L~ _ _ _ _ ~ ---- ~ Bringing Africa South SOc (GST Inc.) Wednesday January 10 .' CABI ET 'EETS First historic meeting of government-in-waiting THE 'shadow' cabinet of the future Swapo gover nment will meet for the first time today. The first.historic meeting Qfthe elected government takes place at lOhOO at the Swapo headquarters. Shortly before the December re­ ... Education: Nahas AnguJa cess, the Swapo President, Mr Sam ... Information: Hidipo Hamutenya Nujoma, made known his 16-mem­ ... Health: Dr Nicky Iyambo bercabinet team, in the wake of what ... Labour: Hendrik Witbooi he referred to as the clear mandate by , '" Mines: Andimba Toivo ya Toivo the Namibian p'eople to es tablish .the ... Justice: Ngarikutuke Tjiriange first government of independent ... Local government: Libertine Namibia. Amathila Fourteen of the pmposed 16 min­ ... Economic' affairs: :Ben Amathila isters were announced at the Decem­ ... Transport: Richard KapeJwa OOr21 press conference by Mr Nujoma, ' ... Land and resettlement: Marco and a fifteenth has only recently been Hausiku appointed. While the post of prime minister This week it was established that has not yet been announced, it is Mr Niko Bessinger had accepted the widely believed that the head of the portfolio of Wildlife, Nature Con­ servation and Tourism; and the con­ •• Swapo elections directorate, Mr Hage Geingob, would be appointed to this troversial Agriculture portfolio, be­ position. It is further understood that , lieved to be earmarked for an as yet Mr Moses Garoeb would head the unidentified 'white' Afrikaans-speak­ party after independence. ing Namibian, has yet to be announced. Fourteen key positions were an­ Two of the 16 cabinet posts will nounced by Mr Nujoma at his press therefore go to 'white' N:ul)ibians; THE two 'white' ministers in the conference and included the foHow­ one o(w'hich is prOtto Herrigel in Iii-member cabinet, one of which ing ministeries: the key position of Finance. still has to be annouri~ed. Dr Otto It is believed that the meeting today Herrigel, pictured, who has been , ... Home Affairs: Hiflkepunye will be to establish what progress has appointed finance minister, and who' Pohamba been made concerning the new cabi­ is generally regarded as highly ... Foreign Affairs: Theo-Ben net's liaison , with officials of the competent for this post; and the Gurira~ . office of the Administrator-General second, lm as yet unnamed 'white' ... Defence: Peter Mueshihange in order to prepare for a smooth Namibian, wholhas been offe red ... Finance: Otto HerrigeJ takeover after independence. the post of . IS DREYER STILL, . VENTER WON'T ·INTHE NORTH? RESIGN FORMER Koevoet counter-insurgency unit leader, General Hans Dreyer, is still in the northern parts of Namibia, a source close to' the THE SWABC public relations section has denied reports of the police told the Namjbian Press Association (Nam pa) at the weekend. resignation andlonetiremerit of the chief executive of the Corporation, Mr Piet Venter. The source disclosed that General left Oshakati at the weekend for his Dreyer was 'supposed to hold a meet- farm in the Tsumeb district, and that Referring to reports in English­ ing with former Koevoet members at he would be back at Oshakati in early .General Hans'Dreyer language newspapers in the past few Okawe military base last Friday. February for his meeting with the ex- days stating· that Mr Venter was due However, the meeting was postponed K,oevoet members. march dressed in their uniforms, Chief to retire, the SW ABC said that ' 'both because the general first wanted to Meanwhile, Swapol in the north Inspector Blaauw said, "It is impos- 'reports are , based on untruths and learn the results of a "Crisis Com- admitted for theJirst time that.sqme sible forme to say where they got the have no factual substance". mittee" meeting which was held at former members of Koevoet arid 101 uniforms and who might have insti- " The facts are that Mr Venter has the Oshakati police station on Fri- Battalion were seen in their comqat gated them to go out drilling with not resigned, has not indicated that day . uniforms. uniforms. " he intends resigning and does not The source told Nampa that some Swapol Chief Inspector Blaauw Earlier, Brigaqier Eric v'on Mol- propose retiring at the end of March. of the former Koevoet commanders on Monday morning told the news lendorff told SWABC at the week- He is in good health and will be back who were supposed to attend Gen- agency that some former members of end that it was illegal for anyone to at his desk on January 15 after being eral Dreyer's meeting were in the Koevoet also had been seen march- put on a military uniform. However, on holiday". " Crisis Committee" meeting. ing in their·uniforms during the past untillast week reports of ex-Koevoet (Whatever the'SWABC may state TheSWA Police said on Monday week. The inspector said no arrests and 101 Battalion members were at this stage concerning Mr Venter's that General Dreyer h.ad been in the had been made thus far, but the po- vehemently denied by Swapol. They intention to 'stay on' in his present north but had left at the weekend for ' ' lice were investigating the case. only admitted it when they were post, it appears \J,nlikely that he will ~outh Africa:. However, the Nampa . When questione.9 about a P,cissibli; presented.withphotogtaphic eyidence, .. "be;, retained in this position by' the source cOnfIrmed that'Gen'eraI Dreyer ' motivation for'the fomi"er soldieis 'to' ';; . the soUrce told Nampa. future SwapoGovernment): Mr ,Piet.Venter ,., , ,.,'.,. • •.. -., ...." ",~ .