PIONEER NEWS Phone: 759 5491 Official Organ of 2/1 and 2/2 PIONEER BATTALIONS ASSOCIATION Per Annum: $5 Registered under the Charitable Collections Act, 1934·41 - Certificate No. 10462 Printed by Principal Press, 19 Grey Street, Carlton Correspondence: MAX HERRON, Hon. Sec., 2/1-2/2 Pioneer Bn. Assoc., 3 Enoggera Road, Beverly Hills 2209 Treasurer: VIC WHITELEY Editors: R. LAKE and M. HERRON President: BILL JOLLlE Vol. 41, No. 1 APRIL,1996 Welfare: BILL TASKER, phone 718 6658 rather overstayed our visit. Many thanks Jim, for 2/1 2/2 PIONEER LISMORE REUNION a most interesting day. Our daughter-in-law Lynn (David's wife) is a The Reunion held on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th March was organised by the N.S.W. Kyogle girl, so we also found time to visit her Northern Rivers Branch of the Association and they are to be congratulated on producing a mum, Emily Downes, and spent an enjoyable day most successful gathering. with her sister, Joan, and husband Maurice Visitors began arriving on Friday, 8th March, Later in the evening Dorothy Foster, who had Powell, on a picnic day up to The Loop to watch by train, plane and car. The people who made made the 2/1-2/2 Pioneer Banner for the the trains on their way to Brisbane winding the longest journey were Maureen- and Doug Northern Rivers Branch, came forward and around the mountain. A remarkable sight. The Waters by train from Adelaide. Those travelling presented the banner to Ken Wilson. Ken then country around the area is really green and we by train from Sydney were welcomed by Ken asked Reverend Playstead to dedicate the thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Wilson and his transport section and were soon banner before it was carried around to be We called to see Flo and Jack Shearman 2/1 being delivered to places of accommodation in admired by the visitors. on our way to Casino but they were out - hope the area. After unpacking, visitors and hosts The raffle of a pewter mug, donated by Allan you found the note on the door, Flo. assembled at the Lismore R.S.L. for drinks and Olson, mounted with both 2/1-212 colour patches, A great few days, amidst good company. meals in an informal and friendly atmosphere. was won by Harry Mowbray and Ernie Lunn won Those seen involved in these activities were a portable radio. ANZAC ACTIVITIES 1996 Maureen and Doug Waters, Kevin Raward, Jack At the conclusion of the dinner, groups sat Allison, Roy Levy, Snowy Dodd and AIIan Olson, about talking and recalling the good old days WREATH LAYING - Wednesday, 24th April who had arrived by plane earlier from Adelaide together. It was great to catch up on old mates This very important Service will be held at 7.30 and had been enjoying the hospitality of Ida and and news of the doings of each other - all told, p.m. on Wednesday, 24th April, and all Members Ken Wilson. Saturday was a free day until the a very enjoyable night. are to assemble on the corner of Martin Place and Pitt Street, on the G.P.O. side at 7.25 p.m. Wreath Laying Ceremony and many took the BALLlNA BARBECUE opportunity to have a look around Lismore. Toss and will place wreaths at the Cenotaph at 7.30 By 11.00 a.m. on the Sunday morning, the p.m. and Bill Robertson were able to spend some time Pioneers and their ladies had assembled at the with relatives. Ballina Ex-Servicemen's Home Complex for a ANZAC DAY MARCH - Thursday, 25th April WREATH LAYING CEREMONY barbecue and the 70 who were in attendance Forming up will be the same as previous years were in good spirits after their Lismore Reunion. for both units - 2/1st in Phillip Street, head on This most important part of the weekend's King Street and rear of 6th Division - 2/2nd in activities was carried out at 5.00 p.m. at the After a warm welcome by Peter Morris, Complex Manager, some of the visitors were taken on a Phillip Street near Martin Place and rear of 7th Soldiers Memorial. The religious service was Division. Both banners will be displayed at their conducted by the Reverend Peter Playstead, tour of the Home by 2/1 "Mac" McKibbin, who is one of the residents. The staff were very respective assembly points. Check newspapers Presbyterian Minister at Lismore, who is also a for changes in assembly points. Chaplain at the RAAF Base at Amberley. friendly and caring and the home seems to be ANZAC REUNION - Thursday, 25th April The ceremony was conducted by Ray Harris well looked after and a great place to spend declining