Fall Fashion Shows Will Require the Attention of EI Pasdans for Awhile-Th- en the Army Tournament SECCIÓN ESPAÑOLA The Morning Times' Circulation Yesterday. PAGINA 8 Printed and Distributed 18,638 August METAL MAKKKT8. Average, St Days' Basis, Now York silver MUc Dally 18.858 St. Loulg lead t3.70wa.Tii4 August Average for Sunday, St. Louis spelter gS.tOOt.M Sunday 15,7 35TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS. TUESDAY. SEPT. 15, 1914. TWELVE PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS GERMANS WILL MAKE STAND AGAINST ALLIES ON RIVER AISNE were supported by some German divisions. RETREATING GERMAN ARMY the 4rt7 men arrested under Ihe By the capture of Tomasxow, tho tins PROBABLY MAKING STAND EL ordinance only six or seven ever starts trove a weogc uvmuuu in adwhu COST $6,000 ON THE RIVER AISNE PASO THIRD IN were convicted. army, which had Invaded Poland as far as Hi Hu the Auocltttd Pre Violation or the law car- ALLIES CLOSE Opllle and Eamosr. and the army which Paris, Sept. IL The French ofri-cl- ried a fine of only Sinn bul as ronsplrlhg t they dereated at Lemberg and which, al- statement Issued tonight says that to violate a law carried a hue or and REOCCUPATION though It lost heavily In killed, wounded, TO LIGHT CIGAR French troops have rcoceupled Amiens, BUILDING a possible sentence or two years' Impris- prisoners and guns, managed to reromi which was abandoned by tho Germans, PERMITS onment many workers were arrested on this and to some extent undertake the offen- but that the Germans are making a charge, tho witness asserted. In order to sive. stand on the river Alsne. I able to Identify prisoners arrested on AT THE HEELS Tho Germans who relnTorccd the Au- L. SLAUGHTER LOSES A VALUABLE The statement Is as rollnws: CONSTRICTION this charge. Mr, Harrlman said, officers "(in every- t MOUNTING TO 17.110 strian, according to latest advices, shared PIERCE ARROW ON ROAD TO our left wing wn have AUTHORIZED IN THIS CITY would call Ihe, men from their cells by OF AMIENS BY In the defeat. They are trying to reach the DEMING. where caught up with the rear guards IN AUGUST. their names dally until their races became fortress as Pnemysl and the rear guard Is and even the main body or the enemy. tamlliar. A hung Jury resulted In these endeavoring to keep rr the Russian cavalry iiur troops have Amiens, rases. rorees. which Is pursuing them. Machine Reduced to Scrap Heap and Owner abandoned by the German Small showing General Over the Slate At Itlentiricatlnn by the local ofrtcers Is a OF PRUSSIANS Austria's real Army. ( limpíeles journey in i.ar inn "The enemy appears to be making inuiiieu in i.srk ,,i Labor and the farce, Mr. Ilarrlnian insisted, lie said on Austria had In Poland and Galicia an Happened to Pass. a stand on a prepared rront along tho Regular Summrr Dullness. one occasion he substituted for several army estimated at 1,00,000 men, with 9.500 river Alsne." days In the prisoners' dock n man not un- FRENCH ARMY guns. At Lemberg Austria lost many der arrest, but he was promptly Identified thousands of men In killed, wounded and By Time (fprclal CorrreponuViit DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR By i a finccfui L'orretpondrNt by tho police. Police sometimes recognized not iteming, it. M.5 sent, cost it. c. ELECTED IN MAINE. men only a prisoners. It Is now stated, although it. it Fori Texas, 14. who had been here few days or pris- Slaughter sc.nno to light his cigar Sun- - ACCORDING TO RETURNS Worth, Sept. Figures as "boyhood tho that the total number Just ompiied acquaintances," wiuicss IN THE FLIGHT oners were 180,000 and that 50 field guns nay morning, ana nut ror tne ract mat a Bu the Auoctated Prett by the Texas Business Men's as maintained. were uken. besides tne guns in tne rap- tourist happened along at an opportune Portland, Maine. Sept. 14. Mayor sociation show that building activities In Testimony tending lo show that the Em- IS ANNOUNCED or .moment It might also have cost him a long Oakley a. Curtis, of Portland, a Demo- em- tured rorts and an Immense amount war the nine principal cities or the were ploying Printing Trades alliance, which and lonely walk. Mr. Slaughter, who is crat, was elected governor or Maine slate braces the principal nonunion printing material. " held In Is also reported tonight from Home president of the slaughter Land and Cattle today over Oovernor William T. abeyance, lo a curiam extent, dur- shops here, has Instituted a right on can- that the Germans have suffered a dele at at ompany ni sonora. Mexico, was en route Ilaynes, Republican, or Watervllle, who ing August, compared with preceding didates ror