OON'T TAKE LESS OF AVACATION. Take a vacation tor I"' In h\lssourl. To lind affordable \liP 1deas for your next getaway, go to V1S1It.IO com or call 800·5\9·5300 tor your free 20t0 Travel Gu1de. TIH MA C. AllH ( Of lH( MlllOU ALUMNI ASSOCIA110N CONTENTS 'I didn't want to apply to any other school because any other school wouldn't have been my fA I. t 1010 I VOLUME 9 9 I N U M. f lt l d earn sc 1ool.' FEATURES 14 On the job In 01 time of unemployment, yotJ might think it would be tough to find succe:ss - especi.Uiywith a Uber.U arts dcgrt.-c. 1'hc~c r~cent graduates .ue moving fom·ard, By sttadent writers Josh Chitl\lm .tnd O.tvidWietlisp.'lch 16 Nerds' eye view Think you knov.•" nerd when youseeone?Check out these g~lJ' ~Uz:t.ou facultymcm~nt. Uy Nancy Moen 20 Capital idea Venture C.lpit.ll move!tgrcat ideas from rcsc.uch l.1bs to the open market. In the process. the world gets hmov<ltive products, new bushlcsses hire skiJlcd cmpl oy~..-es, and Mi:r.zou nets royalties. Byst.,ffwriter john Stahler 22 Going for golden NeJr1y tOo women vie (or only JOSpotsort the MU Golden Girls dance team. bringing glitter and grit to thi,.yt.•.u'c; tryout$. Ry,.taff writer Sarah GJrbc!r 33 28 Shane comes back Shane Hoffman -.l triplet from Ruidoso. N.M.­ borrowed, battled J.nd believed his way to Mi:r.:r.ou. Now he's two semesters shy of achieving his dream. Ry staffwriter M•ucus Wilkins 34 leaner. Meaner. A more mJture n~ser football squad looks to build or1 last )IC.lr"S )UCCCSS. By Marru.\ Wilkin\ DEPARTMENTS 2 From the Editor 3 Mizzou Mail 4 Around the Columns 33 Homecoming Special Section VISIT MIZZOUMAGAZlNE. COM FOR MORE PHOTOS ANO STORIE$. 50 Class Notes >Meet more faculty nerds. Semper Mizzou 64 >Read expanded covtrage of young alumni making it in a tough job market. At. .. f"o .,...,., w• ~cr,._,.__..~ .. .,..,..,..,.,,._ .. ~t:.•'• >See behind~the~scenes photos or Golden Girls t()'OUtS. '<I ·•4toof..,,..)o,., -c·..,~·t·-, ... ~f-.,- ... ft:o<,(~>• ....~,..c ..... .~ No~. · •'4•11 '"''"'"~'' <-... ~·-IN>f'&.!""~.... l ... ••,.. > V1tw a sl1de show of New Haven, Mo., buildings presetved by alumm. I• .,,.., f"olo-•ttollt.ul).n,.!~.l ·~·· ""'"'19"C •"4 "'""" ........ FROM THE EDITOR IOITOIItiA\ M OO AOYIIUISIN(; O,ICU Reader research as foundation ~o; Dorwkl W Rc)nollb Alwnni Co:ntn Columb:i.a. \10 '~'' t. ~·J-N:N n:. (.-., s; J·88t-;I'J'' Constmction projects arc underway on t-!1UII111Ur<"""'rtll'\(~o~U Vt,•b mlno;>umJttJIInt'(OHI campus, m.1king for a loud and dusty fOif<* ..ilrtnVt~· 4$SOCIAf( f(IIIO.I).a)c 'mith environment. Workers are hustHng to (I.-ASS r.OTU tOll Oil \Wtll~ ~di.Jn~ Ul OIR((I()tt BLih O.n~ finish the new MU Student Center to be PtoOfQ411AI'tolll~ ROO l·h!l .ano,t '\J.;hOth lkni\C'I ~ •u u u John tuhlr1 .and \.