A Bibliography of Publications in Theoretical Computer Science: 2005–2009

A Bibliography of Publications in Theoretical Computer Science: 2005–2009

A Bibliography of Publications in Theoretical Computer Science: 2005{2009 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 14 October 2017 Version 1.15 Title word cross-reference `p [782]. [1183, 729]. F0 [2005]. FS [1741]. H [1823, 1585]. k [1116, 1805, 796, 803, 173, 781, 1961, 1609, 775, 1989, 178, 1310, 630, 1311, 951, 62, 1823, 1809, 2253, 2061, 2003, #CSP [2264]. #P [1788]. 1624, 953, 1226, 1306, 1290, 2007]. k>2 #P-completeness [1788]. [173]. Kmax;Kmin [541]. κ [1836]. L(2; 1) [2243, 1635]. L(d; s) [440]. l1 [961]. λ (1 + 1) [1683]. (1,λ) [115]. (18=11)n [2213]. [2281, 400, 1588, 562]. λµ [1159]. log N (α, β) [2215]. (n; k) [2392, 1557]. (n; t) [1049]. d [547]. LU [1217]. m (p; k) [467]. (r; p) [2357]. $-calculus [1275]. [1760, 1324, 2258, 1745, 1226, 1306]. µ 1 [220, 503]. 2 [187, 400, 589, 359, 101]. n [1425, 2304, 1890, 2253, 2333, 1287, 1302]. d ≥ ≤ [1909, 958, 2079, 1451]. N [1444]. n 30 2 <α 7=3 [2163]. 3 [1628, 1771]. 3:4713 6 1:75 + [2169]. = [789]. O(n ) [2243]. [2387]. 4 [2260]. 5 + [1968]. 5=2 [90]. 5=4 2 ! ∗ ; Ø(n polylogn) [1915]. O(n ) [1553]. [778]. [0; 1] [503]. [58]. [109]. 1 [1543]. p o(n log n) [1313]. Ω [196]. A [1200]. α [2163, 132]. b [1319]. β [1372, 974, 1655, 663, 826]. !(1) [1752]. P [1456]. c [469, 641]. Cb! [2338]. C1 [1502]. d [1527, 433]. φ [115]. π [1245, 912, 1690, 817, 105]. ∆ [439]. p b c [35, 56, 1436, 143, 1440]. Π2 [441]. Q [1034]. D logm D [648]. `1 [2296]. `1 [2296, 1543]. 1 2 R [974, 417]. Rd [2062]. σ [1233]. t [893]. T 2 1 [385]. 1/2 [2399]. [1320]. × [445]. U [1768]. w × w [1502, 2338]. k k1 k2 ··· kn x = z1 z2 zn [12]. Z [1859]. 2 [386]. 2-approximate [1915]. 2-approximation [1963]. 2-categories * [400]. *- [400]. [102]. 2-coloring [2312]. 2-constraint [431]. 2-cyclic [2362, 1991]. 2-interval -achievement [1881]. -antipodal [1049]. [1322, 1541, 2123]. 2-letter [1493]. -approximation [2387, 1968, 1287, 778]. 2-median [1979]. 2-radiian [1821]. -ary [953]. -automata [826]. -avoidable 2-radius [1821]. 2005 [987, 1434]. 2006 [1890]. -batch [1989]. -bit [1313]. -calculi [1513, 2302]. 2nd [1554]. 2nd-order [1554]. [101]. -calculus [35, 2281, 187, 56, 589, 359, 2SAT [74]. 143, 562, 1440, 1436]. -categories [1372, 1034]. -center [775, 62]. -centroid 3-COL [1716]. 3-coloring [1554]. [2357]. -cliques [469]. -collapsing [1451]. 3-dimensional [1818]. 3-regular [1289]. -coloring [467, 439]. -complete [441]. 3-SAT [1025, 1810]. 3-tier [835]. -connected [1311, 2253, 1226, 1306]. 3-vertex-connectivity [1012]. 380 [2399]. -context-free [1624]. -contextual [893]. 3D [689]. 3SAT [74]. -counter [220]. -cube [958]. -dimensional [1752, 817, 105]. -domains [1741]. 4-coloring [1414]. 4-cycles [944]. 4-way -dominating [2253, 1306]. -EA [1683]. [2040]. 400 [2398]. -edge [1319]. -estimation [2005]. -facility [1290]. -flat [1760]. -free [433, 1823]. -game 5 [898]. [1233]. -iet [1628]. -in-a-row [1310]. -induced [1823]. -integers [1456]. 6-man [446]. 60th [2270, 1531, 2287]. -irreducible [115]. -labeling [2243, 1635]. 64-bit [503]. -labelings [440]. -language [663]. -limited [2079]. -longest [1809]. -maximum-sums 7/8 [2346]. 