SPRING SPORTS TO THREE V. M. I. MEN TO MAKE THINGS IN- ENTER NATIONAL TERESTING THE CADET MEET PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Vol. XXIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1931 No. 21 Rise and Development Rifle Team Victorious Richmond V.M.L Club Fencers Lose Season's Byrd Presents History of Christian Forms in Matchjit V.P.I. Announces Officers First Match of Polar Flight COL. MOSELEY CONTINUES WINNER DESPITE ONE OF BOARD AND SPECIAL COM- TEAM INVITED TO SOUTH- TALK MADE MORE INTER- INTERESTING SERIES YEAR'S LOWEST SCORES MITTEES APPOINTED ERN CONFERENCE ESTING BY PICTURES MEET OF LECTURES Brooke, '00, Is New President. The V. M. I. Rifle team returned About thirty members of the First Having reached the point at which Saturday night from Blacksburg, Va., George D. Brooke, '00, new presi-, The V. M. I. Fencing club has and Second Classes took advantage the Christian churches began to ex- where they added another victorious dent of the V. M. I. club of Rich- been invited to participate in the of the permit to hear Admiral Rich- ert a strong influence on the history match to their credit by defeating mond, has announced the personnel j First Southern Fencing Tourna- ard Evelyn Byrd speak in Lynchburg of architecture, Colonel Moseley dis- the Rifle team of the V. P. I. The of the board of governors and spe- ment at Chapel Hill on March 27 on Saturday night. The Admiral cussed the rise and development of opposing team was handicapped by cial committees of that club for and 28. This tournament is un- made a few brief introductory re- the Christian forms in the academic the fact that two of her best men 1931. The board of governors will der the auspices of the Univer- marks concerning the Byrd Antarctic building last Tuesday night. Next failed to show up for the match; but, consist of the president; James C. sity of North Carolina and it will Expedition and then with the aid of Tuesday he will continue the series at that, they were defeated by one of Anthony, '25, vice-president; Ken- probably decide whether or not motion pictures proceeded to tell the with a lecture on Byzantine archi- the lowest scores fired by the V. M. neth M. Adelstein, '20, secretary- Fencing will become a recog- complete history of his flight over tecture, and the great church of I. team this year. The results of the treasurer, and the following commit- nized sport in the Southern Con- the South Polar regions. Santa Sophia will be his first exam- shoulder to shoulder match are given tees: ference next year. The V. M. I. The course which the party follow- ple. After he has completed the ar- below; only the first five men in the Finance—Thomas G. Tate, '77, j team holds decisions over two of ed to attain their base, "Little Amer- chitecture group of his lectures, Col- V. M. I. lists were considered in de- chairman; R. B. Allport, '04, Benja-j the teams entered and if sent to ica," was illustrated by animated onel Moseley will take up painting, termining the winner: min F. Morgan, '21. the tournament will have an ex- maps and at the same time Byrd sculpture, and the minor arts. V. M. I. Scores. Athletics— Tazewell Ellett, '06,; cellent chance to win the First took the opportunity to tell of some The great outburst of Christian P. K. S. T. chairman; W. Leigh Carneal, '03; T. Southern Intercollegiate Fenc- of the preliminary preparations for building came in about 313; before McGee 99 89 79 267 W. Wilmer, '14; Edward B. Byder, ing Championship. the journey. He described briefly this time the Christians had been Moody 96 93 78 267 '24, and J. Shepherd Mondy, '28. North Carolina took the Keydet his two ships and told of the condi- forced to confine their religious ac- Patterson 98 89 77 264 Entertainment—Randolph G. Nor- Fencers into camp to the tune of 5-4 tions which these ships would have tivities to the catacombs and other Fitzgerald 96 92 76 264 man, '22, chairman; R. Turner Ar- in the closest and best match of the to withstand in the Antarctic. secluded places. Their early church- Johns 98 93 73 264 season. Unusual skill was exhibited on rington, '21; Valentine W. Southall, His contrast of the North and es were basilican; they were not both sides and the outcome was Wallace 97 91 75 263 '23; Barbour N. Thornton, '23; Wil- South Polar regions, augmented by only places of worship, but places of doubtful until the last touch. Hinkey Dingman 97 88 77 262 liam R. Noble, '26, and H. Bright the pictures proved interesting in meeting, trading, and