Easter Bonnet 12 All BASEBALL CLUB met Tuesday after LETTER PERFECT–Sally Jorgenson noon and made final arrangements for ( Manuals ) was responsible for the type the 1962 season. Chuck Duquette (Finals, setting and composition of the textbook, Plant 3 ) is manager this year ; Bill Higley “ Typical Oscilloscope Circuitry, " which (Stock ) is coach . NOT A PARIS ORIGINAL , but it will be released by Tektronix soon . served its Don Whitmire Employee Succumbs purpose. (Grounds Maintenance ) forgot his hat The beneficiary of Harry King ( Quality Monday and, said Don, “ My head was Coord . , Plant 1 ) was presented with a getting hot.” So he improvised and de $ 1000 check from the Employees ' Bene- signed this hot-weather headgear with a Circuitry Text ficiary Assistance Fund following Harry's copy of Tekweek . death Wednesday , April 11 . To Be Released Within several weeks, a textbook en titled “ Typical Oscilloscope Circuitry " will be released from the Manuals depart ment. The book is designed to be a train Tekweek ing aid for Tektronix employees and customers . Vol . 3 , No. 3 Tektronix , Inc., Beaverton , Oregon April 20 , 1962 " We have had many customer requests for purchase of the book ," said Herb Yates ( Manuals ) , publisher. " We have already applied for re - publication and Switch Department Joins Bonus Books Sent translation rights in South America ." IE's Accessories Design For 'Century 21 ' The book was printed at Tektronix and According to Bill Polits , Instrument bound in Portland . Eddie Richmond Employee response to advanced ticket Engineering sales for the Seattle World's Fair was manager , the Switch depart- ( IMSE Specs Writer) is author of “ Typ ment has been incorporated with the ical Oscilloscope Circuitry " and Dudley very successful, reported Tom Williams, Accessories Plant Services Design department of Instru- Gaylord ( Manuals) was supervisor of the Supporting manager . ment Engineering . Nearly 2,000 adult bonus books and 325 project. children's books were sent to Tek em- Henry Fritzler, Switch Department The 328 - page text has 236 hand - drawn ployees and their families—about $ 12,500 head , will report directly to Lang Hed- illustrations and some worth of . photographic illus tickets rick , manager of Accessories Design . trations . Pat Richardson ( IO Bldg. receptionist) Technical questions and requests for and Vurda Shelley ( Information Desk ) switches should be addressed to Henry arranged the advanced ticket sales . The as they were in the past. Administrative Century 21' exposition opens tomorrow, and scheduling matters should be handled Pinfallers Capture April 21 , in Seattle . through Lang . League Championship There will be no change in the physical The Pinfallers team of the Tek Men's Softball Turn - Out Encouraged location of the two groups . bowling league won the league champion According to Doreen Dwigans (Finals , ship two weeks before the end of league Plant 1 ) , women's softball coordinator, LOST BOOK play . Team captain Lou Lambert ( Plant the Tek Women's Softball team will prac- International Dictionary of Physics 2 Test ) and the following team members tice every Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock & Electronics , 2nd edition . Van earned the championship: at the Hall Street park . Nostrand . Book number 3701. If Roger Tippett ( Plant 2 Test ) , Wayne you have this book please contact All women employees are encouraged Arnson ( Plant 2 Test ) , Dan Hutchinson Terry Bassett, Research Library , to turn out for the sport . Equipment is ext . 388 . ( Sheet Metal ) , Dick Stein ( Plant 2 Test ) furnished and Toru " Tom " Honma ( Plant 2 Test ) . PLANT 2 , PLANNING UNIT WIRING , PLANT 1 UNIT WIRING , PLANT 1 The Planning group had a potluck to WILSON'S WACKY WIRERS GEORGE RICKMAN'S GROUP honor Belya Yoss who left to be Plant 4 name for our New members of our group are JoAnn Karen Scott picked the Skelton from ; Rachelle Brown receptionist ; John Maffitt who is goingOzellato new group . She received a wire corsage Training Instrument Mfg. Scheduling ; and from utility man , Dwight Cochran . from maternity leave ; Velona Cloud , Canada , Mary Ann Dewey and Louella Newly - elected officers are Dwight Coch Frances Yoast and Roslyn Buster from Turner who are joining our group from ran , group representative; Patty Pliska, Pilot Production . Mechanical . news reporter ; Mary Green , alternate rep New in our group also are Larry Whit and Ethel social more and resentative ; Williams, who is replacing John Maffitt chairman . ASSEMBLY , PLANT 2 Terry Kingrey (dock foreman ) who re Marge Montague came on swing shift to placed Gary Talley . Gary joined the Port train the group while our gular trainer , SUPPORT GROUP land Fire Department. Ozella Canada returned from a three Marilyn Reynolds, is on sick leave . All of Mechanical is celebrating with week vacation through California , Okla Maxine Johnson on the birth of her new granddaughter . After three