DOCUMENT RESUME ED 284 201 CS 210 268 AUTHOR Small, Robert C., Jr., Ed.; Kelly, Patricia P., Bd. TITLE A Critical Look at Literature Worth Teaching. INSTITUTION Virginia Association of Teachers of English. PUB DATS 86 NOTE 182p. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052) -- Collected Works - Serials (022) -- Viewpoints (120) JOURNAL CIT Virginia English Bulletin; v36 n2 Win 1986 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Curriculum Development; Elementary Secondary Education; *English Curriculum; Higher Education; *Literary Criticism; *Literature Appreciation; *Reader Response; *Reading Material Selection ABSTRACT In order to help teachers identify works of literature that will remain vibrant parts of their students' lives and give them new insights into themselves, their friends, and their enemies, this journal contains articles suggesting works that the authors found most meaningful to themselves. Titles and authors are as follows: (1) "April Morning': Coming to Manhood, All in a Few Hours" (K. Donelson); (2) "Is God Dead?" (L. K. Snyder); (3) "A Record of Epiphanies in the Work of M. E. Kerr" (C. Zinck); (4) "A Shelf Life of 'Forever'" (N. E. Davis); (5) "Pinky's Tale: An Appreciative Response to 'A Day No Pigs Would Die'" (J. Morrell); (6) "A Hero Still Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich" (L. Newbury); (7) "A Look at Foster Care in 'The Great Gilly Hopkins*" (P. Stokes); (8) "The Black Woman: A Focus on 'Strength of Character' in 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings*" (S. S. Cordell); (9) "A Reading of 'Hamlet': An Experiment in Personalized 'New Criticism'" (R. G. Goba); (10) "Robert Frost's 'The Pasture': Poem and Metapoen" (M. S. Moore); (11) "Keats's 'Oe First Looking into Chapman's Homer' and Poetic Integrity" (P. Lanier, Jr.); (12) "Early American Literature Worth Teaching: Philip Freneau's 'Indian' Poems" (J. Baker); (13) "Anguish and Anger" (S. Robbins); (14) "Willa Cather--Not Just a Prairie Writer" (E. Deaner); (15) "Bellow's 'Dangling Man': Archetype of Adolescence" (J. E. Davis); (16) "Huck Finn and America's Symbolic Landscape" (D. Walker); (17) "The Missed Adventures of 'Huckleberry Finn*" (K. S. Sullivan); (18) "Hemingway's Hold on Readers" (E. H. Thompson); (19) "A Novel Worth Teaching; Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye'" (V. F. Daughtry); (20) "'A Separate Peace': A Novel Worth Teaching" (W. N. Reed); (21) "Merlin's Magic" (N. Merrelll; (22) "A Critical Look at John Gardner's 'Grendel'" (M. Segedy); (23) "'Fahrenheit 451'; Three Reasons Why It's Worth Teaching" (W. E. Reynolds); (24) "Benedict Kiely and the Irish Gelignite Tradition" (E. C. Epps); (25) "A Mentor-Protege Relationship: A Look at Gail Godwin's 'The Finishing School*" (B. Naff); (26) "The Maturation Theme in Jon Cleary's Fiction" (J. W. Crawford); (27) "Values Clarification in Biblical Literature" (M. Ediger); (28) "History in Literature: 'A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver'" (M. S. Loehr and J. Wright); (29) "The Necessary Lie" (W. Westcott); (30) "The Wise Way--A Gifted Program" (A. L. Gibson and J. Worley); (31) "Staging a Literary Festival" (S. Poe and H. Jessee); (32) "Of Puritans, Plymouth, and Process" (S. Whiteman); (33) "Owning the Literature and the Lesson, Too" (L. C. Latzko); (34) "Macbeth for the Reluctant Student" (D. Wiest); (35) "Getting from Here to There" (M. K. Simpson); (36) "Literary Clue: A Game of Style" (M. Webster); (37) "A Student-Celtered Approach to Teaching Poetry" (P. Curtis); (38) "Integrating Reading and Writing Using Children's Literatures A Hovel Approach" (K. D. Dur and N. D. Manning); (39) "Individualized Hovel Study" (0. Anderson); and (40) °Writing before Reading" (J. H. Jones). Book reviews relevant to the theme of the journal are also included. (SRT) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** on. d... I. Winter 1986 Volume 36, Number 2 U S DEPARTMENT OF EDOCATtON OriiCe 01 Educationel ReeearoA and improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOuRODR INeoROUTION CENTERgrim) c)4 lirdocument hes been reproduced es evred Roo me oefeoe of oteeteTeeoe (. oegieseep Si 0 &4Inor choopee nave Peen made to improve .