general busi- Hendlin, winner of the Clements Carter 92 82 82 256 Keck, piannst. that the Southernmost point of the ness. They were modeled after the Membership and attendance—Ber- Medal for Fencing and captain of the earth is much colder than the north- general form of the Roman house, Totals 487 456 383 1326 nard W. Marchant, '19, chairman; S. Carolina team lead the Tarheels with ern and is in the center of a vast having a central nave croresponding V. P. I. Scores. J. Hurt, '97; Frank L. Montague, '20; three victories in as many bouts. frozen continent while the North Pole to the atriums, the apses correspond- P. K. S. T. W. H. Lockey, '21; Rutherford Fleet, However, his last bout with Allen, is in the midst of an Arctic Ocean. ing to the Roman family altars, side which was the deciding bout, proved Clark 99 86 82 267 '30. The leader of the expedition spoke aisles, and vestibules. to be a classic. Undoubtedly some Maddox 93 93 74 260 Publicity—J. Stuart White, '29, at some length concerning the men of the most skillful fencing ever seen In the early Christian church the Davis, J. E 97 87 73 259 chairman; William F. Reynolds, '21; who accompanied him and the praises in Southern Colleges was displayed. , , ... Roman triumphal arch motif was Davis, J. L 94 92 68 254 John R. Barksdale, '24. ... , . , . , „. * of the members of the party from its in this bout which THendliT n won after I . , " . used extensively for separating the Davis, T. B 94 89 60 243 The special committees for the year commander created quite an impres- apse or chancel from the nave. Mos- the score see-sawed up to 4-3. are as follows: sion upon his hearers. aic work often appeared on the floor, Speakers—Henry G. Shirley, '96, Moody dropped his first bout to Totals 477 477 359 1283 When the ships of the expedition and the roof of the nave was always chairman; W. J. Harahan, Jere Bax- Dig Wardlan in an uneventful fight.I. .^ i. „ . „ - ttt^-x- tt -»• ii i i * • i r touched the ice pack which surrounds higher than that of the side aisles. ter, 04; Major G. W. C. Whiting, Hendlin pulled several tricks out of ., „ ,, . • , , . ' , , ,„ „ , . _ , . , * , ,, , ... ,. „ 'the Ross sea all materials were un- Colonel Moseley discussed the '06na ; A. F. Ryland, '97; Colonel Jo-1 his bag, and that, with exceptionally , , » .,, , ,. Christian churches in three general Col. Dixon Speaks to T .,.„!, . , . f 'loaded as soon as possible to enable seph Button, Beverley C. Lewis, 02; fast movement, gave him a quick the ships to escape the winter freez- divisions: West, Central, and East. T. Croxton Gordon, '04; B. B. Mor- 5-0 decision over Stirni and enabled jing. A base was established on the Among the basilicas of the West, of Fortnightly Club gan, '93. him to beat Moody 5-2. Stirni drop- | ice and the men prepared for the long which the best are in Rome, Santa New Cadets—James C. Anthony, ped his second bout to Fred Wardan night before a dash to the pole could Maria, Santa Agnese and several oth- REVIEWS INTERESTING '25, chairman; J. DeWitt Hankins, 5-1. Manning, substituting for be attempted. ers were discussed and illustrated. In TALK TENDENCIES OF '23; John G. Folkes, '26; S. H. Frank-1 Stirni in his last bout, defeated D. some of these churches which con- MODERN NOVEL lin, '28; J. H. B. Peay, '29; J. S. Mon- Wardlan 5-2. Manning showed up At this stage the most impression- tained many columns, no two of the able phase of the entire expedition Last week the Fortnightly Club of dy, '28; T. P. Mathewson, '27; W. C.! exceedingly well in this bout. Allen columns are similar. They were col- was brought to light, the thorough- Lexington held another of its inter- Cowardin, '29; E. L. Fox, '30; T. P. defeated D. Wardlan 5-4 in a close lected from many places—some of ness with which the thousand-and- esting meetings, and at this meeting Thomas, '29; W. W. Smith, '26; M. T. bout and then eased up in winning those in the church of Santa Sabina one details of the Colonel Dixon of the V. M. I. Facul- Talman, '29. from Fred Wardlan 5-2. Moody eas- j undertaking had are thought to have been taken from been taken care of ty spoke on the subject "Some Ten- Dance—John G. Folkes, '26, chair- ily won his last bout 5-1. | - Nothing was the Roman Forum. San Paolo is the dencies in Modern Literature," in man; Cornelius C. Chapin, '16; Wil- Allen and Manning showed im- I spared in the effort to give the men most perfect of the West basilicas.
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