BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 35, NO. 7. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 5, 1903. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. WILL SURRENDER. M©GRAW AND ROBINSON WANT TO SENDS PRESIDENT HART HOT ON PLAY BALL THE WARPATH. Likely to Join tin SL Louis Team Tne Discrimination Displayed In the Within the Next Two Weeks Unless Assignment of Umpires at toe Ap They Should be Released to Some parent Dictation ol Two Basses is Eastern Cluh, Which is Unlikely, Heavily Scored by Chicago©s Chief. From Baltimore comes n story, which President Hart, of the Chicago Club, is bears the earmarks of authority, to the on the trail of President Young and his effect that McGraw and Robinson, the re schedule of umpires. President Hart has calcitrant ball players, will get into the made up a table which gives the exact game within the next two weeks. They number of games in© which each umpire have not organized an\ State League of officiates with the different clubs. There clubs, as they threatened to do, but instead probably never was a worse mixup of they have been practicing and keeping iu umpires iu the history of the National condition to play in the National League. League. It has now become apparent to them that AN UNFAIR SCHEDULE. THEIR BLUFF President Hart is quoted as saying the l:ns not©worked with the League magnates, other day: "I am going to see this thing through if it takes all summer. By a ;jnd Unit tbey are not likely to force Frank glance at the schedule it is easy to see Uobison to release them to an Eastern how unfair it is. The resolution which t»am. It was reported Tuesday that Mc- was passed at the meeting of the Na Graw had held a conference by telephone tional League instructed President Young with Robisou, but h» and his partner, Wil- to draw up a schedule, and have it pub bert Robinson, at a late hour, denied the lished, and it provided that each umpire rumor, and declared they had not changed should be scheduled for as nearly as pos 1i:eir minds. There are sible the same number of games for each GOOD REASONS, ciub at home and abroad.- All that is nec however, for the statement that the second essary is to glance at the schedule, and month "f the National League season will one can see how the" instructions have rmd them playing ball with the St. Louis been disregarded. ic a in. unless Frank Robison does the uu- Ban, B, Johnson, President American League. FAVORITES PLAYED. t©xficvtcd and releases them to an Eastern Mr. Hart then showed up the peculiar assignments, as follows: "You will notice riub. which has yet to make a bid for that Tim Hurst umpires no less than sixty- tLeni. and as Louisville plays second fiddle to six games in which St. Louis participates. LOUISVILLE_LINES. nobody, we want only the best, or none at He umpires the entire twenty to be played The Town Dead to Base Ball For the all. between Brooklyn and St. Louis. He does HANLON©S JOLLY. A COLD RECEPTION. not visit New York or Cincinnati. Swart- Present But Laying Low For the A striking examp of the fickleness of wood does not visit Philadelphia or Boston. Vain Hopes in tho Breasts Rival Association. of the Forlorn and Disgusted Balti the public has bee; itratecl in the re He umpires but three games in Brooklyn Louisville, April 30.-Editor "Sporting ception given the . >urg Club during and live in Chicago. Emslie officiates but more Hooters. Life:" Inasmuch as the base ball authori its temporary stay -e. That team is eleven times for the St. Louis Club, six During the short sojourn of the Brooklyn ties of the country seem to have decreed practically the old (" jnels, but the boys teen for Chicago, as against 50 for Cin tram in Baltimore last, week Manager Han- that there is no.place for Louisville during carry the name "Pittsburgh© across .their cinnati. 48 for Boston, 45 for Brooklyn, lon jollied the Monumental City people with the good year of 1000, your correspondent shirt-fronts, instead of Louisville, as of 40- tor-Philadelphia and 42 for New York. a statement to the effect that, the old town wiil of necessity have to go into voluntary yore, but the removal © of the name of U©Day, a Chicago man, and therefore de- might have League ball again next year. retirement temporarily. There is likely to Louisville also rook away with it all loca^ oideUly severe with the Chicago players, is interest and pride, and hardly a haudfu. booked to.