Weather Iowan Poll Conduded ~ Mit U:r r10udy toda)' with Georqe Mlkan and Alex Groza, stars pow. aDday C'" DHnllcd II the Natiooal Basketball CIl!sociatioa.. told. Hlch toda , 25; low, ... top choices of the league's It. Friday'S hlch, 12; low, coaches in an all.tar poll taken by The -5. Dczi1y IoWGa.. For pictur.a and story l ee at owan pave 4. - Eat. 1868-AP tea.ed Wire, AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wir..-Five Cent. I:wa City, Iowa, Saturday, February 25, 1950 - Vol. 84, No. 122 Court Wants Diary • I In Bednasek Case IBritish SOcialists .'Obtai,n Distriot Judge JamesP. Gaffney Friday ordered County Atty. )M:k C. White to file with th court Hobert E. Bednasek's di, ry tnd pllotographs taken after the strangulation death of Margar­ 'Slim Majority-In -House et Anne Jackson, SUI coed. Meanwhile, reliabl e sources revealed Be<lnasck will VOlll:l­ lIriIy undergo an !lxamination at the SUI psychopathic hospital. He will go to the hospital at Tory* R~s~rge Flophouse? Low Strength lZ:~ p.m. Monday under ~h e More Cold Snow custodY of the QOunty sheriff, , ' .LOS ANGELES (IP) - An irate COU Id Force ... sources said. P dO d C World Trend Judgc, who made a personal sur- N EI · Bednuek, 24, fo~mer SUI stu- re Ide ° Jlreets vey of a new hotel's type of pa- ew ectlons _ was charged In a county at- , lron~,c, Friday ordered the $2- million structure tom down or lIr!It1's Information with first de- AS S e r t S GO P pee murder of the coed Dec. II, Reported SllOppery moved. LONDON lIP) - The Socialist I". WASHINGTON I/P) - Republi- Judge Vernon Hunt said the ho- Labor party licked the Conserva- Continued cold weather with can Friday tabbed the Tory re- tel has the appearance of a "glori- t1ves in a dramatic count ot the OItflle)' AppOints Assistant surgencc in the British elections f'ed . k' t I" ballots FrJday, but came through Gaffney Friday also appointed possible light snow flurries was I qUlc Ie mo e . so weakened that :l new election predicted for today. as a sil;ll of a world trend that He added; "It looked like it II assistant county attorney, set may hc'lp the G.O.P. regain eon- never was intended to be a per- seems inevitable berore long. , • date for Bednasek's plea, and Highways in the [owa City area 11'01 of congress In November. manent hotel, only a place for With a handful of the 625 dl~- turned down a defense motion to were snow-packed and slippery, triets still not counted, Prime Mln­ aulli1y the county attomey's In­ according to the highway com­ Democrats In congre;s di, count- an hour or two, and not to sleep Ister AtUcc's Lab 0 r i L e shad cd the America effect of the elt"'er." tarlnaUon. mission. Commission of[leials re­ elections which saw the Labor The three story hotel Is th achieved a bare ma ~ ority in the ported that trucks were sanding house oC commons. There were Idward F. Rate, Iowa City at­ pnrty emcrge with only a slim Coun~ry 1..Iub Villa. It lordcrs the not enough Feats out to givc Win- lDrney, was appointed by Gaffney hills and curves on the snow­ packed roads. and precarious majority In thel Wilshire Country club, and is ston Churchill's Con~ er \l atlves a 10 assist White on the case alter house of commons. across the strcct from an apart- majority even though they won all Union Bus depot officials said • requl!Ijt trom White. There was no Immediate reaction ment house owned by Mae We~t. o( them. the snow had caused no change GaUney set Monday as the date from President Truman or Secre- tOt Bednasek's plea to the charge. in schedules and that most buses With J2 districl ~ out and 613 were running on time. Bus driv­ tary of State Acheson. However, HOII t M b· counted, this was the l;tandln;: of Th c Judge said he hopes to set a number of administration oCli- M~ at the deoot reported hill~ on I cres em er Ihc tria l date at that time. cia Is indicated they were disap- the partie:! ( tandinlol in old 640- ~lIrlt! Wlthholdlol" Names the main highways were slick. scat parlfament In brackets]: pointed that the election had no 1 Labor 314 (381) Immediately after Gaffney ov­ Early Friday the mercury stood clear-cut, conelu Ive result. Ou I ts SUI Councl"l,o erruled the de!ens~ motion, which at 12 above with a 20-mlle-an­ Conservatives 291 (215) charged White was