~~r.ah ti.:.tbotr dedic.1ted Oct. 22 during Homecoming 1011011 fl.lliiiTU'S \tC'\'t""hmn \Veck~nd . Other workers are laying Mil IOU • tUM lol l ASSOCIATION new steam tunnels .1nd chilled water 11.) Rt)l>~>kl, Alutnl'll (;c-tu.·r c- lllumt>IA. \IOf>).)ll, phcwlr p).»J·66••· f.a tp)Sftz-.s,qs lines under campus ro.tds, causing a (\t«~tlw bu«lot Todd A \lcCubbm, \I (d*~> ()Jnn~on) l.'~ptt•wd on th.J,. mol)tol.l'lnt temporary inconvenience to tr,lmc now. do ntol fle<l.'\...,.nl~ tdlo:,llfw.ol!icUI p:NI '"It'l~tfthe Urt!\ >:I'-'' ' (If \II,. ,..;our~ Renov.1tion ofrate and Switzler halls is llf' !h,• \ Uuo.,ou .\~llrlliii.\•'W~o:I.IUOft :OUI also progressing. ITATU •fln 0' "Uiti>OU The \ hrrouAlu.mnl .\Mo.:i<~Uon r-oodl) wppo11'>1~ bo:"l The University of Missouri·s lllh~l,')h ;lf!d lr.lditilll'l~ ol( \h~~n... n.lo$'-h-11' Ul'lh"(l'<!l)' .1noJ tl\ .lllltl\nl"''"loj""ld( ll(tlili~I~IJhCII'I\hlp. .1~ lhr cornerstone, surviving from Academic foundlelfWI atCJUI ~u.-prnn I'll,. ..,. rtlnlon~ho(X ~t ('nh.ancf.'d ehrou~ .aod\OC.ac')'. communtc.luon .and' ol~ml~rl~m Hall'< fire in 1892, had been relegated to In this July view ol Conley Avenue. construction near obscurity at the entry gates to COWW I,II'II(AJIOHS COWWinU workers replace the '92J stum tunne ls t"at Ouor lk"T.-rull. Ill'<;>. J(<Wtll t'l.:<\111\~. '"'"""''''ct'"''" Eighth Street circle drive. Now ptovide heating to campus buildings and inst.lll ( .atd OOfolitw.I>IWI, lnm o\ndct'I(Jtt. fll'•fl. J~<.MUI C'C'dliN, chilled water Unes that provide enerty·efficient air ll'flln.gtt'~ PffWIIIIII IIWIII:t: 'X~ Q.mn,l II\ 'e1, ullC:arthcd. the 700·poul''ld stone will .at.'«Witdco~n. 'tbnol of [n~~nnso~nd .'lppllf'd Stic'nc('' conditioning. Conley reopened in mid-August in \\'.uhln~onUnn\'t\11\. ~.I lkondonh. IIA. til·~-~~~ \'lhl nr. soon reside in a place of honor in the time lor the students' arrival for faU semester. lt..UC'.tll\-.11'1 O.t\·l..,lfl.llr\ fii ..J.dU('( ICitO({OMn'IUnlt.UIC•II'\, llKboofotnp.llho·' o,\!111.\ml I Uilo..l. 8\ 114 '71>.chwf jesse Hall rotunda. Dedication is C!l.('<UII\<:ofiM•t, 'l> ~tXI,U\'If.. \Udtdk l.cfl), II'"' ·dl~tnn ~'" INfWlt"'f. ~-(uy s.~,' !ltn) l.lmb.lll •'Jl, pr~idtn1 planned for Oct . 23. The 2010 Homecoming theme reOccts these bricks-and-mortar "L \k-dw .and (oOO~Illlh'l)t, lerUds.cu. 0-o\. Bf ·111. o.: ... \'"*~· ,.,...,._ l.ury \!<(1od.l'l ·;.·. rr(-..ltknl. \k)'('l ('lllt'l!nu"k<~tkltt, changes: Tradition Set in Stone. ~I C. Ani'IO \ \.(.aU.ll\ Pr\ ·~··· ch!\'('IOIClfm.arlt1it19,. ~ ltou,lon \ueclln.\'fl\!1), 1•!1 \l..lnC'f'.altKn l•lul), When I think of the foundation of this magazine, our alumni magazine for Ill '<)7,ror1~uhm~ nurlchn,t ,ptd.aJht. Crt.alh'e \lcmonc•• yea~. it we took .1 K••llrt.W.'\. lt.al'ldk, 8) ..... .U.)I~I .n1 bur.·,,_~ chid. The> 99 rests with you. our readers. In June, random-sample snJ.pshot A'wtllt\-..1 Pro~. '\.u....,11 Rhodt. 