RaTHE bbiter RaTHE bbiter Issue 277 December 2020 / January 2021 All the regular features plus • LOCAL GIRL SIGNS FOR SAINTS • CHRISTMAS WASTE COLLECTIONS • LOCAL AUTHOR RAISING FUNDS and much more The Community Newsletter for Hatch Warren, Beggarwood and Kempshott Park /RRNLQJIRUDWUXVWHG ORFDOEXVLQHVVIRU\RXU QH[WKRPHSURMHFW" :LQGRZV 'RRUV &RQVHUYDWRULHV 2UDQJHULHV *DUDJH'RRUV *XDUDQWHHG:RUN *UHDW3ULFHV )LQDQFH$YDLODEOH &DOOULSWRQZLQGRZVFRXN LQ J V W R D V N H % ï ï ï ï ï :K\QRWYLVLWRXUVKRZURRPLQ&KLQHKDP" ï ï ï :HKDYHORWVRIH[DPSOHFRQVHUYDWRULHVZLQGRZVDQG GRRUVZLWKIUHHSDUNLQJDQGDGHFHQWFXSSD 4XRWHç5$%%,7(5èIRUDSUHIHUHQWLDOTXRWH Printed on recycled or sustainably sourced paper using ecoprint-system4 by Greenhouse Graphics. Hampshire’s only EMAS accredited print center. 5DEELWHU$GYHUW5LSWRQ:LQGRZVLQGG The Rabbiter - December 2020 / January 2021 THE EDITORIAL The announcement this week that we will be able to see close family for Christmas Rabbiter has been the best news I have heard for weeks. I am sure that this has been good INSIDE THIS ISSUE news for many local residents. Sadly we are still under many restrictions and will need THE to take care to keep ourselves and others safe. But there are many positive things that 6 NEW FUND SET UP TO HELP have emerged recently. The Saturday market in the car park at the Portsmouth Arms FEED LOCAL FAMILIES is such a hit. Even in the pouring rain the queue for Indigo Bakes was very long – and Ra BEGGARWOODbbi BOOKWORMSter they do sell the best almond croissant! There is also a very good meat and vegetable 7 COUNCIL NEWS stall run by a couple who farm near Newbury, and a stall selling loose spices. BASINGSTOKE DEANE ROTARY Every year we ask the children at the Hatch Warren After School Club to create a BEGGARWOOD PARK picture for our December front cover. This year the winner is Isla Barrett, aged 10 8 COUNCILLOR’S UPDATE years, and the runner up is Evie Sheen aged 6 years. We love Isla’s cheerful reindeer BEGGARWOOD GIRL SIGNS FOR on the cover this month and hope all Christmas trees are as green and bushy as the SOUTHAMPTON FC one drawn by Evie! The winner and runner up will both receive a voucher kindly 10 PHILLIPS SOLICITORS donated by Sainsbury’s. CAFÉ IN THE PARK RECIPE We are looking forward to the opening of Lidl on the estate on 3 December. You will 12 SAINSBURY’S find it in the units previously occupied by Argos. LOCAL AUTHOR RAISING FUNDS Christmas is all about eating far too much and usually that includes chocolate. Why 14 PROBUS HEARS A STORY OF TILTING not treat your family to the scrummy Triple Chocolate Brownies – see recipe on AT WINDMILLS page 10. If you don’t fancy cooking one yourself, try the Café in the Park for a BASINGSTOKE CIVIL SERVICE takeaway coffee and cake – see page 18 for opening days/hours. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Beggarwood Bookworms continues to go from strength to strength. We read all 16 CHILDREN’S CORNER sorts of books – some we love and others we don’t like quite as much. The February 17 CONSULTATION ON DRAFT VISION book is Façade written by Helen Matthews. Helen will be joining our meeting (either FOR LAND NORTH OF M3 in person or via zoom) to tell us about writing her new book. 18 COMMUNITY CENTRE Have you noticed how many more people are out walking? It has been wonderful to 19 THE WARREN watch the changing seasons as we enjoy the local countryside. There are many other 20 OLD DOWN AND BEGGARWOOD good things we have discovered during 2020. A big thank you to all the supermarket WILDLIFE GROUP delivery drivers who have kept us stocked up with food and necessities, our postmen 21 BASINGSTOKE & DISTRICT who have got post and parcels to us no matter what the weather, the dustmen who DISABILITY FORUM keep our bins empty and all the other unsung heroes who keep life ticking over. My SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING latest discovery is a company called ‘Oddbox’ who provide a weekly box stocked 22 RABBITER CONTACTS with odd shaped and surplus fruit and vegetables – find them at www.oddbox.co.uk. 23 HATCH WARREN W.I. The Rabbiter does not publish in January so our next edition is February 2021. We would like to wish all our deliverers, readers and HAVE YOUR SAY ON BUDGET PROPOSALS advertisers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Let us hope that the proposed vaccine will be CAGE CAMPAIGN available to all very soon and life will start returning to 24 CLASSIFIED ADS how it used to be. BRIGHTON HILL The Editor COMMUNITY SCHOOL 25 FREEADS Cover: Winner, Isla Barrett, 10 years old, 26 KEMPSHOTT CONSERVATION GROUP Year 6 St Mark’s Primary School BASINGSTOKE U3A Right: Runner-up, Evie Sheen, 6 years old, Year 2 Hatch Warren Infant School Printed by Greenhouse Graphics Ltd www.greenhousegraphics.co.uk • Heating installations • Breakdowns • Boiler changes/upgrades • Landlord Safety Checks • Servicing • Power flushing • LPG Gas installation/service • Water softeners Call Jamie Davenport 24hr - 7 Days a Week Tel No: 01256 398611 Mobile No: 07876 687422 212273 An established, family run local business with 20 years’ experience 3 All Seasons Window Cleaning Reliably serving the Hatchwarren / Beggarwood community for over 20 years Additional services include: • Driveway cleaning • • Cladding/signage cleaning • • Gutter/fascia/soffit cleaning • • Conservatory roof cleaning • • Pure water - no chemicals • Call STEVE on 01256 353727 Email: [email protected] Web: www.allseasonswindowcleaning.com www.facebook.com/allseasonswindowcleaninguk 6KRZHUKHDGV /RFDOWR+DWFK:DUUHQDQG.HPSVKRWW FRQVWDQWO\QHHG )('83:,7+ GHVFDOLQJRWKHUZLVH ZDWHUIORZZLOOEH FRPSURPLVHG SOUTHERN +$5':$7(5 WINDOW ,1<285+20(" 7KH\ZLOOVSUD\ OLNHQHZ INSTALLATIONS 7KH3HUIHFW6ROXWLRQ 6FDOHGHSRVLWVZLOO :LQGRZ 'RRU6SHFLDOLVW IRUPRQWDSV $7ZLQ7HF %L)ROG'RRUVá&RPSRVLWH)URQW'RRUV 1RFUXVW\VFDOH :DWHU6RIWHQHU GHSRVLWVRQWDSV² RQO\DTXLFNZLSH QHHGHGWRNHHS WKHPVSDUNOLQJ 7RSFODVVVHUYLFHDQGZRUNPDQVKLS YHU\LPSUHVVLYH 0U73KLOOLSV)DUQERURXJK¶¶ ´7KHVHUYLFHZHUHFHLYHGZDVH[FHOOHQW WKHSOXPEHUH[SODLQHGHYHU\WKLQJDQG LWZDVHDV\WRXQGHUVWDQG.HYLQUXQVD YHU\SURIHVVLRQDOFRPSDQ\µ :LGH5DQJHá6XSHULRU4XDOLW\á/RZ3ULFHV 0UV$[IRUG%DVLQJVWRNH :LQGRZVá&RQVHUYDWRULHVá5HSDLUV 3URXGPHPEHUVRI :HDUHDORFDOIDPLO\UXQEXVLQHVVRIIHULQJNQRZOHGJHDQG H[SHUWLVHZLWKDIULHQGO\DSSURDFK Where reputation matters Covering Hatch Warren, Beggarwood and surrounding areas .HYLQ*RRG\ $XWKRULVHG á 7HO_0RE 7ZLQ7HF'HDOHU NJRRG\#XNZDWHUVRIWHQHUVFRXN_ZZZXNZDWHUVRIWHQHUVFRXN ZZZVRXWKHUQZLQGRZLQVWDOODWLRQVFRXN 4 &KHIWUDLQHGDWWKHSUHVWLJLRXV/HLWK