grandsons , she homa, Kansas, Colorado and Texas. UNIT WIRING , PLANT 3 Sheila Day and Ellen Holmes were deserves little Amy Carol. chosen social chairmen for the group . FORREST MARTIN'S GROUP Betty Nunnenkamp from Wiring is work ing in Mechanical . Cleo Binkerd from Short Vi Goodman is back with us after sick Line is helping in Kit Prep . leave . Midge Lazott is at home recuperat Mechancial had potluck to honor Frances ing from surgery. Woodruff , Mary Ann Dewey, Ozella Canada ASSEMBLY , PLANT 2 We are happy to welcome Barbara Jack have transferred to son and Dee McGee into our group . Leona and Lou Tucker who ELROY FARAH'S WHEELS us when our other departments. Spence treated she joined Kit Prep and Wire Prep surprised Larry Doris Flynn is our new Q.C. girl. group . Sutton with a birthday cake. Kit Prep had George Miner has been working in Pilot We are proud to announce Bunola Silver cake for Len Nelson , Ioline Peterson and Production . thorne's engagement to Edwin Cornilles of Evelyn Brown. Our thanks to Len Nelson and Jerry CRT Engineering Drafting . Cables has a new girl . Welcome to Helen Branch for running our errands while Al Clark's daughter, Jean, was selected Liesegang . George Miner is away . to be a Junior Rose Festival princess rep Kit Prep thanks everyone who has Mary Drips celebrated her second - year presenting Harvey Scott school. helped them provide their Christmas family anniversary at Tek by treating us to cake . Janet Harris' husband , Allen , made. 3rd with Easter dinner . They have sent a box Class . He is on board the U.S.S. McGinty . of food every month since Christmas, plus various other things the family needed . ASSEMBLY , PLANT 1 SUPPORT GROUP CASE HISTORIES PLANT 2 , SWING New in our group from Training are Karen Smith is being trained in Wire ASSEMBLY , PLANT 3 Dianne Foster and Clara Schbig. Prep . EAST SIDE GANG Our supervisor, Howard ( Casey ) Case, Rose Walden treated us to cake before Virginia Redford's son , David, is home treated us on his third Tek anniversary . she went on day shift . on his first leave from boot camp in San Diego , submarine division of the Navy . Twice during his training David was , PLANT 2 awarded first place in academic achieve CAPACITORS ASSEMBLY ment in his company of 80 men . The Resistor group gave a pink and blue FRIENDSHIP 7 SWINGERS shower March 30 for Rosellyn Garner. New girls in our group are Nancy Turn New girls in our group are Carol Young Berneita Snyder. ( Resistors ) and Beulah Martin and Dar er , Marty Smith and Carolyn Grizzle received an engagement ex leen Shackleton ( Capacitors ) . ring for her birthday from Kelly Nolan . I deeply appreciate the flowers and the Nina Young transferred to the Diode de Ruth Youker received many nice gifts pressions of sympathy received at partment . at a baby shower given for her at the death of my father . A potluck was held honoring Dale LeBar home of Verneta McClure. ron and Ted Hiatt. Our group expresses its sympathy to Margaret Lorson , The Capacitors group was treated to pie Angie Vanderzanden upon the death of her Cost Services and ice cream by the Diode group on Mon father - in -law . day , April 9 , to welcome Capacitors to the Sunset plant . UNIT WIRING , PLANT 1 CARS FOR SALE COMPONENT SELECTION STAN SAETY'S GROUP New employee , Rovena Tri and a trans We had a farewell cake , honoring Harriet '61 RAMBLER AMERICAN : 2 - dr . sedan , fer, Cora Hilden , have joined our group. Virell who terminated in order to stay r/h , auto . trans . , lots of extras , $ 1850 . ME LeMoyne Warner and his wife have home with her new baby boy . 9-2537 aft . 6 p.m. or weekends . adopted a baby girl , Janice Joy . Jeanette Traughber is our new line in spector . '59 ENGLISH FORD : free equity , payments $ 49.20 ; total price $ 639.60 . Ivy, ext. 208 or ASSEMBLY , PLANT 2 MI 8-5026 eves . DALE DERBY'S DAYDREAMERS ASSEMBLY , PLANT 2 '57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 : 2 -dr. hdtp , r / h , Charlene Kilgore was in an auto accident . THE SOLDERETTES , SWING o/d , excel . cond . , w/ w tires , $ 1000 . MI 4 She suffered a neck injury. Hazel Cook treated the group to cookies 1512 . before the hospital for minor Nora Pirrie treated the group to home entering '54 STUDEBAKER WAGON : auto . trans. made candy . surgery . Linda Wheelon and Vi Flink are new gd . transp . , 6 - cyl . , r/ h , $ 275 . Steve , ext . 646 girls from Training who have joined us . '60 RAMBLER AMERICAN : 2 - dr . super ASSEMBLY , PLANT 3 , other extras , $ 1325 . FOOD SERVICES sedan , o / d , r/h , 2 - tone GIPSON'S GIRLS MI 4-7730 . Newly - elected officers for our group are ELSIE'S CULINARY CUTIES '57 DODGE : 4 - dr . , hdtp . , power brakes. Marilyn Hansen, group representative; Wil Elsie's Culinary Cuties held their regular 39.000 mi., $ 745 . Corinne, ext. 322 Sunset or ma Hayden, social representative ; and meeting Monday , March 29, with Don Kep MI 8-2485 aft .
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