- reproctiNtooquelAT .. Ponds Of ,/Or opmeess Stalea IftOld 00Cl Neat do riot neceeemay rePreseril NONNI 2 Virginia OEM NNW* Or POKY English Bulletin A Critical Look at hi Literature VATE Worth Teaching "PERMISSION TO REPROOUCE THIS ,LMATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY VATE TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER &RIC)." Virginia Association of TeachersorEnglish BEST COPYAVAILABLE - %%. .. a s Virginia English Bulletin OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Patricia P. Kdly and Robert C. Small. Jr. Editors College of Education Virginia Tech Blacksburg. VA 24061 Ray VanDykt: Carol Dallman Business Manager Editorial Assistant Montgomery County Schools Virginia Tech Christiansburg, VA 24073 Blacksburg. VA 24061 Editorial Board EDRIE BAYS (1987) LOUISE PATTERSON (1986) Roanoke County Schools Roanoke City Schools GERALD BYRD (1987) EDGAR H. THOMPSON (1986) genry County Schools Emory and Henry College IRENE CAPERTON (1986) A UBR EY Y EATTS (1987) Richmond City Schools Pittsylvania County Schools MANUSCRIPTS: i he Editorial Board of du, i irgonsa English &Nam wekomes contributions related to the teaching of language arts and English at all school lesels. especially manuscripts of 3-8 pages on announced fociManuscripts should be typewritien. double-spaced. and submitted in duphcate. Ectotnotes should rarely bc used Deadlines for copy arc September 1$ and February I. Inbude self-addressed. stamped return metope. Authors should include name. school. position. courses taughtThc editors reserse thc light to modify manuscripts lo fa length and language considerations. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ADVERTISING: Subscripuon is included in the annual membership dues of SIO.00. Studene dues are S2.00. Singk copies arc S4.00 Membership lb for ihe calendar year. For Advertising rates contact the Business Manager (see above). Published twice anniially by the Virginia Association of feachers ix English 1.anguage Arts. a non-profi. affiliate of the Naiional Council of Teachers of English and a department of O., Virginia Education Association. The views expressed arc those of the authors and not necessarily those of VATE. Reproduction of malarial from thb pubhcation lb hock, Juthowed if (al reproduction is for cd ucal tonal use in not-for-proN soblitutIonb. tbi topes arc made as adabk without charge beyond the cosi of reproductions. and (c) each copy includes full eitation of the source. Copyright 1986 by the Virginia Association of Teachers of English MEMBER OF NCTE INFORMATION EXCHANGE AGREEMENT PRINT2D BY VIRGINIA TECH PRINTING OFFICE, BLACKSBURG 4, VOLUME 36. NUMBER 2 WINTER 1986 A CRITICAL LOOK AT LITERATURE WORTH TEACHING TABLE OF CONTENTS Page From the Editors: Literature Worth TeachMg I Roben Small Patricia P. Kay April Morning:Coming io Manhood. All in a Few Hours 3 Ken Donclson Is God Dead? 9 Lucinda K. Snyder A Recnrd of Epiphanies in the Work of M. E. Kerr 13 Catherine Zirock A Shen' Life of Forever 18 Nancy E. Davis. Pinky's Talc: An Appreciative Response to A Dar No Pigs Would Die 21 Judy Morrell A Hero Still Ain't Nothin But a Sandwich 27 Lymi Newbury A Look ai Foster Care in The Great Gilly Ilinikinv 30 Phyllis Stokes The Black Woman: A Focus on "Strength of Characicr" in 1 Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 36 Shirley S. Cord:11 A Reading or Honk: An Experiment m Personalired "New Criticism" 40 Ronald G. Goba Robert Frost's "The Pasture": Poem and Metapoem 49 M. Shawn Moore Keats's "On First Looking into Chapman'r. Homer" and Poetic Integrity $2 Parks Lanier. Jr. Early American Literature Worth Teaching: Philip Frencates "Indian" Poems 54 John Baker Anguish and Anger 59 Susan Robbins Willa CaberNot Just a Prairie Writer 62 Evelyn Beamer Bellow's Dangling Man: Archetype of Adolescence 67 James E. Davis Huck Finn and America's Symbolic Landscape 72 Dan Walker Thc M hsed Ad ventures of Hut kleherry Font ...77 Kathleen F.. Sullivan Hemingway's Hold on Readers ...81 Edgar H. Thompson A Novel Worth Teach:iv. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye 88 Vivian F. Daughtry A Separate Peate: A Novel Worth Teaching 9$ W. Michael Reed Merlin's Magic ... 106 Nancy Merre0 A Critical Look at John Gardner's Grendel 108 Michael Sepdy Fahrenheit 451: Three Reasons Why It's Worth Teaching 117 Wade E. Reynolds Benedict Kiely and the Irish Gehgnite Tradition 122 Edwin C. Epps A Mentor-Protege Relationship: A Look a elail Godwin's The Finishing School 126 Beatrice Naff The Maturation Theme in Jon Cleary's Fiction 131 John W. Crawford Values Clarification 10 Biblical Literature 135 Marlow Ediger History in Literature: A Proud Taw for Starlet and Miniver 139 Mallory S. Loehr Joyce Wright The Necessary Lie 143 Warren Westeott The Wise Way - A Gifted Program 147 Anna Lee Gibson. English Teacher Jewell Worley, English Teacher Staging a Literary Festival 149 Sue Poe Hard Jessce Great English Teaching Ideas 153 Of Puritans, Plymouth. and Process, Shirley Whiteman 153 Owning the Literature and the Le.son, Too, Lorraine Chcban Lattko 155 Macbeth for the Reluctant Student. Don Wiest 156 Getting from Here to There, Mary K. Simpson ...... 158 Literary Clue: A Game of Style, Margy Webster 159 A Student-Centered Approach to Teaching Poetry. Pamela C11115 160 Integrating Reading and Writing Using Children's Literature: A Novel Approach.
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