OUR PRA YERS: The Magnifi cat Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayerprayer.. In the Catholic traditiontradition,, somes prayers have become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayersrayersyers thatth ffor centuries have revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ.ist. Th ese prayers teachteact us much about who we aarere andand aaboutbout tthehe GoGodd to wwhomhom we bbelong.elong. —Keith J. EgEEgan, Series Editor Wee PrayPray † My soul proclaims ththehe greatnessgrgreatnneesss ofof thethhee Lord,Loro dd, my spiritpirit rerejoicesjoj iceses in GGoGodoodd mmyy SSavioraavvioor for hee hhasaass llookedoookked wiwiththh ffavorava oorr oonn hihiss lolowllowlywlly seservant.ervaantt.. Fromm tthishhihiss daddayy alallll gegenerationsenneraatiioonns wiwwilllll ccallalll meme bblesblessed:lelesssed: the AlmightyAllmmimightyighg tyy hhasass donedoone ggrgreateaeat thingsthhinngsg forfor me;me; and hoholyollyy iiss hihisis nnaname.mem . He hasas mmercyerrcyy o onn tththoseose who fear him in every generation. We Practice He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit. he name of this prayer, comes from the fi rst words of it in Latin: Magnifi - He cast down the mighty from their thrones, FAiTH cat anima mea DominuDominum,m which means: and hhasas lifted up tthehe lowllowly.y. T “My soul magnifi es thethe Lord.”Lord.LordLor ” Also known as He hasas fi lled tthehe hhungryungry withwith good tthings,hings, the Canticleanticle of Mary,MMary, the prayerpraye comes direct- and thehe ricrichh hhee hhasas sent awaawayy emptempty.y. lyl fromfrom thee GospelGoosp el of LukeLuk (1:46–55).( These of He hasas come to the helhelpp of his servant IsrIsraelael wordswordds aree spokenspokenn byby thethe VirginVirgi Mary during for hee has remembered his prpromiseomise ofo mmercy,eerrcy, herher visitvvis t to Elizabeth,Elizabeetht , herheer elderlyeldeele d r cousin, who the promiseromise made to ouourr fafathers,aththeerrss, is pregnantpregnant withwiithth JohnJ h the Baptist.Ba Elizabeth to Abrahambraham and hhisiss cchildrenhhiilldldrendreren ffoforor eveverever.verr. greetsetsetss MaryMarMa with the words: “Most blessed –LiLituLiturgyturgr y off tthehhee HHoursouurss are youyou among women, andand blessed is the fruit of youryour womb” (Lk 1:42).1 Mary re- spondssponds withwith theth words of the MagniMagnifi catcat. The MagniMag fi cat is prayed DIDD YOU KNOWW? every dayd in the Liturgy of the Hours. Sometimes • A canticle is a called the Divine Offi ce, this is biblical hymn or song the Church’s offi cial daily prayer. that is not part of the Priests and those in religiousrel life pray boobookk ooff PPsalms.salms. the Hours daily. Manyny laylay peoplepe also pray Morninging and EveningEvene ing PrayerPrayePPrayer and some par- • Therehere are three canticles iinn thehe CChurch’shurch’s ddailyaily lliturgicaliturgical pprayer:rayer: ishesshes celebratecele e themthem commucommunccommunally.omm n TheT e MagniMagnifi catcat isi prayedp duringd Evening All threeee canticles are found in chapters 1 and 2 of Luke’suke’se’s Gospel.G Prayer,Praayer, knownkn wn ass Vespers.Vesperss. AAn ancient tra- The CanticleCanticle ofof ZechariahZechariah att MorningMornrning Prayer (Lk(Lk 1:68–79)1:68–79) ditionditioon ofof thetthe ChurchChhu tells us that it was probablyprobabpprobabl evening when MaryM arrived at The Canticlee of MaryMaryy at Evening Prayer (Lk(Lk 1:46–55)1:46–5 Elizabeth’sElizabeth’s house,house, thusthus the connection The CanticleCanticanticlele ofof SimeonSimeon at NightNight PrayerPrayer (Lk 2:24–32)2:24–324–32) withwith thisthis liturgicalliturgical Hour.Hour WORDS By Robert M.. Hamma, Editorial DirectorDirecD at Ave Maria Press.Press. Series Editor,itor, Keith J. Egan,Ega PhD,P is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; and Aquinasnas ChairiE Emeritus,EmeritE us, St. MMary’sary’s ColCollege.lege. We Believe We Live n the New Testamentent there are only four times when Mary he Magnifi cat is fi rst and foremost an speaks: to the angelel Gabriel at thethe Annunciation, to Eliza- invitation to pray and too praise. WhenWhW Ibeth at the Visitation,ion, to thethe boyboy Jesus whenwhen hehe is fi nallynally Twe say the Hail Mary,Mary, we praypray to Mary;MarMa found in the Temple, andnd to Jesus at the WeddingWedding Feast at Cana. when wee say theth Magnifi cat, we pray The account of Mary’s visitvisit to ElizabethElizabeth contains thethe longest re- withwiithth Mary.Mary. Consider making thethe MaMag-Mag- TheThe MagnifiMagnifi cat is cord of her words and gives us a wonderful insight into herr faith nifi cat part ofof youryour dailydaily prayerprayer prac-prac- “the“t“ththehe song both of the and