THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 46, ISSUE 93 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ND granted access to New York Times Singer By ANN MARIE JAKUBOWSKI “Essentially, the New York News Writer Times is now offering this [on- line] program to academic insti- returns Free online access to the New tutions due to a change on their York Times is now available to end of the subscription,” Brown Notre Dame students through the said. “We subscribe to the College to SMC College Readership Program, an Readership Program, and be- initiative funded by Notre Dame’s cause we have 300 copies sub- By JILLIAN BARWICK student government. Students scribed to, we now get 300 online Saint Mary’s Editor were informed they would begin seats per day.” to have access to this service in a Students can create an account Choosing a career path while Feb. 12 email announcement. on the Times website using their in college is difficult, but before The College Readership nd.edu email address, which will 2007 Saint Mary’s alumna Lindsey Program, which came to campus get them an online “seat” that lasts Anderson could make that deci- in 2005, provides 300 print cop- 24 hours. Brown said while the sion she needed to choose between ies each of the New York Times seat expires after 24 hours, the ac- her twin passions, biology and and USA Today, along with a cess is renewed simply by logging music. smaller number of the South on again with the same password, Anderson said she began her Bend Tribune to select locations and so the access is constant for time at the College believing she on the Notre Dame campus. all intents and purposes. would one day become a neuro- Maxwell Brown, director of the “The most important part is surgeon with her biology degree. Department of Academic Aaffairs that you get this 24 hour online Instead, she is now a mezzo-sopra- for student government, said his access, and the seats refresh con- no opera singer with a Master’s de- department worked with repre- stantly so as long as there aren’t gree in Music (Vocal Performance) sentatives from the Times this 300 people using it at once, there from the Cleveland Institute of year to extend the program to in- clude the online access. see ACCESS PAGE 4 SARA SHOEMAKE | The Observer see OPERA PAGE 4 Senior places in international competition By MEL FLANAGAN internship during summer the needs of mothers. research, I was able to pinpoint worked on the project dur- News Writer 2012 at Fisher-Price to help her “I knew I wanted to de- a specific design direction tar- ing the second half of the design her product. sign something for a child’s geting the top themes I saw semester. Senior Breanna Stachowski The International early eating experience,” develop.” “The research phase took placed third in an interna- Housewares Association Stachowski said. “After inter- Stachowski said she entered the longest,” Stachowski said. tional competition for her Student Design Competition viewing several moms, read- the design contest at the end of “I had to spend a lot of time design of an infant high- awarded Stachowski third ing a ton of Amazon reviews the fall semester as a require- benchmarking and getting an chair. Stachowski utilized place for her design of an infant and mom blogs and even do- ment for one of her Industrial knowledge gained from her highchair that incorporated ing some more observational Design courses. She said she see DESIGN PAGE 5 Registration opens for Bookstore Basketball By NICOLE McALEE planning goes into organizing for this year’s tournament are News Writer such a large event. to register more teams and to “We have an eight-person improve the [tournament] at- Registration is now open executive team…each per- mosphere to draw more spec- for Notre Dame’s Bookstore son has a different role. One tators to the games. Basketball tournament, the person is making sure that “Our big goal is to eclipse largest five-on-five outdoor all of our apparel gets in, an- that 800 number on teams. basketball tournament in the other person takes care of the We realized that a lot of stu- world. marketing side, and we have dents don’t play. The faculty The not-for-profit tourna- around 36 other commission- and staff might not even know ment is in its 41st year and ers that help us do the game- they can play,” Lynch said. has grown from an initial 40 by-game stuff,” Lynch said. “Besides the teams, we just teams to more than 700 teams. “I’ll be doing the bracket of all want to make sure everyone According to the tournament’s the teams in a couple weeks, has a fun, successful tourna- website, it is the largest extra- talking to Jumpball which is ment. One of our big goals is, curricular event on campus our charity that we give all for the championship game, and open to all Notre Dame, our money to, and any other to make it more of a festival Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross logistical things like reserving atmosphere.” students, faculty and staff. court. I oversee our group, and Lynch is looking to add food Photo courtesy of Matt Lynch Senior Matt Lynch, tourna- our group does all of that.” Members of last year’s Bookstore Basketball tournament pose with ment president, noted much Lynch said the main goals see BASKETBALL PAGE 4 the trophy. This year marks the 41st anniversary of the tournament. SMC TOURS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 6 SCENE PAGE 8 MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is the tallest thing you have ever climbed? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Lacy Cochran Sam Bellafiore Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager senior sophomore Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak off campus Stanford Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Asst. Managing Editor: Sam Stryker “Mary’s Peak in Oregon.” “The second branch of the tree in News Editor: John Cameron front of LaFun.” News Editor: Kristen Durbin Viewpoint Editor: Dan Brombach Sports Editor: Chris Allen Scene Editor: Courtney Cox Saint Mary’s Editor: Jillian Barwick Photo Editor: Suzanna Pratt Graphics Editor: Brandon Keelean Linda Scheiber Naomi Igboanugo Multimedia Editor: Sarah O’Connor Advertising Manager: Monica McCormack senior sophomore Ad Design Manager: Sara Hilstrom Controller: Peter Woo Pangborn Hall Lyons Hall Systems Administrator: William Heineman “A 25 foot pole.” “I don’t know. 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A subscription to The Observer is $130 for one academic year; $75 for one semester. The Observer is published at: 024 South Dining Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-0779 Periodical postage paid at Notre Dame and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: KIRBY MCKENNA | The Observer The Observer P.O. Box 779 024 South Dining hall Fog hangs low over God Quad due to recent rainfall. The temperature has vacillated between freezing and humid temperatures in Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 recent weeks as Notre Dame has weathered a wide range of precipitation. Some snow is still expected later this week with tempera- The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved. tures in the upper 30s. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? 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