che IRISh oraenceec Silva Control Markers - Silva Punches - Silva Headlamps August - September J997 Compass Point ·0· Shop No.82 If) Q) ~ o The UK's premier orienteering kit supplier <' .I::. Q) (f) I CO with an unequalled range of outdoor (1) Q) .z 0- Ci5 gear for the orienteering enthusiast CT Q) ::I 0- ~ Compass Point is the (fl Q) i~:~::r~.~ QJ appointed UK agent for E ~ o SILVA OL equipment <' "0 Q) Q) ~~ a. G) Q) CO ~~~ ;::0: ~ (1) Send Sae for Ci5 (il, '~~~".!;f-)..,_~ mail order details :::;-- If) ;; ;;:: ... ~ Q) <' If) Q) l3 s: 0- Q) CO I,'~.,~ .....· "0 ~ &1 CO r-'-;'- we; . ,~ (fl ~ (1) ,t; ~;£ :;;1 (fl Ci5, ':=~:• ~--• , ~ (j) ~ Visit our shops at eventsor ~ CO o , contact us at our Lytham shop, ~ CO ~ World wide mail order available ~ Ci5 ~....._.. -9'· - ~ I :l.,. ~ If) "0 C CO I~;:""'~ * .D "0 CO Q) ._:. "'""yJ.. ".~. ~'. ~ J: " ~-...~.':.~.~\::'_...-:-~.:-:::~~~~.:;,....,.......'. !~...- ~g? CO ess .z - ~ Ci5 Compass Point, 2 ChurchRd,Lytham, Lanes. FY8 5LH. (fl Tel. (012531 795597 Fax (012531739460 Silva Control Markers - Silva Punches - Silva Compasses 16 The Irish OrieJlJeer The Irish Orienreer is available THE IRISH ORIENTEER from all Irish orienteering clubs The Irish Orienteer FAIRLY USEFUL ADDRESS LIST 1997 or by direct subscription from the Editor: John McCullough. 9 No.82 August- September '997 AJAX ORIENTEERS John Maguire, 1 Avondale Mews, 19 Pork Ave., Sandymounl.Dublin <1 (01·2691196) Arran Road. Dublin 9 ATHLONE RTC ORIENTEERS Nigel Faley·Fisher.RTC.Dublin Rd., Athtone, Co. Westmeath (e-maH jmccrio@ioLie), ell,the Irish team is off to the World (0902·24465) Championships again. and the best ofluck BISHOPSTOWN OC Ted Lucey. Kilpadder. Dromohone. Mallow. Co. Cork (022· Annual subscriptioll costs to them. They deserve all our support and 47300) W BLACKWATER VALLEY OC John Geary, Marshalstown. Mllchelstown, Co. Cork (022·25306) IR£7.S0 for 6 issues including good wishes because their personal and financial CORK ORIENTEERS Miriam nl Choilir. 6 Ashton Pork. Blackrock, Cork (021·319838) postage, commitment to orienteering is enormous. I'm sure CURRAGH·NAAS ORIENTEERS John Colclough. 28 The Village. Newbrldge. Co. Kildare (045- 432267) . they enjoy it too: that's why we all got involved in the DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Denis Reidy. Adj. Genaral's Branch. Parkgote. Dublin 8 NEXT COPY DATE first place, after all. DU8l1N UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary, Box 67, Regent House. TCD. Dublin 2. 1st September 1997 The Squad is developing a sense of Identity but FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS BillRegan. 9 Floraville, Ennlskillen. Co. Fermanagh BT746AP (08· 01365·326213) because so many of them are based abroad they're a FINGAL ORIENTEERS LIllian Quill. 640 Collins Ave .. Dublin 9 (01·8376506). Cover Photo: Irish Champioll bit remole from lhe bulk of Irish orlenLeers. This FORESTWARRIORS OC Tom Conlon. Cunotrench. Bollyfamon, Boyle. Co. Roscommon Una Creagh training ill Scotland makes Iundraising a problem for the learn: they have (078·47055) for WOC'97 (J. Mall) FORMERUCCO Tony Joyce. Llndlsfarne. Bishopstown. Cork (021·541246). very little input Into mainstream orienteering here GALWAY ORIENTEERS Fronk Ryan. SI. Mary's, Baillnfayle. GQlway (091·753829). and the bulk of orlenteers feel little commitment to GALWAY RTC ORIENTEERS The Secrelory, P,E.Dept. RTC.Dublin Road. Galway (091·7S3161· the squad, which is a piLy becausethat's the Levelof 2213) CONTENTS performance any young competitor could be aspiring GREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS Nora toioc 6 Knocksinno Grove. Fa)({ock. Dublin 18(01.2893497) Ntws 4 KERRY ORIENTEERS ROryCostello. 