<3 SINCE 1916 VOLUME 76, NO.^ CLOSED MEETING AT THE THRESHER, EVERYONE'S INVITED OCTOBER 28,1988 Administrative approval of trans-Atlantic charity concert in limbo fear of objections from the surround- College, said a number of charities ing, and telethons. Our accountants, pressed interest in CAMROCK by Keith Couch ing community based on have already been invited to partici- Arthur Young International, are Lamont said CAMROCK will be the objections caused by last sum- pate, including Save the Children compiling an official budget in Eng- helped by the patronage of execu- A group of Rice and Cambridge mer's "Monsters of Rock and Roll" Fund, SOS Children's Villages, land based on Live Aid's accounts, tives of every major recording label students are organizing a trans-At- concert at Rice Stadium. Houston Food Bank, and a national which will be ready in a few weeks' in the U.S. and Britain, including lantic concert to be held next sum- The project's name is "CAM- anti-drug charity. time," Lamont said. Nesuhi Ertegun, president of of mer to raise money for childrens' ROCK FOR KIDS '89." Simon Glass, a third-year student CAMROCK has commitments Warner Brothers Records, and ex- charities around the world. The site The money raised through the at Cambridge University, is the inter- from major promoters in both coun- ecutives at CBS, Virgin, RCA, Arista, in England is already confirmed, as concerts at Rice and Cambridge will national director of the CAMROCK tries. Harvey Goldsmith Entertain- and A&M Records. yet, the U.S. site has not been deter- go to charities benefitting children organization. ments, which promoted Live Aid, When Lamont and Glass met with mined. and anti-drug efforts around the The American end is absolutely will handle the British event In the Rice president George Rupp con- The Rice Board of Governors is world. American Coordinator Mi- crucial to the effort now. It allows us U.S., CAMROCK will be promoted cerning the use of Rice Stadium, reluctant to approve the idea, citing chael Lamont, a senior at Hanszen to have artists that are on tour in by Cellar Door, which produced Rupp said approval from the Board of America and to get American char- Bruce Springsteen and other major Governors would be needed. Since ites and sponsors involved. We can artists. the meeting with Rupp on Septem- make three to four times as much With this logistical support and ber 1, the administration has made money for children with a concert in corporate sponsorship, Glass and no decision. Rupp declined to conv the U.S. Also, we're excited about Lamont said they hope every dollar ment Wednesday. the concept of a link between British raised will go directly to the chari- Lamont disputes fears of commu- and American students, hopefully at ties. nity opposition and has consulted Rice," Glass said from Cambridge "We shouldn't have trouble lining surrounding civic associations and this week. up acts for this event once we have an community organizations. He cited Lamont said, "The professional American site. Peter Gabriel's man- support from a number of groups for network is in place, and sponsorship ager told me this is the best organ- CAMROCK and artist commitments are condi- ized music charity event she's ever "Far from being opposed to the tional on approval ofthe Rice site." seen," Lamont said. concert, most of the community Lamont became associated with In a letter to CAMROCK, Sir Bob groups in the area have been suppor- the CAMROCKeffortwhile studying Geldof said "CAMROCK will be a tive," Lamont said. at Cambridge last year. He de- huge success" and commended the Lamont's assertions were sec- scribed CAMROCK's logistical base "hard work and magnificent effort onded by Martin Reiner, Executive as firm. which all those involved have made Director of the South Main Civic "We believe we can raise millions and are making." Association, an umbrella association of dollars and pounds through televi- Internationally famous major of Southwest Houston Civic Clubs. sion rights, ticket sales, merchandis- recording artists have already ex- SEE CAMROCK, PAGE 7 BSU sponsors forum on apartheid by Jeff Solochek The Black Student Union spon- sored an apartheid forum in Herring Hall Thursday, October 20. About 25 people attended to hear prominent Houston anti-apartheid activist Former SA External Vice President Adam Carr Arthur Shaw, TransAfrica represen- tative Ada Edwards, and Student Coalition Against Apartheid mem- ber Dumile Vokwana. Carr tenders resignation The three guest speakers ad- dressed the issue of what Rice could do to help end apartheid, each focus- after closed SA meeting ing specifically on divestment. After brief introductory comments, the decision on his own. speakers fielded questions from an by Thresher staff The closed meeting following the animated audience. - regular open SA