La Salle University La Salle University Digital Commons La Salle College Alumni News University Publications 4-1947 Alumni News: April 1947 La Salle University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Alumni News: April 1947" (1947). La Salle College Alumni News. 10. http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/alumni_news/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in La Salle College Alumni News by an authorized administrator of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. If It’s Make Your Newsworthy— La Salle College Banquet Send It In! ALUMNI NEWS Reservations VOL. I APRIL, 1947 No. 3 Named to Philadelphia All-District Team xplorings by C harlie F itzpatrick, ’39 ORD is around that the next big W event on the LSC Alumni program bids fair to be a sellout. Of course, I refer to the Alumni Banquet to be held at the Hotel Penn-Sheraton on June 5. For those that attended the Blue and Gold Ball in this newly and tastefully redecorated hotel there is no need to dwell on its appropriateness as the scene of the Alumni Banquet. The main ballroom has been reserved, and this will afford room for the first 400 seeking reservations. Despite the anticipated outpouring of Alumni, I have it that there will be space enough for a bar. There will be no entrance examination to gain admittance to the latter. Philip A. Niessen, ’36, chairman of the Banquet Committee, is very efficiently arranging an interesting and entertain­ ing program for the evening. Be as­ sured that a top-flight speaker will be Climaxing one of the most successful court seasons in LSC history was the secured for the occasion. The Alumni naming of three of our star players to the Philadelphia All-District team. (L. to r.): has invited the Senior Class of LSC to Bobby Walters, Larry Foust, Ace McCann and Coach Charley McGlone are pic­ be our guests, and so opportunity is ours tured after receiving their certificates from the local sportswriters. to meet these young fellows who so shortly will be absorbed into our Alumni Association. It behooves us therefore to 3 Courtmen Gain turn out en masse and to demonstrate Alumni Banquet to these chaps that it’s a vital, construc­ All-District Team tive, forward looking organization they Set For June 5 will be joining. Sweeping the All-District selections Last year's turnout for the Alumni The annual alumni banquet, tradi­ the way they swamped Philadelphia col­ Banquet was a good one, but I’m sure tionally held on Founder’s Day, May 15, legiate competition, Charley McGlone’s the crowd this year will far exceed it, will take place June 5 at the Hotel high-flying cagemen placed three men judging from increased Alumni interest Penn-Sheraton, 39th and Chestnut Sts., on the mythical Philadelphia area squad in recent events. For this reason I can’t it was announced by Philip A. Niessen, as selected by local sportswriters and urge you too much to make your reserva­ ’36, chairman. commentators. tions early. When that income tax Reason for the change, Niessen said, Heading the selection by unanimous check is returned, set aside part of it is that LaSalle Day falls on Ascension choice was Bobby Walters, captain of for the Alumni Banquet. It will be a Thursday this year and therefore will the 1946-47 city championship team. fine opportunity to see many of your not be celebrated May 15 as in previous It marked the fourth straight year that classmates, and to imbibe something of years but will be postponed probably Bobby took this honor. the new spirit that is sweeping through until the octave of the feastday. Bob “Ace” McCann, sensational fresh­ this post-war LSC Alumni Association. man guard and running mate to Wal­ * * * College activities, conflicting with ters, was another Explorer who caught A NOTHER Alumni item of impor­ alternate dates in May selected by the the fancy of the local scribes. committee, necessitated the moving of “Long” Larry Foust, 6'9" centerman, tance is the Memorial Mass the the banquet to June 5. Alumni is having said on Memorial nailed down the other position. Larry, Day for the men of LS who gave their Although speakers have not yet been it will be remembered, was the big gun lives that millions of others might re­ announced and other arrangements not in the team’s victories over Temple and tain theirs in a free world. Space pre­ completed, Niessen urged alumni mem­ Seton Hall. cludes the attendance of any Alumni at bers to make their reservations imme­ They received certificates from the this Mass save the relatives of those diately insofar as there is a definite sportswriters at a luncheon given in Continued on Page Two space limitation. their