Declaration Amendment of National Road N7 Section 3

Declaration Amendment of National Road N7 Section 3

STAATSKOERANT, 1 JULIE 2015 No. 38939 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT No. 558 1 July 2015 THE SOUTH AFRIC NATIONAL RO AGENCY SOC LIMITED Registration No: 1998/0 09584/30 DECLARATION AMENDMENT OF NATIONAL ROAD N7 SECTION 3 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION NO. 992 OF 2010. By virtue of section 40(1)(b) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act, 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998) I hereby amend Declaration no. 992 of 2010 by substituting, with the subjoined sheets 1 to 42 of Plan P812/12. (National Route N7 Section 3: Moorreesburg - Clanwilliam) MINISTE OF TRANSPORT This gazette is also available free online at . PTN.22 PTN.14REM I i 3678 L., 0 PTN.REM 17 ZWARTFONTEIN No. 41.4 & .0o REM C> 11...L3 ,. L6 cfsk o 1133 ' _L5R3 R4 x 1.5 xL7R6L8. 18A R1. R2 R64 N7/2PTN.25 PTN.26 3678 -0,o+ a'1 MOORREESBURG953 ERF.5314Y +29 500 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Y +29500 0o o .9I; 1133REMERF. ERF 28767 .......--1 ERF.5316 .f..z-..) L8A 5314 REMMOORREESBURG L20 L21. L22 L23. L24 1JULIE2015STAATSKOERANT, No.38939 L9 L10.01 ERF.5316 ERF 2875 , . 11> '..'-'-' 7 L12 L19. R20 " L25 R6A RT:Italk ---"setur '' . ..::..:.... L13 L14 Lis L16 118 R.19 R21 . L .6126A y__-2:29REM953 500 5315ERF .9907'17Q- R12ano R13' .....:.:::.:.'::::::: .R14o0 R5. 117R,4 R17 o R22 R22A.. -xLDW0, ERFREM 2875 xW. 7 +29 500 x0W- ERFREM 2875 MOORREESBURG BEESJ I ESFONTYN REM.240 PTN.11 PTN.9REM *a_cl 1264 No. 340 R22A ERF.5316 R23127 R24,128PTN. 21 R25 R26130PTN.22R27131 REM ,4',.00 REM.240 st&m00 REM 1- BRAKE ONTYN sop7V.9 y + 295°° ERF 2875 o 0o PTN.7. 0oo No.339 Vf, PTN.12REMZ DieThe SuidSouth AfrikoonseAfrican National Nosionole Roods Agency Podogentskop Limited TheDieBeperk figuurfigure getoonshown ofvonrepresentsstd Notional l Nosionaledie padr Route the eser Roete rood we voorreserve N7von of'n gedeelteoSectionSeksie portion 3 PlanSheetVel P812/12vonof 42 5 1111/"-# 6 4 *9 O No. 38939 2015 GAZETTE,1JULY GOVERNMENT REM cs, REM BRAKFONTYN No. 339 L33 134 L35 136 PTN.9 PTN.23 PTN.12L32. tk2o R33 R4 R35 R36 13738 PTN.REM 20° L31R27PTN.22 R28R - 0 PTN.12REM PTN.24PTN.20REM PTN.25 8 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at REM PTN. 9 9000 R36A -k156 SE RV. 1.? ZOUTFONTYNNo.338 L49A ; pTN. 6 REM PTN.1 149 25:2° REM 1 BRAKFONTYNNo. 339 SERV. PTN.20 i AB PTN.PTN.12 1 ,toR42A000 :::**.X...*:-.*:ff:::::::1::::::::::::::.x:::::ff*:.:...::::-X.y...».:L 38A L 39 ti_1.43 L44 L46 L47-1-.v...R42 .... FARM R36A I R37 REM R38 R39 R40 R41 I REM No.1137 ess6\900 PTN.20 000 0 / FARMPTN.1 No. 1137 000 REM SOMERSVERDRNo. 332 JET 500 PTN.11 PTN.1REM o L49A L50 151 L52 L53 154 L55 156 L56A R42A * R43 REM SERV. PIN.ZOUTFONTYN 15 R44 R45 R46 #R47 R48 R49#v, R49A REM bq>o PTN.14 No.338 PTN.1REM cousoVS 000 \VoN4tP coo Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionole Podogentskop Beperk\Die figuur getoon \so stet die podreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte\ 0 SheetVel 2 vonof 42\00 The South Africon Notional Roods Agency Limited The figure shown -:::::: :::: vonrepresentsof National Nosionole Route the Roete rood reserveN7 of aSectionSeksie portion 3 Pion P812/12 Al,000PTN.2REM PTN.3REM PTN.9REM PTN.156AREM L57 L58PTN.16PTN.15L59 SOMERSVERDRNo. 