'rI 1- . I Il I0 111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WM Recorde~r FileI4VI VIM Project~J~ - I 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W :Ut x .9. /0~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I Doc~~~~~~~~~~~;~etNo. WtiIDOCK ET CONTROL PDR &_ CENTER Distribution: = LPJR - .J,&.VJA6f-j #_C II fi e4 . '84 JUN 12 P2:29 _,- (Return to WM, 623-SS) REPORT ON OFFICIAL TRAVEL SALT PROJECT TEAM visit to FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY and BELGIUM to discuss NUCLEAR WASTE ACTIVITIES April 23 - May 4, 1984 4071701 9E4050 4 . MtDWASTER Wi16 a- VJ-V,,,,5g5, i '6.1r p TRIP REPORT Visit to FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY AND BELGIUM April 23 - May 4, 1984 A team of seven people associated with the U.S. DOE salt project visited facilities in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and Belgium. The trip started on April 23 and was completed on May 4, 1984. The objectives of the team visit were to (1) tour the underground and surface facilities related to nuclear waste disposal in Germany and Belgium; (2) discuss possible cooperative activities with the Germans, Belgians, and the European community; and (3) establish the process for agreement at the German-U.S. bilateral meeting in late August on activities to be performed in support of salt. Nuclear waste disposal activities in these countries are very similar to many of the activities planned for the Salt Repository Program. The FRG waste disposal program includes disposal of HLW in salt. The Belgium program is of interest principally because of the freezing technique used to construct their shaft. Members of the U.S. team are: NAME ORGANIZATION U.S. Department of Energy Critz George Headquarters Jefferson 0. Neff Salt Repository Project Office John Greeves U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission John W. Green Mississippi Energy & Transportation Board, Nuclear Waste Division William Klemt Texas Department of Water Resources Stanley Goldsmith Battelle-Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation Glen A.. Stafford Parsons-Redpath I~I I F 2 Facilities and individuals visited during the trip are listed below. Principal Individual (s) Date Agency/Facility Contacted* Topic 4/25 GSF-IfT/Asse Mine Klaus Kuhn German waste disposal program; R&D activities at Asse; Cooperative program 4/26 PTB/Konrad Mine H. Rothemeyer Nuclear waste storage and disposal 4/27 DBE/Gorleben A. Jacobi Site characterization at W. P1tz the Gorleben site; spent OWK/Spent Fuel Storage B. Getzeina fuel storage 4/30 BMFT R. Randle Bilateral agreement; Waste disposal program 5/3 CEN/SCK/Mol P. DeJohnge Belgium waste disposal Bahner program; Shaft construction 5/4 CEC S. Orlowski CEC sponsored waste disposal activities; Information exchange * Copies of business cards of attendees at meeting are shown in Attachment 1. The objectives of the meeting were achieved. The team members were able to visit the pertinent facilities and can now represent them to their respective organizations. All of the meetings led to informal agreements on exchange of reports and other information. Finally, a specific action has now been undertaken to provide for specific agreements at the German-U.S. bilateral meeting in late summer for cooperative activities in the evaluation of salt as the geologic host rock for nuclear waste disposal. Details of these visits are presented below. ,I . x I F 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Or. KLAUS KOHN INSTITUT FOR TIEFLAGERUNG WISSENSCHAFTUCHE ABTEILUN5 DR. ERNST WARNECKE OIPLOM-CHEMIKER Gtsdl d kfsfita stbhle. and Unwdtzfoxsrid : mWH *Mind,,n Institut "r Tiuftegevnntz WissemsAI^tJiosUe Ateilung PhyalkalbeCh-TechnIache D03300 5rawasweig, Tbeodor-Hems-Stzve 4 Elundesanstalt PrIvat: Teeleb (01 31) 5012 - I Bundesallee 100 Im Grundteld C 9300 BraunSChwediC 3120 Wahrenholz Tel. C0o 31) 892-7641 Tel. Co a35)6a9o Arno Jacobi Dil.-lng. Wolfgang PItz Geschaltsfuhrer DOolng. Gescgnaflttske OEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZUM BAU UND BETRIEB VON ENDLAGERN FUR ABFALLSTOFFE MBH (OBEI DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZUM EAU UNO BETRIES VON ENOLAGERN FUR ABFALLSTOFFE MBH (OBE) Woltortet StraSe 74. 3150 Peine I Tetelon (05171) 43-200 Telex 092 646 MbOd Woltorler StraSs 74. 3150 Pa In I Tutefon (05171) 43204 DR. WOLFGANG K. SCHORR 3 ktonmavonsbesufrtter des Landes Nedersachsne % enit c;atzeina zur ulearen Entsorgung Oravhweh $Sta3e19 Telefon (0 58 41) 916 0-3130 LUichow Femkopie (0 58 41) 52 20 Gollauer Bergstrasse 9 3130 Licbow I TeL 05841.6607 1'a 4: Helmut H. Geipel FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY N. CADELLI Nuclear fuel Cycle OMeh* ,8 6d SK P| HEINEMANNSTRASSE2 . 04300 BONN.BAD GODESEERG Safety ~Iwi l r ,.4I1 TELEPHONE (0228) 59.1 Xace. AI~rr. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Directorate General for Science. Research and Development ElRue de la Lai 20. B-W104BRUSSELS Phone: 2-235 15 22 Telex: 21877 COMEU S Dr. Hermann Hamacher Office t Squae do Maeus a. room 1t2 V_ FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY HEINEMANNSTRASSE2 04=B08NN-BADGOOESSERG TELEPHONE (0228) 59.1 Dot. ALDO CRICCHIO Cc1tMISSION Co THE KuROPrAN COMMUNITIES NUCLEA FUEL CYLE DIVISION 2ZO. RU DCELA LWt PHONZ +4 U.2.33GOOS Dr. Ing. Karlheinz Hilbenthal a* te0s URuSSC. TELEX ate??7 COS4ZU a FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY #INEMANNSTRASSE2 0D430 BONN.BAD GODESBERG P. VENET TELEPHONE 10228) 59.1 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Divson COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Dr. Reinhard Kroebel Directorate General for Science. Research and Development Leiter des Projrekts Flue de la Lol 200. -1049 BRUSSELS Wiederaufarteitung und Abfallbehandlung (PWA) H Phone: 322-235 39 s Telex: 2177 COMEU B Office : Square do Maeus &room 1-74 Kemforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Posthach 3640 rs750 Karlsruhe I eo 672472032 Privat Ani er Sigrmuhle 19 7519 Gondelsheim Telelon 072W2zaWO REINHOLD OUIG BundeamInlaterlum filr Fotschung und Technologle Entsorgung 'einemannstraSe 2 Ruf: 0228159(1) 3300 300 Bonn 2 Telex: 885674 -. , 5 Date: Wednesday - April 25, 1984 Location: Asse Mine, Lower Saxony, Germany Purpose: In situ Testing Program in the Asse Mine Participants: J. Neff & C. George, DOE; J. Green, Miss.; W. Klemt, Tx.; G. Stafford, P-R; S. Goldsmith, Battelle-ONWI; J. Greeves, NRC; and K. KUhn, GSF/IfT Discussion: Klaus KUhn presented an overview of the German waste programs. The organizations involved in the program and their interrelationships are shown in Attachment 2. Research and development activities on waste disposal are the responsibility of GSF which is accountable programmatically to BMFT and financially to BMWi. KUhn is in charge of all Asse operations and R&D activities. GSF is responsible for developing and demonstrating all technology to be used in waste disposal. Operations at Gorleben and Konrad will only employ proven technology. The Konrad mine, an iron mine no longer being mined for iron ore, is being developed for disposal of LLW and ILW. The Gorleben salt dome is the site selected in Lower Saxony for the disposal of HLW and possibly LLW and ILW. Adjacent to the Gorleben site are interim storage facilities for HLW (1500 MT) and LLW. In 1965 GSF was assigned responsibility for R&D for waste disposal in salt. The Asse mine is being operated as a test and evaluation facility. It was used for LLW disposal starting in 1968. Disposal of LLW in Asse was discontinued in 1978. Disposal between 1968 and 1978 was done only under the mining laws. The Asse mine was "grandfathered" from conformation to the provisions in the 4th Amendment of the German Atomic Act of 1976. Current and planned activities in Asse do not require licensing--other than conformation to German mining law. Asse Dome and Mine Following are data on the Asse salt dome and mine: * Dome is -6 Km long and 1.5 Km wide * Age -220 million years (Folding -70 m years) * 40-50 meters of very dense, low moisture caprock over the dome e Brine content - 0.04% a No gas pockets found # Several large carnolite seams present 6 * Brine pockets only infrequently found e Salt mine started in 1906; used to mine salt and potash until 1924, then concentrated on salt mining only a The mine contains a total of 130 rooms on 13 levels * Salt mining stopped in 1964 * Room sizes 60 x 40 x 15 m high. A total of 125,000 LLW drums (25,000 cu. m) have been disposed in Asse mine at the 725 m level. Asse Test Most tests in the Asse mine are located at the 750 m level. Salt temperature at this level is 37 C. Tests are to establish in situ thermal- mechanical properties of the salt. Several methods for measuring stress have been tried (including flat jacks and hydraulic fracturing). GSF has obtained test results with hydrofracture method. Kuhn stated that reports of this work have been sent to ONWI. Heater tests currently under way use a 10 m test train with seven heater elements. Total heating capacity of test train is 720 kw. Test is designed to yield maximum salt temperature at borehole wall of 200 C. Tests with the four heater elements provided by ONWI as part of the bilateral project agreement are operating satisfactorily. All instruments and data collection equipment is operating as planned. Tests without Co60 sources started in May 1983. The two elements with Co60 sources started in December 1983. Results of tests to date are as expected, except a larger amount of hydrogen is being released in the heated-only tests than in the heated and irradiated tests. There was no good explanation for this. There is some concern as to how long the data recording system will last because it is operating very close to its design temperature (45 C). The proposed high level waste test would be conducted at the 790 m level. Test rooms (chambers) are currently being mined. The test would involve using 30 glass logs produced by PNL. The logs would be doped with Strontium -90 and Cesium 137 to yield salt temperatures (at borehole surface) of 150 C, 200 C, and 250 C.
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