8S '\ll.CUIIUnWI;i(.Mirtlf'l~ of your opinions through an Internet survey. I'd like to share what we learned. A nuf\.1~. H'TIIfOIJI; J•>hn ltolu_IIJ';J. m.a~•f1$«<llor hoo~ com ll.atb.au Anokf-. \Chultt, fll '&5. total of 1,059 Mizzou Alumni Association members responded; fewer nonmembers nwtt.t'lmJt t!WI.&~r, (Ot.ad!)t'hl ~.lUI'. D.aM \ tmon. I I '?t. publl.. twJ. \'c>mQn l'ubh~~ Inc:.; D.anZmuntrm.tn. 8/'6ot,l, (294) completed the survey. The Mizzou Alumni Association. the magazine's eelked n,-..·~prc .and m.a~~tJik' publblkf_ J'«.al,m.a. Co~Uf publisher. sends the magazine to all alumni households regardless of membership. AOV I a tUII'IG S AliS S.::on arc-t('f,l>lr«tOfof"d''"" '"nll To know if you're a member, check your mailing label. (I fit reads nonmember. .o: Rqnold~Aiumm (('nJtr,Colu:mbw. \10 &~11 rhont sn-&t~l·7JY1.f.u s;H3n~ I invite you to join online at miz.zou.com.) ('-m41U m!nuuo; rnrswurl o:du What readers told us in 2010 mimics prior reader research. It also conesponds to \U?iOU nl.llltUlnl'. '.&IJlOtO, \'o]u!M,. '-\lmbtf 1 Pubtit.hfdqu.a.rttrl) b) tht alumni magazine research nationally. You generally like the magazine's writing and Unhtrwty of \hnocll.lri AIWIUII A'loOUl!ton design and <Sp<!ciolly enjoy the photography by Rob Hill and Nicholas Benner. By a rl) ftc)nnlch AJu.mtti c~nl" <'OI\tmhll. \10~111 wide margin, you prefergettingyour Miz.zou news and information in print rather than on the Web; 95 percent of members always or often tcad the printed version. but only 22 percent have round the )·y<:ar--old online version, mizzoumagilzinc.com. We'll keep telling stories. You keep the comments coming. As always, we enjoy hearing from you. - Karen flandermeyer Warley, B) '73 2 ~lllll FAll 2010 MIZZOU MAll Readers react to 'Then and Now' Co-optt4tivt StOtt. The Missouri StOlt Sl4rttdout seeing cattle. What I do remember is the Tht story dttailln.9 tht history ofcampus buildings at tht comer ofNinth and Conley, then mowd to tr01iler p;uk that spr.,ng tap JfterWorld W.:tr II in tht SUmnttr 2010 fssut ofMIZZOU mas4Zint mtowry in 19lJ. The storrwos in operation a to house married Gls, which was in place for srnnattd rhrmost comments. Un{ottunattly, we total ofgo ffars bto!Wt'en tht hoolocation.s." m<tny yeMs. In the e.nly 196os. the taniver· mi.slabtltd o bookstort that app<emf inonrofthr sity purchased residential pro~rties along photographs. and sneral ro9fr-qtd rradmcaJlrd the west side of the street in order to build usonic. Cows on Eckles Hall lawn? the dorms now in place Lhcre. Kttp rtadin,g, and kttp writing. Is this a proofreader's error or a hi" tori· Bill Bunker, SS '6o, MS '6s, MO '70 MIZZOU magtl1jne stJff cal inaccurJcy I"Miz.zou: The.J\ and Now," Blaine. W.a.sh. Summer 1010)? I do not remember cows on the Eckles Hall lawn: it was immJcula.tely Missouri, not university, store kept.
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