332 I ET PTN.13 L62 L644 "IMUMMRRINWRMVSRM5SWM5reR52 R53 R54 13 --- -r L60 L61 R66A PTN.110 R51 SERV.,R55 R56 R58 R59 R60N.1-V', R61 R62-- R63 PTN.3REMR64 R65N R66SERV.PTN.14 REM REM 01 esss,-- REM This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at PTN.1 PTN. 2 000 PTN.9 P REMTN . 9 \ ,7-$0o0- PIN.Wt.()REM 29 REM \7't.CD L64A SOMERSVEIRDRNo. 332I ETL65 REM FARM No.1166PTN.1 L66 PTN.33 BAKOVENDNo.157 %Air 1JULIE2015STAATSKOERANT, No.38939 R66A R67. R68 R69 R 70L67 R72L68 ....L684R724 PTN.14 SERV. PTN.29REMct- \ t, No.1166FARM PTN.2 PTN.9REM tr.o 4. REM Ts, 0529-\ R724L684 REM \xLA PIN.12REM y +24000 PIN. 2 R73L69R74 PIN. 22NIEUWDRIFTNo.156 FoooREM cr,o L824 FARMSERV. SERV. R75 R76 R77 R78 L71L72L73 LT4L75 L76 L77PTN.4L79 L80 L81 L82 R844 R79 /......... L78....... sER y +23500 tci,1oNo.1166REM o R80 R81 .......\R82 y ........+2 3 500R83 R84 __k__PT N . 22 PTN.REM 4 DieThe Sud South Afrikoonse Africon NotionolNasionole Roods Podogentskop Agency Limited Beperk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown : :: : vonofrepresentsstel Notional Nosionoledie podreserwe Route the Roete rood voor reserve vonN7 'nof gedeelte aSectionSeksie portion 3 PlanSheetVet P812/123vonof 42 7 8 PTN.11REM 1878889 PTN.25 PTN.7REM 0 No. 38939 2015 GAZETTE,1JULY GOVERNMENT NIEUWDRIFT L85 L86 190 PTN.10REM RIETFONTEINNo.184 PTN.12REM No. 156 L8 R8 8889R9 R91 R92 191192 oo * PTN.23 CCZa R94R95 L93 L94PTN.10 VONDEL INGNoo.212 L82AL83 REM PTN.24 0 REM R96 .:::::::"....:::::::.:R97 .:.:::::::.. 195 co o, REM R84A 00 co PTN. 12 ceptr PIN. 23 PIN.? o .11 REMR98 R99............,c::R100:¡::::::.....,:" L1011102L103 PIN. 2? This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at P TN . 22 4.235°°p41REM o REMAINDER PTN.16 R101°-R10, PTN.39 +23 PTN.27REM PTN.39 .oo/RIETFONTEIN1106 1107 1108 No. 184 R117 o 1103 1104 1105R106 R107 R108 L109R109 :.: L110..'.... ....... L112 L113 L114L115R114 R115 R116 PTN.45REM (1-3 R105VONDEL I NG # REM PTN.39 ÷-.--. R11 1,1111,// R112 R113PTN.40 A No. 212 qP PTN.27 /se;. to6 \0o/ 6 . / VO00 y 0\ 7.600 REM PIN. 40 REM . oi L-7 .. P T N . 45 1121 11221123 L124 PTN.3511251126 L127. PTN.17 ......----------''PTN.13 PTN.38 toNru,9 PTN.35REM R117 R118 8119R120...R121 R122. R123 .- R124. R125:'1128--R126'129L130 L131 PTN.35REM N. xn L138L139 PTN.45REM oRIETFONTEINRPTN.41 REM R127 R128L1321133.. L134 L135 L136R132L137 R133 R134 A L±21 500 No. 184 X PTN.35 Y +21 500 R129PTN.41R130 R131 PTN.35REM DieThe Suid South Afrikoonse African NotionalNosionole Roods Podogentskop Agency Limited Beperk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vonrepresentsofstel Notional Nosionoledie podreserwe Route the Roete rood voor reserve vonN7 'nof gedeelte oSection Seksieportion 3 PlanSheetVet P812/124vonof 42 REM R I ETFONTE IN No.184052PTN.36L153 lea R153R154L163 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at DEEZEHOEK PTN.2REM Ci REM.241No. PTN.150 26 L To 1172A 1JULIE2015STAATSKOERANT, No.38939 R154 ..,-,,.._6)...:,a0 45,-.... 