File 2018/15258/01 – Document 001 Applicant Name Applicant Type Summary All briefing minutes prepared for Ministers (and ministerial staff), the Premier (and staff) and/or Deputy Premier (and staff) in respect of the Riverbank precinct for the period 2010 to Vickie Chapman MP MP present Total patronage at Millswood Station, and Wayville Station (individually) for each day from 1 Corey Wingard MP October 30 November inclusive Copies of all documents held by DPTI regarding the proposal to shift a government agency to Steven Marshall MP Port Adelaide created from 2013 to present The total annual funding spent on the Recreation and Sport Traineeship Incentive Program Tim Whetstone MP and the number of students and employers utilising this program since its inception A copy of all reports or modelling for the establishment of an indoor multi‐sports facility in Tim Whetstone MP South Australia All traffic count and maintenance reports for timber hulled ferries along the River Murray in Tim Whetstone MP South Australia from 1 January 2011 to 1 June 2015 Corey Wingard MP Vision of rail car colliding with the catenary and the previous pass on the down track Rob Brokenshire MLC MP Speed limit on SE freeway during a time frame in September 2014 Request a copy of the final report/independent planning assessment undertaken into the Hills Face Zone. I believe the former Planning Minister, the Hon Paul Holloway MLC commissioned Steven Griffiths MP MP the report in 2010 All submissions and correspondence, from the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years to date, to the Minister for Racing and the Office for Recreation and Sport, opposing and supporting Tim Whetstone MP jumps racing in South Australia Corey Wingard MP MP Top ten crash intersections in the state ‐ Jan 2012 to Dec 2014 All documents regarding the expression of interest process for a lease where Crown Land has been made available to the market for the construction of proposed State Government Office Steven Marshall MP MP at Port Adelaide Documents held by the Department in regard to costings and correspondence between the Sam Duluk MP Minister's Office and the Department in relation to a Park and Ride facility in Bellevue Heights Dan van Holst Provide all documents relating to a business case for the facilitation of a port solution as part Pellekaan MP of the Regional Mining and Infrastructure Plan All correspondences, plans, and documents detailing or referencing incident points not Corey Wingard MP working and signalling failures on the rail network over the past 12 months All details and/or all copies of correspondence, reports, and documents pertaining to ‐ Corey Wingard MP Penalties and fines issued to bus contractors Copies of all and any reports, analysis, and correspondence to or by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure relating to the upgrade and maintenance of level and Corey Wingard MP graded crossings around the State in the last five years Copies of the Maintenance and Support Services for the Adelaide Metropolitan Passenger Railway Network AMPRN Overhead Line Equipment report pertaining to the contractors Laing Corey Wingard MP ORourke Australia Pty Ltd Request for access to copies of all traffic counts and modelling around the Oaklands Crossing Corey Wingard MP Intersection Corey Wingard MP MP Copies of the Halcrow Report on Rail Electrification Correspondence and evaluations of the intersection of East Tce and Main Road, Sam Duluk MP MP Hawthorndene David Pisoni MP MP Documents relating to the Career and Workplace Development Centre, Warradale Robert Brokenshire MP Crash stats for leaner's permits and motor cyclists 2012/13 ‐ 2014/15 A copy of the contract and tender documents for the relocation of Rail Signal and Vickie Chapman MP Communication Infrastructure for the new Biomedical Precinct. A copy of the contract and tender documents for the Relocation of Rail Signal and Vickie Chapman MP MP Communication Infrastructure for the new Biomedical Precinct Time frame: each financial year 2012/13; 2013/14; 2014/15; No of Learners Permit Robert Brokenshire applicaons made and crash stats for Learners Permit holders MLC MP Corey Wingard MP MP The number of p‐plate drivers involved in fatal and non‐fatal accidents since July 2014 The number of p‐plate driver involved in fatal and non‐fatal accidents between 30 June 2013 Corey Wingard MP MP and 1 July 2014 Corey Wingard MP MP Copies of DPTI 2016 train service plan Corey Wingard MP The assaults on Tram 108. Complaints of Road Rage on Tram 106. Please provide a copy of all reports done to or by the government/DPTI pertaining to the level Corey Wingard MP crossing train and car at Oaklands Park referred to as Oaklands Park Crossing Rob Brokenshire MLC MP Speed limits on SE Freeway between 5.00pm and 5.15pm on September 23 2014 Copies of documents and correspondence discussed during the 20 March 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting. Specifically relating to reports from the Deputy Corey Wingard MP Rail Commissioner The number of calls received during Thursday the 19th of February's GovChat total. Corey Wingard MP Please provide copies of all email correspondence to