trust in God. tice,e, perhaps in the evening.. EIn thisthith MotherMother ofof God andand ofof Mary begins by proclaimingclaiming herr joy at God’s greatness and wayay you will joinin withwit the whole thethe Church.”Church.” her gratitude for all thee thingshings God has done for her. She calls Churchh as it praysp with Mary who is ––The––The CatechismCatechism of thethe herself God’s “lowly servant”eervant”vant” and in this way identifi es herself our model for servant discipleship. Catholic Church,Church, 26192619 with the “poor ones” off thethe Old Testament (in Hebrew theyhey are IfIf we praypray thethe Magnifi cat, we must The Magnifi cat is somethingommemethingethhing likelikke aann overtureovo erture bebe willing to live thethe Magnifi cat. Like MarMaryy iin Luke’s Gospel, we are calledcalled to rejoicerejoice and trust in God’s promises aand to be humble enough sounding many of the keykeyy themest thheh mes of Luke’s Gospel.Gospel. S tot letl t GodG d createt wonderfuld f l thingsthi outt off our emptiness. This prayer called the anawim). These are people who are often oppressed keeps the needs of the poor before us. It challenges us to fi ll the hun- but do not lose faith in the Lord. They are the ones singled out for gry with “good things” and to “lift up the lowly.” Like Mary, we are God’s favor and who fear the Lord. “Fear” here does not mean called to proclaim with our lives (to magnify) the greatness of God’s terror or fright, but a sense of profoundp, awe, humble trust, , and mercyy and love. steadfast confi dence. • Make a list of the good thingsngsgs God has ggivengive you. Make another of The next verses describescribe God’s faithfulness.faithfulness. God lifts upup how you can sharearere thosethos gifts. the lowly and casts downwn tthehe mighty;mighty; hehe scatters “the“the proud in • Createatete time for a lonely neighbor, coworker,coworkecowo or fellow parishioner. their conceit.” He fi lls thethe hungryhungry with good things and sends • Prepare a meal for a family dealing with sicknesssick or grief. the rich away empty. Mary’sary’s Magnifi cat foreshadows Jesus’ own • Begin or end these actions by gratefullyully prayingprap the Magnifi cat. words and deeds. For example,xample, in announcing hiss ministministrystry JesJesus quotes the prophet Isaiahah (61:1) and says:ays: “The“ThThe Spirit of the Lord WithWiWitthh cchildrenhhilldrren . is upon me, because he hasas anointedanoi me to bring glad tidings to Create a Magnifi catca Tree by using an actual treetr branch or cutting one the poor” (Lk 4:18). from coloredc paper. Cut out leaves on which children can write good In the fi nal verses off this great canticle, Mary recalls God’s deeds theythey do tthathat showshow thethe greatness of God.Go Keep yet-to-be-fi lled faithfulness in coming to thehe help of his people and remember- leaves nearbynearby as a reminder to live thethe messagemessag of Mary’s prayer each ing his promise forever. SAMPLEday.day. A BIT OF HISTORY The Magnifi cat is very similar to a prayer in the Old Testament called Hannah’s Song (1 Samuel 2:1– My heart exults in the Lord, 10). In the story, Hannahah is childless and praysprays fer- my horn is exalted in mymy God.God. vently for a son, promisingsing to ddedicateedicate hhimim to GodGod if her prayer is answered.ed. She eventually gives birth Like the Magnifi cat, HanHannah’snah’h’ss sossongnng sspeaksppeeakaks to the prophet Samuel.l. ((ItIt is SamueSamuell wwhoho anoints of how God comes ttoo ththehhee hehelpellp ooff theththe popoororr aandnd Saul and David as thee fi rst kings of Israel.) When simple, anandnd off IIsraelsrrraelaael as GGod’sodd’s cchosenhhosseen pepeople.oppllee. Hannah presents her ssonon in tthehe temtemple,ple, sshehe ggivesives It sspeakspep akks of thethhee rreversaleeveerrssaal ooff ffortunesoorrtuunees bbebetweentweeeen praise to God in a canticleticle tthathat bbegins:egins: ththee mmimightygghhty aandnndd tthehee ppowerless,oowerrlleess, ththehe fufullulll aandndd tththee hhuhungry,unnggryy, ththee bbabarrenarrenn aandndd tthehe ffertile.eerrtitile. © 2009 by avevee maria press®, inc.iincnc. • Notre Dame, Indianaa • www.avemariapress.comwww • Ph: 1-800-282-1865 • A Ministry of the IndianaIndi Province of Holy Cross. Scripture texts in thist series are taken from the NewwwAm AmericanAm Bible with Revised New Testament and Psalms © 1991, 1986, 1970, coconfraternityn of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.serveveded. Nihil Obstat: Reverend Michaelel Heintz,Heeintz, PhD,PhD, Censornsor liborumlib Imprimatur: Most Reverend Johnhn M.. SD’Arcy,D’Arcy BishopB of Fort Wayne–South Bend, May 29, 2009 WOFØ1.Ø6.
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