!2012204GG! WESTERN 5291 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ISSN 1448-949X PRINT POST APPROVED PP665002/00041 PERTH, TUESDAY, 6 NOVEMBER 2012 No. 204 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY JOHN A. STRIJK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER AT 12.00 NOON © STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA CONTENTS PART 1 Page Building Services (Registration) Act 2011—Building Services (Registration) Amendment Regulations (No. 4) 2012......................................................................................................... 5293 Legal Profession Act 2008—Legal Pracitioners (Supreme Court) (Contentious Business) Determination 2012—Correction ........................................................................................... 5313 Sentence Administration Act 2003—Sentence Administration (Community Corrections Centres) Amendment Notice 2012.......................................................................................... 5312 Wildlife Conservation Act 1950— Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2012(2) ............................................................ 5305 Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2012(2)................................... 5295 ——— PART 2 Corrective Services ..................................................................................................................... 5314 Deceased Estates ........................................................................................................................ 5321 Health.......................................................................................................................................... 5314 Justice ......................................................................................................................................... 5315 Local Government....................................................................................................................... 5315 Planning...................................................................................................................................... 5319 Racing, Gaming and Liquor ....................................................................................................... 5320 IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE © State of Western Australia This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Attorney General for Western Australia. Inquiries in the first instance should be directed to the Government Printer, State Law Publisher, 10 William St, Perth 6000. PUBLISHING DETAILS The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by State Law Publisher for the State of Western Australia on Tuesday and Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances. Special Government Gazettes containing notices of an urgent or particular nature are published periodically. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette. • Material submitted to the Executive Council prior to gazettal will require a copy of the signed Executive Council Minute Paper and in some cases the Parliamentary Counsel’s Certificate. • Copy must be lodged with the Sales and Editorial Section, State Law Publisher no later than 12 noon on Wednesday (Friday edition) or 12 noon on Friday (Tuesday edition). Delivery address: State Law Publisher Ground Floor, 10 William St. Perth, 6000 Telephone: 6552 6000 Fax: 9321 7536 • Inquiries regarding publication of notices can be directed to the Editor on (08) 6552 6010. • Lengthy or complicated notices should be forwarded early to allow for preparation. Failure to observe this request could result in the notice being held over. If it is necessary through isolation or urgency to fax copy, confirmation is not required by post. If original copy is forwarded later and published, the cost will be borne by the advertiser. ADVERTISING RATES AND PAYMENTS EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2012 (Prices include GST). Deceased Estate notices, (per estate)—$28.75 Articles in Public Notices Section—$66.80 minimum charge (except items of an exceptionally large nature. In these instances arrangements will be made for pricing the notice at time of lodging). All other Notices Per Column Centimetre—$13.35 Bulk Notices—$244.70 per page Clients who have an account will only be invoiced for charges over $50. For charges under $50, clients will need to supply credit card details at time of lodging notice (i.e. notice under 4cm would not be invoiced). Clients without an account will need to supply credit card details or pay at time of lodging the notice. 6 November 2012 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5293 — PART 1 — COMMERCE CM301* Building Services (Registration) Act 2011 Building Services (Registration) Amendment Regulations (No. 4) 2012 Made by the Governor in Executive Council. 1. Citation These regulations are the Building Services (Registration) Amendment Regulations (No. 4) 2012. 2. Commencement These regulations come into operation as follows — (a) regulations 1 and 2 — on the day on which these regulations are published in the Gazette; (b) the rest of the regulations — on the day after that day. 3. Regulations amended These regulations amend the Building Services (Registration) Regulations 2011. 5294 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 6 November 2012 4. Regulation 28D amended (1) In regulation 28D(2) in the Table delete set 1 and insert: Set 1 CPC60108 Advanced experience in building Diploma in Building surveying work for Surveying as described periods totalling at in CPC08: least the equivalent of Construction, Plumbing 2 years full-time and Services Training Package published by Training.gov.au; or an equivalent qualification as determined by the Board (2) In regulation 28D(3) in the Table delete set 1 and insert: Set 1 CPC50108 Diploma in Building Surveying as described in CPC08: Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package published by Training.gov.au; or an equivalent qualification as determined by the Board By Command of the Governor, G. MOORE, Clerk of the Executive Council. ——————————— 6 November 2012 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5295 CONSERVATION CO301* Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2012(2) Made by the Minister for the Environment under section 14(4) of the Act. 1. Citation This notice may be cited as the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2012(2). 2. Interpretation In this notice — “taxon” includes any taxon that is described by a family name or a genus name or any other name or description. Note: The plural form of “taxon” is “taxa”. 3. Declaration of specially protected fauna For the purposes of the Act, all taxa of the fauna — (a) specified in Schedule 1, being fauna that is rare or likely to become extinct, are declared to be fauna that is in need of special protection; (b) specified in Schedule 2, being fauna that is presumed to be extinct, are declared to be fauna that is in need of special protection; (c) specified in Schedule 3, being birds that are subject to an agreement between the government of Australia and the governments of Japan, China and the Republic of Korea relating to the protection of migratory birds, are declared to be fauna that is in need of special protection; and (d) specified in Schedule 4, are declared to be fauna that is in need of special protection, otherwise than for the reasons mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c). 4. Revocation The Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2012 is revoked. 5296 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 6 November 2012 Schedule 1 — Fauna that is rare or is likely to become extinct [cl. 3(a)] Division 1 — Mammals Scientific Name Common name 1. Balaenoptera borealis Sei Whale 2. Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale 3. Balaenoptera physalus Fin Whale 4. Bettongia lesueur lesueur Burrowing Bettong or Boodie (Shark Bay islands) 5. Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM Burrowing Bettong or Boodie M10733) (Barrow Island) 6. Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi Brush-tailed bettong or Woylie 7. Conilurus penicillatus Pakooma or Brush-tailed penicillatus rabbit-rat 8. Dasycercus cristicauda Mulgara or Minyi-minyi 9. Dasyurus geoffroii Chuditch or Western Quoll 10. Dasyurus hallucatus Northern Quoll 11. Eubalaena australis Southern Right Whale 12. Isoodon auratus auratus Golden Bandicoot or Wintarru (mainland) 13. Isoodon auratus barrowensis Barrow Island Golden Bandicoot 14. Lagorchestes conspicillatus Barrow Island Spectacled conspicillatus Hare-wallaby 15. Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri Bernier and Dorre Island Rufous Hare-wallaby or Mala 16. Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. Rufous Hare-wallaby or Mala (NTM U2430) (Tanami Desert) 17. Lagostrophus fasciatus Banded Hare-wallaby or fasciatus Mernine 18. Leporillus conditor Greater Stick-nest Rat or Wopilkara 19. Macropus robustus isabellinus Barrow Island Euro 20. Macrotis lagotis Dalgyte or Bilby or Ninu 21. Mesembriomys gouldii gouldii Djintamoonga or Black-footed tree-rat 22. Mesembriomys macrurus Golden-backed tree-rat 23. Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback Whale 24. Myrmecobius fasciatus Numbat or Walpurti 25. Notoryctes caurinus Kakarratul or Northern Marsupial Mole 26. Notoryctes typhlops Itjaritjari or Southern Marsupial Mole 27. Parantechinus apicalis Dibbler 28. Perameles bougainville Western Barred Bandicoot or bougainville Marl 29. Petrogale lateralis hacketti Recherche Rock-wallaby 30. Petrogale lateralis lateralis Black-footed Rock-wallaby or Warru 31. Petrogale lateralis ssp. McDonnell Range (ANWC CM15314) Rock-wallaby 6 November 2012 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA
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