and from the email address Corey Wingard MP [email protected] dated 30 June 2014 onwards. Kelly Vincent MLC MP Accessibility on public transport Tammy Franks MLC MP Animals Australia advertising campaigns Please provide details of the Incident Investigation ‐ Dry Creek Interlocking Failure as per the Corey Wingard MP 29 May 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes agenda point 7.1. Please provide a copy of the Rail Safety Performance and Compliance Report and Rail Safety Reporting as at 4 June 2015 as per the 26 June 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Corey Wingard MP Meeting minutes. agenda point 10. Please provide details for the changes in RISSB Structure and Ownership and copies of documents signed but the Rail Commissioner as per the 24 April 2015 Rail Commissioner Corey Wingard MP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, agenda point 14.1. Please provide a copy of the report provided to the Rail Commissioner regarding the discussion on testing of 4000 Class EMU route acceptance to Gawler Central as per the 29 May Corey Wingard MP 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Meeting minutes, agenda point 15.5 Please provide details of the signalling issues discussed in the 24 April 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 6.1 and the start date for the Automatic Corey Wingard MP Train Protection System Please provide copies of all documents and correspondence referencing the discussion with Bombardier on contract for roof repairs as per the 29 May 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Corey Wingard MP Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 15.8 Please provide details of the discussion on key risks with level crossings as per the 29 May Corey Wingard MP 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 2 Please provide details of the discussed risk issue of a closed switch at Lonsdale as per the 24 Corey Wingard MP April 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 14.4 Please provide a copy of the Six Point Rail Plan for Improved Performance and the Management Team Rail Outpits ‐ Progress Report as per the 29 May 2015 Rail Commissioner Corey Wingard MP Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 15.2 Details of the report from the Deputy Rail Commissioner ‐ Asset Management, Engineering and Project Delivery update and any documents pertaining to the electrification of the Gawler Corey Wingard MP Line, LORAC wire issue, Finance Report, and Dry Creek investigation Please provide a copy of the Rail Commissioner Safety Policy distributed to staff and referenced in the 24 April 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, Corey Wingard MP agenda point 4.1 Please provide a copy of the draft DPTI Rail Safety Accountability Organisation Structure for the Rail Commissioner as per the 26 June 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Corey Wingard MP Meeting minutes, agenda point 4 and any subsequent reports. Please provide details and documents pertaining to the car wash at Seaford as per the 29 May Corey Wingard MP 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 15.3 Please provide details and copies of documents relating to Investigation Reports ‐ Collision at Chidda and Damaged Tram Pantographs as per the 26 June 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Corey Wingard MP Committee Meeting Minutes, agenda point 11 Please provide details and copies of documents and correspondence relating as per the 26 June 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 14.7 and Corey Wingard MP 14.8 Please provide copies of the ATP monthly status report as per the 29 May 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 7.1 and all subsequent Corey Wingard MP reports Please provide a copy of the Asset Management Maturity Audit as per the 24 April 2015 Rail Corey Wingard MP Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting minutes, agenda point 14.2 Please provide copies of the presentation provided on the Catenary Wire Failure ‐ 2 June 2014 and 15 May 2015 as per the 29 May 2015 Rail Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting Corey Wingard MP minutes, agenda point 8. Please provide copies of all surveys (quick and full) submitted to the Adelaide Metro Corey Wingard MP Website's rate your ride section from 1 July 2015 to today Please provide copies of documents stating the total monthly patronage data for the Mt Corey Wingard MP Barket Doubel Decker Bus Service Please provide a copy of the CCTV footage of the inside of the T40 bus departing the Zone A Corey Wingard MP Dutton Park n Ride‐ 17889 stop on Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th of September Please provide copies of all documents outlining the service delivery standards set by the Corey Wingard MP department for Tram, Train and Bus drivers and staff Please provide details of and copies of documents relating to the Diesel rolling stock capacity being tight with retirement of 2000s class and other items as per the 26 June 2015 Rail Corey Wingard MP Commissioner Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, agenda point 5.
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