Parish Information Our Savior Polish National Catholic Church Regarding Communion: If you believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament and have been prepared for recep- 610 N. Beech Daly Rd. tion, you are invited to receive Holy Communion. Holy Commun- Dearborn Heights, MI 48127-3460 ion is placed on the tongue. If you have any questions regarding Rectory Phone: 313-561-5233 Communion (or blessings), or would like to inquire about mem- Emergency Phone: 574-329-9292 bership or envelopes, please ask Fr. John or call the rectory num- Fr. Cramer E-mail: [email protected] ber listed on the front. Pastor: Fr. John Cramer Organist/Choir Director: Pavel Vasilev Restrooms are located in the Parish Hall. Parish Committee Chair: Suzanne Sniezek Parish E-Mail: [email protected] School of Christian Living: Following the 10:30 Mass, Labor Parish Website: www.oursaviorpncc.com Day to Memorial Day. Also visit us on Facebook Marriage Arrangements: Should be made at least six months in advance; at least one year for non-parishioners. Baptism Arrangements: Should be made at least two weeks pri- or to the ceremony, except in emergencies. Please contact the rectory immediately for any emergencies, hos- pitalizations, sickness or death. Due to the new HIPAA laws, we have no way of finding out if you are in the hospital unless a fami- ly member notifies the rectory. We highly encourage this practice. Individual Confessions are heard by appointment. Email: [email protected] (313) 271-2500 Web: www.sajewskifh.com Fax: (313) 271-1911 Sajewski FUNERAL HOME, INC. Mass Schedule 19111 W. WARREN, DETROIT, MI 48228-3395 Sunday Mass at 10:30 AM DIRECTORS STANLEY SAJEWSKI, JR. MGR Daily Mass: Tues., Thurs. 5:30 PM Wed. Noon STANLEY SAJEWSKI III STEPHEN SAJEWSKI July 21, 2013 16 July 21, 2013 1 Picture of the Week Welcome to Our Savior Parish We are blessed that you have joined us today. If this is your first time with us, please sign the visitor log in the vestibule and intro- duce yourself to Fr. John after Mass. If there are any questions, please let us know and we will be happy to answer them for you. Bible Study Bible Study continues with Deuteronomy this Wednesday, July 17 at 1 PM. Come and join us! July Birthdays Eugene Pelky– 7/3 Edward Bednarski– 7/5 Edwin Zyskowski– 7/11 Elizabeth Krysztof– 7/21 Terri Zyskowski– 7/22 Zachary Grzesik– 7/25 Happy Birthday to all of you!!! How many of us have really appreciated the Gothic Façade of our Church Main Entrance? Lector Schedule 7/14– Adam Sniezek 7/21 Paul Grzesik 7/28– Pat Czeski Mass Schedule No Tuesday Mass this week, due to the Youth Gathering. Wednesday and Thursday will be on the Summer Schedule. July 21, 2013 2 July 21, 2013 15 Saint Praxedes, July 24 Clean Sweep Today in the PNCC we remember Saints Praxedes, who’s story Clean Sweep will resumes this Tuesday July 16 at 6 PM., weather comes from Catholic Online: permitting. Praxedes according to her legend was a Roman maiden, the sister of St. Pudentiana, who, when the Emperor Marcus Antoninus Cleaning Supplies Donations was hunting down Christians, sought them out to relieve them with money, care, comfort and every charitable aid. Some she hid Our Savior is still accepting donations of cleaning supplies in her house, others she encouraged to keep firm in the faith, and throughout the Summer months. Please see the list in the June/ of yet others she buried the bodies; and she allowed those who July Newsletter for details. were in prison or toiling in slavery to lack nothing. At last, being unable any longer to bear the cruelties inflicted on Christians, she prayed to God that, if it were expedient for her to die, she might Parish Committee Meeting be released from beholding such sufferings. And so on July 21 she was called to the reward of her goodness in Heaven. Her Mark your calendars, the August Parish Committee meeting will body was laid by the priest Pastor in the tomb of her father, Pu- be this Wednesday August 21, 2013 at 7:00 PM. dens, and her siser Pudentiana, which was in the cemetery of Priscilla on the Salarian Way. This saint was certainly buried in Newsletters the catacomb of Priscilla, near to St. Pudentiana. But that she was the sister of that saint, or that either of them was the daughter (as We are in need of articles for the August/September Newsletter. later legends say) of a Roman senator, Pudens, converted by St. Consider writing something of interest to the Parish and submit it Peter, there is no reason to believe. She was at first venerated as a to either Fr. John or [email protected]. martyr in connection with the ECCLESIA PUDENTIANA, but afterwards a separate church was built in her honour, on the al- leged site of her house, to which, when it was rebuilt by Pope St. Upcoming Mass Intentions Paschal I (the present Santa Prassede), her relics were taken. 