 Georges Dottin Irish Heroic Sagas 270 Eleanor Hull Irish Precursors oe Dante 277 Sidney Gunn, M.A. Irish Ineeuence on English Literature 283 Edmund C. Quiggin, M.A. Irish Foek Lore 290 Alfred Perceval Graves Irish Wit and Humor ^ 298 Charles L. Graves The Irish Theatre 304 Joseph Holloway Irish Journalists 310 Michael MacDonajrhe> The Irish Literary Revival 317 Horatio S. Krans, Ph.D. Irish Writers oe English 326 P. J. Lennox, B.A., Litt. D. THE ROMANCE OF IRISH HISTORY By Sir Roger Casement, C. M. G. THE history of Ireland remains to be written, for the pur- pose of Irishmen remains yet to be achieved. The struggle for national realization, begun so many cen- turies ago, is not ended ; and if the long story offers a so fre- quent record of failure, it offers a continuous appeal to the highest motives and a constant exhibition of a most pathetic patriotism linked with the sternest courage. Irish wars, throughout all time, have been only against one enemy, the invader, and, ending so often in material disaster, they have conferred always a moral gain. Their memory up- lifts the Irish heart; for no nation, no people, can reproach Ireland with having wronged them. When, at the dawn of the Christian era, we first hear of Ireland from external sources, we learn of it as an island har- boring free men, whose indomitable love of freedom was hate- ful to the spirit of imperial exploitation. Agricola's advice to the empire-builders of his day was that Rome should "war down and take possession of Ireland, so that freedom might be put out of sight." It was to meet this challenge of despotism that the Scotic clans of Alba turned to their motherland for help, and the sea was "white with the hurrying oars" of the men of Erin speeding to the call of their Highland kinsmen, threatened with imperial servitude. The first external record we possess thus makes it clear that when the early Irish went forth to carry war abroad, it was not to impose their yoke on other peoples, or to found an empire, but to battle against the Empire of the World in the threatened cause they held so dear at home. In this early Roman reference to Ireland we get the key- note to all later Irish history—a warring down on the one hand, so that freedom might be put out of sight; an eternal resistance, on the other, so that it might be upheld. It was this struggle that Ireland sought to maintain against every form of attack, down through Danish, Norman, Tudor, 2 THE GIX)RIES OF IRELAND Stuart, and Cromwellian assault, to the larger imperialism of the nineteenth century, when, as Thierry, the historian of the Norman Conquest, tells us, it still remained the one "lost cause" of history that refused to admit defeat. "This indom- itable persistency, this faculty of preserving through centuries of misery the remembrance of lost liberty and of never despair- ing of a cause always defeated, always fatal to those who dared to defend it, is perhaps the strangest and noblest ex- ample ever given by any nation." The resources Ireland opposed to her invaders have been unequal to the founding of a great state, but have preserved a great tradition.
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