meeting involved Shaw drew parallels between Following a closed meeting of the informal discussion among all the South Africa and Nazi Germany in Student Association Senate Mon- members of the Senate, Oden said. his opening remarks. He said he saw day, October 25, External Vice-Presi- Abbott and SA President Andy no disadvantages in divesting from dent Adam Carr resigned his posi- Karsner recognized senators as they companies doing business in South Dumile Vokwana and Ada Edwards address the issue of apartheid. tion. expressed opinions at the meeting. Africa. He said readjusting Rice's Sources close to the Thresher said Abbott said the spirit of the meeting investments could yield distinct ad- the board as well. ganization, Student Coalition Carr had been accused of unethical was much like the SA retreat in Fort vantages. Edwards stressed the need for Against Apartheid, meets every Sat- activity. Apparently, Carr sent out a Worth this past Labor Day Week- "There is a possibility in earning students to urge the administration urday at 1706 Elgin to coordinate letter containing confidential mate- end. This atmosphere was created to more money on capital for the uni- to reconsider investment policy. student anti-apartheid activities. Tne rial and kept a different version ofthe allow everyone equal time to express versity endowment by not investing "If for no other reason, you need group is currently heading a petition letter on file. A paragraph was miss- their opinions about Carr's actions. in a system which is collapsing, to find out what's happening with drive to the City of Houston to de- ing from the file copy of the letter. Many senators expressed regret which cannot pay its banks. You your money...Because if they lose clare the city South African consu- The letter concerned university know, many of the Houston banks those investments, it is the students late persona non grata. at being unable to disclose the exact ' SEE BSU, PAGE 7 standing committees, the source point of controversy surrounding and savings and loans are collapsing that will suffer. It is the student fees said. Carr but emphasized that it was an because foreign countries are not that will be increased; it will be the This incidentwas then brought to internal problem that needed to be paying their debts. And one of the student activities and curriculum the attention of Internal Vice-Presi- handled internally. Abbott said he biggest borrowers is South Africa," that will be decreased." dent Dennis Abbott and the senators would comment on Shaw said. Rice's entire portfolio is managed Before the closed meeting, sena- the details of the conflict only if Can- Shaw addressed the question by Texas Commerce Bank. The ac- tors were given letters containing made an official public statement posed by the BSU: "What can [Rice] tual investments are not available to statements from Carr and Abbott. Carr released a statement Tues- do?" the Thresher. Abbott asked that members not dis- day stating that, without giving de- "The goal is to get the governing Edwards said she agreed with cuss the issue with anyone exept a tails, he had resigned. body of the university to pass a reso- Shaw that investments in South Af- Happy member of the Senate. In his state- A statement released by SA Presi- lution commanding its administra- rica are poor risks. She said u niversi- ment to the Senate, Carr sad he be- dent Andy Karsner called Carr's tion to divest from all financial entan- ties whichhave divested have made Halloween! lieved that what he did was partially decision a "personal one" and as- glements. .to drop all holdings and more monll^ by readjusting their unethical and partially stupid but sured that the Senate would respect to stop all dealings with apartheid." investments. i §& q.T i M-% $ <3 fk was unsure of what to do about it, the his "privacy." Shaw urged the student body to Edwards ended by stressing the source said. Abbott said the primary reason take on this "public relations pragmatic value of divestment. Allegations that Carr resigned for withholding the information was struggle" by writing to the Thresher The freedom in South Africa is See page 7 due to pressure from the SA were de- out of respect for Carr and for the and lobbying each member of the going to come whether we, as Ameri- nied by the SA Senate and Carr. Senate itself. Abbott sent out letters Board of Governors and key admin- cans, participate or not The miner- Abbott said "He[Carr] resigned to all the senators and presidents istrators. als in that country are critical to this on his own. Nobody pressured him." prior to Monday's meeting asking The Trustees of the Board of nation's survival...I would suggest Abbott added, "His resignation was them to keep the subject matter Governors are: Charles W.
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