withholdIng hour wind, but the mercury lell Their attitude WIIS that a gov- 'P I Ct dO , steadily until a low of five below rnment with such an uncertain ressmg JUles Liberals 8 (10) !be names and testimonies of 'wit­ ba. e of support in parliament may Other 0 II!IIt!S he plans to use, Bedna­ was recorded at 3 a.m. The mer­ find it dlttlcult to tlIke lIrrn and Burlon Faldet, A4, Dec 0 r a h, Clo,e t Electlon Since 1910 Jt!t's attorneys requested a bill cury later moved up 11 degrees vigorous action on international Is- re Igned from the SUJ stu den t At 0'30 p.m. the total vote of parUculars. during the day with a high of They wanted more Jntormatin 6 above reported at 2 p.m. ues which will be coming up tor council ThUrsday night. because lit counted wa~ a record 27,983,185 011 the witnesses and evidence the The cold snap sent s h i ve r s settlement. "prQSElng studi ." compared with 25,018,390 In 1945. /tate will usc in the trial. through [owa Citians, warning Curb U.S. Grumbline Faldet, HUletelt representative, Labor's populor vote was 13,- In a ruling handed down at 4: 15 them that spring weather could But the rcturn of the Conserva- said that the council's refusal 178,787, compared with 11,922,­ friday aIter noon, GaUney over­ still be a long way off. livcs to n strong minority posl- ThUrsday nl,hl Lo acccpt the tac- 292 In 1945. This wa less than ruled all parts ot this request ex­ tJon In England promised to curb ulty _ evaluation report, presenLed the combined popular voLe of CO;)­ Snow fell steadily in Iowa lime - altho\.lgh not all - con- by a committee he headed, was servatives and Liberals. cept the section asking for de­ ('ltv Thursday from 2 to 10 p.m. irumbUng over Ameri- not his chicf reason [or re Ign- The Conservatlve voLe was 11.- tails on Bednasek's dillry and Civil aeronautics administration ~ressionlll m.IIY I.wln I'hllto b1 I u k 0 can aid lo a Soclallst Ing from the council. 236,413, compared with 11058,020 In photographs taken lit the room­ otllcials reported the snowfall govern,,~e\J~ whk h h s aimed at sreater nll- Fuldet h~s worked a~ chalrm<ln 1945. Ina house where Miss Jackson's measured about four Inches. Charles Atlas: Here's a J2-Pound Mu demon body was found. tlonallzallon ot Industries, of the faculty-evalutalon commlt- The Liberal vol was 2,596,058 Must File Diary , E "'EDING Tll\lE I Iowa City's Ullerb:lL _ .c four lnonthll-Il Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, tee for the past seven monlhs. compared wlth 2,239 ,666 five years A LIGHT WORKOUT ~EFOR f.,. I « ve ~ chairman of the scnate Republl- The report contained the stafu- Gaffney ordered the county at­ Measles' Reports llerculean appetite for hIS he-man fOflllUia. Little B Illy (the BonecrUllher:, on or Robert B, ConcannOJ:, can policy committee, told re- tics gathered from a recent sur- a ~'he latest Communist total waJ Iomey to tile the diary, photo­ C3, Davenport, stUI!tli unsupported on ~ym rinKS to show that stronKm ~n re made, lIot b'lrn. Bill)' II porters he thinks the Brltlsh vole vey limon/{ students lit SUl to de. 91,746, eomp. red with 102,760 in ....lI ba and other evidence he ex­ J)llren,l.s aw a plC' urc of a flve-anonth-old Spokan c,' h .. acrobat "ho had outmu de,l a seven- I [ <>pr Gnts a world wldo trend to- Itermine ' thO de ltability ot. IW- 1l/ltS ~ ts to' usc 1n the trial with Hit Low Thurscfay mouth Texa~ YOIIJlIf<ier on the .,arl.llel ban;. They d ecld if Bill twllo h bf' tan!lIn,. 1.11 tI r hi own wbrd con~crvutlsm. 1 ult,y rating system In the unlver- -POlitical otlservcrs said ~hls WHi the county clerk of court. Fewer cases of measles were 1l0IVH sIncc he wa, two m.onths) should eel Into th e act, 100---50 Uley boul:ht lum OJ, plur ot I:ym rlnlt' "The big Con ~ ervatlvc gOins, 1slty. lhe closest election sInce 1910, To clear the cemplexities from I llnd strung him up. Dill)" wc:ll\"blntr In at 12 pounds, howed he was Dl de 01 sterner stufr t ll3n cltlll'r of combined with vl<:torjes In Aus- Faldet presented his rcslgnatlon when the Liberals of Prime Min­ th is legal maneuvering, the way recorded Thursday in th\! oHice of City Clerk George J. Dohrer his predcces '.Irs. He ha n't chinned him elf yet, bu t he hang, In rrld-alr.
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