Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Maus Joos Cornelius V30P33 V30P33 Max Henry V2P204 Maxted Richard V2P422 May Charles B2F6P23 May Philip B2F6P55 Maybee John C B2F6P140 Mayer Elizabeth Marie V58P3714 Mayer Hendrik V17P3359 Mayer John V17P3234 Mayer Robert V51P3086 Mayers Charles B2F6P9 Mayhew Jacob B2F6P135 Mayr Emanuele Maria V62P4308 Mazkrists Ruta V65P4942 Mazur Josefa V19P3789 Mazur Josefa V55P3416 V55P3415 Mazur Marcin V15P18 Mazurak John V13P291 Mazurkevics Anatolijs V64P4726 Mazurkevics Vilhelmina V64P4727 Mc Neil James V5P72 Mc Rae John A V5P76 McAlpine Daniel Duncan V3P26 McAlpine John C V3P250 McAlpine Peeter V2P426 McArthur Charles B2F5P70 McBeth William L B2F6P84 B2F6P84 McCaffrey Edward B2F6P136 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 299 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McCall Hannah V16P3084 McCallum Duncan Clyde V10P370 McCallum Duncan Clyke V23P212 V23P212 McCally Geoffrey Thomas V52P3165 McCamby Alex B2F6P1 McCamly Daniel B2F6P5 McCandless Frances Georgina Forsythe V61P4262 McCandless Hugh Milligan V20P4331 McCandry Daniel B2F6P5 McClelland George Charles V23P101 McClure Mary Abernethy V10P389 McClurky Charles B2F6P67 McCormick George W V5P33 McCormick Olga V48P2744 McCray Robert B2F6P157 McCudden John B2F6P150 McCue Hugh B2F5P56 McCue John B2F6P76 McCue Peter V62P4379 McCugan Vincent Murray V19P3955 McCugh Patrick B2F5P2 McDermott Clara V13P224 McDermott Clara V16P3079 McDermott Clara V40P1971 V40P1971 McDermott Thomas B2F6P160 McDonagh Winfred Christina V57P3705 McDonald Annie V58P3859 McDonald Clarence S V53P3286 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 300 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McDonald David B2F6P101 McDonald David B2F6P120 B2F6P120 McDonald Edward V21P4360 McDonald George B2F6P121 McDonald George B2F5P10 McDonald George Alexander V56P3531 McDonald George Alexander V57P3671 McDonald John B2F6P47 McDonald John V5P49 McDonald Patrick B2F6P138 McDonald Robert V13P31 McDonald William V3P62 McDonnall Angus B2F6P18 McDonnell Thomas Michael V55P3448 McDougal Alexander B2F6P51 McDougall Archibald Rae V63P4555 McDougall Caroline V63P4554 McDougall Gordon Rae V21P4387 McEachen Ronald Joseph V42P2187 McElwer Charles B2F6P25 McEvoy James B2F6P35 McFadden Samuel B2F6P31 McFadden Samuel B2F6P52 B2F6P52 McFarlane Elizabeth V46P2528 McGan David B2F6P154 B2F6P154 McGan John B2F6P64 McGan Robert B2F6P128 McGarry James B2F5P3 B2F5P3 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 301 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McGarry Janus V1P17 V1P19 McGaw David B2F6P154 B2F6P154 McGaw Minnie Alena V71P62 McGaw Robert B2F6P128 McGaw Robert V48P2701 McGinnis Henry B2F6P26 McGinnis John B2F6P159 McGinniss John V5P311 McGinnity Henry B2F5P63 McGlaughlin James B2F6P14 McGlocklin Effie V52P3110 McGoff Peter B2F6P20 McGrail Martha V13P221 McGrail Martha Ann V16P2794 McGrail Martha Ann V38P1783 V38P1783 McGrath James B2F6P63 McGreevey Annie V57P3697 McGregor Daniel B2F6P44 McGregor Gertrude V13P226 McGregor Gertrude V32P17 V32P17 McGregor John B2F5P20 McGregor Peter B2F6P21 McGregor Peter B2F6P83 B2F6P83 McGuiness James V3P454 McGuiness John B2F5P47 McGuinn Menus B2F6P60 McGuinness James V8P133 McGuire Francis B2F5P23 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 302 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McGuire Mary Ann V32P52 V32P52 McGuire Richard B2F5P45 McGwinn Bryan B2F6P105 McHugh Rose Agnes V39P1787 V39P1787 McIntosh James V4P330 McIntosh Robert B2F5P65 McIntyre William B2F5P5 McIntyre William V23P137 V23P137 McKay Anthony B2F6P33 McKay Charlotte Josephine V55P3495 McKay John V5P183 McKay Selma V64P4663 McKee Ellen Clara V56P3501 McKenna Marie V13P222 McKenna Stephen V3P229 McKenne Marie V32P7 V32P7 McKenny Margaret Mary V56P3584 McKenzie Alexander V23P81 V23P81 McKenzie James Sutherland V8P159 McKenzie William R V7P164 McKeown Samuel B2F6P137 McKibbin John H V3P423 McKibbin John H V11P425 McKie William V5P286 McKimmon Mary V14P231 McKinlay Archibold V5P319 McKinnon