May 13, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10537 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE MAKING OF A HOLIDAY came and recalibrating its energy and pur­ From the Vatican, Pope Paul II supported AND BEYOND pose. Like a sturdy ship at sea on a great our call for nonviolence, and universal peace journey, a nation must also constantly with justice and sent the American people a check its compass to stay the course be­ very special blessing for a very special occa­ tween its point of departure and its destina­ sion. HON. NEWT GINGRICH tion. We have prepared our report on the first OF GEORGIA In the American journey toward freedom, national holiday in two versions, one for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES black America has too often been the meta­ popular reading and the other a technical, phor and not the reality; the discrepancies detailed documentary for archival and his­ Tuesday, May 13, 1986 that undermined the search for truth; the torical purposes. We also have available the slave who contradicted the presumptive goal external audit of the commission's finances Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, these remarks of liberty; the immorality in the foundation by Caretta Scott King, titled "The Making of a provided pro-bono by the Arthur Anderson undermining a moral blueprint. In honoring Co. Holiday and Beyond," were made in Washing­ Martin Luther King, Jr., honor the best of We have endeavored in our reports to give ton at a reception for members of the Federal our motives and our values. We demonstrat­ recognition to those many businesses, labor Holiday Commission. I strongly urge all of my ed that the American dream can grow, blos­ unions, religious groups and other organiza­ colleagues to read Mrs. King's remarks: som, and overcome. We have given life anew tions, institutions and individuals who gave THE MAKING OF A HOLIDAY AND BEYOND to Martin's belief that unearned suffering is funds, resources, pro-bono services, and time redemptive and that truth crushed to earth The members of the Martin Luther King, to make the holiday successful. will rise again. I must express my profound gratitude to Jr., Federal Holiday Commission are deeply Martin Luther King, Jr., loved uncondi­ honored by the presence of so many friends so many of my fellow citizens here and tionally. He was in constant pursuit of around the world-and I especially extend and supporters. This appreciation reception truth. The nonviolent campaigns which he is a pleasant occasion which marks the pres­ my gratitude to the members of this Com­ led brought about redemption, reconcilia­ mission; to members of their staff, to per­ entation of the Commission report on the tion and justice. He taught us that only results of the first national holiday in honor sons who chaired, co-chaired and served on peaceful means can bring about peaceful our 18 national committees, to the Gover­ of Martin Luther King, Jr., January 20, ends; that our goal was to create the be­ 1986. It has now been some 18 years since nors of our 50 States and officials of our loved community. On that historic day, U.S. territories; to thousands of mayors, some of you in this room joined with mem­ Wednesday, November 2, 1983, when Presi­ bers of the King family, friends and sup­ county executives, superintendents of dent Reagan signed the King Holiday legis­ schools and other educators and to all the porters, and other organizations, to work for lation, I suggested that America was a more the passage of a national holiday, to honor Federal agencies and departments. Special democratic Nation, a more just Nation, a thanks especially to the U.S. Department of Martin. The achievement of this immense more peaceful Nation because Martin and important endeavor against formidable Housing and Urban Development headed by Luther King, Jr., became her preeminent Secretary Samuel R. Pierce, Jr., the U.S. and seemingly endless odds is one of the nonviolent commander. Janauary 20, 1986, great milestones in the legacy of the Ameri­ Department of State, headed by Secretary was a day that evidenced the validity of that George Shultz, the U.S. Department of De­ can republic. hypothesis-freedom did ring! Martin's One of the important responsibilities of fense, headed by Secretary Caspar W. Wein­ spirit was especially alive within all of us berger, and the U.S. Information Agency the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for that day and continues to be ever present. Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., as the offi­ I do not believe any of us were fully pre­ headed by Director Charles Z. Wick. cial national and international memorial to pared for what happened on January 20th, I want to also express my appreciation to Martin, has been that of coalition building. given the controversy surrounding the holi­ President Ronald Reagan, his chief of staff, In the spirit of nonviolence, we have day, the limited resources with which the Donald T. Regan, and his special assistant, achieved such mutual goals as the passage Federal Commission had to work, and the Melvin Bradley. I want to thank Vice Presi­ of the legislation creating the King holiday; limitations of time to properly prepare for dent George Bush and his wife Barbara, and later initiating the Federal Holiday such an occasion. Senator DoLE was right who came to Atlanta on January 20th to Commission to assist in the first observance when he said, "The holiday seemed to have participate in our ecumenical service at Ebe­ of the holiday. taken on a life of its own." nezer Baptist Church. I want to thank Coalitions by their very nature represent The Congress, by establishing the Federal Bishop Desmond Tutu and his family who an alliance of distinct parties, persons, and Commission, set forth a mandate and re­ came from South Africa, not simply to re­ interest groups. Only the unfolding legacy sponsibilty for it to assist, encourage and co­ ceive our Martin Luther King, Jr., Nonvio­ of Martin Luther King, Jr., could have ordinate events and activities in the 50 lent Peace Prize but to receive inspiration achieved a community of 700 organizations States and U.S. territories. Martin Luther and renewal in their nonviolent pursuit of that constituted the Coalition of Con­ King, Jr.'s works and dreams were interna­ social, economic and political justice for science. This movement organized by the tional as well as domestic and more than 100 blacks and other minorities in that troubled King Center observed the anniversary of countries around the world joined in the land-which need our prayers. the historic 1963 march on Washington, and celebration. Some nations established an of­ I want to thank also former President Martin's famous "I Have a Dream" speech, ficial day of their own to honor Martin. The Jimmy Carter who served as our honorary and also petitioned the Congress for passage diplomatic reception hosted by Mayor chairperson for the national events on Jan­ of legislation, establishing a national holi­ Marion Barry and Soviet Ambassador Ana­ uary 20th and who participated in our day in his honor. The coalition of Con­ toly F. Dobrynin, Dean of the diplomatic Salute to Greatness Dinner in Atlanta on science represented many diverse segments corps in Washington, D.C., attracted over January 18. I want to offer my thanks, as in American society. It reflected the univer­ 1,000 persons. The anti-Apartheid Confer­ well to the 2¥2 million Americans who sality of Martin's appeal to millions upon ence at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center signed the Living the Dream Pledge Card, millions of Americans of every race, reli­ for Nonviolent Social Change and the thereby making a personal commitment to gion, culture and station in life-regardless events on January 20th, attracted represent­ keep Martin's dream alive. of partisan political attitudes. There is a atives from more than 50 nations. I appreciate so many of those persons who special meaning in the achievement of the The Commission called upon nations and worked closely and marched with Martin national holiday at this time in our Nation's liberation movements to make January 20th and who participated in the national events history, though some have not yet grasped a day of peace, nonviolence and reconcilia­ in Atlanta-all staff, business persons, en­ the message in the achievement of this goal. tion with all adversaries in honor of Dr. tertainers, civil rights workers, labor groups, "Amnesia" frequently proclaimed the late King an our own common humanity. This human rights groups, religious groups, Whitney Young, "is the greatest enemy of call was honored around the world. There sports figures, senior citizens, the handi­ human progress." A great nation founded were hostile actions in only two nations capped, government employees and elected on ideals must continually pause to take which have been identified to date by the officials, environmentalists, etc. I want to stock of itself, remembering from whence it State Departm~nt-Ethiopia and Nicaragua. thank the children of Nelson and Winnie e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 10538 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 13, 1986 Mandela who joined with us in Atlanta for and to his Subcommittee on Census and peace and social morality which Martin the national celebration and who brought a Population chaired by our friend, Congress­ Luther King, Jr., left to people of goodwill message of love and appreciation of Martin man Robert Gs:cia of New York.
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