© officiate in 49 contests tor the bit id he: be precious "I should not be at nil surprised to LITTLE NEWS of people went clown to the park to see Chicago team." Sic a National League team here next the very interesting practice games they A SAD MESS. of interest to the base ball world emanate President Hart does not pretend to give f uson. Iu fact, it is my opinion that there from Louisville iu the immediate future, played. will be a major Eieague organization here. It© PULLING AGAINST THE LEAGUE. any reasons for the astonishing juggling the eight-club League should not prove a suc but yours truly will be on hand to keep A great deal of interest, however, will be indulged in by President Young, but leaves cess this season there would. 1 believe, be a you posted of any developments wort-if tell tiikei) in the League race as it advances. everyone free to draw their own conclu return of n 10-club organization, to include Wash ing of. The old town seems to have been with no good wishes for any particular out sions. That Young has listened not wisely ington. There is one thing the major League a victim of circumstances, but Louisville fit, and the best that can happen to the but too well to certain magnates who have Mould not do. No lease would lie given for is too good a city to be left out for Song, League in the hopes of many is to see it been benefited by the arrangement is too fi©.ioi© Park for more than one year. This was. tmd hopes are now centred on what next further traduce itself, assuring the success evident. It is regarded by many that a In my opinion, to make it easy to put this city year will bring forth. All bauds seem to greater blow has been struck at the na bark into the major League. Every city after of the Association next year, with Louis agree that everybody should pull together ville in its membership. tional game by this dictated umpire sched Kiting won a pennant exhibits a reaction in ule than by the syndicate features of last, Interest, and the attendance drops from the and get to work early to organize a com JOHN J. SAUNDEUS. W>IB times. This was the condition in Balti pany, with a view of operating a team in year. A warm time for President Young more. I believe a National League team would the American Association, which indica Visitors From Cuba. before dogdays over the umpire schedule is weli uigh a certainty. pir.»per here., and I should not be adverse to tions show will certainly this time be in New York, May 1. The All-Collegiate bnse mn!i;©.gi.ng one, as I regard this as one of the best the field with eight good cities, and it is ball team, composed of the best college players titles of the country for a residence," hoped Louisville will be one of the chosen. of the universities of Cuba, will le©.ve Havana The Clarksons Siill In It. AMEU.LAN LEAGUE NOT WANTED. the last of June for a visit to this country. The Cambridge. Mass.. April 30. The Harvard Ball Player Turns Doctor. Somehow or other American league All-Collegiates would like to play Wednesday. foam has unanimously oletti©il Walter Clarkson, P.©.ooinington, Iml.. April J^.©-Lee H. Streaker, won©t go. The proposition for a team in Saturday and Sunday games in this vicinity of Cambridge. Mass.. captain for the pri©scnc pitcher ou the Indiana University team In 1S96 that league met with only a luke-wann re only between July 1 and Aug. 5. All clubs that season. Clarksoc is a In-other of the famous ;uid 1897. graduated from the Louisville .Medical ception. I©<; is regarded as certain that-a can book this team for games couy.uiuiicate at professional pitchers. John and Arthur Clark College last week and has accepted u position new association will rank in prestige and once with E. B. Lamiu. Jr.. TOG Last Oue hun son, and of Iionry Clarkson. who played ou to tae Logansport UusuitaJ. dignity quite up with the National League, dred and Seventy-fifth street, t£c Haiyard team in the spring yf ©Qu. 5. BASE¥""% A C* F^ BALL.¥""& A ¥ ¥ St. Louis ................... 0 . a '2 •> 0 1 0 0 x—5 This was a bard hitting game which was handed to New tork ........V.'........ 10 0/2 I 30 1 x—* Chicago .....................-()' 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 9'.0—2 Chicago by th.e costly errors of the home team. Boston ...;................. il 4 0' 0 0 000 0—.* THE LEAGUE RAGE Eirned run—St. Louis. Two-bsife hits—Koisier. ST. LOUIS. AH,R. B! P. A.E CHIC AGO. AB. R. B. P.
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