honor at the Click. Page 2 LA SALLE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS April, 1947 LaSALLE COLLEGE Maguire, ’38, is doing accounting for Decca Records. Michael Adamski, ’39, Drama Group Presents ALUMNI NEWS is an accountant with Army Engineers, Full Length Play Published 10 times yearly by the and the proud father of a four-month- LaSalle College Alumni Association. old daughter named Barbara. The Masque, LSC dramatic group, offered Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” JOHN J. KELLY, ’39, EDITOR NUPTIALS: Thomas Farley, ’41, re­ as its first full length production since cently married Marjorie Allen, of Col- 1942. The play was presented in the Stall lingswoods, N. J. THOMAS B R E E N ,'41 College auditorium on April 23, 24, 26. JOHN CLEMENT,'39 FIRE: On March 12, the Faculty Under the able direction of Miss Car- CHARLES FITZPATRICK.'39 offices located on the second floor of melita Manning, popular actress and CHARLES J. O 'K E E FE ,'41 the College building were set afire from directress in local amateur groups, the JOHN ROONEY, '46 unknown causes. Students overcame the society has been in production for the blaze with the fire apparatus located in past six weeks. The male roles were the building. The exact amount of the cast from the student body while the ERSONAL damage is unknown, but it included feminine parts were filled by members Evening School records; office furniture, of the Mask and Foil of Chestnut Hill P ATTER and the coats and hats of instructors College. Joseph Haydt, ’39; C. Francis Sullivan, By John Clement, ’39 ’39, and George Swoyer, ’44. There were no personal injuries. Explorings Continued from Page One MESSAGE: Brother G. Paul, Presi­ BUSINESS: Joseph V. Breen, ’06, for­ dent of LSC, regrets that he was unable merly the popular “Neighbor Ned” of who are commemorated in this Memo­ to attend the Alumni “Open House” rial Mass. While this Mass is said in due to illness. radio fame, supplies copy for the Con­ the LSC chapel, let all other Alumni nelly Organization, Mail Advertising gather in their respective churches to EDUCATION: George Swoyer, ’44; firm. He also operates his own agency. pray for 'our heroic dead. This is all Claude Koch, ’40, and Walter Kaiser, C. Herbert O’Hara, ’37, owns the Serv­ they would ask of us. Let us not break '46, are new members of the LSC Fac­ ice Station located on the S. W. Corner faith. ulty. John Flannery, ’44, is teaching at Allegheny and Hunting Park Aves., John Bartram High School, Philadel­ Philadelphia. John Plum, ’39, is a re­ phia. porter for the Washington Evening Star. Harry Deems, ’43, is practicing LSC Sends Medals SCHOOL: Dr. Theodore Berry, ’39, is law in Los Angeles, Calif. Frank “Moe” To London Via Air doing research in Bacteriology at Jef­ McCarthy, ’43; Larry Kelly, ’43, and Joe ferson Medical School. Frank Barron, Frazier, ’43, have positions in the De­ In appreciation for the Miraculous ’41, is a member of the Psychology De­ partment of Commerce. Joe Swoyer, Medals LaSalle sent them on the new partment of the University of Minne­ ’41, is a representative for Time and American Airlines flagship “Philadel­ sota. Edward Dillon, ’46, is majoring in Life in California. phia,” 100 students of St. Joseph’s Acad­ Industrial Psychology at Fordham Uni­ emy, London, pledged their prayers to versity Graduate School. SPORTS: Buzz Gillen, ’41, and Jim LaSalle’s war dead. Hoerst, ’44, played on the Wilmington ACCOUNTING: Hugh Devine, ’37; Clippers Basketball team, while Tommy Brother Kevin, principal of the Acad­ John Devine, ’39; Hilton Burns, ’39, and Bell, ’44, played for Allentown and then emy, accepted the medals from an William Kelly, ’39, are members of the Lancaster in the Eastern Professional American Airlines representative, who Accounting Department of E. I. DuPont Basketball League. Bell has also signed acted as emissary for LSC. De Nemours, Wilmington, Del. Thomas with a New York independent team to The medals were sent to St. Joseph’s Breen, ’41, and Thomas Farley, ’41, make a twelve-game barnstorming tour. when the “Philadelphia” left on her have positions in the accounting firm The club has scheduled games in maiden flight from Southwest Airport of W. E. Howe, former Accounting In­ Hawaii and Mexico and wound up the to London as American Airlines resumed structor at LSC, who has taken over the tour April 20 in Cuba. overseas service. business of the late T. W. Rogers, and is now resident partner and local man­ ager of Edward R. Burt & Co., a na­ tional accounting organization. William L a S alle C ollege ALUMNI NEWS OLNEY AVE.
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