List Liste of CERN des publications Publications du CERN Annual Report 1986 Rapportannuel1986 Volume III Volume III EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE The CERN Annual Report is produced in three Volumes: Volume 1, entitled 'CERN 1986', selects highlights from the year and presents them in a non-technical style with ample illustration. There are English and French editions and it is anticipated that this will be the Volume that most readers will wish to see. Volume 2, entitled 'Report of Activities in the Divisions', gives a detailed description of the year's work in technical language and without illustration. English and French editions, produced in limited quantities, are available on request. Volume 3, entitled 'List of CERN Publications', groups all the known publications coming from the research at CERN during the year. It is produced in a single edition in limited quantity, available on request. Le Rapport annuel du CERN est publie en trois volumes: Le volume 1, intitule 'CERN 1986', choisit des faits marquants de l'annee et les presente dans un style accessible aux non-specialistes, avec une abondante illustration. II est publie en anglais et en fran\:ais et ce volume sera probablement celui que la plupart des lecteurs souhaiteront consulter. Le volume 2, intitule 'Rapport des activites dans les Divisions', decrit en detail les travaux de l'annee dans un langage technique et sans illustrations. 11 est publie en anglais et en fran\:ais en quantites limitees et peut etre obtenu sur demande. Le volume 3, intitule 'Liste des publications du CERN', regroupe toutes les publications connues traitant de recherches effectuees au CERN pendant l'annee. II est publie en version monolingue en quantites limitees et peut etre obtenu sur demande. List Liste of CERN des publications Publications du CERN Annual Report 1986 Rapportannuel1986 Volume III Volume III EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION OR GANI SATION EUROPEENNE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE Thirty-second Annual Report (Volume III) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research © Copyright 1987, CERN CERN REPORTS AND OTHER MONOGRAPHS RAPPORTSCERNETAUTRESMONOGRAPHIES 86-0001 CERN 86-01 Workshop on physics in the 90's at the SPS collider: CERN. Geneva Proceedings, Workshop on physics in the 90's at the SPS Proceedings, VMEbus in physics conference, collider, Zinal, 17 - 19 Jun 1985 CERN, Geneva, 7 - 8 Oct 1985 CERN, 1985. - 540 p CERN, Jan 1986. - 366 p 86-0012 86-0002 CERN 86-02 v 1 European Southern Observatory. Garching CERN. Geneva CERN. Geneva Ellis, J; Peccei, R [eds] Seti, G; Van Hove, L feds] Physics at LEP, v 1 Cosmology, astronomy and fundamental physics : CERN, 21 Feb 1986. - 434 p Proceedings, 2nd ESO/CERN symposium on cosmology, astronomy and fundamental physics, Garching, 17 -21 Mar 86-0003 CERN 86-02 v 2 1986 Garching : ESO, Sep 1986. - 326 p CERN. Geneva Ellis, J; Peccei, R [eds] Physics at LEP, v 2 86-0013 CERN, 21 Feb 1986. - 315 p Fubini, S Introduction to functional methods in quantum theory 86-0004 CERN 86-03 v 1 Lausanne : EPFL, 1985. - 49 p. - (Troisieme cycle de la CERN. Geneva physique en Suisse romande) Proceedings, v 1, 9th CERN/JINR school of physics, Urbino, 1 - 14 Sep 1985 86-0014 CERN, 5 May 1986. - 246 p Jacob, M; Winter, K feds] The quark structure of