$1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 8 NO. 33 4 IYAR 5768 runt ,arp MAY 9, 2008 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK REMEMBERING THE HORROR MindBiz BY LARRY GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 26 Something About Eggs Desperation Politics Hannah Reich Berman 28 Top Ten Ways To Count The networks are looking generally one consistent, Michele Herenstein 34 for good programming that surefire formula to achieve will keep us tuned in, our this (you’ll have to figure out Unwritten Chapters bleary eyes affixed to the TV what that is on your own), the Yochanan Gordon 38 screens, so that we buy the second-best draw is the cur- soap and the cars promoted by rent ongoing political show, Woodmere To Tel Mond the manufacturers who spend which seems to have all the Toby Klein Greenwald 79 millions of dollars on advertis- trappings of a knock-down, ing. Messages for those prod- drag-out championship fight. ucts are inserted between There are several attrac- whatever shocking and dis- tions of this type currently Leibel Zisman of Cedarhurst walking last week along the railroad tracks turbing news the experts can leading to the Auschwitz death camp. Mr. Zisman, who survived the Death conjure up. While there is Continued on Page 8 March, took part in the annual March of the Living. See Story, Page 76 FIVE TOWNS MAN REPORTEDLY HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE AT CENTER OF OLMERT SCANDAL JetBlue Experience B Y ARYE NISONSON passing bribes to Mr. Olmert Lev Leytzan on when he was mayor of BY LARRY GORDON ence been that some of my International Firefighters A resident of Woodmere is Jerusalem in the 1990s. Of all children have begun asking Day. See Page 90 at the center of the latest the investigations currently We finally found some blue why JetBlue does not fly to winds of scandal and dishon- being conducted on the mat- potato chips—certified kosher, Israel. I’m not sure what the esty blowing around Israel’s ter of Olmert’s business deal- low calorie, and good tast- answer to that is—though I prime minister, Ehud Olmert. ings, the latest brouhaha ing—and we don’t have to buy know they now travel to Morris Talansky, 77, a resi- seemingly has the best chance an airline ticket just to savor Mexico and the Caribbean— dent of Woodsburgh and for- of forcing Olmert out of that trademark JetBlue flavor but I think it probably has merly of Great Neck and Far office. anymore. something to do with the Rockaway, as well as a part- Talansky was the executive Ever since its founding in planes in their current fleet time resident of Jerusalem, is director of the American 1999, JetBlue has, to a great being relatively small. But if purported to be ready to pro- Committee for Shaare Zedek extent, revolutionized domes- they did fly to Israel, they vide testimony that he was a tic travel in the U.S. So posi- central figure in bribing and Continued on Page 18 tive has the JetBlue experi- Continued on Page 17 HAFTR French Poetry Club. See Page 52 A Chuppah After 70 Years A Mother’s SABA SHMU? Musings Our Aliyah Chronicle, Part 82 B Y SHMUEL KATZ Time To Grow BY PHYLLIS J. LUBIN In Woodmere, we devel- oped a Pesach “tradition” of What is it about planting converting our kitchen back that excites children so much? to chametz as quickly as possi- I know it’s fun—digging, ble and then getting our watering, getting dirty, getting annual pizza delivery from one wet—but what is it about of the Eisen boys from across watching the plant grow that the street (who probably Pittsburgher Rebbe can really involve a child? brought pizza for everyone on coming to Long Beach. I think we adults take a lot our end of the block each See Page 48 for granted: the sun rises, and year). This year, we continued the sun sets, and the sun rises this tradition, sending Zaidy CANDLE LIGHTING once more. But children are and Chaim out for a couple of May 9 – 7:41 PM A couple from the Bnei Menashe tribe of India who recently made aliyah to more curious. pies to “ring in the chametz.” May 16 – 7:48 PM Israel remarried last Friday, this time in a Jewish ceremony. The groom is 97, the bride 88. See Page 25 Continued on Page 13 Continued on Page 12 2 May 9, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 9, 2008 3 4 May 9, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 9, 2008 5 6 May 9, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 9, 2008 7 FROM THE EDITOR ty polls. While our way may in fact be FEATURES Continued from Front Cover the best and most efficient way to choose a leader, it is being reduced to being juggled in newsrooms and televi- the lowest of levels for the alleged Around The Five Towns 42 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 sion studios around the world. Which reason that the election coverage 516-984-0079 of them to feature first on any given must