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Square dance fashions are no exception, and they Legacy enters, too, into this issue show great changes from the gingham with a resume in Meanderings, and days of long skirts and pantaloons to the photo and resolutions on pages the polyester days of bright colors 28 and 29. Legacy II is history now, and sissy pants. When we asked for and its impact will be felt only as photos to be used in this "distaff" is- the trustees carry its message to local sue, Johnny and Janie Creel served clubs and associations, binding us all up a whole scrapbook of styles (see together (but loosely), with the pur- center spread). Others were sent, too, pose of improving the American and we regret that some could not dance scene for all. be reproduced clearly, but Ladies' A discussion from one "buzz" Choice contains more nostalgia for session at Legacy centered on gather- those wanting to see how "the old ing S/D information in available loca- days" looked. Our thanks to all who tions. A library shelf was suggested. responded. Most libraries have at least several Once a year the taws on the dance volumes of song and dance resource floor are especially featured, and Ju- material. Square dance clubs might ly is the time. This month we present donate more. Memorial books are of- a Grand Square Dancer, an honored ten presented to libraries by other caller's wife, and a brief bushel of bi- organizations who lose a valued centennial bits of history written for member. For a choice of available credit by a novice dancer. (She got books, check the "Book Nook" in an "A.") If your dish is short one- back issues, plus the many ads. page features, here are a stack of Books of all kinds are plentiful, for them. And just for variety, we've callers, round dance teachers, dan- "dished up" the final installment of cers, and non-dancers. Books will last Paul Hartman's "How and Why Of longer than memorial flowers, and New Basics." may tell a story that flowers cannot. 2 k‘11 VN • VOLUME 30 • • July, 1975 • SQUARE • • • • DRNCE • • "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE • WITH THE SWINGING LINES" • • Publishers and Editors • • Stan & Cathie Burdick • Workshop Editors • Willard Orlich • Bob Howell • • Ed Fraidenburg • 2 Co-editorial Record Reviewers • 4 Grand Zip Don Hanhurst • 6 Meanderings Frank & Phyl Lehnert ▪ 9 S/D Is A Family Affair ■ Feature Writers ▪ 10 How & Why Of New Basics Harold & Lill Bausch ■ 14 Caller-Leader Directory Jim Kassel • 15 25th National S/D Convention Mary Jenkins • 16 S/D Briefs For the Bicentennial ■ 21 NEATS Editorial Assistants ▪ ■ 22 Thank You, Jackie Mona Bird ■ 23 Dancing Down Under Mary Fabik • 25 Encore Jo Homyak • 27 Puzzle Page Mef Merrell • 28 Looking To Legacy ■ National Advisory Board ▪ 31 Best Club Trick Edna & Gene Arnfield ▪ 33 Feedback Bob Augustin • 35 Callerlab Confab Al "Tex" Brownlee • 36 Dancing Tips Orphie Easson ■ 37 Calling Tips Phyl & Frank Lehnert 38 Keep Em Dancing ▪• Singin' Sam Mitchell ■ 40 Easy Level Page Ken Oppenlander ■ 42 Then And Now Vaughn Parrish ■ 44 Challenge Chatter Dave Taylor • 46 Workshop Bob Wickers • 53 Grand Square Dancer • ▪ 54 Pulse Poll • 56 Sketchpad Commentary 13,,x 788 ■ 57 Ladies' Choice SA •.:, 0.. 44870 ■ 60 Product Line AMERICAN SQUARE DANCE magazine is • 64 S/D Record Reviews ■ published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- ▪ 69 R/D Record Reviews on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second ■ 70 Events class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy • 74 Steal A Little Peek deadline first of month preceding date of is- • 75 National News sue. Subscription . S6.00 per year. Single co- 81 Book Nook pies: 60 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, ▪ 83 Finish Line Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1975 by ▪• Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. u 84 Do-Ci-Do Dolores 3 lers and round dance teachers alike. It would also be a great pleasure to hear from other leaders around the country 6tuttil with ideas and suggestions on square dancing. I would like to give credit to three callers in helping me to develop along the way to what I hope is a long career in calling. Bob Wickers, Art Galvin, and Bob Vinyard, all three, have taken time to sit down with me and answer questions, give