St WEATHER FORECASTS 4 4 PW H hours ending 5 p. m. Saturdayt WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Vitoria and vicinity- Light to moder­ ate winds, generally fair, not much Royal Victoria—Say, Young Fellow. ch-uige in temperature. Pantage»—Vaudeville. I«ower Mainland—Light to moderate Dominion—Madge Kennedy. wiuda. generally fair, not mut'h change Irf Variety—God's Country ahd. the Woman temperature. tmt® Romano—Alias Mrs. Jedsop. \ ■“ Columbia—The Daughter of the Goda VOL. 53, NO. 46 VICTOR FA, B. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1<R8 EIGHTEEN PAGES .is Line on Front of Fifty Miles Wavers Hoover Returns to DISASTER THREATENING GERMANS States After Trip HAIG’S THIRD AND FOURTH ARMIES AS BATTLE AMONG GREATEST OF to Allied Countries SMASH THEIR WAY FORWARD AND New_York. Aug. II.—Herbert C. Hoover, Untied Stales Food Adminis­ trator. returned to-day from his trip HErHE WAR CONTINUES TO DEVELOP abroad. ADD TO THEIR BAG OF CAPTIVES SCENE OF BRITISH ADVANCE Dispatches From British Front Say Tide of Battle Is Third Army Gains More Than Mile on Front of Over Setting Increasingly Against Teutons, Who Are Seven Miles; Fourth Army Advances Over Two Desperately Throwing in Masses of Men AVESNC5 Miles on a Front of Similar Length London, Aug. 23.—Along the front in Northern Picardy a battle London, Aug. 23.—A battle i/raging to-d*yin France on one of which eeenu to be one of the greatest of the war has developed. JAiirr Disaster is reported to be threatening the whole German army on the widest front» of the war. It extend» about fifty miles north from this front and the Germans are throwing great masses of men into the Soissons. Everywhere, according to news received here this after­ llcns PUCQOOV noon from the battlefront, the battle has been going successfully fbr straggle in the hope of checking the tide of battle, which dispatches ■<>■ the Allies. - from British headquarters say is setting increasingly against them. From the north end of the battleline, at Boiry-Becquerelle, Boy- BAPAUM The British Third Army has gained more than a mile on a front ACMEU. of more than seven miles. elles and Oommeconrt, come tidings of a British advance. Meaulte, near Albert, was wrested from the Germans. Happy Valley, south of The British Fourth Army has gained more than two mil». on a Meaulte and north of Bray, also was taken by British troops. front of seven miles. The Fourth Army has taken more than 1,500 prisoners to-day. South of the Somme, Ohuignollee and Herleville are said to have been captured. The third Array captured more than 500 Germans in the town of Oommeconrt alone. The latest reports from the battleline say that the Bq|ish are reaching out in the direction of Tara Hill, which is a thousand yards British Headquarters in France, Aug. 23.—(By Reuter’s.)—The beyond Albert. ........ — British offemive, so rigorously resumed on Wednesday morning, has London, Aug. 23.—On "the northern apread rapidly th»t It Is difficult to and southern ends of the Picardy bat- kSep paco with the developments of It tlefront the battered German line le ■4-W.hat now Is being witnessed Is the wavering. Along the < Mae ihe enemy JULIES REAP FRUITS ÏLhnmin" 0t *'br*"l»I« tactical scheme is retreating precipitately. Allied COAST SHIPPING r which must be causing the deepest pressure continues strong along the concern to the German high command whole front. !—- Bond Eliminated. Mighty Battle. Arrole* ln France, British and German armies are lock­ OFTWO VICTORIES WILLBE TIED UP ara r,to^721îi,hs troops thl. morning ed in a mighty I tattle to-day from nîoiJL POriw! lo hav'' captured Chulg- Lihons. six miles south of the Somme, to Holl.^LandwH®rl''v"1''’ south** of th, the Cojeul River, south of Arras. It is Homme More than a thousand pris! officially reported that the British are Gains of July 18 and August 8 General Isolation of Cities to wto -K takin I" this operation. making progress and that German at- Wh^de.'te / tacks east of Begucourt, at the middle Have Put Enemy in Grit- ' Follow Resignation of Steam ÆSKSë SavaSS-Vr»*-» IMryL^ecqueraTle “T, «Tpu^ of the battlefront, were repulsed. The l.ta.1 report, .tale that this Une I. bel,,, drlv^Trorward^ Jûy - - th* ,,r"~nt *r“* *““*• Vital Sectors. ical Pocition ship Officers The British hold the line from near Roye “P p“,h.: , Probably the most vital sectors to northward. South of Roye the French are operating. a-Xî* w the Germans at present are those from n,Wour*th(,rtrofhth?A,^rwb^; Roye to Noyon, and that northwest -of A! 8oi»sons. If the first should waver and Parts, Aug. 23.