years. accidental Hotel, 43 York Street, Sydney, is the and John Le Cornu was in charge of the public venue for the Anzac Day Reunion Dinner. Board address system. Wreaths were laid by Roy Dopel, The barbecue lunch was cooked and served by three ladies, staff of the complex, and was the train at Museum Station, after the march, and President of the Lismore R.S.L., Ken Wilson, Bill travel around the loop to Wynyard Station. Robertson and Rita Trefoni. really enjoyed by the visitors. Fortunately the tables and chairs were undercover, as there were Proceed up the escalator to York Street, turn right Ken Wilson recited the Ode and the Last Post a few showers during the lunch, but this in no into York Street towards Central, walk along to and Reveille were sounded. Following the way dampened the spirits of the visitors. the first street which is Erskine Street and the singing of the Royal Anthem and Advance The carton of beer which was raffled was won hotel is on the south side corner. Enter from York Australia Fair the ceremony was concluded with by Rita Trefoni, who re-donated it and it was Street into the foyer. the Reverend Playstead pronouncing the subsequently won by Doug Waters from SA Costing will be: Meal $12 per head. Benediction. All too soon it was time to say goodbye and it Refreshments - Beer: Middy $1.50. Schooner THE REUNION DINNER was suggested that another reunion be held in $2. Jug $6. Service to tables. On arrival at the Lismore R.S.L. Club, August, 1977, if it can be arranged. To all ANNUAL MEETING - Friday, 7th June members were issued with printed name tags by Northern Rivers Branch Members a big thank The Annual General Meeting will be held on Secretary Betty Carter and fees collected by you for a job well done - it was really enjoyed Friday, 7th June, at the Redfern R.S.L. Club, Treasurer Ron Cross. by all of those who were fortunate to be able to corner of Redfern and Gibbons Streets, Redfern, After the Master of Ceremonies Ray Harris attend. at 1.00 p.m. and a cordial welcome is extended called on the gathering to be seated, he asked to all Pioneers to attend. Padre Peter Playstead to say Grace. Ray then REUNION JOTTINGS by Peg Herron introduced the guests at the Official Table as On the Sunday night after the barbecue, a LETTER TO THE EDITOR follows: Reverend Peter and Merilyn Playstead, party of 2/1-212 members met at the Ballina R.S.L. Dear Comrades in Arms, Joan and Roy Dopel, R.S.L. Club President, Ida and enjoyed an hour or two of good company. Putting pen to paper is easy, once you know and Ken Wilson, Branch President, Toss and Bill Roy Levy, Snowy Dodd, Don and Val Crawford, the words and what to say. I know at this stage Robertson, Sydney Association Vice-President Noeline McEvoy, Laurie Kelly and Roy Jardine of our lives we all have a cross to bear and some (representing President Bill Jollie), and Mark and were later joined by Marj and Jack Kerslake and of us are bearing it better than most. Dorothy Foster. Peg and Max Herron. Two 2/1sts (no names no This letter is another census taken to try and The Toast to the Queen was proposed by Allan pack drill) left their motel in a taxi for the club, get as many as possible to the next Anzac Day Olson, President of the South Australia Branch without their key, and could not remember where March. You do not have to march or drink too and the Toast to the Guests by Ken Wilson. In they were staying. Marj Kerslake and Max much, just try your best to be there at the response Roy Dopel thanked the Executive on finished up driving them around until they accidental Hotel. behalf of the guests and went on to speak of the recognised their motel. (Next time fellas take a Like they say, some people carry their age role of the Pioneers in all wars. compass). A good evening and a lot of fun. well, others have to hire a truck, so if you have Ken Wilson then spoke on the formation of the The following day the Kerslakes and Herrons no truck, hire a relative for a bit of help and meet Northern Rivers Branch and said how pleasing drove up to Byron Bay to see some "near rellies" mates of yesteryear. This applies to any "D" it was to see an attendance of 80 people to their of the Kerslakes, Pat and Ken Webber, and on the Company that are out there somewhere - must first Reunion. Treasurer Ron Cross then way back called in to see Jack and Olive be a few of you still alive and kicking.
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