7/28– Anthony and Sophia Grzesik and Arthur Gagne 8/11– Mary Sniezek 8/18– Irene Grzesik 8/25– Floyd Walczak Mission Collection The next Mission Collection is August 4. Please be generous! July 21, 2013 14 July 21, 2013 3 Mass Intention Hymn to the Holy Spirit Sermon The Mass Intentions this week are for Nancy Warzocha by Ches- Profession of Faith (p. 71) ter and Sylvia Maulett and Mary Sniezek by Helen and Diana General Intercessions Walczak. Eucharistic Prayer III Lord’s Prayer (p. 95) Communion Prayer I or II (p. 97/98) A Note From the Pastor! Blessing Dismissal Please consider joining us for Mass during the week and our Fellowship following Mass weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays at 1 PM. It’s not like the dry and boring Catechism Classes of days gone by. We actually delve deeply into Scripture and have more than a few laughs as well. If you have been putting off trying it out, give it a try! If you don’t like it, there is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee! Also, since summer is more of a laid-back time of year, it might be fun to invite someone to Church with you who maybe hasn’t gone in quite a while. If we love what we have found here at Our Savior, let’s share it with as many people as possible! Have a blessed week! Fr. John Weekday Readings Weekday Readings Mon– Ex 14:5-8, Jn 20:1-18 Thu.– 2 Cor 4:7-15, Mt 20:20-28 Tue– Ex 14:21-15:1, Mt 12:46-50 Fri.– Ex 20:1-17, Mt 13:18-23 Wed.—Ex 16:1-15,Mt 13:1-9 Sat.– Ex 24:3-8, Mt 13:24-30 July 21, 2013 4 July 21, 2013 13 Alleluia Our Savior Recipe Page V. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia This week’s recipe is by Laura Pearce, a friend of the Parish: V. If you remain in My word, you will truly be My disciples. R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Garlic Roasted Chicken with Rosemary A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. 2 lb chicken breasts, chunked Lk 10:25-37 6 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp dried rosemary Jesus entered a village 3 tsp olive oil where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. 1 tbsp grill seasoning or salt and pepper She had a sister named Mary 1 tbsp lemon juice who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. 1/2 c white wine or chicken broth Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, “Lord, do you not care Directions: that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? 1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Tell her to help me.” 2. Arrange chicken in a baking dish and add garlic, rosemary, olive The Lord said to her in reply, oil, and grill seasoning. Ross to coat and place in oven; roast 20 “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. minutes. There is need of only one thing. 3. Remove from oven and add wine/broth and lemon juice to Mary has chosen the better part dish and stir in to combine with pan juices. Return to oven and and it will not be taken from her.” turn oven off. Let stand 5 minutes, then remove chicken from oven. To serve, spoon pan juices over chicken. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Homemade Fresh & Smoked Kielbasa Joyview Meat Market, Inc. Black Angus Beef, Homemade Pierogi, & Party Trays Phone (313) 534-1585 23822 Joy Road Fax (313) 534-0115 Redford, MI 48239 E-mail [email protected] July 21, 2013 12 July 21, 2013 5 and set these before the three men; Puzzle Page and he waited on them under the tree while they ate. Enjoy this week’s puzzle! They asked Abraham, “Where is your wife Sarah?” He replied, “There in the tent.” One of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah will then have a son.” This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Psalm One who loves justice will live in the presence of the Lord. One who loves justice will live in the presence of the Lord. (Ps. 15) A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Colossians. Col 1:24-28 Brothers and sisters: Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church, of which I am a minister in accordance with God’s stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God, the mystery hidden from ages and from generations past.
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