Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1990-91 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 3-28-1991 The thI acan, 1991-03-28 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1990-91 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1991-03-28" (1991). The Ithacan, 1990-91. 24. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1990-91/24 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1990-91 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Students film video for troops in Knight Commission ineffective Sixties fashBon rreveval nn the Gulf in reform nineties ... page 6 ... page 8 ... page 11 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 58, No. 24 Thursday, March 28, 1991 24 pages Free NLRB rules in college's favor By Jacki Donati The National Labor Relations "It appears that the Board recently ruled in favor of Employer's refusal was Ithaca College in connection with wholly consistent with an alleged violation of the National its policy as codified Labor Relations Act. in The charges state that the col­ its employee hand­ lege was in violation of the NLRB book." Act by denying, "the rights of em­ -NLRB Regional Director ployees to engage in activities of Richard Ahearn mutual aid and protection," accord­ ing to an article that appeared in the Maley, Public Information Man­ Ithaca Journal. ager for IC, said that the letters did 'The charging party consists of not qualify as official college four fonner employees of Ithaca business and should not have been College; Carol Given, David Flavin, sent through the campus system. Janet Jones, and Susan Gell Miner. NLRB regional director, Richard All of them claim that long tenn Ahearn, notified the plaintiff in a -·--. · Ithacan /Tom Arundel exposure lo irritating chemicals at Feb. 25 letter, but didn't indicate His Holiness, the Dalal Lama addre~ss the 12,000 people who crowded Into Cornell's Barton Hall. IC caused them fatigue, depression, further proceedings were necessary. and a dulling of their senses. According to the notice from Three of the employees worked Ahearn, "ll appears that the in the Job Hall administration Employer's refusal was wholly Dalai Laina visits Cornell building. Flavin was an employee consistent with its policy as codified ~y Mi~µltMasL ,- .. _____ -." , ._ ---~i¥-hloomed-yellow .fms,lhia in a campus _~~rehouse where in its employee handbook_" ,;Tfze purpose of our life - chemicals were ·scored. , . "11ic' rilail sysrem--is--only"·for­ The words of ~ Dalai Lama jlD(i purple tulips and presented his The fonnerworkerscomplained college business," Maley said. rose delicately and wistfully car- .,listeners with his thoughts and ob­ is happiness. The most that IC prohibited them from According to Ahearn, Ithaca ried through the calm air of Barton ·:servations of human nature. effective factor for sending approximately 1,200 leuers College's policy to prohibit em­ Hall. _ . ---~- "The purpose ofour life is hap- happiness is within to their co-workers. The letters, ployee use of the intercampus mail Extolling the virtues of a com- . piness. The most effective factor mailed on Nov. 29, 1990, were in system, "was consistent with seve(al mon humanity and the need for for happiness is within ourselves," ourselves." -The Dalai Lama regard to the alleged unsafe work­ prior instances where it refused re­ inner-peace and ruD'f1lOOY, the 55 the Dalai Lama explained. "We ing conditions, according to the quests by other individuals and year old spiritual leader of Tibet already have iL Whether we utilize Journal article. campus organizations ... for mass captivated an audience of 12,000 iteffectivelyornotisthequestion." nessof mind" that results from such In a previous press statement, distribution of non-college business galheredtohearthebeliefsofaman Entitled "Overcoming Differ­ a mental state is the real source of the former employees said that correspondence." exiled from his homeland more than ences," the Dalai Lama's hour-long happiness and joy in a person's life. they feel, "The college's confisca­ Any appeal of Aheam's decision "The ultimate destroyer of our 30 years ago. address stressed love and compas- tion of these letters was discrimi­ had to have been filed by the plaintiff Dressetl in little more than a red sion as the keys to developing in­ happiness is anger," he said. "The natory, arbitrary and illegal." by March 11,1991 to comply with robe and sandals, the Dalai Lama ne~-strength and confidence. real enemy ultimately is ourselves." In a previous interview. Dave NLRB rules and regulations. stood behind a lectern adorned with · The Dalai Lama said the "calm- See "Dalai," on page,-------------------------------. 