public, office who have cam- Mlawa, on the east Prussian frontier. This from El l'aso to Douglas, Aliz., over the was a candidate ror a second term, months. August lo paign literature bearing the union label, by is generally conceded FROMJRANCE would be rather surprising as the Russians Borderland route. Leaving Dcmlng early a margin of i.700 votes, according be one or Ihe dullest months In the year was given by II. W. Dennett, an interna- only today that they had been In the morning, he stopped some rirty to unofficial returns. tional Typographical union member. Mr. BY FRANCE admitted plan- in ine minding line, und to this, coin compelled to withdraw In east Prussia be- mllcs west lo fix a tire. After completing All of the Sit cities, towns and witli tlie shortage or labor In some see Iiermeil also declared his belief that the fore overwhelming rorces of Germans who ihe Job to his satisfaction be seated him- tations, except 37 small place, whoso tlons, caused by large crops which are Merchants and Manufacturers' association FRESH ALLIED TROOPS, itened General ltenncngamp or me self in the car and before starting lit a vote Is ' not expected to change the letiiaiiditig attention at present. Is attributed lias Instituted a virtual boycott 011 rrlends cigar, carelessly tossing the match on the result, had been tabulated. The vole the slackness in construction activities dur or the union here, GOVERNMENT CAVALRY ground. was 66,170 for Ilaynes and 58,877 lor ing last month. Irvln Hire and i. V. Francis also testified REPORT WITH A HEAVY EMPEROR'S YOUNGEST SON The result, was immediate ano slanting. Curtis. During August ag today. Tho western tour or the commis- car construction licenses PROUD OF HIS WOUND. Flames leaped from tho road and the g regaling MJ1CJ04 were authorized In these sion will close tomorrow. Ilio Denver SAYS APPARENTLY GER- FORCE UNDER GENERAL By the Attoeiattd Preta was at once transformed Into a roaring places, compared Willi I.S7,077 ror Ule same meeting having been postponed. onflon, Hopi. is 3 a. m.). Accorauigv tu furnace, from wulch the owner barely es- pel hid of 101. lids Is tho smallest amount MANS caped, the loss eye lashes ami WILL W ARE PREPARING TO VON the Exchange Telegraph company's with of his CHIEFTAINS ted III any one mouth of this vear. Fort MRS. WILSON S DYING ISII. PAU, ARE CROWDING at Prague. Prince Joachim, young a little hair. In a few minutes the car was worm toos me nnv to a heap aluminum and lean during AUgtisc est son of Emperor William, recccntly sent reduced of melted lug sanctioned tin- uuiic or iierinit- - tbolltlun of Alley Slums In National Capi RESIST ON HEIGHTS TO AND VON BUELOW to tne dowager urana nurness oí asuro enarrcct metal. totaling ni. mo. This thn mark tal Will Be Carried Out. KLUCK '''God allowed slaughter for tho catas highest tho following telegram: has accounts I lied by that cliy since July II3, and Itu the me to wounded. Bless Him. I am prqud trophe on the theory that thu gasoline tank MEET OCTOBER .laaoclated Prett NORTH AND NORTHWEST be lie first timo it has held that position Washington, Sept. II. Mrs. Woodrow AND MAY CUT COMMUNI of the day I fell. It was mo rtnest nay i had sprung s leak and that the fluid had or month- Second Place Is on the he dropped the niiiithcr congress have lived." run out road where held by ,l)allaa, there being tvso.37tl in Wilson's dying wish that abolish OF RHEIMS; RUSSIAN CATION WITH BELGIUM. match. CARRANZA DECLINES VILLA'S REQUEST nsliiictloti licenses granted In thai place Ihe allay slums In the 11.111011:11 capital was CREW Or AUSTRIAN STEAMER As he was ruefully surveying the ruins FOR POSTPONEMENT OF during the month. El l'aso also made a fulfilled today when Ihe house passed the or few a 01 MUTINISD IN SPAIN. what had been a moments before CONVENTION. showing ami as a senate bill which prohibits the use TROOPS CROSSING SAN 10,000 a carao lair result takes third By the Associated Pro car tourist rank. Permits in the sum of 117,410 were Iwelllug I1011.es hi Washington alleys ttftei Itu the Attoelated Prett SeDt. IB (3 a. m.. A llavas dis along, nicked him up and carried mm to four years date of the passage ol London, Sept. U. Except for the army Paris. awarded In thd "GsU' city." The oilier after the RIVER. patch rrom Ferrol, Spain, says the crew Douglas. All Generals and Military Governors Have which In te legislation. The bill now goes to lie which han been attacking Verdun, the Ger- to the cities are hided this report of the Austrian steamer Sud applied Bern Notified und Gathering will muí me amounts issued August lent for his signature.
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