V6FKRRORI)RRGDQG:LQHQRZZRUNLQJORFDOO\ (YHQWFDWHULQJ IRUGLQQHUSDUWLHVELUWKGD\VFDQDS«VFRUSRUDWHOXQFKHVIXQHUDOVDQGPRUH FRQQLH#FDOLFRIRRGFRXN__FDOLFRIRRGFRXN WŽĐƚŽƌ;,ĂŵƉƐŚŝƌĞͿ>ƚĚ ŶĚLJWĞĂƌĐĞϬϭϮϱϲϴϰϭϮϬϰ ,ŽŵĞΘ^ŵĂůůƵƐŝŶĞƐƐW͛ƐΘƉƌŝŶƚĞƌƐƐƵƉƉůŝĞĚ͘ WƌĞƉĂŝƌƐΘƵƉŐƌĂĚĞƐ͕>ĂƉƚŽƉƐΘĞƐŬƚŽƉƐ͘tŝƌĞůĞƐƐ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ͘sŝƌƵƐΘDĂůǁĂƌĞƌĞŵŽǀĂů͘EĞǁWΘdĂďůĞƚ ƐĞƚƵƉ͘ĂƚĂΘŵĂŝůƚƌĂŶƐĨĞƌĨƌŽŵŽůĚƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ ƉĐĚŽĐ͘ŚĂŵƉƐŚŝƌĞΛďƟŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ͘ĐŽŵ ,#,#-3$-3$// /)-*21(-,0 -+.21$//-+.21$//-!*$+0 /($,#*6.//($,#*6./-%-%$00(-,$00(-, *0$/*0$/3("$0%-/!20(,$00 ,#'-+$,#'-+$ ..*$(..*$( #0$12.1/#0$12.1/ (,(,&(,(,& "02..-/1(/(/20/20/$+$+-3-3 *+*+ (*(* -+.21$/.$/%-+.21$/.$/%-/+-/+ ,"$(002$0(/,"$(002$0(/$*$00,1$/,$1,1$/,$1/-/- #!#! ,#,# /#/#44 /$/$-%14-%14 //$,01$,01 **** 1(-,20(,$000-*21(-,002..-/1(-,20(,$000-*21(-,002..-/11 1$1$3$3$//-1'-"-1'-" *./*./-%-%$00(-,$00(-, * 6/0$0$5.$/($,"$5.$/($,"$ $$** -/-/02..-/02..-/1"1" ,#-3$/./. /)/)0-*21(-,00-*21(-,0"-"-2)2) 5 The Rabbiter - December 2020 / January 2021 NEW FUND SET UP TO HELP FEED LOCAL FAMILIES Food banks across the south are set to benefit from a new fund set up by a regional co-operative. Southern Co-op has made an initial donation of £5,000 to its Feed a Family Fund so local food banks can start applying for help straightaway. The independent co-operative is also asking its customers and members to donate to its fund which will enable local groups to purchase essential equipment or cover running costs. The micro grants of £200, which will be distributed via the online platform Neighbourly, will ensure the funding helps a wide number of food banks and reaches those who need it most. There are currently 75 stores with food bank collection points for product donations including Basingstoke Foodbank supported by The Trussell Trust. To find out more about Southern Co-op’s commitment to its communities, visit https://www. thesouthernco-operative.co.uk/love-your-neighbourhood. OCTOBER ZOOM MEETING Ten members joined this monthʼs 01256 688648 meeting to discuss The Farm by Joanne Ramos. This novel visits Golden Oaks which appears to be a luxury retreat with everything you could wish for but where you are paid to stay for nine months. It is in essence a baby farm where some of the richest women in the world :HOOHU0DFNULOO can pay to have a surrogate baby. This novel follows Jane from the Philippines who decides to be a surrogate in return &KDUWHUHG&HUWLILHG$FFRXQWDQWV for a large sum of money that will be life changing for her DQG7D[$GYLVHUV and her daughter. This was a really thought provoking novel raising issues such as poverty, immigration, exploitation and personal choices. We likened this to The Handmaidʼs Tale being a glimpse into a dystopian future but then considered $FFRXQWV the thought that maybe similar places already exist around 7D[ 9$75HWXUQV the world. Whilst we felt the poor were being exploited for 3$<( &,6 &RPSDQ\IRUPDWLRQV the wealthy it did raise the question ‘What would you do in ,5DGYLFH Janeʼs desperate situation?ʼ The book scored 6.6 out of 10 7D[SODQQLQJ with the bookworm readers. )UHHLQLWLDOFRQVXOWDWLRQ We do miss our
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