7/8-approximation [2346]. [796]. -Median [781]. -nearest-neighbor [2061]. -panconnectivity [1324]. -path 8-approximation [2346]. [630]. -points [729]. -polygons [1768]. -power-free [2163]. -reducibilities [1745]. abelian [2260, 1184, 1890, 1911]. absence -regular [1245, 1624]. -SA-ES [115]. -SAT [1139]. Absolute [1577, 317, 1296]. [178]. -semirings [400]. -spanner [173]. absoluteness [1514]. absorption [372]. -spanners [2215]. -splittable [951]. -star Abstract [1557, 2392]. -Steiner [2007]. -strict [1200]. [154, 2325, 672, 1685, 278, 356, 856, 1069, -sub-recursive [417]. -subshifts [1444]. 163, 1084, 1926, 186, 159, 1677, 1864]. -tape [1909]. -terms [974]. -theories [1588]. abstraction -tonic [2003]. -transitions [1183]. -trees [593, 1729, 1784, 1436, 1695, 1029]. [1961]. -tuple [1226]. -valued [912, 1690]. abstractions [1698]. Accelerating -varieties [641]. -variety [1655]. -words [2231, 2245]. acceptance [24, 72]. [1502, 2338]. Accepting [993, 1135, 2199, 1941, 1251]. Access [1596, 1242, 1597, 1003, 159]. .NET [858]. accessible [1214]. achievable [2109]. achievement [1881]. achieving [1016]. 3 achromatic [1974, 773]. acid [1932]. 2293, 1454, 2138, 1287, 1503, 2110, 431, 1688, Acknowledged [1103]. acknowledgment 462, 627, 1290, 2007, 693]. Algorithmic [1983]. acknowledgments [947]. across [1161, 1423, 1276, 720, 1169, 2192, 949, 253, [1793]. action [753, 59]. action-based 408]. Algorithms [753, 59]. Actions [641, 916]. actor [1863]. [1886, 1531, 1539, 1809, 1399, 130, 1856, Actors [1925]. Acyclic 1226, 1101, 1973, 1129, 1777, 937, 386, 1148, [2364, 1565, 1179, 413, 1059, 2154, 971]. ad 1906, 2313, 458, 2391, 433, 1683, 2019, 86, [1665, 1663, 157, 1664, 1103]. ad-hoc 2052, 859, 3, 402, 1979, 2062, 268, 1216, 2351, [1665, 1664]. Adams [2089]. Adaptive 796, 1648, 1801, 1606, 1179, 1607, 1114, 2242, [1367, 1663, 2212, 1952, 2020, 909, 1098]. 2023, 1219, 421, 781, 549, 836, 1309, 1609, adaptiveness [107]. Addendum [2399]. 1853, 1173, 1676, 2309, 217, 833, 1908, 1284, Adding [164, 1038]. Addition [1127]. 269, 511, 1629, 1311, 624, 2049, 773, 1499, Additive [381, 2331, 1323, 546]. Additivity 1025, 1982, 297, 2289, 1042, 1128, 84, 1699, [1772]. address [2378]. addressable [610]. 1927, 539, 542, 1631, 1221, 1532, 530, 1237, addressing [1857, 67]. AdHoc [2136]. adic 1050, 694, 44, 2132, 2005, 1011, 2374, 1306, [1193]. Admissible [501, 374]. ADMs 710, 2063, 1774, 1997, 2368, 1547, 2397]. [457, 1301]. advances [1682]. Adversarial Aliased [1800]. Alice&Bob [899]. [1960, 1231]. adversaries [224, 227]. advice alignment [926, 966]. all- [132]. all-ones [1676, 2018]. Affine [2055, 1389, 569, 1540]. [1307]. all-optical [109]. All-pairs affix [1410]. after [1040]. again [1104]. [1915, 1553]. all-shortest-path [1408]. against [574]. agent [805]. agents all-to-all [109]. allocation [288, 1461, 1305, 1926, 1487, 515]. [950, 2100, 1180, 549, 1781, 1800]. allowing aggregate [981]. aggregation [388]. almost [2366, 2025, 1110]. [737, 310, 2022, 1875]. AGh [921]. agnostic almost-complete [2025]. alpha [1193]. [1110]. agreeable [1054]. Agreement alpha-adic [1193]. Alphabet [1300, 133, 2020, 1954, 985, 1050]. [1313, 245, 2037, 2200, 1446]. agreements [473]. al. [1909]. Alberto Alphabet-independent [1313]. [1531, 363]. Alder [43]. algebra alphabet-size [2200]. alphabets [881, 141, 137, 140, 300, 882, 1469, 1275, [262, 1493, 1314, 2168, 1909, 75]. 