THE CATHOLIC March 21, 2012 Vol.C 50, No. 4 ommentatorSERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org An Opinion Moral conscience and church teaching at core of discussion By Father Paul Gros this church teaching?” Parochial vicar at St. Michael the Archangel Church, The church teaches that the con- Convent; Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Gramercy science is “man’s most secret core and and St. Joseph Church, Paulina his sanctuary.” It is there that “he is alone with God whose voice echoes The recently issued mandate by the in his depths” (Vatican II Gaudium et U.S. Department of Health and Hu- Spes, 16). “The dignity of the human man Services has gravely threatened person implies and requires upright- religious liberty ness of moral conscience” and it in our country. “enables one to assume responsibility And, as we have for the acts performed” (CCC 1780-1). heard through In other words, it is the human con- the Louisiana science that is the inner voice that says Conference of to us, “Hey, don’t do that because it is Catholic Bish- wrong” or “Hey, you messed up back ops and other there.” bishops around In the years preceding Vatican Coun- the country, cil II individual conscience was not Father Paul Gros President Barack always emphasized or stressed within Obama’s “accom- the church (though it has always been modations” do not suffice in protecting there as evidenced by letters of St. Paul the institutional conscience of Catholic and the early Fathers of the Church). organizations that have been shaped by When it came to following the teach- Catholic teachings. However, religious ing authority of the magisterium, the liberty is not the focus of this article perceived mentality of “do not think for but rather a related issue surround- yourselves, just follow the rules” may Priests learn how to be good confessor so those confessing their sins will have ing this controversy – the moral have framed church teaching on faith a positive, prayerful experience. Photo by Nancy Wiechec | CNS conscience of the individual Catholic and morals for some of the faithful as and the Catholic Church’s teaching on being a “heavy yoke and burden,” not contraception and suited for salvation The Light Is On For You renews sterilization. but rather servitude More than 40 “It is a ‘ formed’ moral – far from what importance of forgiveness years ago Pope Jesus intended (Mt Paul VI issued his conscience, not just an 11:28-30). But in By Laura Deavers the Light Is On For You with the idea encyclical “Hu- recent times, the Editor of having churches open for extend- manae Vitae,” informed conscience, perceived mentality ed hours on a specific night for rec- which restated the within the church The Light Is On for You has created onciliation. church’s teaching that opens the human seemed to shift to a renewed sense of the importance of More people are coming to con- that “contracepting” a “just follow your receiving the sacrament of reconcili- fession, said Father David, and, be- or sterilizing the heart up to God, who conscience” attitude. ation. This is the third year churches cause of the catechesis that churches marital act is always This shift to individ- in the Diocese of Baton Rouge have provide about the sacrament, people opposed to God’s is the truth.” ual conscience has offered The Light Is On for You, approach this sacrament of forgive- plan for conjugal been a positive shift. which is a night set aside each week ness with a sense of truly wanting to love (HV 14-16; Father Paul Gros However, the danger during lent at specified churches in change their lives so they do not sin Catechism 2370). with this lies in dis- which several priests are available again. He said others come to con- This encyclical set off a fire storm both connecting the individual conscience for confession. fession, rattle off their sins, receive outside and within the church and from objective truth, which caters to Father Jamin David credits Bishop absolution and go out into the world even to this day is under much scru- moral relativism in which we “become Robert W. Muench with implement- knowing that they can come back tiny, as we have seen recently through like gods” deciding for ourselves right ing The Light Is On For You in this the next day to receive this sacra- the coverage of the HHS mandate. But from wrong (Gen 3). diocese. Father David, who is paro- ment again. now, in a society that is evermore being But the Catholic Church’s approach chial vicar at St. Aloysius Church Father David said he attributes the threatened by what Pope Benedict XVI is neither of these extremes, but rather in Baton Rouge and a