6, .9 41, R161 R166 * GROOTE DEEZEHOEK No. 150 PTN.4R168A PIN 28 PTN 29 ',Ss ERE 1364 REM JOEREoo°REM.241 3248 ep\'26o .--1.f/464R16:ERF17165 FONTENo. 241 IN REM. 241 Z./.\000 6\??, PTN.3 A.`°too/ 690 PTN.2REMPTN.5 PTN.3REM PTN.4L180 L181 L182118 R179L183 L184R180 L185 R181L186 L187 R168AL1724 R169 1174 L175 1176R172L177R173 1178 1179R175 R176 R177 PTN.3REM R182R183 11881_189 PTN.3REM R170 R171 (Do° R174 DEEZEHOEK No. 150 )(74us R184Ri85R186479 't íi0 A0 000 \os oR187 DieThe Suid South Afrikoonse African NotionalNosionole Roods Podogentskop Agency Limited Beperk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown ofvanrepresentsstd Notional lNosionole die podreserwe Route the Roete rood voor reserve vonN7 'nof gedeelte aSection Seksieportion 3 SheetPlanVel P812/12 5 vonof 42 9 ...3. 0 \-1*y.3 / REM q7 10 41e REM 538 ,0° No. 38939 2015 GAZETTE,1JULY GOVERNMENT REM 6.4500 0, ...os opo DRAAY AAN PTN. 17 6, 3 ,-- PTN.1 ,, ,1' s "77-7-ro.L1L191PTN.390 PTN.4 KLEINVOGELVALLEYA. DE GROOTENo. 178 R I V I ER .PTN.16REM 00 .-.-....-.-... -...L192 No.151 PTN.6 PTN.24 L203 L204 L205 REM . ......R188 . .-N.:5 \S,...'SS,.4:51..sto \-,s0 L200 L201 L202 R202R203 R204 R20501- PTN.3 R200 R201 PTN.21 DEEZEHOEK No. 150 s.1/4QPs, s0 s\sls.,45.ivk«'°' R1 97 alooREMR198 R199 PTN.17REM 3 REM This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at i \ .a.$b PTN.1 oO, PTN.16 ..L205 \ REM 1i PTN.21 ..34) REM . '..7 . PTN.16 ' X, - E 5 . ., L206. L207 6;''1000 DRAAYA AAN DE GROOTE R I V I1217 ER 'PIN.?.'......'' ...LvRre.4ATA R206 1208 No. 178 x<14P R207R208R204...'. :: 1209L2.10 L21 i L212 \4)L214 .... '* '' PTN.224 ,:l.,.. R210sp.''XI.'',..., \-5. .. .....! *.*:.*.:. ' F223. .-... .. R224 PTN.16REM +1p iv.. TN s,..Al.9., ,...,09,IS;620-R221 R222 REM +to 6's4.5' A 1' o PTN.7 .:' ..I' / V 0' 6'LOLT4' REM DRAAY AAN DE GROOTE R I V I ER REM 61 L217A oo 1218 PTN.7 1219 1220 No.L221 178 --.\--- PT'2°PTN.23 Itt1221A R224A PTN.22 R225 74 R226. R22711'45 1. R230 1. R230 q:. q;1?. 1 PTN.7REM '.56'os\_% A ..."".h.,'°0 PTN.20REM ts6'0D DieThe Suid South Afrikoonse African NotionalNosionole Roods Padogentskop Agency Limited Beperk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown ofvonrepresentsstd Notional lNosionole die podreserwe Route the Roete rood voar reserve vonN7 'nof gedeelte aSectionSeksie portion 3 PlanSheetVel P812/12 0vanof 42 REM \i-tSer i 000../ \ PTN.1REM \ ---"" \ L221APTN.20L222 PTN.24 o PTN.9REM PTN.30 GROOTEVALLEY EYL No .ANDS156 4gita R230A R231 R232 -.. L.2.2.5..L22.6... L227 1221A PTN.23 PT"REM DE GROOTEDRAAY MA R I NV TER .,,.t,R233 R234 R235 R236REM PTN.4R2.37 R2.38 R239 ,REM ,00 es) PTN.1 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ,--- PTN.20 No. 178 .../A4N4 \ -0\ °°() \ (.3° + ' 6' .& A' iPs 0 REM o 1JULIE2015STAATSKOERANT, No.38939 PTN.1 o PTN.4 REM PTN.30 o b. PTN.1 %o PTN.33 X. REMPTN.12 R239.......:.:.4;:..1,1-0'1228 R240 R2411229 1230......:.:.:.:.:::::.:::::::::::7-.::::::::::.:4482:-:::R2421231 1232R243 1233R244 7.5c) -/- R2451236 ::::::-:-:-: ' .-.

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