~" '._ :-. oJ, "':'''''''', t" •••• - _~ . _ ,~..,~ ; .': ',. 2 Wednesday January 10 1990 THE NAMIBIAN MOBUTU POSTPONES no ANGOLAN SUMMIT YOUR DAILY GmDE TO EVENTS WORLD-WIDE INDEFINITELY ZAIRE'S President Mobutu Sese Seko has postponed indefinitely an eight-nation summit of African leaders scheduled to discuss attempts at ending Angola's IS-year civil war, the Angolan state news agency, Angop, reported yesterday. SOFIA - East European leaders demanded radical changes in Comecon as the trading bloc held its first high-level meeting since a wave of The Angop report, monitored in Santos' proposals in a statement The U.S .. state department expressed upheavals loosened the 40-year communist grip on the area. Hungar­ Lisbon from the Angolan capital of distributed in Lisbon on Monday. concern on Monday at a' military ian.prime minister Miklos Memeth told counterparts from nine other . Luanda, said Mobutu postponed the Zairean officials said Mobutu be­ offensive by Angolan forces,.backed nations that Comecon must "change or die", and he made a series of meeting in a message sent to An­ lieved a new situation had developed by Soviet advisers, against Unita proposals to put the organisation on a new basis. gola's President Eduardo dos San­ and time forreflec~ion was needed in strongholds in the south-east. The . I tos. The summit had been slated for order to arrive at proposals accept­ rebels are believed to'recieve over EAST BERLIN - East Germany's round-table talks between govern­ Wednesday in Luanda. .able to both sides. US$40-million' annually from the ment and opposition tottered on the brink of collapse, but both sides , Government officials in Kinshasa, Dos Santos' New Year plan called United States. seemed reluctant to pull out of their discussions over the country's Zaire said Mobutu felt more time for the integration .of Unita forces Soviet ambassador to Luanda, future. A furious opposition stopped just short of walkIng out of this was needed for preparing the meet­ into the Angola army and the recog­ Vladimir Kazimirbv ,denied reports week's session after accusing the government of a cover-up over the ing after Dos Santos presented an nition of the legitimacy of the pres­ of Soviet advisers in the combat zone, officially disbanded Stasi security police. The marchers who toppled eight-point plan for ending hostili­ ent government, but suggested free Angop reported on Tuesday. ( East Germany's hardline communist leadership In a popular uprising ties in a New Year's Day speech: . elections could be held in the one­ Angola 1S ,expected to ' feature last year have ag'ain taken to the streets to protest against a party they Angop reported Zambian· leader party marxist state within five years. strongly in talks slated for Wednes­ say still holds.too much power. Kenneth Kaunda was attempting to In a la.ter interview Dos Santos day between President George Bush fix a new date for the summit as soon said that although he foresaw indi­ and Portuguese prime minister Ani­ MOSCOW - A Politburo member has denounced Lithuania's Commu­ as possible. viduals would be permitted to stand bal Cavaco Silva, Portugal is the nist Party shortly before a planned visitto the republic by Soviet leader In his New Year speech, Dos San­ against government candidates in such former colonial power in Angola, Mikhail Gorbachev, casting doubt on whether wounds caused by a split tos rejected a cease-fire plan pro­ polls, he excluded the idea of multi- and maintains close links with Luanda. in the party ranks can be .healed. posed by Mobutu as omitting impor­ party elections. A leading Portuguese government tant principals agreed at a landmark Unita's statement on Monday called official fiew to Luanda last week for TOKYO - Rumours linking the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to meeting between the Angolan leader for an immediate cease-fire based on consultations with Dos Santos be­ stock scandals ripped through Tokyo financial markets, sending share and rebel chief Jonas Savimbi last Mobutu's proposals and direct nego­ fore Cavaco Silv'a flies to Washing­ and Yen bond prices reeling and the Yen down sharply against the June in Gbadolit~, Zaire, tiations with the government leading ton.
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