14Manor Court. Monor Village. Trolee. Co. Kerry. WOC'97 ntws It lo. (066-25532) IOC 97 Rtvorr IS There is one fly in the ointment. however, Since LAGAN VALLEY ORIEN1EERS Geoff Somerville. 6 The Hill.Queensway. DerrylQghy. BT179EY Srudrnr Chumvs 97 17 the first Irish team went to a World Championships In (08·01232·61228.:1) IOC'97 muV 18 lEE ORIENTEERS Clore Nuttall, 4 Upr. Panorama Tce.. Sunday's Well. Cork (021· Irish RtlulIs: Hfsrorll to Scotland In 1976 the WOC team has been an AII- 300373) ltlns!tr Chumvs !'tvor! 2'l IreLand one and has been all the better for that. The Barbaro Foley·Flsher.Holly Cottage. Glasson. Athlone. Co. MIDLAND NAVIGATORS tMRA ruets t3 FIOA's rules merely required Lhat one be eligible to Westmeath (0902·85306) Coochlnll Cornrr t4 NORTH WEST OC Maureen Loughery. 39 Moyola Ave.. Castle Dawson, Co. Derry lOilldnll !luek t6 hold an Irish passport, not lhat one necessarily had (08·016.:18-68602). lOA AGM rrvor!/FCA-O 28 one, In recent years the International O-Federatlon SETANTA ORIENTEERS Jocelyn Colholln, 36 Toney Rood. Dundrum. Dublin 14(01· RtsUIIS 30 2985799) has been tightening up on the eligibility rules for LOF FIIC!Urrs 34 SOUTHERN ORIENTEERS KevinO·Dwyer. 2 Wellington Villas. Military Hili.Cork (021·506740) evenls because of different interpretations of U1e THOMOND ORIENTEERS Michael Meade. 7 Cedar Court, Kennedy Pork. Limerick term "citizen". (l gather it may have been brought to a (061041210.:1) Prill ted b!l Demon Print. head by an arrangement between Ftnland and THREE ROCK OC MOire Walsh. Moorpark, Kllmacanogue. Co Wlcklow (01· Dundrum. Dublill 14. 2868871) Estonia) but we couLd suffer as a result. UCC ORIENTEERS The Secretory, PEOffice. UCC. College Rood, Cork. NIOA Chairman Sleven Linton (a woe team UCD ORIENTEERS The Secretory. Box 55, Library BUilding, UCD, Belfield. Dublin 4. Results and articles are The Secretory, c/o Porter's Desk. Concourse, University College. member this year and on several previous occasions) UCG ORIENTEERS particularly welcome 011 3 1/2 Galway. described the sttuatlon in a recent issue of "Crossing WATERFORD ORIENTEERS Veronica Purcell, Lodge's Lone. Newtown Hill.Tramore. Co. inch noppy disks with a printed Point", the NIOA newsletter. The LOA,NIOA and FIOA Watertard. version as back up, Pleasekeep are all anxious that the present situaUon continue IRISH O·ASSOCIATION c/o Yvonne Begley. AFAS.House ot Sport. Longmile ROOd. the formatting simple! Dublin 12.(01-4509845. fox 4502805). lOA Secretory: Ken Griffin. but there are fears that the IOF will become stricter in 12Island Way. Muskerry Estate. Baillncollig. Co. Calk (021· enforcing the letter of the law this year. If this were to 870338). e·mali [email protected] ISSN 0790-1194 happen and if it were to reduce the availability of NORTHERN IRElAND OA Steven Linton. 