appeal to a broad cross section [email protected] Classified Ads 84 [email protected] day is the great challenge for those of the U.S. population. who manage and control the news that Lately, Senator Obama has been LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor we, the consumers, are fed for chew- subjected to some severe criticism— Hock Of The Rock ing on and digesting. so much so that he has genuinely YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON Eli Shapiro 63 Sales Managers The upcoming Democratic and begun to make Senator Clinton look CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Republican conventions will be fea- like a formidable presidential candi- Editorial Assistant tured this summer on either side of the date. While the nominee will be cho- Insights On The Torah SIDI BARON YAKOV SERLE Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks 31 JERRY MARKOVITZ Sales Representatives The Keen Capitalist SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC I take no comfort in this scenario, in which Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Martin Mushell 29 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Irwin H. Benjamin, Hannah Reich Berman Israel absorbs a nuclear assault in order for Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Letters To The Editor 70 Toby Klein Greenwald, Michele Herenstein Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Miriam Horowitz American leaders to support Israel. Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Luach 11 Shmuel Katz, Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann Rochelle Miller, Rabbi Yoni Posnick, Naomi Ross Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro, Ari Sher MindBiz MICHAL WEINSTEIN, DOV GORDON Major League Baseball all-star game at sen by the political process, it’s get- Esther Mann, LMSW 26 Staff Graphic Artists Yankee Stadium. That should keep us ting to the point where it looks like IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS pretty busy throughout the summer— the sole purpose of the campaign is to Staff Photographers or at least that’s what the TV networks be an excellent show that is playing Real Estate FRANKEL & CO. are hoping for. itself out so beautifully and dramati- Anessa V. Cohen 50 Design & Production The race for the Democratic nomi- cally for the cameras. TALIYE CORLEY nation for president between Hillary And while the Democratic duel Art Director Clinton and Barack Obama is better dominates the news, the Republicans That’s The Way It Is! SUZETTE LEE than the most absurd “reality” pro- do indeed like their chances of keeping Hannah Reich Berman 28 Assistant Art Director gram the TV executives could possibly the White House—but that does not The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- come up with. Here we are with the mean that George Bush would be sat- paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not selection of the next leader of the free isfied with that accomplishment alone. Top Ten Ways To Count necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or world turning into nothing more than That’s where good old Israel comes Michele Herenstein 34 establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. a popularity contest—who can score a higher percentage in random likabili- Continued on Page 10 8 May 9, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 9, 2008 9 FROM THE EDITOR take no comfort in this scenario, in spent on weapons was specifically ded- point out that one of the reasons the Continued from Page 8 which Israel absorbs a nuclear assault icated to the idea of the U.S. achieving move never happened is that most and the deaths of hundreds of thou- and maintaining military superiority Israeli governments, including the into the picture. It seems that the sands of its citizens in order for over the Soviets. This meant that if the current one, have been against the unwritten rule is that when you look American leaders to support Israel by Soviets had enough weapons to move. As tragic and absurd as it is, back at your tenure as president and going after Iran. Even more puzzling is destroy us 200 times, we had to have that is the reality. the way it is best summed up is that it how comfortable and at ease Israel is enough to destroy them 300 times. The good news, though, is that did not go all that well, it pays to start with this position. Israel’s approach would lead one to none of this has stopped the three poking around Israel to see if a for- The idea of Israel being attacked by believe that while we are dealing with current candidates for president from eign-policy “accomplishment” can be Iran is in step with the current Rice- a real situation, we are not dealing expressing their support for relocat- squeezed out of the Jewish State.
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