judge in the change in people’s attitude toward coined the “dictatorship of relativism,” it is the “via media,” the middle way. diocesan tribunal, said while he going to confession more frequently, the question that must be asked is, The church teaches that a human being was studying canon law at Catholic not just once or twice a year, to The “What role does the ‘individual’ Catho- “must always obey the certain judg- University in Washington, D. C., the Light is On For You. “With a penance lic moral conscience play regarding SEE CONSCIENCE page 8 Archdiocese of Washington initiated SEE RECONCILIATION page 8 2 The Catholic Commentator March 21, 2011 | IN THIS ISSUE | DID YOU KNOW THE U.S. BISHOPS HAVE APPROVED a Carrying one’s cross should be viewed as five-page statement declaring their uni- a sign of hope since Jesus carried his cross 10 commandments for drivers fied effort to defend religious liberty. to gain redemption for humanity. PAGE 7 The bishops ask people of faith to join in Got road rage? Frustrated by Requesting that motorists their effort through prayer and penance. traffic? Did you know the Vati- exercise virtue while driv- PAGE 4 can has rules for the road to ing, the council drew up help prevent the “occasion of these “commandments:” IN LIGHT OF THE CURRENT ECONOMIC sin” while driving? 1. You shall not kill. DIFFICULTIES two U.S. bishops have writ- The “Ten Command- 2. The road shall be ten to Congress asking that federal budget ments” for drivers is for you a means of decisions be based on the needs of the included in a docu- communion between poor, the protection of human life and ment titled “Guide- people and not of mor- dignity and the promotion of the common lines for Pastoral Care tal harm. good. PAGE 4 of the Road,” published by the Pontifical 3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence VARIED SERVICES OCCUR DURING HOLY Council for Migrants and Travelers. will help you deal with unforeseen events. WEEK. Palms, blessed oils, sacraments of “Those who know Jesus Christ are vigi- 4. Be charitable and help your neighbor initiation and Eucharist, and songs of jubi- lant on the roads. They don’t only think in need, especially victims of accidents. lation blend to mark in a special way these about themselves, and are not always 5. Cars shall not be for you an expres- eight days. PAGES 10 -11 worried about getting to their destina- sion of power and domination, and an tion in a great hurry. They see the people occasion of sin. who ‘accompany’ them on the road, each 6. Charitably convince the young and | of whom has their own life, their own de- not so young not to drive when they are INDEX sire to reach a destination and their own not in a fitting condition to do so. CLASSIFIED ADS 16 problems. They see everyone as brothers 7. Support the families of accident vic- COMING EVENTS 17 and sisters, sons and daughters of God. tims. ST. JUDE PARISHIONERS get to know ENTERTAINMENT 12 This is the attitude that characterizes a 8. Bring guilty motorists and their vic- their neighbors as they deliver sack FAMILY LIFE 5 Christian driver,” the document reads. tims together, at the appropriate time, lunches to them. Parents and children INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS 4 “The contemporary phenomenon of so that they can undergo the freedom of learn those who live in poverty are just like LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 15 mobility should be experienced by Chris- forgiveness. them in many ways. PAGE 5 SPIRITUALITY 7 tians, by exercising the theological and 9. On the road, protect those who are VIEWPOINT 14 cardinal virtues. For the faithful, the more vulnerable. ALL PEOPLE HAVE CROSSES in their life. YOUTH 18 road also becomes a path to holiness,” it 10. Behave responsibly in relation to continues. others. | PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PRAY FOR US Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. Newly Mar. 25 Rev. Robert F. Stine Apr. 1 Rev. Derrick Weingartner SJ Remodeled! salmon • speckled trout sh, • boiledcrabs, crawfi shrimp Dcn. Richard H. Grant Dcn. Robert J. Kusch Sr. Rachael Williams SSF Sr. Jane Aucoin CSJ Mar. 26 Rev. Martin N. Thanh ICM Apr. 2 Rev. Ju Hyung (Paul) Yi Dcn. Esnard F. Gremillion Dcn. Thomas E. Labat Sr. Sr. Adelaide Williamson CSJ Sr. Kathleen Babin CSJ Mar. 27 Rev. Frank M. Uter Apr. 3 Rev. Gerard F. Young Dcn. Ronald J. Hebert Dcn. Ronald D. LeGrange Sr. Mary Abelette MC Br. Donnan Berry SC Mar. 28 Rev. Henry C. Vavasseur Apr. 4 † Most Rev. Robert E. Tracy dfi sh • red snapper dfi Dcn. Clayton A. Hollier Dcn. Albert Levy III Sr.
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