—The Allies are reap Victoria is threatened with complete, constdered to bo the clUefpoinTofthî fall back, the German position north ing the fruits of the .victories of July Mangle's Men Took isolation by the wholesale resignations defence position. of the Somme would have to be read- 18 and August 8 in the critical situ­ -~ui5r . n-*Mrh trasM .^Justed! If the salient northwest of FRENCH STEADILY DRIVE of master mariner» and ^(fleers of the Sotssons should fall the French would ation in which the German command British Columbia coastwise steamship CTSFSr “d PU3h,n* M now finds itself. 5,000 Prisoners in • the heights of the Vhemln-des services as transportation connections graatesl’^jf * the*war *° "» “f «"• Dames outflanked. Continued French The German retirement around with the mainland will be completely pressure on the salient would appear Noyon. it Is said here, ta the logical THE GERMAN FORCES BACK Two Days' Fighting severed by the Impending cancellation to, have the effect of forcing the Ger­ Toward Bapaume. consequence of those victories. The of Mailings. London. Aug. 23.—tioiry Heckuriel], — mans to retreat from the Vesle within The shipping companies Pave made ___a few days almost----------------—----- — French and- HciUsh -sea pressing the TSfto. Aug. (Htn, Agency) — Boyellea and Hamlinçourt are now held certain concessions before the Royal to a râplrt. U Army' according American troop* north of the Vesle enemy so closely that he is obliged IN OBE-AILLETTE REGION Between the Glee and the A lane Commission sitting at Vancouver in have increased the security of their to throw in his best troops to save during the advance, of Wednesday and the matter of wages, but absolutely re­ towïrtBrhpu*h,“* their attack position by cleaning out an important, Thureday. General Slangin’» army took fuse to recognize the Canadian Mer­ point north of Fismes. The Germans himself from disaster. In the north toward the southeast from Gonmie- fi.SW prisoner», according to advice, chant Service Guild. Oh the other hand court. In the direction of Bapaume. attempted a counter-attack, but were and In the south the Allied forces are the masters and mates are determined thrown back with loss. Along the re­ dashing upon the Germans and snap­ Paris, Aug. 23 —French troops have occupied the southern hawir received here. to accept no compromise which does Report From Haig. mainder of the Vesle front the Allied ping up prisoners and booty, some­ not involve the recognition of the Guild London. Aug. 23- pressure is being maintained. of the Oise and the Aillette between Sempigny, south of Noyon, and « ’u*ht<jf>tth'',H 'lne b*tw«n ' Lihnns! times getting into the main enemy de- by the shipowners. the railroad bridge west of Coucy-le-Chatean. South of Coucy-Ie- Three Headquarters That is the situation as it stands to- Rlraî w,,„he m,i Vojeul r<oy. The resignations of the ships* !h ?r Arn“*. a front of more Attempts on Lives General Mangin's pressure between Chateau they have reached the outskirts of Qnny and Pont St. Hard. officers are now becoming effective, than twenty-five miles, according to a August 18 and 20 resulted in the cap­ This progress brings them farther toward the rear of the German of Enemy Battalions and by to-morrow the Indications are statement tsàued at the War Office to. ture of mofe than 10,000 prisoners, and that practically jill the passenger and tro°P* are making pro- of Army Officers ii forces holding the hills north of Boissons and within three miles of the freight steamers plying in the gulf and on August 22 he forced the enemy to Captured by British northern coast services will be tied up. t nunJber ot Points Two ene- go t>eyond the Aillette. The army of German positions north of the Chemin-des-Dames as they stood before jHe-UJCOurt were re­ Austria Increasing Steamship companies have already An­ pulsed during the/ight. General von Eben is in such a pre­ . W,„h. the British Army In France, nounced cancellation of sailings in the the offensive ofMay 27. eveht of a strike. The text of the statement follows: dicament. it la. believed, that he is sic*' ~ xthe Associated Press I C. P. R. Situation. t.aii^gtlhUnff wlei laïlng l,Uce along vlrt- Washington, Aug. 23.—An official liound to make a strong counter-at­ The following official report was issued here this afternoon: Three UeTman battalion headquarters ïm.fh tS? ,Th°a front h, tvveen Lih<ma. dispatch received Here from Switzer­ tack to halt General Mangin or be have been taken In the locality of It was announced at the local offices south of the Somme, and the Cojeul land to-day says that attempts against obliged to withdraw from the Aisne “During the night there was a violent bombardment between the Happy Valley, north STTlray.
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