Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 4-12-1967 The Parthenon, April 12, 1967 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, April 12, 1967" (1967). The Parthenon. 1186. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1186 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. he arthenon MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER Vol. 66 WEDESDAY, APRIL 12, 1967 HUNTINGTON, W. VA. No. 53 University Center Plans • I Delayed By Architects Completion of preliminary plans completed ro they could set a date for the proposed University Cen- to meet with the board of educa­ ter have been delayed for an un- tion. determined length of time, accord- The original schedule, which Dr. ing to President Stewart H. Smith. Smith says "will now have to be Plans for the $3 million project, revised," called for the reception being drawn by Dean and Dean of bids and awarding of con­ Architects of Huntington, were tracts for the University Center originally ~cheduled to be present- this October and project comple­ ed to the West Virginia Board of tion and ready for occupancr by Education this month for approval July, 1969. by Dean and Dean and the presi- -------------­ dent. This explanation was offered to President Smith in a letter dated Dorm Rents March 27 from S. Brooks Dean .of the firm: "We inadvertently errored ih the To Increase date given you for the finished preliminary drawings on the (Uni­ versi:ty Center ). Next Fall "Then tentative schedule for the By PETE SWAIN April presentation of the prelimi­ Staff Reporter nary drawings to the West Virginia 'Dormitory rent for South Hall, Keep Marsl,al/ Gre,n I Board of Education does not per­ Prichard Hall, Laidley Hall and mit ample time for proper consid­ West Hall will increase next fall, BOW CAN MARSHALL have an attractive campus with stuJents cutting paths through the grass? A/ eration of all the elements. Housing Director Kenneth Cohen number of MU students have undertaken a project to beautify the campus. Work began Saturday "The ~ c h e d u 1 e of necessary announced Monday. morning, and more is planned this weekend See pictures on pag~ 6. meetings makes it difficult to set Rent for South Hall will jump a realistic date for completion of the preliminary drawings. from $135 to $162.50 per semes­ "This project has top priority in ter, said Cohen. "The increase in 'Beer Bill' this, office and it is progressing as rent," he said, "is necessary to fi­ fast as proper execution will per­ nance the addition to South Hall." mit. At present, four floors are under Resolution Mr. Dean concluded by saying construction at the men's dormi­ that he would let the president tory on Fifth A venue. know when the drawings would be Rates Increased Postponed· Rates in Laidley, Prichard and West domitories will increase to By J. PRESTON SMim Poster Policy $129 per semester, said Cohen. Staff Reporter Current rates for Prichard and For the second straight week To Go BeLore West are $120, and at Laidley the members of the Student Govern- T1 rate is $99. ment have postponed introduction s d S The increase in Laidley's fee is of a resolution concerning the sale tu ent enafe because of planned summer 'reno- of beer in the Shawkey Student vation, said the housing director. Union. By J. PRESTON SMITH "Work will be done this summer Introduction of the resolution is Staff Reporter 1 ,to improve the three lounges in now in the hands of Ron Beatty, Diane K. Lentz, St. Albans fresh- Laidley Hall," said Cohen. Weirton junior and student sen- man and sophomore class vice The rent hike in Prichard and ator, who is presently seeking the president, is expected to introduce West is being made to bring all advice and approval of President a poster policy resolution before dormitory rates closer together, Stewart H. Smith before sub- Loois Llie Real 11,ing I the Student Senate tonight. explained Cohen. mitting the resolution beforf the The proposed resolution will "We would like to have all Student Senate. STANLEY W. ASH, as.wciate profes.wr of science (standing), and seek the erection of glass enclosed dormitory prices the same and The "Beer Bill" amendment, Philip Modlin, assistant profes.wr of science, judge an exhibit at the bulletin boards for student use in have all basic facilities in the passed during the last legislature, 13th annual Marshall University Science Fair. James P. Gillespie, front of Old Main and in front or dormitories the same," he added. allows colleges and universities in assistant profes.wr of