DOCUMENT RESUME ED 354 925 IR 054 571 AUTHOR Hartness, Ann, Ed. TITLE Biblionoticias. Numbers 35-67, 1986-1992. INSTITUTION Texas Univ., Austin. General Libraries. PUB DATE 92 NOTE 162p.; For "Biblionoticias" numbers 1-34,see IR 054 570. PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) Reference Materials Bibliographies (131) JOURNAL CIT Biblionoticias, n35-67 1986-1992 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; College Libraries; Higher Education; *Latin American Culture; LatinAmerican History; *Latin American Literature; *Latin Americans; *Library Collections; Portuguese; Spanish IDENTIFIERS *Latin America; *University ofTexas Austin ABSTRACT "Biblionoticias" is a series of brief bibliographies, usually less than 5 pages each,on Latin American topics. The bibliographies describe materials in English,Spanish, and Portuguese held by the Benson Latin American Collection ofthe University of Texas at Austin. Selected topicsare periodically updated. The titles of numbers 35-67 are:(1) "Mexican American Holidaysand Festivities" (Gilda Baeza and Margo Gutierrez);(2) "Brazilian Novels in English Translation" (Jane Garner);(3) "Cultural Journals" (Sonia Merubia); (4) "Contemporary Mexican AmericanIdeas and Issues: Periodical Sources" (Gilda Baeza and Margo Gutierrez);(5) "Latin American Cinema" (Laura Gutierrez-Witt); (6) "LatinAmerica and External Debt" (Ann Hartness);(7) "Public Health in Latin America"(Donald Gibbs); (8) "Latin American, Caribbean,and Mexican American Current Affairs: Access to Sources of Information" (Jane Garner);(9) "Latin American Maps in the Benson Collection" (Anne H. Jordan);(10) "Liberation Theology in Latin America" (Penny Frere); (11)"Mexican American Biographical Sources (Margo Gutierrez); (12)"Latin American Books and Their Journals" (Sonia Merubia); (13)"Latin American Slide Collection" (Jane Garner);(14) "Feminist Periodicals inLatin America" (Aimee Algier Baxter andAnn Hartness); (15) "Approaches to Contemporary Mayan Cultures" (David Pardue); (16)"La Chicana" (Margo Gutierrez); (17) "Latin American Atlases" (AnneH. Jordan); (18) "Latin American Population Censuses" (Sue Fuller);(19) "Puerto Ricans on the Mainland" (M. Alexandra Salinas);(20) "Blacks in Latin Au.,..ica and the Caribbean: Selected Bibliographic Sources"(Donald Gibbs); (21) "Mexican Americans in Texas"(Margo Gutierrez); (22) "Central Americans in Mexico and the UnitedStates: Selected Sources in the Social Sciences" (M. Alexandra Salinas); (23)"Organized Industrial Labor in Contemporary Mexico" (RussellE. Thomas); (24) "Drugs in the Andean Region and Mexico" (NidiaSalamanca-Speers); (25) "Mesoamerican Codices" (MichaelO. Hironymous); (26) "Undocumented and Immigrant Children inthe United States and Their Right to Education" (Danelle Crowley); (27)"Jews in Latin America" (Carol Evans);(28) "Solidaridad: Mexico's AntipovertyProgram" (Donald L. Gibbs); (20) "TheIndigenous Cultures of Mexico" (Michael O. Hironymous); (30) "Plants of the New World"(Russell E. Thomas); (31) "Latino Participation inUnited States Politics" (Danelle Crowley); (32) "Christopher Columbus" (LauraGutierrez-Witt); and (33) "The Native Peoples of Guatemala" (Michael O. Hironymous). (KRN) 1`. The General Libraries The University of Texas at Austin BIBLIO NO TICIA S Benson Latin AmericanCollection Series Editor: Ann Hartness Numbers 35-67 1986-1992 r) U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION °thee of Educatona. Reseaco ano .morry.emenr EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS CENTER (ERIC, MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY Thrs document nas been reproduced as receved from the person or organ.zat.o" nownaong .1 Ann flartness Minor changes have been made to omorove reproduction cluaoty Poets of new or op.n.ons stated .n this doCu meet do not neCessanty reoreSenr orf.C.a. OERI pos.r.on or pobcy TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERICI BEST COPY AVIZEIE The General Libraries The University of Texas at Austin BIBLIO NOTICIAS Benson Latin American Collection NO. 35, REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Series Editor: Ann Hartness MEXICAN AMERICAN HOUDAYS AND FESTIVITIES Compiled by Glide Baeza Revised by Margo Gutierrez The citations below present general information on the Mexican American observance ofholidays and special occasions. Some of these events are unique to the Hispanic Southwest, while others are cultural adaptations from Mexico.Unless otherwise indicated, the works included are written in English and reflect the observances in the United States. GENERAL SOURCES The Chicano Index: A Comprehensive Subject, Author and Title Indexto Chicano Materials. Berkeley Chicano Wires Library Publications Unit, University of California at Berkeley. Formerly the Chicano Periodical Index this indispensibie work indexesarticles, books and other published material focusing on Mexican American studies and/or Chicano interests. Consult the