matter: Proceedings, European 86-0005 CERN 86-03 v 2 meeting on the quark structure of matter, Strasbourg and CERN. Geneva Karlsruhe, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 1985 Proceedings, v 2, 9th CERN/JINR school of Singapore : World Sci., 1986. - 786 p physics, Urbino, 1 - 14 Sep 1985 CERN, 5 May 1986. - 173 p 86-0015 86-0006 CERN86-04 Jowett, JM; Month, M; Turner, S feds] Amaldi,E Nonlinear dynamics aspects of particle accelerators : John Adams and his times Proceedings, 1st Joint US-CERN school on particle CERN, accelerators - topical course on nonlinear dynamics, Santa 30May.-18p Margherita di Pula, 31 Jan - 5 Feb 1985 (John Adams memorial lecture, delivered at Berlin : Springer, 1986. - 583 p. - CERN, Geneva, 2 Dec 1985) (Lecture notes in physics; v 247) 86-0007 CERN86-05 86-0016 Kluge, HJ Metcalf,M ISOLDE users' guide Effective FORTRAN 77 CERN, 18 Jul 1986. - 200 p Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1985. - 231 p 86-0008 CERN86-06 86-0017 Ruggiero, F Metcalf, M Theoretical aspects of some collective instabilities in FORTRAN optimization, 2nd ed high-energy particle storage rings London : Academic Press, 1985. - 253 p. - (APIC studies CERN, 8 Aug 1986. - 69 p in data processing ; 25) 86-0009 CERN 86-07 Lee, TD 86-0018 The evolution of weak interactions Osterwalder, K; Stora, R [eds] CERN, 16 Sep 1986. - 10 p Critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theories: (Talk given at the symposium dedicated to Jack Proceedings, pt 1, Les Houches Summer school session 43 - Steinberger, at CERN, 16 May 1986) Critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theories, Les Houches, 1 Aug - 7 Sep 1984 86-0010 Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1986. - 538 p CERN. Geneva Experiments at CERN in 1986 86-0019 CERN, Nov 1986. - 308 p Osterwalder, K; Stora, R feds] Critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theories: 86-0011 Proceedings, pt 2, Les Houches Summer school session 43 - CERN. Geneva Critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theories, Les Matthiae, G; Albrow, MG; Della Negra, M; Di Lella, L; Houches, 1 Aug - 7 Sep 1984 Jenni, P; Kirkby, J; Nanopoulos, D V; Pretzl, K feds] Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1986. - 663 p 5 PAPERS PUBLISHED IN SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS, BOOKS AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ARTICLES PUBLIEES DANS LES PERIODIQUES SCIENTIFIQUES, LIVRES ET COMPTES-RENDUS DE CONFERENCES 86-0101 Abdalla, E; Abdalla, M C B Progress in electroweak interactions: Proceedings of the An algorithm to isolate poles in Feynman diagrams leptonic session (v 1), 21st Rencontre de Moriond - preserving background gauge invariance and Perspectives in electroweak interactions and unified supersymmetry [CERN TH 4137-85] theories, Les Arcs, 9 - 16 Mar 1986/ Ed. by J Tran Thanh Nucl. phys., B 266 (1986) 423-439 Van. - Gif-sur-Yvette: Ed. Frontieres, 1986. - 35-40 86-0102 Abdalla, E; Forger, M 86-0107 Aderholz, M; Corrigan, G; Hoffmann, E; Integrable non-linear u models with fermions [CERN Jones, GT; Jones, R W L; Kennedy, B W; Miller, DB; TH 4238-85] Mobayyen, M M; Morrison, D R O; Myatt, G; Commun. math. phys. 104 (1986) 123-150 Radojicic, D; Schmid. P; Schmitz, N; Shotton, P N; Towers, SJ; Wittek, W; Barnham, KW J; Baton, JP; 86-0103 