me pointers and advice. They say advice is worth what you pay for it; in this case, the advice is worth more than I could possibly af- ford to pay. Time, their most valuable Please find enclosed a check to con- asset, has been given freely dnd gladly. tinue our subscription. We enjoy it ve- Remember, fellows, a few minutes of ry much, especially articles on rounds, your time with a new caller can help as we are round dance leaders in the him tremendously and bolster his con- Lansing federation. fidence when it is badly needed .... Many new leaders in this area Bob Fehrmann could use more articles on round dance basics. Kirk wood, Missouri John Manack Enclosed check and subscription Williamston, Michigan form for Herb Mills. This was our door We were quite surprised and prize and this couple seemed very ap- thrilled when we opened the June edi- preciative of this prize. We will probab- ly be giving some repeats since this tion of American Squaredance ...We seemed to go over so well. had thought you might write an article J.N. Criswell, president on our unique club, but didn't dream Twin City Swingers, Bristol, VA it would be about us. Many thanks to you... Charlie & Dot Lillagore Weslaco, Texas . We do enjoy the information in American Squaredance magazine and I especially like all the pre-convention information regarding the National 1A1 Conventions, which we try to attend. Eugene Lien Romulus, Michigan . .As a new caller in the St. Louis DANCE SCHEDULES area, I get your publication from Bob to tit YOUR billfold. Wickers. The contents never cease to ONLY $20 per 500 I2Sidedl amaze me. The articles on square dan- ONLY $10 if we sponsor cing and leadership are outstanding and • Screened Dancer Background informative. The articles also help me • your Color or Card Stock • Panted in Black Ink in my new job as president of the St. • Carefully Set a, Panted Louis Callers and Teachers Guild. Your THE SQUARE PRESS magazine keeps its finger on the pulse 909 13th Street SIOun City. Iowa 51105 of square dancing around the country. Record reviews are a great help to cal- 4 TAKE HER AVVAY FROM ALL THIS - - TAKE HER OUT SQUARE DANCING TAKE HER OUT A SUBSCRIPTION TO A GOOD MAGAZINE—THIS ONE P 0 80x /1.0( A M E RICANSQURRE DRNCE SANDWAY 01.410 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed -.1 One Year at S6 Two Years at S10 Canadian and F oreicm add 50¢ per year postage. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 "buzz" groups met for an hour, inclu- ding Square Dancer Associations, Cal- L egacy may not be the final answer. lers Associations, Callerlab, Round But it is an answer to the growing im- Dance Teachers Associations, National portance of knitting together the di- Square Dance Convention, Square vers threads to the square dance organi- Dance Publications, Record Compan- zational fabric to create a garment we ies, and Square Dance Suppliers. The can all be proud to "wear." breakdowns had a parallel to the types Cleveland, Ohio, provided the set- of leaders arbitrarily invited to the con- ting. One hundred and forty-six square clave. dance leaders, including record produ- Those particular sessions were the cers, clothing store operators, maga- "cultivation of the fields." A surface zine editors, round dance leaders, cal- job. But the bigger job of "digging in" lers, gathered for "commitment and and "plowing the ground" in order to yak" at the Sheraton-Hopkins Inn near be ready for the "planting" had to be the airport. It was a four-day deal. done, and this was accomplished Time well spent. Leaders well-spent through four major topic breakdowns by the Sunday closing hour. Thirty- keynoted by four knowledgeable lea- two states and one Canadian province ders: represented. "The Bicentennial and What It Can Commitment was the big word. The Mean to Square Dancing" — Ken Parker tone was set in an early session when "Combatting the Excesses That John Kaltenthaler advised us that "In- Tend to Damage the Public Image Of volvement" is like the dedication of Square Dancing" — Cathie Burdick the hen that merely lays an egg every "Leadership in Building Square Dan- day, but "commitment" is closer to cing's Future" — Ed Ross Smith what the pig goes through to provide "How and What We Dance" — An- ham for the breakfast table.
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