following subject headings:CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS, CULTURAL CUSTOMS, CHRISTMAS, FAMILY, FIESTAS, HOLIDAYS, RELIGION,and VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE. 2/1361/M4/C47/LAC Mexican American Reference Collection COMEXAZ: News Monitoring Service. Oakland, CA: Comite de Mbico and Aztlan, May1972-December 1980. This publication, no longer published, indexed and reprinted articles pertainingto Mexican Americans from the following newspapers: Albuquerque Jeanie', Arizona Republic, Denver Post, Los Angeles El Pasolimes, San Francisco Chronicle, and the San Antonio Express. For articles about community observances of holidays and specialoccasions, check entries listed under CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND PERFORMANCES and HOLIDAYS in subject index. Eli 84/M5/C655/LAC Benson Collection stacks Bizondo, Virgil. Popular Religious Practices of the Mexican American and Catechesls. SanAntonio: Mexican American Cultural Center, 1974. 27 p. Examines pre-Hispanic and Spanish colonial religious practices and beliefs. From that historicalcontext, expands into contemporary practices among Mexican Americans. Includes observances of Our lady of Guadalupe, Christmastime (includingj. Posadas), the Lenten and Easter seasons, and Roman Catholic sacraments (baptism, first communion, etc.). BR/563/M49/E434/LAC Benson Collection stacks Garza-Lubeck, Maria and Ana Maria Salinas. Mexican Celebrations. Austin, TX: institute of Latin AmericanStudies, University of Texas at Austin, 1977. 54 p. Geared to the elementary school teacher, this work 'describes and provides background information about nine Mexican and Mexican American holidays' includes suggestions for songs, recipes, plays, and other activities. GT/4814/G37/LAC Benson Collection stacks Heisley, Michael. An Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Folklore from the SouthwesternUnited States. Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Comparative Folklore and Mythology, University of California at Los Angeles,1979. 188 p. Contains over 1000 citations to various customs, folklore, and festivities, relevant toChicano culture. Subject index includes BAPTISMS, COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE, LENTEN CUSTOMS AND ACTIVITIES,EASTER ACTIVITIES AND CEREMONIES, among others. Especially useful for entries listed underPASTORES. GR/104/H457/LAC Benson Collection stacks Ramirez, Olga Nair:ire. 'Greater Mexican Folklore in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography.' InEthnic Affairs, no. 1 (Fall 1987): 64-115. Covers much of the literature for the period 1976 to 1986; especially relevant is the section on festivalsand special events. FJ1641115/E753/no.1/1987/LAC Benson Collection stacks West, John 0., compiler and editor. Mexlcan-American Folklore: Legends, Sono, Festivals, Proverbs, Crafts, Talesof Saints, of Revolutionaries, and More. Little Rock, AR: August House, 1988. 314 p. Chapters 9 and 10 include brief descriptions of life-cycle rituals and holiday celebrations. Most useful for detailedend notes. GR/111/M49/W47/19881LAC Benson Collection stacks FIESTAS PATRIAS The term 'fiestas patties' (patriotic holidays) refers to Dieciseis de Septiembre (September 16) and Cinco de Mayo (May 5). Bancroft, Hubert Howe. A History of Mexico. 6 vols. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft Co., 1883-1888. The classic, comprehensive multi-volume set, chronicling Mexico's history in much detail. Volume 4 includes the independence movement from Spain; volume 6 covers the period of the French intervention. G972/13221W1883 Benson Collection stacks De Leon, Arnold:). Las Fiestas Patrlas: Biographical Notes on the Hispanic Presence in San Angelo, Texas. SanAntonio: Caravel Press, 1978. 30 p. An historical inquiry into the development of las fiestas patrias in San Angelo and surrounding Concho Valley, frompre-World War II until 1974. The introduction comments on the spirit of Mexican Americans in continuing to celebrate these Mexicanholidays. GT/4811/S24/D44/LAC Benson Collection stacks Magner, James. Men of Mexico. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1968. 614 p. Describes the life and accomplishments of historical figures involved with Mexico's independence from Spain and thebattle against France in Puebla. F/12051M23/19681LAC Latin American Reference Collection Meier, Matt S., and Feliciano Rivera. Dictionary of Mexican American History. Westport,CT: GreenwoodPress, 1981. 498 p. Defines and identifies terms, individuals, places, and events which have affected the Mexican Americanpeople and their history. E/184/115/M45311.AC Mexican American Reference Collection Lf 2 Melville, Margarita. 'The Mexican-American and the Celebration of the Fiestas Patrias: An Ethnohistorical Analysis' Grito del Sol 3 (1978): 107-116. A scholarly investigation into the ethnohistorical significance
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