7 Student reporters face judicial action foil owing bomb hoax By Willie Rubenstein Four Ithaca College student journalists According to Bob Holt, direc­ were brought up on judicial charges stem­ tor of the Office of Campus ming from their attempts at coverage of the Safety, the students cooperated Feb. 19 bomb hoax. Two Ithacan staff members, Todd Butler fully with officers but were not and Beverly Goodman, left The Ithacan detained. office at 6:30 p.m. on the 19th to gather information on the bomb hoax. Butler and Goodman ran into Adam lationsof the Ithaca College Student Conduct Wodon and Mark Wightman who are staff Code, Sections III Al; Dl and D2. members of the World News in Review. Section III Al says that students are re­ According to the students, they were quired to comply with the directions of any stopped.and held by IC police officers while college employee. in the vicinity of the college's electrical sub­ Section DI says that any conduct that station. recklessly or intentionally endangers or threatcnsthewelfareofanypersononcollege The officers were investigating two Ithacan / Sharon Perks owned property or at college sponsored ac­ suspicious packages found on campus. One Barry Seldin has his blood pressure checked during Health Awareness Week. package was located near the sub-station tivities is expressly prohibited. and the other was found in the vicinity of the Section D2 states that disruptive, exces­ radio transmission tower. sively noisy, or indecent conduct may result Both packages had notes attached to them in disciplinary action. Fitness awareness finds IC and were found to be non-explosive by the Four seperate hearings were scheduled Seneca Army Depot Bomb Disposal Unit. with a different case officer overseeing each By Shaun Hatton and Michael Malosky speakers, aerobics workouts and a health Power was shutdown on campus for three one. depending on where the students live. During this week, IC students get to work and fimess assessment station adjacent to hours. Students were evacuated from nearby According to Bob Holt, director of the on a body of knowledge seldom explored in the Emerson Suites open daily this week from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. residence halls. Office of Campus Safety, lhe students co­ classrooms -- health. According to letters mailed to Butler, operated fully with officers but were not Since Monday, Mar. 25, the school of At the station, students move from one Goodman, Wodon and Wightman a month detained. Director of Judicial Affairs Rory heallh sciences and human performance has area that computes health care costs to a after the incident, they were all charged Rothman, said he could not comment spe­ been sponsoring Health Awareness Weck blood-pressure check, then to a computer with the same offenses: Three alleged vio- cifically on the cases. for the third year. The week features See "Fitness," page 4 2 THE ITHACAN March 28, 1991 Avoiding STDs Ithacan Inquirer 18y Dr. W. Robertson By Tom Arundel Sexually Transmitted Diseases !Health Watch (STDs) arc infections caught I Question: What is your favorite Spring activity in through sexual contact The most common STDs at STDs can be prevented Ithaca? Ithaca College in orderof frequency by responsible sexual are Genital Wans, Crabs (Pubic behavior. Limit the Lice), Chlamydia and Herpes. This article will discuss these four con­ number of your sexual ditions. partners and always use Genital Warts (or condyloma) a condom. arc caused by the Hwnan Papilloma Virus (HPV), which also causes the infertility. It is therefore a very im­ common skin wans found on hands portant condition to prevent or to and feet. find and treat early. It can take several months for A chlamydia test is available warts to develop after exposure to and treatment is by a course of an the virus. They fonn on the ex t.crnal antibiotic called Doxycycline. genital organs, and in women oft.en Genital Herpes is caused by the on the cervix as well. This is im­ Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), the Larry Wolpe Margie Elson Keith Brown portant because some types of the same virus that causes cold sores Speech Comm. '92 Politics '92 Mana~ement '92 virus are associated with cancer of around the mouth. Painful shallow the cervix many years later. They ulcers develop on the vulva in Just hanging out with Rowing and just I like going to the park can be deteeted on the cervix by a women and on the penis in men. my f ricnds, playing ball hanging out on the and throwing the pap smear and if found can be treated A first episode of herpes is oft.en and enjoying the quad. -frisbee. with cryotherapy, that is, by freez­ associat.cdwithafeverandachiness. weather. ing the surface cells of the cervix . Glands in the groin may become Crabs (pubic lice) is an infesta­ swollen and tender. The sores heal tion of the pubic hair with a tiny within about IO days, but because louse called Phthirus Pubis, which the virus lies donnant in nerve cells attaches itself to the skin at the base afterwards, it can recur.
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