Mary V33P59 V33P59 McKnight Mary Jane V19P3775 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 303 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McKnight Mary Jane V54P3348 V54P3348 McKone Michael B2F6P91 McLarty John F V7P65 McLaughlin Alfred Ernest V5P263 McLaughlin Alfred Ernest V23P2 V23P2 McLaughlin John V2P255 McLaurin David F B2F6P59 B2F6P59 McLeish Alfred Andrew V13P365 McLeod Alexander Andrew V44P2322 McLeod Andrew A V44P2322 McLeod Kenneth Frank V56P3513 McLernon John B2F6P114 McMan James B2F6P65 McMichael Minnie Eusing V11P18 McMichael William Franklin V11P86 McMichael William Franklin V24P41 V24P41 McMillan Elizabeth V65P4902 McMillan James V3P267 McMorrow Bernerd V5P23 McMorrow John V6P248 McMorrvue John V6P248 McNally Clarence Elmer V24P49 McNally George Legouri V63P4533 McNally George Ligouri V64P4788 McNally Olive May V71P126 McNally Patricia Jean V63P4533 McNally Patricia Jean V64P4788 McNally Patrick Stephen V64P4788 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 304 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McNally Thomas B2F6P134 McNally Thomas George B2F5P59 McNamara Michael B2F6P6 Mcnamara Micheal B2F6P36 B2F6P36 McNeil Chapman V5P259 McNeil Chapman V11P462 McNeil James V4P356 McNeil Norman Golden V16P2899 McNeil Norman Golden V38P1716 V38P1716 McNett Mitsuko V64P4745 McNiel Chapman V26P51 V26P51 McNiel Robert W V7P63 McNorton John H B2F6P156 B2F6P156 McNulty Hugh B2F5P7 McNulty Hugh V1P24 V1P25 McPharlin Gladys V17P3145 McPharlin Gladys Irene V41P2037 V41P2037 McPharlin Margaret V31P95 V31P95 McPhee Angus V14P386 McPhee Angus V18P3654 McPhee Angus V50P2916 V50P2916 McPhee Hilda V14P384 McPhee Hilda V55P3464 McPherson William B2F6P122 B2F6P122 McPherson William B2F6P131 McQuade John B2F6P16 B2F6P16 McQuade William John Earl V55P3411 McQuaid John B2F6P16 B2F6P16 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 305 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper McQuigg Moore V3P218 McRae John A V4P141 McRorie Yvonne Phyllis V60P4026 McSweeney John B2F5P12 McSweeny Terrence B2F6P133 McTharlin Margaret V13P234 McVeigh Peter V3P438 McWilliam Dorothy Maud V56P3573 Meachem Mary Marjorie V66P5072 Mead James B B1F2P8 Mead Oscar F V2P397 Meade Beryl Dorothy V19P3934 Meade Beryl Dorothy V64P4678 Meade Fay Dorothy V19P3937 Meade Fay Dorothy V61P4272 Meade Harold Dennis V19P3933 Meade Harold Dennis V64P4679 Meade Russell Neville V19P3935 Meade Williiam John V11P484 Meademben William B2F6P10 Meara Daniel B2F6P90 Meara Daniel B2F6P147 Meara James B2F6P148 Meara Laurence B2F6P149 Measaros Frank V11P443 Medd Frederick George V11P237 Medema Harm V11P489 Medema Harm V27P74 V27P74 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 306 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Medema Myra Eunice V65P4980 Medema Willemina V57P3644 Medenblik Martje V66P5124 Medendorp Klass V2P259 Medendorp Wellem V5P160 Medgyes Karoly V26P84 V26P84 Medgyesi Menyhert V30P67 V30P67 Medgyesin John V30P67 V30P67 Medins Ches V12P32 Medsa Bernice Lydia V19P3947 Medsa Emma Hedvig V19P3826 Medsa Harry John V19P3946 Medsa Marui Johannes V19P3825 Medsa Mauri V19P3825 Meech Harry Garfield V12P138 Meech Harry Garfield V31P77 V31P77 Meennse Anthony Willem V14P261 Meera Thomas B2F6P142 Meersma Hendrik Jan V66P5065 Meersma Jan V65P4801 Mees Marie Francisca Rosalia V14P271 Meesdink George V2P402 Meeuruse Marinus V14P56 Meeusen Marie Julie V62P4389 Meeuuse Anthony Willem V14P261 Meeuwse Anthoinetta V65P4893 Meeuwse Anthony Willem V36P1493 V36P1493 Meeuwse Anton V36P1493 V36P1493 Friday, July 06, 2007 Page 307 of 577 Kalamazoo County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Meeuwse Cornelia V55P3493 Meeuwse Jacob V14P128 Meeuwse Jacob V33P34 V33P34 Meeuwse Josina V19P3894 Meeuwse Josina V56P3562 V56P3562 Meeuwse Maatje V46P2586 Meeuwse Manus V32P90 V32P90 Meeuwse Marie V40P1910 Meeuwse Marinus V14P56 Meeuwse Marinus V32P90 V32P90 Megrevskie Kostontin V13P374 Megyest Ethel V48P2730 Mehaleas Gerassimos Panaviotis V16P3006
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