39 Prince Edward Drive. Beltast BT95GB (08· NIOA competitors or olher normally eligible 01232·665<139) Thanks to the contributors to BRITISH O·FEDERATION Riversdale, Dole Rood North. Darley Dole, Matlock, Derbyshire orienteers to run for an All-Ireland team it would be a DE42HX (00.:1.:1·1629-734042,FAX0044-1629·733769). this issue and to the other very regrettabLe move for Irish orienteering as a INTERNATIONAL O-fEDERATION Sec. Gen.: Borbro Ronnberg. Radlokatu 20. FI-00093SLU,Finland editors who keep the news whole. (00358-405853801. fox 00358·934813113, e-rnoj flowing. (And to my neighbour [email protected] Sean who let me use his laser For 24-hour orienteering information ring (81 )-4569899 printer at the eleventh hour (IDA) or (8844-)1399-873281 (NIDA). when mine was giving trouble) Tilt> 1.·;,,/, 1).·i'Hl/nn_ 3 2 Tire Iris" Orienteer as editor of the excellent LYO newsletter, Sports Council. The next issue of the newsletter TEAM NAMED hardly did much for Daphne's. Get well soon. however. FermO have also got a new secretary in "Get Active" will feature orienteering. woe Daphne: at least your typing won't be affected! The Irish team for the World Championships in Bill Regan. 9 Floraville, Enniskillcn, Co. There's a national activity weekend on October y Conferences to run in conjunction with Norway in August is: Fermanagh, BT 74 6AP (08-01365-362213). 3rdl4th/5th. August's World Champs in Norway are an IOF y Congratulations to Irish Champion Una The campaign is being promoted on TY and on mapping conference, a conference of 10F Creagh and to Irish Team Coach Justin May who five million Mars bars. Men: affiliates' presidents and the 6th international have just got engaged, according to the most How about "Alive, Alive-O!" for the orienteering Bill Edwards (Cork'O), John Feehan (AJAX), scientific Symposium on Orienteering. Details recent Irish Squad Newsletter, It must be [rue, part? Steven Linton (NWOC), Colm 0' Halloran from lOA. (LeeO), Marcus Pinker (CorkO), Cohn Rothery since Una puts it together! y lOA regional Junior Affairs Officers were to (AJAX). y AJAX report that they won't be running an MAJOR GRANT FOR UNA meet at the Shamrock O-Ringen to arrange Reserves: James Logue (NWOC), Brian Corbett evening event on August 5th as originally The Sports Council have awarded six-times Irish training and fund-raising for the coming year. (CorkO), Brendan O'Brien (AJAX). planned. The event at Raven's Rock on July 22nd Champion Una Creagh a £2000 Outstanding according to lOA juniors OflicerTed Lucey. each will go ahead, however. Sponspcrson grant to help with her training and province is requested to organise 3 training Women: competition programme. Awards were granted to events for juniors plus a fund raising event for Julie Cleary (3 ROC), Una Creagh (3ROC), Nuala GET ACTIVE, GET ALIVE 149 athletes from 24 different sports but this is Juniors. the first substantial grant to an oricntecr, a Higgins (FUCCO), Eileen Loughman (CNOC), "Get Active, Get Alive" is the current sport for all y All-Ireland League: The league, introduced Eadaoin Morrish (LeeO). campaign from the Sports Council to persuade recognition of Una's achievements - and even this year in all classes, is being co-ordinated by Reserves: Darina Cunnane (CorkO), Joanne couch potatoes to get up and out. Their colour more - of her potential.
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