science and director of the fair, said of the behind Science Hall. Not Holding Own West Virginia to sell beer on cam- fair, "This is about the best one we've had." The resolution will also include There will be no chanl!'e in rates pus to students 18 years and older. authority for Buildings and for Hodges Hall, noted Mr. Cohen. Must Apply s • Q E c Grounds to erect, as well as main- "Hodges is due for basic renova- The new amendment, which was em1nar n fflergency are tain, the new bulletin boards. tion," said Cohen. "We are wait- added to a follow-up private liquor Scheduled For Th·1s Weekend "I feel the bulletin boards will ing for money and a builder. The club bill, includes -though, ·an all- save a lot of littering on campus," sooner Hodges is renovated, the encompassing -clause stating that said Miss Lentz, "as well as elimi- better, but I do not forsee this application for license must be sub- A ,seminar on emergency care being conducted in major cities. nate the posting 'of announcements renovation for next year." mitted in writing by the institu- and transportation of the sick and Similar courses will be given this on trees and doors." Associate D.ean of Studept Af- tion's administration. The state injured will be conducted on cam- year in New York, New Orleans, Where To Look fairs J ames Vander Lind said t.he beer commissioner would then re- pus tomorrow through Saturday Portland, Ore., BoSton and Maine. Mike Farrell, Huntington junior residence halls were not holding lease the permit to the admi~istra- by the Committee on In1·uries of I~-================, and student body presi d ent, ap- their own financially. t10' the American Academy of Ortho- d d pointed Miss Lentz to study the When asked if the dormit'.lries :ince beer on the Marshall cam- pedic Surgeons in cooperation with possibilities of a poster policy for were losing money, Dean Vander th t Sche ules Rea y pus demands the approval oii the Marshall, e Tri-S ate Fire School Soon -- Bledsoe Marshall in lieu of campus beauty Lind answered, "I guess we are T and the Cabell County Medical d b h t· f administration, Senator Beatty being mare y it e pos mg o meeting payments from other said he has chosen to determine Society. Schedule booklets for the sum- notices on trees. sources." Money from the -room administrative objections before The seminar is under the direc- mer sess-ion should be available "By the erection of bulletin rent. he said, must pay bonds, advancing the resolution. tion of Dr. James A Heckman of in the Registrar's Office this boards at strategic points about utilities, and staff members. If President Smith completely Huntington. "~early 200 am?ulance week, according to Registrar campus," Farrell said, "students Dean Vander Lind said that all nd I opposes Beatty's outline for cam- atte ants, f re m e n, policemen, Luther E. Bledsoe. will know specifically where to dorms, except for a few student pus beer Beatty indicated he safety engineers and Civil Defense Counseling for advance regis- look for announcements." withdrawals, were full. would stiil introduce the resolu- personnel are expected to attend," tration for the summer session Farrell also noted that by this tion. Dr. Heckman said. will be April 17-29, said Mr. plan the campus would also retain \ PRESIDENT'S, RECEPTTON "I would like my resolution to Illustrated lectures, audiov.isuals Bledsoe. Advance registration and maintain its natural beauty. conform with the wishes of the and question and answer periods will be April 22 and 29. Would Back Policy President and Mrs. Stewart H. administration," ihe said, "but I will be included in the program. The first rummer term will be Dr. John E. Shay, Jr., dean of Smith will have a reception for am willing :to introduce it even if Special em Ph as i s is planned on June 12-July 14, and the second student affairs, said he would also fl:!culty and staff members and they oppose it." emergency treatment of head in- will be July 17-Aug. 18. Regular hack a poster policy. "To my their wives and husbands at their List Of Rules? juries, shock treatment, brok e n registration for the terms will knowleri «e." he said. "someone home, 1515 Fifth Ave., from 2:30- !'i o. m. ~u.,ri~y. A r eception for Mike Farrell, Huntington junior bones and other accidents needing be frora 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Jun ~ 12· ca!'I shp a poster to any tree on students will be held at the presi­ and student body pres1'd ent , 1.s f or 1mme.
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