1074, 509, 360, 210, 2053, 579, 1440]. alternating [194, 251, 170, 567]. Algebraic [939, 238, 682, 1475, 2321, 338, Alternating-time [567]. Alternative 957, 485, 1870, 1067, 579, 788, 497]. [889, 1728, 691]. Amalgamating [1923]. algebraicity [2278]. algebraization [584]. Amalgamation [51]. amazons [451]. ambg Algebras [35]. Ambainis [214]. ambient [1377, 514, 2366, 406, 2058, 1830, 584, 1100]. [666, 883, 37, 1596, 667]. ambient-like [666]. Algol [1066, 1438]. algorithm ambients [1030, 97, 1597, 2016]. ambiguity [2113, 811, 553, 1168, 1109, 1963, 2376, 2162, [959, 352]. Ambiguous [101]. amiable 2387, 1700, 859, 640, 2295, 469, 128, 2308, [1430]. among [2002, 1487]. amplification 2362, 960, 711, 1143, 1426, 1663, 1783, 1869, [984, 2075]. analog [1063, 995, 996]. 1968, 778, 1551, 1951, 2000, 1182, 1139, 329, analyser [274]. analyses [857]. Analysis 79, 1055, 1169, 1330, 1955, 1140, 2356, 966, [1652, 693, 447, 598, 1161, 1423, 1693, 897, 387, 1321, 1647, 2147, 723, 815, 1111, 1404, 2322, 2192, 591, 1468, 197, 154, 898, 734, 2263, 909, 1721, 2021, 1267, 727, 2230, 1428, 268, 931, 2189, 2274, 595, 1373, 157, 222, 265, 468, 728, 1976, 1771, 1132, 1451, 1991, 192, 1558, 1555, 1169, 1071, 1150, 1362, 1637, 4 723, 1534, 1404, 2253, 373, 1151, 568, 449, [134]. Arbitrage [1793, 832]. Arbitrary 903, 1132, 540, 1677, 2333, 225, 1463, 905, [1814, 262, 205, 1967, 1298, 2099, 1756, 1431, 1410, 332, 885, 462, 1811, 551, 1922, 2191]. 77]. arboricity [1224]. architectural [141]. analytical [1760, 1323]. Analyzer [902]. architecture [55]. Area [1848, 2392]. Analyzing [1072, 637, 1421, 1839]. anarchy Area-time [1848]. areas [2004]. arising [934]. ancestor [1553]. ancestors [1179]. [532]. Arithmetic [1127, 918, 502, 505, 506, AND/OR [1647]. Angel [1401, 465]. 503, 1453, 1403, 138, 679]. arithmetical animation [1738]. Anisotropic [1850]. [1198, 207, 1907]. Arity [1704]. arm annealing [1330]. annotated [1620]. [1122, 627]. armed [2069]. arrangements anonymity [2271]. anonymous [474]. array [1410]. arrays [1814, 1611]. answer [1884]. answering [2386, 548, 1313, 1537]. arrivals [2151]. [1001, 149]. Ant [322]. antichain [1147]. Artemis [2105]. artificial [686, 1682]. ary antimagic [1047]. antimagicness [1965]. [953]. ASM [161]. AsmL [303]. Aspects antipodal [1049]. antiport [1021, 692]. [64, 1240, 2271, 47, 1235, 1516, 312, 790, 2006]. Antonio [230]. Any [284, 612, 2183]. assembling [1936]. assembly Any-world [284]. Apartness [1734]. [2039, 1127, 1522, 1524, 2034, 1048, 1715, Apostolico [1531]. Application 721, 2030, 1523, 1940, 528]. assertion [735, 34, 804, 1421, 581, 689, 1175, 1131]. [54, 1830]. assertion-based [54]. Applications assignment [288, 1168, 558, 1796, 1594, 438, [2322, 1255, 870, 1291, 602, 1584, 1468, 1197, 1267, 1556, 2104, 1590]. assignments [1501]. 979, 365, 1061, 1932, 1279, 1924, 2299, 251, associated [1790, 1229, 767, 716, 1799]. 559, 1311, 2298, 1721, 601, 1410, 1500]. associativity [1639, 1207]. assumption Applied [271]. approach [404, 974, 1850, [227]. assumptions [284, 1966]. 757, 919, 1626, 737, 949, 967, 883, 2377, asymmetric [1959]. Asymmetry [775]. 1156, 58, 705, 295, 328, 748, 1323, 60, 247, Asymptotic [2092, 723, 1481, 1347]. 2009, 1621, 2288, 152, 2239, 466, 962, 841]. Asynchronous approaches [957, 1933]. approaching [909]. [2118, 628, 700, 1339, 2279, 1261, 139, 786, appropriateness [480]. Approximability 168, 1814, 1424, 1052, 1957, 2333, 2130]. [1319, 288, 951, 68, 267]. approximants Atomic [2210]. atoms [1070]. ATSP [978]. [358].

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