Abramowicz, H; Belusevic, R; Blonde!, A; Berggren, M; Bertrand, D; Bullock, F W; Calicchio, M; Blumer, H; Biickmann, P; Brummel, HD; Buchholz, P; Clayton, E F; Coghen, T; Cooper-Sarkar, AM; Burkhardt, H; Debu, P; Duda, J; Dydak, F; Falkenburg, B; Erriquez, O; Fitch, P J; Fogli-Muciaccia, MT; Guy, JG; Fiedler, M; Geiges, R; Geweniger, C; Grant, AL; Hamisi, F; Hulth, P 0; Kasper, P; Klein, H; Lagraa, M; Guyot, C; Hagelberg, R; Hepp, V; Hughes, E W; Marage, P; Middleton, RP; O'Neale, SW; Parker, MA; Kampschulte, B; Keilwerth, H; Kleinknecht, K; Sacton, J; Sansum, RA; Simopoulou, E; Vallee, C; Knobloch, J; Krasny, M; Kr6likowski, J; Kurz, N; Varvell, K; Vayaki, A; Venus, W; Wachsmuth, H; Wells, J Lipniacka, A; Merlo, JP; Miiller, E; Para, A; Perez, P; BEBC WA21 Collaboration; BEBC WA59 Collaboration Perrier, F; Pollmann, D; Ranjard, F; Renk, B; Measurement of total cross sections for neutrino and Schuller, JP; Taureg, H; Tittel, K; Turlay, R; Vallage, B; antineutrino charged-current interactions in hydrogen and Wachsmuth, H; Wotschack, J neon [WA21; WA59 experiment] [CERN EP 86-31] Precision measurement of sin2 11w from semileptonic Contrib. to 12th International conference on neutrino neutrino scattering [WAl experiment] [CERN EP 86-38] physics and astrophysics (Neutrino '86), Sendai, 3 - 8 Jun Phys. rev. lett. 57 (1986) 298-301 1986 Phys. /ett., B 173 (1986) 211-216 86-0104 Abreu, MG; Armstrong, T; Baubillier, M; 86-0108 Adiels, L; Antonelli, A; Backenstoss, G; Beusch, W; Burns, A; Gago, J; Jacholkowski, A; Beltrami, I; Bergstrom, I; Bloch, P; Burgun, G; Carius, S; Knudson, K; Otwinowski, S; Perrin, D; Palano, A; Chardalas, M; Charalambous, S; Dedoussis, S; Derre, J; Pimenta, M; Quercigh, E; Strachman, Z; Szeptycka, M; Dousse, JC; Dris, M; Faure, J L; Fetscher, W; Fry, JR; Tkaczyk, S; Walczak, R; Zitoun, R Filokyprou, G; Gabathuler, E; Gamet, R; Garreta, D; CERN - Lisbon - Neuchatel - Paris - Warsaw Geralis, J; Gerber, HJ; Guyot, C; Hatzifotiadou, D; Collaboration Hayman, P; Hugi, M; Kern, J; Kerek, A; Kesseler, G; Inclusive proton and antiproton production in 71'± Kochowski, C; Kokinias, P; Kostarakis, P; Kuzminski, J; hydrogen and 71'± nucleus interactions at 30 Ge VIc [WA 72 Lefas, C; Lindblad, T; Mall, U; Mare!, G; Mason, P; experiment] [CERN EP 85-99] Milsztajn, A; Nakada, T; Nilsson, A; Papadopoulos, L; Z. Phys. A 324 (1986) 1-8 Pavlopoulos, P; Pauli, E; Rickenbach, R; Schaller, L; Schopper, A; Tauscher, L; Traster, DA; Tzamouramis, J; 86-0105 Abt, I Watson, E; Zevgolatakos, S CHARM Collaboration; CERN - Hamburg - Amsterdam - Basie - CERN - CEN Saclay - DAP Athens - Democritos - Rome - Moscow Collaboration ETH Zurich - Fribourg - Liverpool - SIN - Stockholm - Experimental study of du/dy neutrino-nucleon­ Thessaloniki Collaboration scattering [WA18/2 experiment] Study of CP violation in a tagged neutral kaon beam The quark structure of matter: Proceedings, European [CERN EP 86-04] meeting on the quark structure of matter, Strasbourg and The quark structure of matter: Proceedings, European Karlsruhe, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 1985 I Ed. by M Jacob and meeting on the quark structure of matter, Strasbourg and K Winter. - Singapore: World Sci., 1986. - 273-275 Karlsruhe, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 1985 I Ed. by M Jacob and K Winter.
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